The purpose of this Article is to establish an orderly procedure for the transition to the new form of government provided by this Charter. The provisions of this Article address the transition from the existing form of government to the form of government established by this Charter. Where inconsistent with the preceding articles of this Charter, the provisions of this Article shall constitute temporary exceptions.
This Charter shall be submitted to the voters at the primary election of 1996, and if adopted, shall take effect on the first Monday of January 1997. However, to the extent necessary to comply with the other provisions of this Article governing the period between the date of adoption and the effective date of this Charter, this Charter shall be implemented upon the date of adoption.
1997 Election. The following elected officials shall be nominated at the primary election, in May 1997, and shall be elected at the municipal election in November 1997 for the following terms:
One Mayor, for a term of four years;
Four members of City Council, for a term of four years.
The three remaining members of City Council shall be elected at the municipal election in November, 1999, for a term of four years.
Vacancy. If any of the elected offices becomes vacant between the time this Charter is effective and January 1, 1999, such vacancy shall be filled as provided for in this Charter.
The Members of City Council elected at the municipal election of 1997 shall be initially compensated at the annual salaries set forth in Article II. These salaries of elected officials shall continue until changed in accordance with this Charter.
All board and commissions established for or under the authority of the City before the effective date of this Charter shall continue to exist and operate unless abolished by this Charter or by ordinance of City Council. Members of the boards and commissions existing on the effective date of this Charter and not abolished by its provisions shall remain in office for as long as their respective terms continue or until the status of their respective boards or commission shall be altered by City Council. Vacancies in the membership of such boards and commissions shall be filled in accordance with this Charter.
The duties, functions and powers assigned by law and not inconsistent with this Charter are hereby transferred to City Council or to the Mayor in accordance with this Charter. If a department, office or agency is abolished by this Charter, its functions, powers and duties shall be transferred to the department, office or agency designated by the Charter or, if the Charter makes no such provision, as designated by ordinance. All departments, offices and agencies shall continue until abolished or modified.
Charter effect on employees. Nothing in this Charter, except as otherwise specifically provided, shall affect or impair the rights or privileges of individuals who are employees of the City on the effective date of this Charter as to salary, tenure, residency, retirement or pension benefits; employments; leave with pay; or, other personal rights. Nothing in this Charter shall diminish the rights and privileges of any former employees in their pension or retirement benefits.
Exemption from competitive tests. Any employee holding a position with the City at the time this Charter takes effect who is serving in the same or comparable position at the time of its adoption shall not be subject to competitive tests as a condition for continuance in the same position, but in all respects shall be subject to the personnel system provided for in this Charter.
Personnel action. Until approval by City Council of the Personnel Code required by Section 603, the Mayor shall have the power to establish by written directive a personnel system for all employees. All appointments and promotions, except additions to the exempt service, shall be made on the basis of merit and fitness. All personnel actions shall be in accordance with the provisions of a personnel system established by such written directive. Copies of all such directives shall be forwarded by the Mayor to City Council within 24 hours after being issued.
The City Council in office in 1996 shall prepare and adopt in 1996, the budget for 1997, complying insofar as possible with the provisions of this Charter. This shall in no way limit the power of City Council taking office on the first Monday of January 1997 to revise the 1997 Budget as authorized by law and by this Charter.
City laws. All City ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations which are in force on the effective date of this Charter, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter, shall continue in force until amended or repealed.
Legal actions. All rights, claims, actions, orders, contracts and legal or administrative proceedings involving the City shall continue except as modified pursuant to the provisions of this Charter.
Property, records and equipment. All property, records and equipment of any agency existing on the effective date of this Charter shall be transferred to the agency assuming its powers and duties; but, in the event that the powers and duties are to be discontinued or divided between agencies, or in the event that any conflict arises regarding a transfer, such property, records or equipment shall be transferred to one or more agencies designated by City Council in accordance with this Charter.
In order to effect the transition of government under this Charter, City Council shall have the power to enact temporary ordinances. A temporary ordinance may be introduced and passed at any regular meeting of City Council during the three-month period following the effective date of this Charter. It shall become effective immediately after passage and shall automatically stand repealed at the end of six months after the effective date of this Charter. A temporary ordinance shall not be renewed or otherwise continued except as in the manner prescribed by this Charter for the regular consideration and adoption of ordinances.
Within six months after the effective date of this Charter, City Council and the Mayor shall adopt or enact the codes mandated by this Charter.
Establishment and powers. On or before January 1, 1997, there shall be a Transition Committee established consisting of five persons to facilitate the transition from the existing form of government to the form of government established by this Charter. The Transition Committee may draft necessary ordinances, rules and regulations, including the Administrative, Fiscal and Personnel Codes in order that they may be adopted on or after the effective date of this Charter.
Membership. The Transition Committee shall include:
The current Mayor;
One Member of current City Council;
Three Members of the Allentown City Government Study Commission, said members to be selected by the Chairperson of the Commission;
Vacancies. Any vacancy on the Transition Committee shall be filled by a majority of the remaining Members of the Transition Committee.
Compensation. The Transition Committee shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for legitimate expenses.