[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Reeseville 4-11-2019 by Ord. No. A-118 (Title 11, Ch. 7, of the 1992 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
It is a lawful purpose of the Village Board to enact rules and regulations as are necessary for the preservation of health and to prevent the spread of AIDS and other communicable or sexually transmitted diseases in the Village of Reeseville. It has been found by localities through the State of Wisconsin, particularly Milwaukee, Racine, Waukesha, Delafield, Kenosha and West Allis, as well as communities around the country, including Indianapolis, Indiana; Boston, Texas; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Newport News, Virginia; Marion County, Indiana; Detroit, Michigan; and Seattle, Washington; as well as other communities around the country, that sexually oriented adult entertainment establishments are predisposed to the creation of unsafe and unsanitary conditions; that operators and employees of such businesses tend to participate in sex-related offenses on the premises, creating substantial law enforcement problems, and that the operational characteristics of such businesses have a deleterious effect on surrounding areas, resulting in neighborhood blight and reduced property values, especially when such businesses are concentrated in one area. Many of such establishments install movie viewing booths with doors in which patrons view videotapes, movies, films and other forms of entertainment characterized by their emphasis on depicting, describing or related to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, and that such booths have been and are being used by patrons to engage in sexual acts resulting in unsanitary, unhealthy and unsafe conditions in said booths and establishments. This chapter is intended to establish standards in order to prevent the spread of AIDS and other communicable or sexually transmitted diseases, and to eliminate the deleterious effects described above in the Village of Reeseville.
The Village Board finds that there is an increasing likelihood of commercial exploitation of human sexuality by owners of premises holding "Class B" alcohol beverage licenses in the State of Wisconsin. Such exploitation takes place in the form of employing or permitting persons to perform or exhibit their nude or seminude bodies to other persons as an inducement to other moral degradation and disturbance of the peace and good order of the community. In addition, this commercial exploitation of such nude and seminude acts is adverse to the public's interest in the quality of life, commercial activity and total community environment in the Village of Reeseville.
The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Village of Reeseville through the establishment of regulations concerning the licensing and operation of adult-oriented establishments. The Village Board intends that the enforcement of this chapter shall be used to combat and prevent the negative secondary effects associated with adult-oriented establishments such as, for example, personal property crimes, prostitution, lewd behavior, assault, public indecency, obscenity, illicit drug use and drug trafficking, negative impacts on surrounding properties, urban blight, litter and sexual assault and exploitation. The provisions of this chapter have neither the purpose nor effect of imposing a limitation or restricting the content of any speech or communicative materials, including sexually oriented materials, and the regulations set forth herein shall never be used for harassment or censorship purposes against materials or performances having serious artistic, literary, political, educational or scientific value. The Village Board further intends that this chapter shall be construed and enforced in a matter consistent with the First Amendment to the United States Constitution; Article I, Section 3, of the Wisconsin Constitution; and the compelling state interest in protection of the free flow of ideas.
The following definitions are applicable to this chapter:
An establishment or business which provides the service of baths of all kinds, including all forms and methods of hydrotherapy, that is not operated by a medical practitioner or a professional physical therapist licensed by the State of Wisconsin and which establishment provides to its patrons an opportunity for engaging in specified sexual activities as defined in this article.
An establishment or business wherein patrons are afforded an opportunity to paint images on a body which is wholly or partially nude. For purposes of this chapter, an adult body-painting studio shall not be deemed to include a tattoo parlor.
An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock-in-trade in books, magazines, and other periodicals which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas as defined herein. This includes an establishment having its stock-in-trade for sale, rent, trade, lease, inspection or viewing books, films, videocassettes, motion pictures, magazines or other periodicals which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matters depicting, describing or relating to specific sexual activities or specified anatomical areas and in conjunction therewith have facilities for the presentation of adult entertainment, including adult-oriented videotapes, films, motion pictures or other offered entertainment for observation by patrons therein.
A cabaret which features topless dances, strippers or similar entertainers.
Any exhibition of any motion pictures, recording, photographic reproduction, closed-circuit transmission, cable/satellite transmission, subscriber programming, or other physical medium that allows an image to be displayed or transmitted; and/or any live performance, display or dance of any type which has a significant or substantial portion of such performance or is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on any actual or simulated performance of specified sexual activities, or exhibition and viewing of specified anatomical areas, as defined herein, appearing unclothed, or the removal of articles of clothing to reveal specified anatomical areas.
An enclosed building with a capacity for less than 50 patrons, including establishments that have coin-operated video or motion-picture booths, used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, as defined herein, for observation by patrons therein.
An enclosed building with a capacity of 50 or more persons at which a significant or substantial portion of the material presented is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, as defined herein, for observation by patrons therein.
A parcel of land from which individuals may view a motion picture presented out of doors which presents material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activity or specified anatomical areas, as defined herein, for observation by patrons.
An establishment or business having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock-in-trade in novelty or other items which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on, or designed for, specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, as defined herein, or simulation of such activity.
An establishment which includes, but is not limited to, adult bookstores, adult motion-picture theaters, adult mini motion-picture theaters, adult bathhouses, adult body-painting studios, adult novelty shops or adult cabarets, and further means any premises to which public patrons or members are invited or admitted and which are so physically arranged so as to provide booths, cubicles, rooms, compartments or stalls separate from the common area of the premises for the purposes of viewing adult entertainment, whether or not such adult entertainment is held, conducted, operated or maintained for profit, direct or indirect.
Such enclosures as are specifically offered to the pubic or members of an adult-oriented establishment for hire or for a fee as part of a business operated on the premises which offers as part of its business the entertainment to be viewed within the enclosure; which shall include, without limitation, such enclosures wherein the entertainment is dispensed for a fee, but a fee is not charged for mere access to the enclosure. However, "booth, room or cubicle" does not mean such enclosures that are private offices used by the owners, managers or persons employed on the premises for attending to the tasks of their employment, which enclosures are not held out to the public or members of the establishment for hire or for a fee or for the purpose of viewing entertainment for a fee, and are not open to any persons other than employees; nor shall this definition apply to hotels, motels, or other similar establishments licensed by the State of Wisconsin pursuant to Chapter 50, Wis. Stats.
A building, whether situated within the Village or not, in which persons regularly assemble for religious worship intended primarily for purposes connected with such worship or for propagating a particular form of religious belief. As used herein, "church" includes buildings for all forms of organized religions, whether the members refer to their organization as a "church" or by another name.
Any person who:
Is allowed to enter an adult-oriented establishment in return for the payment of an admission fee for any other form of consideration or gratuity; or
Enters an adult-oriented business and purchases, rents or otherwise partakes of any merchandise, goods, entertainment or other services offered therein; or
Is a member of and on the premises of an adult-oriented establishment operating as a private club.
A facility licensed by the State of Wisconsin pursuant to § 48.65, Wis. Stats., whether situated within the Village or not.
A nontransparent closure device which prevents activity taking place within a booth, room or cubicle from being seen or viewed from outside the booth, room or cubicle.
Any and all persons, including independent contractors, who work in or at or render any services directly or indirectly related to the operation of an adult-oriented establishment.
Any person who provides entertainment within an adult-oriented establishment as defined in this chapter, whether or not a fee is charged or accepted for entertainment and whether or not entertainment is provided as an employee or independent contractor.
Having general knowledge of or reason to know or a belief or ground for belief which warrants further inspection or inquiry of both:
The character and content of any material described herein which is reasonably suspect under this chapter; and
The age of a minor; provided, however, that an honest mistake shall constitute an excuse from liability hereunder if the defendant made a reasonable bona fide attempt to ascertain the true age of such minor.
The operator or agent licensed under this chapter.[1]
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Any person under the age of 18 years.
The showing of the human male or female genitals, pubic area, buttocks with less than a fully opaque covering or the showing of the female breast with less than a fully opaque covering of any part of the nipple or the showing of covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state.
Any person operating, conducting, maintaining or owning any adult-oriented establishment.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Any person who frequents a business under such circumstances that it is reasonably expected that he or she will pay money or give any consideration therefor in exchange for services or goods.
Pertaining to the use of land, whether situated within the Village or not, for premises, such as homes, townhouses, duplexes, condominiums, apartments and mobile homes, which contain habitable rooms for nontransient occupancy and which are designed primarily for living, sleeping, cooking and eating therein. A premise which is designed primarily for living, sleeping, working and eating therein shall be deemed to be residential in character unless it is actually occupied and used exclusively for other purposes. Hotels, motels, boardinghouses, nursing homes and hospitals shall not be considered to be residential.
Flagellation or torture by a person clad in undergarments, a mask or bizarre costume or the condition of being fettered, bound or otherwise physically restrained on the part of one so clothed.
A building, whether situated within the Village or not, where persons regularly assemble for the purpose of instruction or education, together with playgrounds, stadia and other structures or grounds used in conjunction therewith. The term is limited to:
Public and private schools used for the primary or secondary education in which any regular kindergarten or grades one through 12 classes are taught; and
Special educational facilities in which students who have physical or learning disabilities receive specialized education in lieu of attending regular classes in kindergarten or any of grades one through 12.
The commission of any of the following: sexual intercourse, sodomy, bestiality, necrophilia, human excretion, masturbation, sadism, masochism, fellatio, cunnilingus or lewd exhibition of human genitals.
Physical sexual contact between individuals that involves the genitalia of at least one person including, but not limited to, heterosexual intercourse, sodomy, fellatio or cunnilingus.
Less than completely and opaquely covered:
Human genitals, pubic region;
Buttock; or
Female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola.
Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
Simulated or actual:
Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse, sodomy, bestiality, necrophilia, sadomasochistic abuse, fellatio, cunnilingus;
Fondling or other erotic touching of another's or one's own human genitals, pubic region, perineum, buttock, anus or female breasts;
Excretory functions as part of, or in connection with, any of the activities set forth in Subsections A through B of this definition.
As used in various definitions, shall mean 50% or more of a business's stock-in-trade, display space, floor space or retail sales in any one month during the license year.[2]
Editor's Note: The definitions of "massage," "massage establishment," "massage room," and "massage technician," which immediately followed this definition, were repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Editor's Note: The definition of "waiting area" and original Sec. 11-7-4, Exposing minors to harmful materials, of the 1992 Code, both of which immediately followed this definition, were repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
In addition to purposes described in § 160-1, it is the purpose of this article to regulate adult-oriented establishments to promote the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the citizens of the Village of Reeseville, to aid in the alleviation and prevention of the adverse and deleterious effects of criminal activity and disruption of the public peace associated with such establishments and to establish reasonable and uniform regulations to prevent the serious health hazards associated with unsafe and unsanitary conditions known to exist in those establishments and to alleviate the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and other contagious diseases in those establishments.
Except as provided in Subsection D below, no adult-oriented establishment shall be operated or maintained within the corporate limits of the Village of Reeseville without first obtaining a license to operate issued by the Village of Reeseville.
A license may be issued only for one adult-oriented establishment located at a fixed and certain place per filed application. Any person, partnership, or corporation which desires to operate more than one adult-oriented establishment must have a license for each.
No license or interest in a license may be transferred to any person, partnership or corporation except as set forth in § 160-11.
All adult-oriented establishments existing at the time of the original passage of this article must submit an application for a license within 90 days of the passage of this article. If an application is not received within said ninety-day period, then such existing adult-oriented establishment shall cease operations.
License procedure. Any person, partnership, or corporation desiring to secure an adult-oriented establishment license shall make application to the Village Clerk-Treasurer. The application shall be filed in triplicate and dated by the Village Clerk-Treasurer. A copy of the application shall be distributed within 10 days of receipt thereof to the appropriate law enforcement authorities, Fire Inspector, Building Inspector and to the applicant.
Required information. The application for a license shall be upon a form provided by the Village Clerk-Treasurer. An applicant for a license, which shall include all partners or limited partners of a partnership applicant, all officers or directors of a corporate applicant, all members of any limited liability company applicant and any other person who is interested directly in the ownership or operation of the business, shall furnish the following information under oath:
Name, including all aliases, address and date of birth of applicant;
Written proof that the individual is at least 18 years of age;
All residential addresses of the applicant for the past 10 years;
The business, occupation, or employment of the applicant for 10 years immediately preceding the date of application;
The exact nature of the adult entertainment to be conducted;
Whether the applicant previously operated in this or any other state, county or municipality under an adult-oriented establishment license or similar business license; whether the applicant has ever had such a license revoked or suspended, the reason therefor, and the business entity or trade name under which the applicant operated that was subject to the suspension or revocation;
All criminal convictions, whether federal or state or municipal ordinance violation convictions, forfeiture of bond and pleading of nolo contendere on all charges, except traffic offenses;
Fingerprints and two portrait photographs of at least two inches by two inches of the applicant;
The address of the adult-oriented establishment to be operated by the applicant;
The following additional requirements apply to each entity applicant, as applicable:
Corporation. If the applicant is a corporation, the name of the corporation shall be set forth exactly as set forth in its Articles of Incorporation, together with the date and state of incorporation and the names and residence addresses of each of its officers, directors and each stockholder holding 5% or more of the stock or beneficial ownership of the corporation. The application shall also be verified by an officer of the corporation.
Partnership. If the applicant is a partnership, the application shall set forth the name of the partnership and the name and residence address of each of the partners, including limited partners, and be verified by each partner. If one or more of the partners is a corporation or limited liability company, the provisions of this section pertaining to a corporate applicant shall apply to the corporate or limited liability company partner.
Limited liability company. If the applicant is a limited liability company, the application shall set forth the name of the company and the name and residence address of each of the members and be verified by each member. If one or more of the members is a corporation, the provisions of this section pertaining to a corporation applicant shall apply to the corporate partner.
Others. If the applicant is not a corporation, limited liability company, nor a partnership, the application shall set forth the name of the company and the name and residence address of each of the members and be verified by each member. If one or more of the members is a corporation, the provisions of this section pertaining to a corporate applicant shall apply to the corporate partner.
All pending criminal charges in any state or federal court, with a brief statement of the nature of the pending charges and the jurisdiction in which the charges are pending;
All pending actions or proceedings wherein a violation of an administrative regulation or municipal ordinance is asserted, the nature of the alleged violation and the jurisdiction in which the proceedings are pending;
The names of persons who have custody of the business records at the business location;
The name and address of the person who will be the agent for the service of process;
The complete proposed hours of operation for the business, and a detailed floor plan.
Failure to provide information. Failure or refusal of the applicant to provide any information for the investigation of the application or the applicant's refusal or failure to appear at any reasonable time and place for examination under oath regarding said application or refusal to submit to or cooperate with any investigation required by this article shall constitute an admission by the applicant of ineligibility for such license and shall be grounds for denial thereof.
General requirements. To receive a license to operate an adult-oriented establishment, an applicant must meet the following standards:
If the applicant is an individual:
The applicant shall be at least 18 years of age;
Subject to Chapter 111, Wis. Stats., the applicant shall not have been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude, prostitution or other crime of a sexual nature in any jurisdiction within five years immediately preceding the date of the application; and
The applicant shall not have been found to have previously violated this article within five years immediately preceding the date of the application.
If the applicant is a corporation:
All officers, directors and others required to be named under § 160-5B shall be at least 18 years of age;
Subject to Chapter 111, Wis. Stats., no officer, director or other person required to be named under § 160-5B shall have been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude, prostitution or other crime of a sexual nature in any jurisdiction within five years immediately preceding the date of the application; and
No officer, director or other person required to be named under § 160-5B shall have been found to have previously violated this article within five years immediately preceding the date of the application.
If the application is a partnership, joint venture, limited liability company or any other type of organization where two or more persons have a financial interest:
All persons having a financial interest in the partnership, joint venture or other type of organization shall be at least 18 years of age;
Subject to Chapter 111, Wis. Stats., no person having a financial interest in the partnership, joint venture, or other type of organization shall have been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude, prostitution or other crime of a sexual nature in any jurisdiction within five years immediately preceding the date of the application; and
No personal having a financial interest in the partnership, joint venture or other type of organization shall have been found to have violated any provision of this article within five years immediately preceding the date of the application.
Investigation. No license shall be issued unless law enforcement authorities designated by the Village of Reeseville has investigated the applicant's qualifications to be licensed. The results of that investigation shall be filed, in writing, with the Village Clerk-Treasurer within 14 days of the date of application.
Inspection. The Building Inspector, Fire Inspector, and/or law enforcement authorities shall inspect the premises proposed to be licensed to verify compliance with their respective codes, and shall report compliance findings to the Village Clerk-Treasurer within 14 days of the date of application.
Proof. No license shall be issued unless the applicant provides proof of one of the following:
Ownership of a properly zoned building or parcel of real property upon which a building can be constructed. Proper zoning includes permissible nonconforming use status.
A lease on a building which is properly zoned to house a venture. Proper zoning includes permissible nonconforming use status.
An option to purchase property which is properly zoned for the venture.
An option to lease property which is properly zoned for the venture. Proper zoning includes permissible nonconforming use status.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
A nonrefundable adult-oriented establishment license application fee of $500 shall be submitted with the application for a license. All renewal adult-oriented establishment license application fees shall be $250 and shall be submitted with the application for renewal.
The adult-oriented establishment license shall be displayed in a conspicuous public place in the adult-oriented establishment.
Every license issued pursuant to this article will terminate on June 30 of the year it is issued, unless sooner revoked, and must be renewed before operation is allowed in the following year. Any operator desiring to renew a license shall make application to the Village Clerk-Treasurer. The application for renewal must be filed no later than 60 days before the license expires. The application for renewal shall be filed in triplicate with and dated by the Village Clerk-Treasurer. A copy of the application for renewal shall be distributed by the Village Clerk-Treasurer to the Building Inspector, Fire Inspector and the applicant. The application for renewal shall be upon a form provided by the Village Clerk-Treasurer and shall contain such information and data, given under oath or affirmation, as is required for an application for a new license.
A license renewal fee as prescribed in § 160-7 shall be submitted with the application for renewal.
If the Police Department is aware of any information bearing on the operator's qualifications, that information shall be filed, in writing, with the Village Clerk-Treasurer.
Whenever an initial application is denied, the Village Clerk-Treasurer shall, within 14 days of the denial, advise the applicant, in writing, of the reasons for such action. If the applicant requests a hearing within 10 days of receipt of notification of denial, a public hearing shall be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Village Board.
Failure or refusal of the applicant to give any information relevant to the investigation of the application or his or her refusal or failure to appear at any reasonable time and place for examination under oath regarding said application or his or her refusal to submit to or cooperate with any investigation required by this article shall constitute an admission by the applicant that he or she is ineligible for such license and shall be grounds for denial thereof by the Village Clerk-Treasurer.
A license is personal to the owner(s) and operator designated in the application, provided it may be transferred pursuant to this article. A transfer application must be filed no less than 10 days before any change of the owner(s) or operators designated on the application. In the event that a transfer application is not timely filed, then the license shall be invalid for any purpose relating to the operation of the adult-oriented business, and any transfers shall require the filing of an original application and be subject to the regulations applicable thereto.
The Village Clerk-Treasurer shall prescribe a form on which license transfer applications shall be made. The form shall include a statement under oath that the original application remains correct as previously submitted in all respects except those that are amended by the transfer application. The transfer application shall contain a statement under oath that the individual signing the transfer application has personal knowledge of the information contained therein and that the information is true and correct and shall not be complete unless accompanied by a nonrefundable transfer fee of $500. Transfer applications shall be filed in the same place and at the same time as original applications and the fee shall be payable in the same manner as for original application.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Transfer applications shall be reviewed, issued and subject to appeal in the same manner as original applications, and they shall be issued for the remaining term of the license to be transferred.
Any transfer of an adult-oriented establishment, other than as provided in this article, from the licensed premises to any other premises shall cause such license to lapse and become void. A license which has lapsed and become void shall be subject to revocation under § 160-17.
Restrictions on corporate and limited liability company licenses. Any corporation or limited liability company holding an adult-oriented establishment license under this chapter shall report to the Village Clerk-Treasurer, in writing, within 15 days of the event described herein, any of the following:
Any change of officers of the corporation or any change in the manager(s) or officers of the limited liability company.
Any change in the membership of the board of directors of the corporation or any change in the membership of the limited liability company.
Any adult-oriented establishment having available for customers, patrons or members any booth, room or cubicle for the private viewing of adult entertainment in which a significant or substantial portion of the material presented is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas must comply with the following requirements:
Access. Each booth, room or cubicle shall be totally accessible to and from aisles and public areas of the adult-oriented establishment and shall be unobstructed by any door, lock or other control-type device.
Construction. Every booth, room or cubicle shall meet the following construction requirements:
Each booth, room or cubicle shall be separated from adjacent booths, rooms, cubicles and any nonpublic areas by a wall.
Each booth, room or cubicle shall have at least one side totally open to a public lighted aisle so that there is an unobstructed view at all times of any person occupying same.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
All walls shall be solid and without any openings, extended from the floor to height of not less than six feet, and be light-colored, nonabsorbent, smooth-textured and easily cleanable.
The floor must be light-colored, nonabsorbent, smooth-textured and easily cleanable.
The lighting level of each booth, room or cubicle, when not in use, shall be a minimum of 10 footcandles at all times, as measured from the floor.
Occupants. Only one individual shall occupy a booth, room or cubicle at any time. No occupant of same shall engage in any type of specified sexual activity, cause any bodily discharge or litter while in the booth. No person shall alter, damage or deface any portion of any such booth, room or cubicle in such a manner that it no longer complies with the provisions of this section.
Setback. A two-inch-wide glow-in-the-dark line shall be prominently and continuously displayed on the floor marking a distance of six feet from each unenclosed stage on which an employee in a state of partial or total nudity may appear. For purposes of this provision, an "unenclosed stage" is a stage that is not physically separated from customers or patrons by a solid wall or unbreakable glass or plexiglass or substantially equivalent material with no openings that would permit physical contact with customer or patrons.
Required sign. A sign shall be continuously and conspicuously posted on the interior of the adult-oriented establishments at each entrance where customers or patrons enter the premises and adjacent to each stage that states, in letters at least two inches high, TOUCHING OR TIPPING AN EMPLOYEE WHO IS IN A STATE OF NUDITY IS A VIOLATION OF § 160-13Q OF THE VILLAGE OF REESEVILLE ORDINANCES, PUNISHABLE BY A FORFEITURE OF UP TO $1,000. PATRONS SHALL REMAIN AT LEAST SIX FEET FROM ALL UNENCLOSED PERFORMANCE STAGES.
An operator, licensed under this article, shall maintain a register of all employees, showing the name and aliases used by the employee, home address, birth date, sex, telephone numbers, social security number, and date of employment and termination. The above information on each employee shall be maintained in the register on the premises of a period of three years following termination.
The operator shall make the register of employees available immediately for inspection by law enforcement officers upon demand of a member of a law enforcement agency at all reasonable times.
Every act or omission by an employee constituting a violation of the provisions of this article shall be deemed the act or omission of the operator if such act or omission occurs either with the authorization, knowledge or approval of the operator or as result of the operator's negligent failure to supervise the employee's conduct, and the operator shall be punishable for such act or omission in the same manner as if the operator committed the act or caused the omission.
Any act or omission of any employee constituting a violation of the provisions of this article shall be deemed the act or omission of the operator for purposes of determining whether the operators license shall be revoked, suspended or renewed.
No employee of an adult-oriented establishment shall allow any minor to loiter around or to frequent an adult-oriented establishment or allow any minor to view sexually explicit live adult entertainment or materials containing depictions of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, as defined herein.
The operator shall maintain the premises in a clean and sanitary manner at all times.
The operator shall ensure compliance of the establishment and its patrons with the provisions of this article.
The operator shall ensure there is conspicuously posted inside each booth, room or cubicle an unmutilated and undefaced sign or poster supplied by the Village which contain information regarding sexually transmitted diseases and the telephone numbers from which additional information can be sought.
The operator shall ensure there is conspicuously displayed at a place near the main entrance of the establishment or portion thereof any information, brochures, or pamphlets supplied by the Village pertaining to sexually transmitted diseases.
The operator shall ensure there are posted regulations concerning booth occupancy on signs, with letters at least one inch high, that are placed in conspicuous areas of the establishment and in each of the booths, rooms or cubicles.
The Village shall charge its reasonable costs for supplying such posters, brochures, pamphlets and other information required under this article.
No alcohol beverage may be served or permitted on the premises.
No sexual activity of any kind shall be permitted on the premises.
The operator shall ensure compliance of the adult-oriented establishment and its patrons with the provisions of this article.
No person licensed as an adult-oriented establishment may, in any manner, advertise its establishment as licensed by the Village.
No operator or employee shall knowingly allow another to appear in a state of nudity, unless the person is an employee of the operator's establishment who, while in a state of partial or total nudity, is on a stage (on which no customer or patron is present) at least 18 inches above the floor and such employee is either:
At least six feet from any customer or patron; or
Physically separated from patrons by a wall or partition composed of solid glass or light-transmitting plastic or substantially equivalent material extending from the floor of the performance stage to at least five feet above the level of the performance stage, but such that there are no openings in the wall or partition that would permit physical contact between customers or patrons and such employee.
No employee, while in a state of partial or total nudity on the premises of an adult-oriented establishment shall receive directly any pay or gratuity from any patron or customer and no patron or customer shall pay or give any gratuity directly to any employee while that employee is in a state of partial or complete nudity in an adult-oriented establishment. Such gratuity or pay may be provided to such employee through a tip receptacle located more than six feet from the nearest point of the performance stage where such employee is in a state of partial or complete nudity or may be paid to an employee that is not in a state of partial or complete nudity, as part of the customer's bill.
No employee of an adult-oriented establishment while on the premises shall, while in a state of partial or complete nudity, touch a customer or patron or the clothing of a customer or patron.
No customer or patron of an adult-oriented establishment shall touch an employee appearing in a state of partial or complete nudity or touch the clothing of the employee when such employee is on the premises.
Employees shall maintain a minimum distance of five feet from areas on the adult-oriented establishment's premises being occupied by customers for a minimum of one hour after such employee appears in a state of partial or complete nudity on the establishment's premises. This regulation is not intended to prohibit ingress or egress from the premises or the employee's use of a common restroom. It is, however, intended to control illicit sexual contact and reduce the incidents of prostitution occurring in any adult-oriented establishment. Regulating a reasonable delay between the times entertainers appear in a state of partial or complete nudity and their commingling with customers is a narrowly tailored furtherance of this interest.
No adult-oriented establishment shall be open between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on weekdays or between the hours of 3:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Sundays.
All adult-oriented establishments shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times for law enforcement personnel and the Building Inspector.
All operators, employees, and independent contractors working in any adult-oriented establishment hereunder shall, prior to beginning employment or contracted duties, register with the Village Clerk-Treasurer. Such registration shall include the following:
Name, address, birth date, any aliases used, telephone numbers, date of employment and name of employer; and
Photographs and fingerprinting.
Upon registration, the Village will provide to each registered employee an identification card containing the employee's photograph, identifying the employee as such, which shall be kept available for production upon request of all inspecting officers while on duty at such adult-oriented establishment.
All registrations hereunder are valid for a period of one year.
The registration fee of $100 shall be paid per registration, which shall be paid to the Village to cover costs of the identification card.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The provisions of this article relating to the licensing of adult-oriented establishments shall not apply to:
Any business operated by or employing a licensed psychologist, licensed physical therapist, licensed masseuse, licensed vocational nurse, registered nurse, licensed athletic trainer, licensed cosmetologist, or licensed barber, provided such licensed individual is only engaged in performing the normal and customary functions authorized under the license held;
Any business operated by or employing a licensed physician or licensed chiropractor while engaged in practicing the healing arts;
Any retail establishment whose principal business is the offering of wearing apparel for sale to customers and that does not exhibit merchandise on live model(s); or
An activity sponsored by:
A school licensed by the State of Wisconsin or a college, junior college or university supported entirely or partly by taxation; or
A private college or university that maintains or operates educational programs in which credits are transferable to a college, junior college or university supported entirely or partly by taxation.
Any activity conducted or sponsored by an entity identified in Subsection D must meet all of the following requirements:
The activity must be situated in a structure that has no sign or other advertising visible from the exterior of the structure, indicating a nude person is available for viewing; and
In order to participate in a class, a student must enroll at least three days in advance of the class; and
No more than one nude model is on the premises at any one time.
In addition to any other actions allowed by law or taken by the Village Board, including the action of license revocation, suspension or nonrenewal, anyone who violates any of the provisions of this article shall forfeit not less than $250, but not more than $1,000, for each and every offense, together with the costs of prosecution. If such forfeiture and costs are not paid, such person so convicted shall be subject to any civil penalties or other penalties available by law.
In general. Any license granted herein may be revoked, suspended, or not renewed by the Village Board as follows:
If the applicant has made or recorded any statement required by this chapter knowing it to be false or fraudulent or intentionally deceptive.
For the violation of building codes, in such case the license shall be revoked after the second conviction thereof in any license year.
After one conviction of any establishment personnel of an offense under Ch. 944, Wis. Stats., or an offense against the person or property of a patron of the property or of an offense involving substance in Subchapter III of Ch. 961, Wis. Stats., where there is shown the participation or knowledge of any other establishment personnel or of any individual within the business structure of the applicant.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
If the licensee, operator or employer becomes ineligible to obtain a license.
If an operator employs an employee who does not have a permit or provides space on the premises, whether by lease or otherwise, to an independent contractor who performs or works as an entertainer without being registered with the Village Clerk-Treasurer.
If any cost or fee required to be paid by this chapter is not paid.
If any intoxicating liquor or fermented malt beverage, narcotic or controlled substance is served or consumed on the premises of the adult-oriented establishment.
If any operator, employee or entertainer sells, furnishes, gives or displays, or causes to be sold furnished, given or displayed to any minor any material depicting specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
Notice of hearing. No license shall be revoked, suspended or not renewed by the Village Board except upon due notice and hearing to determine whether grounds for such action exist. Such hearing shall be held before the Village Board. Notice of such hearing shall be in writing and shall state the grounds of the complaint against the licensee. The notice shall be served upon the licensee at least 15 days prior to the date of the hearing and shall state the time and place thereof.
Hearing. The licensee shall be entitled to be heard, to be represented by counsel, to cross-examine opposing witnesses, to present witnesses on his or her own behalf under subpoena by the Village Board if such is required, and the hearing may be stenographically recorded at the licensee's option and expense. At the conclusion of such hearing, the Village Board will take action with respect to the license. The Village Board shall provide the complainant and licensee with a copy of the report.[1]
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Editor's Note: Original Article D, Houses of Prostitution, comprised of Secs. 11-7-40 through 11-7-43, of the 1992 Code, which immediately followed, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).