[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Reeseville as Title 12, Ch. 1, of the 1992 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Purpose and definition. In order to protect the parks, parkways, recreational facilities and conservancy areas owned or administered by the Village of Reeseville from injury, damage or desecration, these regulations are enacted. The term "park" as hereinafter used in this chapter shall include all grounds, structures and watercourses which are or may be located within any area dedicated to the public use as a park, parkway, recreation facility or conservancy district in the Village.
Specific regulations.
Littering prohibited. No person shall litter, dump or deposit any rubbish, refuse, earth or other material in any park.
Pets. No person shall permit any dog, cat or other pet owned by him to run at large in any park. No person having the control or care of a dog shall permit such dog to enter or remain in a public park unless it is led by a leash of suitable strength not more than six feet in length, and then only within such areas in the park as have been designated by order of the Village Board. The Village Board shall cause signs to be posted in areas wherein dogs are not permitted. This subsection shall not apply to Seeing Eye dogs.
Bill posting. No person shall post, paste, fasten, paint or attach any placard, bill, notice, sign or advertising matter upon any structure, tree or other natural object in any park, except park regulations and other signs authorized by the Village Board.
Throwing stones and missiles prohibited. No person shall throw stones or other missiles in or into any park.
Removal of park equipment prohibited. No person shall remove benches, seats, tables or other park equipment from any park, except when authorized by the Village Board.
Trapping. No person shall trap in any park unless specific written authority is first obtained from the Village Board.
Making of fires. No person shall start, tend or maintain a fire except in personal grills or designated fireplaces. Personal grills shall be used only in designated picnic areas. The use of personal grills is permitted, provided lawns and vegetation are not endangered. Unburned fuel and ashes shall be disposed of in such a manner as to prevent fire or damage to any park property.
Protection of park property. No person shall kill, injure or disturb or attempt to injure or disturb waterfowl, birds or animals, wild or domestic, within any park, except as permitted by this chapter. No person shall climb any tree or remove flowers or fruit, wild or cultivated, or break, cut down, trample upon, remove or in any manner injure, deface, write upon or ill use any tree, shrub, flower, flower bed, turf, soil, sand, fountain, ornament, building, structure, apparatus, bench, table, official notice, sign or other property within any park.
Motorized vehicles. Except for authorized maintenance vehicles, no person shall operate an unlicensed or licensed motorized vehicle outside of areas specifically designated as parking areas or areas where the operation of such vehicles is specifically permitted. Motor vehicles are restricted to the roads and drives and parking areas. No motor vehicles of any nature may be used on the seeded areas except vehicles which have Village authorization for shows, rides or exhibits, and then only for the purpose of loading and unloading. No person shall operate any off-the-road vehicle, motorcycle, trail bike, all-terrain vehicle, truck or other motorized vehicle in any park, playground or other public ground where pathways or trails have been developed and/or designated for walking, hiking, jogging, running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, sledding or other pedestrian use. All motorized vehicles are limited to use of roadways specifically for their use and according to other restrictions in this Code.
Glass beverage bottles in parks prohibited. No person shall bring into, carry onto or possess while in any public park glass bottles or glass beverage containers, including those containing or normally used for containing soda water, fermented malt beverages or alcohol, except as authorized by the Village Board.
[Amended 5-11-2006 by Ord. No. A-52]
Removing tree protectors. No person shall remove any device for the protection of trees or shrubs.
Arrows. No person shall use or shoot any bow and arrow in any Village park, except in authorized areas.
Fees and charges. The Village Board shall have the authority to establish such fees as deemed necessary for use of any park facility, shelter or land area. It shall be unlawful to use such areas without payment of such fee or charge when required.
Firearms: hunting. Possessing or discharging of any firearm or weapon of any kind is prohibited in all Village parks.
Fish cleaning. Cleaning of fish in shelters, toilet facilities or picnic areas is prohibited in all Village parks.
Controlled substances. Possessing, using or dispensing of a controlled substance in violation of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act[1] is prohibited in all Village parks.
Editor's Note: See § 961.001 et seq., Wis. Stats.
Utility installation and construction. Any private construction which may in any manner encroach upon or affect the parks and parkways shall be under the direction and jurisdiction of Village Board, and no such installation, repair or construction shall commence without the written permission therefor from the Village Board. All public works, including construction and installation of power lines, hydrants, sewers and the like, shall be commenced only after notice to the Village of the utility's intention so to do. Where practicable, such construction and installation shall be performed pursuant to recommendations by the Board.
Camping. Camping is prohibited in Village parks, unless authorized by the Village Board or its designee. When authorized, a fee may be charged for camping on Village property.
Use of alcohol beverages in parks. No person shall bring into or consume any fermented malt beverages or liquors in Village parks between the hours of 9:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m., except as authorized by the Village Board.
[Amended 5-11-2006 by Ord. No. A-52]
No person shall fly a radio-controlled model airplane or helicopter in any park in the Village of Reeseville, except in areas specifically designated and posted for such purpose.
Hours. Except when the Village Board specifically authorizes extended hours, Village parks and public recreation areas shall be closed from sunset each night until 7:00 a.m. the following morning, and no person shall remain therein during said hours.
[Amended 5-11-2006 by Ord. No. A-52; 11-10-2011 by Ord. No. A-75; 1-12-2012 by Ord. No. A-77]
Exceptions to closing hours. A person driving through a park on a public road; however, stopping shall not be permitted within a park. The Village Board may modify closing hours for particular events.
Park closing and opening dates. The Village Board will have full authority to open and close any park, recreational facility or area because of season, condition, construction or when, in the interest of public safety, it is deemed necessary.
The Village Board, by specific agreement, may delegate to the Reeseville Fire Department responsibility for the administration and maintenance of Firemen's Park.