[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-1]
No person shall erect, create or maintain any building or other premises in such a manner or condition as to render the air unwholesome or a source of discomfort to persons living in or passing the vicinity thereof.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-2; New]
No person shall maintain any sewage system in such condition that same shall, by leakage, overflowing or otherwise, deposit and retain sewage waste in any place other than a sewer main.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-3]
No person shall dump or deposit, or permit, suffer or allow the dumping or depositing of any refuse or waste matter of any kind, except as hereinafter set forth.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-4]
No person shall maintain any premises for the purpose of dumping or depositing of any refuse or waste matter of any kind.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-5]
No person shall drive or operate any wagon, truck or other vehicle used for the purpose of conveying refuse or waste matter unless such vehicle is approved by the Board of Health.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-13]
No person shall use for any purpose any water which is contaminated or polluted.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-15]
No person shall place or deposit, or suffer, allow or permit to be placed or deposited any substance which shall or may be likely to contaminate the water of any spring, well, reservoir or other method of water supply.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-16]
No person operating any hotel, boarding house, tenement or other public building shall maintain such premises in an unclean or unsanitary manner.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-17]
Every physician, veterinarian, nurse, midwife or other person engaged in the profession of treating, examining or caring for sick persons or animals shall report to the Board of Health in writing the name, age and residence of any person or animal suffering from any contagious, communicable, infectious or pestilent disease within 12 hours from the time of his diagnosis of same; or, if the physician or other person shall suspect, or have reason to suspect, the presence of any infectious, contagious, communicable or pestilent disease, he shall report same to the Board of Health within 12 hours from the time of his first visit to treat, examine or care for the person or animal whom he may suspect to be suffering from such disease.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-18]
No parent, guardian, or person having the custody, care or maintenance of any child attending any school shall permit such child suffering from any infectious, contagious or communicable disease to attend school.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-19]
Any person affected or suffering from any infectious, contagious, pestilent or communicable disease, or coming in contact therewith, shall, at the discretion of the Board of Health, be isolated or be removed to such locality as the Board of Health may direct, and all buildings, clothing, property and vehicles which may have become infected by the presence of such persons shall be disinfected by the owner, tenant or occupant thereof and such disinfection shall be performed in such a manner, with such materials and within such time and under such supervision as the Board of Health may direct.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-20]
In the event a quarantine or isolation of persons or property is ordered by this Board, notice thereof in writing shall be served or left at the affected premises and a placard shall be placed upon the affected premises by the Board of Health and thereafter no person shall enter or leave such premises without the consent of the Board of Health except the medical attendants.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-21]
Whenever a placard shall have been placed upon any premises, in accordance with Section BH7-12, no person shall remove, destroy or mutilate such placard except the local Board of Health which shall remove the same after danger of communication or contagion has passed.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-22]
No person or article liable to propagate a contagious or communicable disease shall be brought within the Borough and no person shall remove or carry any persons or article liable to propagate such disease from one building to another.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-23]
No person shall transport, or cause to be transported into or from the Borough any dead body of a person who has suffered from any contagious or infectious disease unless permission therefor be granted by the Board of Health and such transporting shall be done, after such permission has been given, in accordance with directions of the Board of Health.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-24]
When death has been caused by any infectious or contagious disease, the body shall be immediately disinfected in such manner as may be directed by the Board of Health and enclosed at once in a hermetically sealed, air-tight coffin which shall not thereafter be opened, and no person shall permit said body to remain unburied for a longer period of time than 36 hours. The funeral of such person shall be strictly private.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-25]
No person shall retain, or permit to be retained unburied, the dead body of any human being for a longer period of time than four days after the death of such person without permission of the Board of Health.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-26]
Any member of the Board of Health, health officer, inspector, or other person acting under the authority of the Board of Health may enter into or upon any land, building or other premises for the purpose of making an inspection of the premises to determine if the same comply with the provisions of this code, provided such inspection is made at a reasonable hour of the day, and no person shall prevent, obstruct or resist any such person from making such inspection.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-33]
No person engaged in the business of handling foodstuffs shall sell, or offer for sale, exchange or gift, any unfit, unwholesome or deleterious foodstuffs.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-34]
All persons engaged in, or employed in, the business of handling foodstuffs shall keep all garbage, trash, offal or decaying animal or vegetable matter in metal containers, and shall clean such container at least once each day with disinfectant.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-35]
No person engaged in the business of handling foodstuffs shall display the same for sale except in a container or showcase so constructed that flies, mosquitoes or other insects cannot enter same.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-36]
All persons engaged in the business of handling foodstuffs shall keep the place where such foodstuffs are prepared, sold or served in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall scrub the floors thereof at least once each day with disinfectant.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-37]
Any person engaged in the business of handling foodstuffs shall maintain a toilet and lavatory on the premises, and shall keep such toilet and lavatory in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall clean same and scrub the floors thereof with disinfectant at least once each day. Such toilet shall be provided with toilet paper, soap and individual towels by the person so engaged in such business.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-38]
All persons engaged in the business of handling foodstuffs shall wash their hands thoroughly after using the toilet or urinal.
[Ord. #2-1966, § 41-41]
No person shall work or engage in the business of handling foodstuffs or beverages if he is affected with any contagious, infectious, venereal or communicable disease, and no person shall employ or allow, suffer or permit the employment of any person suffering from such disease.