[Added 12-21-88 by Ord. No. 27-1988]
The Borough of Woodbury Heights finds that the reduction of the amount of extraneous flow in its sanitary sewer system is an important public concern. A portion of this extraneous flow enters the sanitary sewer system via sump pumps, roof drains and other drainage devices connected directly or indirectly to the borough's sanitary sewer system. For the purpose of this Article, a direct connection is one that is intentionally installed in a manner, which allows extraneous flow to enter the sanitary sewer system by piping connected to the sanitary sewer lines from any building or lot. An indirect sanitary sewer connection is one which allows extraneous flow to enter via a device such as a sink or floor drain.
The Borough of Woodbury Heights, through its Public Works Department, shall conduct an inspection upon the sale or transfer of any premises located in the Borough of Woodbury Heights. Said inspection shall be conducted by the employees of the Public Works Department in an effort to insure that extraneous flow is not entering into the Borough of Woodbury Heights' sanitary sewer system.
It shall be required that upon the sale or transfer of any premises located in the Borough of Woodbury Heights that the Department of Public Works be contacted to allow for an inspection as to the existence of sump pumps, which may allow extraneous flow into the sanitary sewer system. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to schedule an inspection with the Department of Public Works. Upon an inspection, a sump pump certificate shall be issued by the Department of Public Works indicating that there is no sump pump in existence, which creates extraneous flow into the sanitary sewer system.
In the event that any such inspection results in the discovery of a sump pump, roof drain, and/or any other drainage devices connected directly or indirectly to the borough's sanitary sewer system, the sump pump certificate shall not be issued.
A sump pump certificate shall only be issued if those connections, as referred to above, are permanently removed from the Borough of Woodbury Heights' sanitary sewer system in a manner approved by the Department of Public Works Supervisor.
A fee shall be assessed to the owner of those premises being conveyed in the amount of $25 for the inspection referred to herein.
[Amended 2-16-2022 by Ord. No. 1-2022]
If conditions preclude the immediate disconnection of any disallowed flow, a cash bond in the amount of one thousand dollars ($ 1,000) shall be posted with the offices of the Borough Clerk to guarantee the completion of said work. Upon the posting of the bond, the supervisor of the Public Works Department shall issue a sump pump certificate. The cash bond, with accrued interest, shall be released to the property owner upon inspection and approval by the supervisor of the Public Works Department.
In the event that a sump pump is discovered at any time wherein a member of the Public Works Department is rightfully or lawfully in a property and, if same drains into the sanitary sewer system, said property owner must correct this situation as set forth above. There shall be granted a grace period for the correction of this condition for 90 days from the date of the discovery of any such violation. Any property owner, who currently has a sump pump, which drains into the sanitary sewer system, shall notify the Public Works Department as to same and allow for an inspection by that department. Failure to notify the Public Works Department of the sump pump, which drains into the sanitary sewer system, or failure to correct a condition once discovered by a member of the Public Works Department, shall constitute a violation of this Article, as set forth below.
Any person violating any provision of this Article shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding $500 per month at the discretion of the Court. A separate offense shall be committed for each 30 day period during which a violation occurs or continues.
The sump pump certificate, as referred to herein, shall act as a lien against the subject premises and, further, no occupancy of a premises may be had, which is in violation of this Article, until such time as the cash bond, as referred to above, is posted or, in the alternative, the extraneous flow is corrected to the satisfaction of the supervisor of the Department of Public Works and or his designated representative.