[Ord. No. 19-2020, 6-8-2020]
Purpose. Zoning compliance permits are required for the purpose of determining compliance with all applicable provisions of this zoning chapter. Zoning compliance permits are generally required for development and building activities that do not require a building permit, while zoning compliance review (See § 90-580.20.) is required for development and building activities that do require building permits.
A zoning compliance permit is required before any structure, or part of a structure, is created, erected, changed or converted, wholly or in part, in its use, occupancy, or construction.
A zoning compliance permit is also required before any new use is established or any existing use is changed wholly or in part.
Application filing.
Complete applications for approval of a zoning compliance permit must be filed with the Community Development Director.
Each application for a zoning compliance permit must be accompanied by a site plan drawn to scale, and in such form as may be prescribed by the Community Development Director, showing the actual size and dimensions of the parcel to be built upon, the size of the building to be erected, and such other information as the Community Development Director determines necessary to allow a competent determination of the whether the requirements of this zoning chapter have been met.
Review and decision by Community Development Director. The Community Development Director must review each application for a zoning compliance permit and act to issue or deny a zoning compliance permit based solely on whether the proposed use, structure or development complies with all applicable provisions of this zoning chapter.
Lapse of approval. A zoning compliance permit will lapse and have no further effect two years after it is issued by the Community Development Director, unless a building permit has been issued (if required).
Appeals. Decisions of the Community Development Director to deny the issuance of a zoning compliance permit for noncompliance with one or more regulations of this zoning chapter may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Appeals in accordance with Division 90-570.
[Ord. No. 19-2020, 6-8-2020]
Purpose. Zoning compliance review is required before the issuance of building permits for the purpose of determining whether proposed structures and uses comply with all applicable provisions of this zoning chapter. Development that does not require building permits may be subject to the zoning compliance permit procedures of § 90-580.10.
Applicability. Zoning compliance review is required before any structure, or part of a structure, may be created, erected, changed or converted, wholly or in part, in its use, occupancy, or construction.
Timing. Zoning compliance review must be conducted before the Building Official issues a building permit.
Applications. Zoning compliance review for development as submitted to the Building Official requires a site plan drawn to scale, and in such form as may be prescribed by the Community Development Director, showing the actual size and dimensions of the parcel to be built upon, the size of the building to be erected, and such other information as the Community Development Director determines necessary to allow a competent determination of whether the requirements of this zoning chapter have been met.
Community Development Director's decision. The Community Development Director must review each building permit application and act to approve or deny the zoning compliance review based solely on whether the proposed use, structure or development complies with all applicable provisions of this zoning chapter.
Appeal. Community Development Director decisions of noncompliance with one or more regulations of this zoning chapter may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Appeals in accordance with Division 90-570.
[Ord. No. 19-2020, 6-8-2020]
Applicability. No building or premises other than a detached house or two-unit house may be used or occupied until the Community Development Director has issued a certificate of occupancy, which states that the use and arrangement of structures and site features comply with all applicable regulations of this zoning chapter.
Issuance. A certificate of occupancy may be issued only after:
The Chief Building Inspector, Public Works Director, Fire Chief, or any other affected regulatory agency confirms that the site has been developed in accordance with applicable regulations and standards; and
The Community Development Director has determined that the site has been developed in compliance with the site plan that accompanied the zoning compliance permit for the subject property.
Work description and valuation. If the improvements are subject to the commercial building code, the applicant must submit a description of work and scheduled valuation before the certificate of occupancy may be issued. The work description and valuation must be provided on a form provided by the Village.
Temporary certificates of occupancy. The Community Development Director is authorized to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for a period of up to six months during the completion of any final improvements or alterations or during partial occupancy of such building or site.
Such temporary certificate of occupancy may be extended, but may not in any way affect the rights, duties and obligations of the owner or the Village, relative to the use or occupancy of the premises converted, or any other matter covered by this zoning chapter.
The Community Development Director is authorized to require a financial guarantee, in a form approved by the Village Attorney, before issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy.
Required financial guarantees must be held by the Community Development Director for the duration of the temporary certificate of occupancy.
The amount of any required financial guarantee must be equal to at least 110% of the amount deemed necessary to complete the development in accordance with all applicable requirements of this chapter.
The financial guarantee may only be returned to the property owner upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
If the temporary certificate of occupancy expires and the development is not completed in accordance with all applicable requirements of this chapter, the Village is authorized to exercise the financial guarantee and use the funds to cause the completion of the development.