[Ord. No. 541, § 1, 7-25-1978; Ord. No. 548, 4-24-1979; Ord. No. 873, § 1, 1-13-2004]
Any party owning property that is assessable property as defined by Section 22-41 herein desiring to connect to the City of Williston Municipal Water System shall be subject to a water availability charge based on water service line size.
[Ord. No. 873, § 2, 1-13-2004]
For the purpose of this article, the following water availability fees apply based on the size of the water line that services the property from the public water main. These fees may be changed by resolution approved by the City Commission.
Service Water Line Size
Connection Fee
3/4 inch - 1 inch
1 1/2 inches
2 inches
3 inches
4 inches
6 inches and up
[Ord. No. 541, § 5, 7-25-1978; Ord. No. 873, § 3, 1-13-2004]
Requests for water availability charge determinations shall be made prior to the issuance of any building permit concerning property to be served.
The water availability charge referred to herein shall be assessed against all property that has not previously been assessed for any transmission water line. See map attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof.[1]
Editor's Note: The map referred to herein is included as an attachment to this chapter as Exhibit A.
[Ord. No. 541, § 6, 7-25-1978; Ord. No. 873, § 5, 1-13-2004]
The water availability charge referred to herein shall be paid in full by the party seeking connection herein before a plumbing permit or water meter is issued by the City of Williston.
[Ord. No. 541, § 3, 7-25-1978; Ord. No. 873, § 6, 1-13-2004]
All funds received in payment of such water availability charges shall be deposited in the City of Williston Municipal Water Fund to be used for the purposes and disbursed only in the manner provided by Chapter 40-33 of the North Dakota Century Code.
[Ord. No. 873, § 7, 1-13-2004]
In the event a property seeks an additional or larger replacement water line, the property shall be assessed a connection fee according to the size of the additional or replacement line with a credit given for the fee previously paid up to the amount of the connection fee of the additional or replacement line.
[Code 1957, § 25.8-1; Ord. No. 460, 12-22-1970; Ord. No. 497, 1-28-1975; Ord. No. 523, § 25.8-1, 9-21-1976; Ord. No. 547, § 25.8-1, 3-27-1979; Ord. No. 604, § 25.8-1, 6-29-1982]
The owner or occupant of each residential premise connected with the system shall pay for water consumed thereon and for the availability of water service during each period of one month, commencing October 1, 1976. A monthly service charge based upon meter size as follows:
Meter Size
Service Charge
5/8 inch and 3/4 inch
1 inch
1 1/2 inch
2 inch
3 inch
4 inch
A special lawn rate will be given for those residential premises with lawns for the months of June, July and August which will be as follows: $0.50 per 100 cubic feet of water used over and above the average used during the months of January, February, and March of the same calendar year. In addition to the monthly service charge, a commodity charge, based upon consumption, would be required as follows:
0 — 3,000 cubic feet: $1.25 per 100 cubic feet
Over 3000 cubic feet: $0.90 per 100 cubic feet
A credit shall be given for senior citizens or disabled persons based upon the percentage of credit equivalent to the percentage of property tax credit set forth in the office of state tax commissioner brochure "Property Tax Credit for Senior Citizens or Disabled Persons." This credit shall apply only to the commodity charge. No credit shall be given for the monthly service charge.
[Code 1957, § 25.8; Ord. No. 460, 12-22-1970; Ord. No. 497, 1-28-1975; Ord. No. 523, § 25.8, 9-21-1976; Ord. No. 547, § 25.8, 3-27-1979; Ord. No. 604, § 25.8, 6-29-1982]
The owner or occupant of each commercial premise connected with the system shall pay for water consumed thereon and for the availability of water service during each period of one month, commencing on October 1, 1976. A monthly service charge based upon meter size as follows:
Meter Size
Service Charge
5/8 inch and 3/4 inch
1 inch
1 1/2 inch
2 inch
3 inch
4 inch
A special lawn rate will be given for the commercial properties using water for law purposes which will be in effect during the months of June, July, and August, which will be as follows: $0.50 per 100 cubic feet of water used over and above the average amount of water used during the months of January, February, and March of the same calendar year. In addition to the monthly service charge, a commodity charge, based upon consumption, would be required as follows:
0 — 3,000 cubic feet — $1.25 per 100 cubic feet
Over 3000 cubic feet — $0.90 per 100 cubic feet
[Code 1957, § 25.8-3; Ord. No. 649, 7-9-1985]
Meters shall be read as nearly as practicable to the end of each of the monthly periods prescribed in sections 22-44 and 22-45, and where access cannot be obtained to any meter during any such period the consumption of water on such premise for such period shall be estimated. Duplicate statements of water charges for each customer shall be prepared, and one shall be filed with the city auditor and the other shall be mailed or delivered to the customer. The amount shown upon each such statement shall be immediately due and payable to the city auditor, and if not paid within 30 days from such date a penalty not to exceed 1.75% per month shall be added. If the statement of charges for water service to any premise is not paid within 30 days from the due date the supply of water to such premise shall be discontinued and shall not be resumed until all charges are paid.[1]
Editor's Note: An amendment to Section 25.8-3 of the 1957 City Code, found in Ordinance Number 497, was apparently intended to apply to Section 25.8-1 and has therefore been referred to in the history note to that section.
[Code 1957, § 25.10; Ord. No. 497, 1-28-1975; Ord. No. 523, § 25.10, 9-21-1976; Ord. No. 547, 3-27-1979; Ord. No. 604, § 25.10, 6-29-1982]
The city auditor shall bill each customer once a month for water used as evidenced by either a meter reading or an estimate of water used as determined by the city; such bill must be paid within 10 days of its mailing date. If such bills are not paid within such period of time, the superintendent is hereby authorized to order the water to the premises involved shut off and it shall not be turned on again until all water and service charges then due are paid, together with an additional charge of $25 to cover or apply on the cost of turning on the water.
[Code 1957, § 25.8-4]
The city reserves the right and power to increase or decrease the rates and charges specified in this chapter as the need or propriety thereof arises; provided, that as so amended, the gross revenues derived from such utility shall be at all times sufficient to pay all costs of operation and maintenance thereof and to produce net revenues at least sufficient for the payment when due of the principal of and interest on all bonds, warrants and other obligations of the city now or hereafter payable from the net revenues, and to create and maintain all reserves securing such payments as required by the resolutions authorizing such obligations.
[Ord. No. 596, § I, 5-11-1982; Ord. No. 760, § I, 5-11-1993]
A charge of $25 may, at the option of the city, be made against any consumer whenever water is turned off at the request of such water consumer. Such sum must be paid by the consumer before the water will be turned on again.
Any water consumer who has received a final shut off notice for nonpayment of water rates or meter rent, or for noncompliance with any of the rules and regulations contained in this chapter and who has not made arrangements for payment and compliance shall as of 8:00 a.m. of the seventh day following the mailing of the notice be charged $10 for preparation of a final warning notice.
A charge of $25 shall also be made against each consumer for turning off water for nonpayment of water rates or meter rent, or for noncompliance with any of the rules and regulations contained in this chapter. The cumulative sum of $35 must be paid by the consumer before the water will be turned on again.
[Ord. No. 596, § II, 5-11-1982; Ord. No. 760, § II, 5-11-1993]
Any tenant of real property requesting the city to make a connection with the water supply system of this city, or to make a connection already made to remain open upon a change of tenancy of real property leased or occupied by him shall, as a condition precedent to granting such request, be required to deposit with the city auditor the sum of $50 for each residence and business property connection. Such deposit shall be repaid by the city auditor upon demand to the person making the same when such tenancy ceases; provided, that there are not arrears in such person's water bills for such connection. The city shall immediately apply so much of such deposit as may be necessary to the payment of any such sum that may be due and in default as to such connection. In case the deposit is reduced or consumed by such application, and the deposit is not immediately reestablished, the city may shut off the water in such connection. After the water has been shut off in any such connection under the foregoing provisions of this section, the same shall not again be turned on until the deposit herein required is reestablished, all past due amounts are paid, and the charge of $35, if assessed, is paid as provided by Section 22-49.
[Ord. No. 596, § III, 5-11-1982; Ord. No. 760, § III, 5-11-1993]
The preceding section shall not be construed to relieve the owner of any premises affected thereby from liability for any sums due the city for water furnished such premises under the provisions of this ordinance. If the city is unable to collect sums due from tenants or other non-owner occupants, the owner shall be liable for such sums due for water and water-related services furnished.
[Ord. No. 596, § IV, 5-11-1982; Ord. No. 760, § IV, 5-11-1993]
The director of public works is hereby authorized to prepare requisite forms to carry out the provisions of sections 22-49 and 22-50, including but not limited to an agreement and request for utility services for owner and for non-owner, and any required notices for shut off of water service.
[Ord. No. 596, § V, 5-11-1983; Ord. No. 630, 5-8-1984; Ord. No. 760, § V, 5-11-1993]
It shall be the duty and responsibility of each user of city water service to allow the city or its authorized employees or agents to read the water meter. If such meter is located within the residence of the user, the user shall, upon reasonable request made during normal business hours, allow the city to enter the residence for the purpose of reading such meter.
[Ord. No. 596, § VI, 5-11-1982; Ord. No. 760, § VI, 5-11-1993]
City employees or agents only shall be authorized to turn on water or shut off water connections. Such work shall not be performed by private contractors or plumbers.
[Ord. No. 596, § VII, 5-11-1982; Ord. No. 760, § VII, 5-11-1993]
The general penalty provision, Section 1-11 of the City Code of Ordinances, shall apply for all violations of this ordinance. Monthly water and sewer utility bills shall be due and payable within 10 days of mailing and accounts not paid within that time shall be delinquent, the city shall add a penalty of 1 1/2% per month on the unpaid balance of the account.