[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodbury Heights 7-12-76 as Ord. No. 10-1976. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes travel trailer, pickup coach, motorized home, recreational van, camping trailer, boat and snowmobile.
[Amended 12-20-06 by Ord. No. 17-2006]
Recreational vehicles must be stored or parked in rear yard, side yard and front yard areas of residential properties only upon driveways improved with concrete, bituminous paving or stabilized base material or stone and subject to the following:
No vehicle shall extend to the area within the 10 feet parallel to the curbline;
No vehicle shall extend into sidewalk areas; and
No vehicle located on a corner property shall impair or obstruct or otherwise be located within site triangle areas defined within Chapter 70 of the Woodbury Heights Code.
[Repealed 12-20-06 by Ord. No. 17-2006]
No such vehicle may be stored or parked within five feet of the owner's property line.
At no time shall such parked or stored vehicle be occupied or used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes or for storage for other than equipment used in connection with the vehicle.
No recreational vehicle shall be connected with any electric, water, gas or sanitary sewer facilities.
No recreational vehicle shall be parked or stored upon any lot upon which there is no principal building.
A recreational vehicle shall be owned by the resident of the property upon which such vehicle is parked or stored.
No more than two recreational vehicles may be parked or stored outdoors upon any lot, and at least one of the two vehicles must be parked or stored in the rear yard.
No recreational vehicle shall be stored, parked or maintained so as to create a dangerous or unsafe condition on the premises where parked.
All recreational vehicles must carry a current year's license or registration as required by law.
A recreational vehicle may be parked on the street for a period of time not to exceed 24 hours for the purpose of loading and unloading only.
Any person who shall violate this chapter shall, upon conviction therefor, be subject to a fine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days, or both. Every violation of this chapter shall be construed as a separate offense for each day during which such violation continues.