[Ord. No. 3158, 7-26-1988, § 2-30.1; amended
by Ord. No. 3421, 3-28-1995, § 1; Ord. No. 3427, 7-11-1995, § 1; Ord. No. 3616, 10-12-1999, § 1; Ord. No. 3621, 11-9-1999, § 1; Ord.
No. 3649, 9-12-2000, § 1; Ord. No. 3894, 7-26-2005, § 1; Ord. No.
9-2016, 4-5-2016; Ord. No. 15-2016, 6-14-2016; Ord. No. 23-2016, 9-6-2016; Ord. No. 19-2019, 8-13-2019; Ord. No. 15-2020, 8-11-2020; Ord. No. 21-2022, 8-30-2022; Ord. No. 6-2023, 1-24-2023; Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The following provisions are applicable generally to all of
Council's advisory boards, except where otherwise specifically provided.
(a) Role of Council's advisory boards:
Discuss items pertinent to the Council's advisory board content
Provide guidance and make recommendations to the Township Council
as to potential Township action.
Discuss items tasked to the Council's advisory board/committee
by the Township Council for its advice and recommendations.
(b) Legal authority of Council's advisory boards.
Council's advisory boards are purely advisory and are not collectively
empowered as a voting body to perform any public governmental function
affecting the rights, duties, obligations, privileges, benefits, or
other legal relations of any person.
Council's advisory boards are not "public bodies," as that term
is defined under the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A.
10:4-6 et seq.), and are not subject to the notice, meeting, and other
provisions of said Act. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent
practicable, Council's advisory boards shall provide an annual schedule
of their meetings to the Township Clerk for posting on the Township's
website, posting at Town Hall and distribution to the Township's official
newspapers, and shall provide the Township Clerk with at least 48
hours' advance notice of the holding of any special meetings together
with the agendas therefor, to the extent known.
Any recommended actions or positions of a Council's advisory
board are subject to and must be approved by the Township Council.
Council's advisory boards do not have any fiduciary responsibilities
and are not authorized to expend public funds. They do not have any
governance authority to act independent of the Council.
While the Council's advisory board meetings are not required
by statute to be open to the public, as a matter of policy, the Council
has determined that advisory board meetings shall be opened to the
public. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the chairperson of a Council's
advisory board may exclude the public during such portions of a meeting
at which matters concerning personnel, privacy interests, pending
or anticipated litigation, matters falling within the attorney-client
privilege, or other matters of a confidential nature are discussed.
The public can submit items for discussion to the Council's
advisory board chair and Council liaison for review and potential
for inclusion on their meeting agenda.
(c) Role of Township Council liaisons.
The Township Council shall designate a Council liaison to each
Council's advisory board who shall attend meetings of the assigned
Council's advisory board as available.
If a liaison cannot attend, they will reach out to the Council's
advisory board's chair for an update on the meeting.
Bring items to the attention of Council that the Council's advisory
board wants the Council to discuss and consider action on.
Share information with the Council's advisory board to facilitate
their functions.
Share information about the Council's advisory board's activities
with the Council.
Help connect the Council's advisory board to other Township
resources as necessary.
Ask the appointed Council's advisory board's chair to add agenda
items for their meetings as necessary.
(d) Role of Council's advisory board chairs. Chairs of Council's advisory
boards will:
Prepare an agenda and ensure distribution through the Clerk's
office to the appointed board members and the liaison approximately
one week before each meeting. Agendas will be posted on the Township's
website by the Clerk approximately five days before a meeting.
Work with appointed Council's advisory board members to determine
meeting frequency and timing for the coming year taking into consideration
the schedule of Council meetings and Township budget preparation.
The chair or designee will give the meeting schedule of the
board to the Clerk for posting on the Township calendar at the website.
By December 1 of year, the chair of each Council's advisory
board will provide a yearly written report to the Council on activities
completed by the Council's advisory board and, in addition, include
what the Council's advisory board would like to work on in the coming
Work with the Township Clerk and orient new members to the appointed
(e) Role of Council's advisory board members. Council's advisory board
members shall:
Be an active participant in the meetings.
Complete any assigned tasks.
Attend all meetings of the respective Council's advisory board
to which they are appointed.
If a Council's advisory board/committee member is unable to
attend a meeting, they need to notify the chair as soon as possible
in order to ensure that a quorum can be achieved to hold the meeting.
If a member misses 50% or more of the meetings held in a single
year, the chair and the board's Council liaison will meet with the
member to determine his/her ability to continue serving on the Council's
advisory board.
(f) Council's advisory board appointment process. Members to Council's
advisory boards shall be appointed by the process referenced in § 2-21(b)
of the Township Code and as follows:
By January 15 of each year, Council liaisons and their respective
Council's advisory board/committee chairs shall discuss membership
of Council's advisory boards. In the event of vacancies, the position(s)
shall be included in a call for candidates for appointment. The Council
liaisons will notify the Clerk of what positions need to be filled
and the Clerk shall publicize a call for new applicants.
The Council will appoint the chair of each of Council's advisory
(g) Council's advisory board members' term of office:
Except as otherwise provided, each Council's advisory board
or committee will have an odd number of members, a total being between
five to nine members, including the chair.
Except as otherwise provided, each term will be two years. Terms
shall be staggered to minimize the number needing appointment or reappointment
each year for each Council's advisory board or committee.
All full terms will expire on December 31 of the year in which
that Council's advisory board member's term ends or until the board
member's successor is qualified and appointed.
Terms will run from the date of the appointment to December
31 of the year in which that Council's advisory board member's term
Anyone filling an unexpired term will serve to the end of that
term and then can be considered for reappointment during the normal
time for the call for candidates.
(h) Council's advisory board quorum.
A "quorum" shall be defined as a majority of the voting members
of the Council's advisory board.
Actions and recommendations of a Council's advisory board shall
be taken by a vote of the majority of a quorum present.
(i) Council's advisory board reporting.
Items that a Council's advisory board wants the Council to consider
will be brought to the Council by that Council's advisory board's
Council liaison.
Each fall, the Clerk will request from each Council's advisory
board chair a report on the past year's activities and its plans for
activities for the coming year. These reports will be reviewed by
Council to determine if they meet the needs of the Council/Township
and to approve items that need to be included in the upcoming Township
The Council may request a Council's advisory board chair to
attend a Council meeting to address the Council at any time.
(j) Council's advisory board minutes.
Each Council's advisory board shall assign a member to take
minutes of the actions taken at each meeting.
Minutes will be completed and distributed to the Council's advisory
board no later than five days before the next meeting.
Following approval of the minutes by the Council's advisory
board, the approved minutes shall be submitted to the Clerk's office
for review and filing.
Approved minutes shall be posted on the Township's website by
the Clerk within one week of submission.
(k) Electronic communication. All communications in the course of official
business directed to a Council's advisory board shall be through the
designated "teanecknj.gov" Council's advisory board email address
posted on the Township website. The Clerk shall forward the communication
to the Council's advisory board chairperson and Council liaison to
(l) Public input and comments.
There shall be a fifteen-minute good and welfare period at each
meeting, allowing each speaker three minutes to speak. The chair may
extend good and welfare at the chair's discretion.
When determining the need for outside consultation, Council's
advisory boards need to first make a request to Council with regards
to outside resources that it feels would aid its discussions. These
outside resources should be at no cost to the Township unless approved
by the Township Council. Access to outside expertise can occur only
with the approval of the Council.
Sources of outside expertise or invited public are not permitted
to participate in the running of a meeting or the decisionmaking of
any Council's advisory board but may attend a meeting with the approval
of the chair in order to share their expertise with the Council's
advisory board.
[Added by Ord. No. 15-2020, 8-11-2020; amended by 1-9-2024 by Ord. No. 43-2023; Ord. No. 44-2023, 1-23-2024]
The following Council's advisory boards are hereby established.
(a) A Parks, Playgrounds, and Recreation Advisory Board is hereby created.
Its membership shall consist of nine residents appointed by
the Council and the Director of Recreation as an ex officio member.
Purpose. The purpose of the Board is to advise the Council respecting
the acquisition, development, maintenance, and use of parks and recreational
facilities within the Township of Teaneck, including recreational
(b) A Shade Tree Advisory Board is hereby created.
Because of the nature and expertise required of such Board,
its membership shall be as follows:
The Shade Tree Council's Advisory Board shall consist of seven
members and two alternate members. As to the regular members, one
shall also be a member of the Township Environmental Commission and
shall have a term of two years or a term which shall terminate at
the completion of his or her term of office as a member of the Environmental
Commission, whichever first occurs; and six shall be residents of
Teaneck who have knowledge of shade tree issues. The terms of the
six resident members first appointed shall be so determined that,
to the greatest practicable extent, the expiration of such terms shall
be distributed evenly over the first two years after their appointments,
as determined by resolution of the Council; provided, however, that
no term of any such member shall exceed two years, and thereafter
all such resident members shall be appointed for terms of two years.
Two alternate members shall be appointed by the Council to serve for
terms of two years; provided, however, that the initial terms of such
alternate members be one year and two years, respectively. Such alternate
members shall be designated by the Council as "Alternate No. 1" and
"Alternate No. 2" and shall serve during the absence or disqualification
of any regular member or members. Alternate members may participate
in discussions of the proceedings but may not vote, except in the
absence or disqualification of a regular member. A vote shall not
be delayed in order that a regular member may vote instead of an alternate
member. In the event that a choice must be made as to which alternate
member is to vote, Alternate No. 1 shall vote.
A designee of the Township Manager shall be an ex officio member
of the Shade Tree Council's Advisory Board.
With the permission of and budgetary control by the Township
Manager, a consultant and/or an expert in shade tree management and
urban forestry, with preference given to volunteered services, shall
be an ex officio member of the Shade Tree Council's Advisory Board.
Purposes. The purposes of the Shade Tree Council's Advisory
Board is to advise the Council on the welfare, maintenance, and planting
of shade trees within the Township of Teaneck.
(c) A Pride Awareness Advisory Board is hereby created.
Purposes. The purposes of the Pride Awareness Advisory Board
are to raise public awareness of the various ethnicities, religions,
sexual orientations, gender identity or expression and other important
aspects that make up the mosaic of the Teaneck community, to foster
a respect and honor for all persons, regardless of any individual
trait within our diverse community and celebrate and build a culture
of inclusiveness and acceptance.
Membership. The Pride Awareness Advisory Board will consist
of seven members, including the chair. The Council may appoint Teaneck
residents and other persons associated with local community groups,
faith communities, local businesses, schools, mental health organizations,
hospitals, physicians, attorneys, health care professionals, social
service organizations and municipal officials as the Council deems
appropriate who express a commitment to promoting pride awareness
in Teaneck. The Council shall appoint a chairperson from among the
membership each year.
Functions. The Pride Awareness Advisory Board may, subject to
the availability of adequate funds, undertake a pride awareness campaign,
participate in pride awareness programs, host pride awareness forums,
distribute pride awareness promotional materials, coordinate pride
awareness events with the Township and/or local community service
organizations, advise the Council as to additional pride awareness
programs, and perform such other functions in furtherance of the purposes
of furthering pride awareness within the Township of Teaneck.
(d) An Advisory Board on Community Relations is hereby created.
The purpose of the Board is to advise the Council on strengthening
the bonds and improving relations between and among the diverse citizenship
of the Township of Teaneck and to foster better communication and
interaction across racial, ethnic, religious, cultural, economic,
gender, age, and geographical lines.
The membership of the Board shall consist of nine regular members
and two alternate members appointed by the Council from residents
of Teaneck representing a cross section of the community and a representative
from the Police Department as an ex officio member. Alternate members
shall be designated by the Council as "Alternate No. 1" and "Alternate
No. 2" and shall serve during the absence or disqualification of any
regular member or members. Alternate members may participate in discussions
of the proceedings but may not vote, except in the absence or disqualification
of a regular member. A vote shall not be delayed in order that a regular
member may vote instead of an alternate member. In the event that
a choice must be made as to which alternate member is to vote, Alternate
No. 1 shall vote.
(e) A Hackensack River Greenway Advisory Board is hereby created.
Purpose. The purpose of the Board is to advise the Council respecting
the creation, acquisition, maintenance, and use of a 3.5-mile Hackensack
River Greenway through Teaneck and to provide information to the public
respecting same. The Greenway contains a pedestrian walkway and nature
trail. Interpretive signs have been installed at intervals along the
Greenway, describing the flora, fauna, and historic attractions of
the area. Native vegetation is encouraged within the Greenway to protect
and improve the Hackensack River by creating a natural, green buffer
between Teaneck's developed area and the river. The Greenway runs
through three municipal parks and the Fairleigh Dickenson University
campus in Teaneck. Ultimately, the goal is for the Teaneck Greenway
to be a continuous trail along the Hackensack River, linking pathways
planned by adjacent towns.
Membership. The membership shall consist of seven residents,
and a representative from the Parks, Playgrounds, and Recreation Advisory
Board selected by the Council and a representative from Fairleigh
Dickenson University selected by the University.
(f) A Teaneck Municipal Alliance Against Substance Abuse is hereby created.
Purpose. The purpose of the Municipal Alliance is the prevention
of alcoholism and substance abuse and the development and support
of prevention programs.
Duties. The duties and responsibilities of the Municipal Alliance
is to advise the Council on substance abuse issue and assist the Council
in the following matters:
Identifying substance abuse prevention, education, and community
needs (N.J.S.A. 26:2BB-9).
Implementing the Alliance programs formulated pursuant to Section
8 of P.L. 1989, c. 51 (N.J.S.A. 26:2BB-8).
Applying for funding through the procedures set forth by the
Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (GCADA).
Organizing and coordinating efforts involving schools, law enforcement,
business groups, and other community organizations for the purpose
of reducing substance abuse.
In cooperation with local school districts, assist in the development
of comprehensive and effective substance abuse education programs
in grades K through 12.
In cooperation with local public and private schools, assist
in the development of procedures for the intervention and referral
to treatment for students abusing alcohol and/or drugs.
Developing comprehensive substance abuse education support and
outreach efforts for parents in the community.
Developing comprehensive substance abuse awareness programs.
Creating a network of community leaders, private citizens, and
representatives of public and private human service agencies who will
make a comprehensive and coordinated effort to promote and support
substance abuse prevention and education programs and related activities
with an emphasis on youth.
Conducting an assessment of its community in relation to substance
abuse issues.
Identifying existing efforts and services acting to reduce substance
Coordinating projects within the municipality to avoid fragmentation
and duplication.
Developing programs to be implemented at the municipal level
or participate in regionally developed programs that accomplish the
purpose of the Alliance effort and the purposes of the Municipal Alliance
Keeping such records and providing such information to the Governor's
Council as may be required for fiscal audit.
Cooperating with GCADA (Governors Council on Alcoholism and
Drug Abuse) and the LACADA (Local Council's advisory Committee on
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse) in providing municipal data to assist the
Alliance effort.
Establishing an annual budget and allocate available resources,
financial and otherwise, in furtherance of the goals of the Committee.
Making recommendations to the governing body addressing the
needs identified by the Committee.
Membership. Membership shall consist of nine members, who may
include the Chief of Police or designee; the President of the Board
of Education or designee; the Superintendent of Schools or designee;
a student assistance coordinator; a representative of the parent-teacher
association; a representative of the local bargaining unit for teachers;
a representative of the Chamber of Commerce; a municipal court judge;
representatives of local civic associations; representatives of local
religious groups; and private citizens.
(g) A Senior Citizens Advisory Board is hereby created.
Purpose. The purpose of the Board is to advise the Council with
respect to improving the quality of life for Teaneck's senior citizens
and to make recommendations to the Township Council about the concerns
of the older population, including program offerings at the Senior
Center, transportation opportunities, and wellness programs.
Membership. The membership shall consist of 12 residents of
the Township of Teaneck.
(h) A Social Services Advisory Board is hereby created.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2-2024, 1-23-2024]
Purpose. The purpose of the Board is to advise the Council and
the Social Services Coordinator with respect to the social services
programs available to the residents of the Township of Teaneck.
Membership. Membership on the Board shall consist of seven members,
six of whom shall be residents of the Township and one of whom shall
be the Social Services Coordinator of the Township of Teaneck.
(i) A Youth Advisory Board is hereby created.
Purpose. The purpose of the Board is to empower, express ideas,
and to bridge the gap between Teaneck Township officials and Teaneck's
Membership. The membership of the Board shall consist of seven
advisors appointed by the Council from among residents of the Township
of Teaneck and youth members appointed by the advisor members. Advisor
members of this Board shall be required to undergo training in youth
protection and abuse and harassment prevention and shall be required
to submit to and pass a criminal background screening prior to appointment.
(j) A Municipal Open Space Trust (MOST) Advisory Board is hereby created.
Purpose. The purpose of the Board is to advise the Township
Council with respect to the expenditure of Municipal Open Space Trust
funds. The Council may authorize the expenditure of MOST funds without
first referring such expenditures to the MOST Advisory Board.
Membership. The membership of the Board shall consist of seven
residents appointed by the Council. The members will include a representative
from the Environmental Commission, the Parks, Playgrounds and Recreation
Advisory Board, the Teaneck Historic Preservation Commission, the
Township engineer, and one member at large. The Recreation Department
Superintendent will serve as ex officio member.
(k) A Patriotic Observance Advisory Board is hereby created.
Purpose. The purpose of the Board is to plan, and with the approval
of the Council, implement patriotic observances within the Township
of Teaneck, including the 4th of July and Memorial Day.
Membership. The membership of the Board shall consist of seven
residents of the Township of Teaneck appointed by the Council.
(l) A Stigma Free Advisory Board is hereby created.
Purposes. The purposes of the Stigma Free Advisory Board are
to raise public awareness of the stigmas associated with mental illness,
sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, being discriminated
against on the basis of age, race, creed, color, national origin,
ancestry, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender
identity or expression, disability, nationality or sex, and being
subjected to harassment, intimidation and bullying, with the goal
of eliminating such stigmas and encouraging individuals suffering
from the disease of mental illness and sexually transmitted diseases
to seek treatment and to urge individuals who are subjected to discrimination,
harassment, intimidation and bullying to report same to the appropriate
Membership. The Council may appoint such number of Teaneck residents
and other persons associated with local community groups, faith communities,
local businesses, schools, mental health organizations, hospitals,
physicians, attorneys, health care professionals, social service organizations
and municipal officials as the Council deems appropriate who express
a commitment to promoting a stigma-free Teaneck. The Council shall
appoint a chairperson from among the membership each year.
Functions. The Stigma Free Advisory Board may, subject to the
availability of adequate funds, undertake a stigma-free campaign,
participate in public awareness programs to eliminate stigmas, host
stigma-free forums, distribute stigma-free promotional materials,
coordinate stigma-free events with local community service organizations,
advise the Council as to additional stigma-free programs, and perform
such other functions in furtherance of the purposes to eliminate stigmas
within the Township of Teaneck.
(m) A Fields
Advisory Board is hereby created.
Purposes. The purpose of the Board is to advise the Council
with respect to recommendations for policies and procedures, scheduling,
and maintenance of all athletic fields and related facilities owned
by the Township of Teaneck.
Membership. The membership of the Board shall consist of 12
residents of the Township of Teaneck, with one member coming from
each of the following organizations: (i) Teaneck Junior Basketball;
(ii) Teaneck Southern Little League; (iii) Teaneck Baseball Organization;
(iv) Teaneck Lancers Baseball; (v) Teaneck Junior Football; (vi) Teaneck
Junior Soccer League; (vii) TOP Soccer; (viii) Teaneck Wrestling;
(ix) the Director of Athletics for Teaneck High School or their designee;
(x) a liaison from the Teaneck Board of Education; (xi) a liaison
from the Parks, Playgrounds, and Recreation Advisory Board; (xii)
a liaison from the Township Council; (xiii) The Recreation Department
Director; (xiv) The DPW Director.