[Code 1957, § 1.10; Ord. No. 538, § 1, 5-23-1978; Ord. No. 636, § 1, 8-14-1984]
The number of wards and precincts in the city is and shall be eight. The wards are numbered from two to four, both inclusive, and six to 10, both inclusive. The precincts are numbered from 59 to 61, both inclusive, and 72 to 76, both inclusive. The wards and precincts are bounded as hereinafter stated.
[Ord. No. 636, § 2, 8-14-1984]
That the second ward of the city hereby established shall embrace all of that portion of said city, within the boundary lines, namely:
The S 1/2 of Section 14, T154, R101W less that portion of the NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 14, T154N, R101W located west of the center line of West Dakota Parkway and that portion of the SE 1/4 of Section 15, T154N, R101W, located east of the center line of West Dakota Parkway.
The second ward shall also be known as Precinct 59.
[Ord. No. 636, § 3, 8-14-1984]
That the third ward of the city hereby established shall embrace all of that portion of said city, within the boundary lines, namely:
All of Section 24, T154N, R101W, less that portion in the SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 24 not within the corporate limits of the City of Williston and that portion of Section 19, T154N, R101W, located west of the Little Muddy River, less that portion not in the corporate City limits.
The third ward shall also be known as Precinct 60.
[Ord. No. 636, § 4, 8-14-1984]
That the fourth ward of the city hereby established shall embrace all of that portion of said city, within the boundary line, namely:
That portion of Section 23, T154N, R101W, and that portion of Section 22, T154N, R101W, located south of the center line of Sixth Street West from Second Avenue West to the intersection of its extension to a point on the west line of the city limits and included within the corporate limits of the city.
The fourth ward shall also be known as Precinct 61.
[Ord. No. 636, § 5, 8-14-1984]
That the sixth ward of the city hereby established shall embrace all of that portion of said city, within the boundary lines, namely:
That portion of the N1/2 of Section 23, T154N, R101W and that portion of the NE1/4 of Section 22, T154N, R101W located north of the center line of Sixth Street West from Second Avenue West to the intersection of its extension to a point on the west line of the city limits.
The sixth ward shall also be known as Precinct 72.
[Ord. No. 636, § 6, 8-14-1984]
That the seventh ward of the city hereby established shall embrace all of that portion of said city, within the boundary lines, namely:
The S 1/2 of Section 13, T154N, R101W and that portion of the SW 1/4 of Section 18, T154N, R100W, located west of the Little Muddy River.
The seventh ward shall also be known as Precinct 73.
[Ord. No. 636, § 7, 8-14-1984]
That the eighth ward of the city hereby established shall embrace all of that portion of said city, within the boundary lines, namely:
The N 1/2 of Section 13, T154N, R101W and that portion of the NW 1/4 of Section 18, T154N, R100W, located west of the Little Muddy River.
The eighth ward shall also be known as Precinct 74.
[Ord. No. 636, § 8, 8-14-1984]
That the ninth ward of the city hereby established shall embrace all of that portion of said city, within the boundary lines, namely:
The N 1/2 of Section 14, T154N, R101W and that portion of the NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 14, T154N, R101W, located west of the center line of West Dakota Parkway.
The ninth ward shall also be known as Precinct 75.
[Ord. No. 636, § 9, 8-14-1984]
That the tenth ward of the city hereby established shall embrace all of that portion of said city, within the boundary lines, namely:
All that area in the corporate city limits not included in Wards 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
The tenth ward shall also be known as Precinct 76.