[Code 1966, § 4.05(1); Ord. No. 767, § V, 10-18-2005; Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014]
The highways or portions thereof maintained by the Village, as set forth in the most current Village Board traffic resolution, are hereby designated one-way highways, and no person shall drive or operate a vehicle on any such highway or portion thereof except in the designated direction.
[Code 1966, § 4.05(2); Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014; Ord. No. 895, § IV, 3-17-2015]
The public works director, with the approval of the Village Board, is directed to designate and mark safety zones and safety islands and cause the same to be constructed in accordance with the Wisconsin Uniform Traffic Control Device Manual.
Driving over safety zones or islands. Whenever safety zones or safety islands are marked in accordance with the Wisconsin Uniform Traffic Control Device Manual, no operator of a vehicle shall at any time drive through or over the safety zone or safety islands.
[Code 1966, § 4.05(3); Ord. No. 767, § VII, 10-18-2005; Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
Turns are prohibited as set forth in the most current Village Board traffic resolution.
[Code 1966, § 4.05(4); Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014; Ord. No. 895, § IV, 3-17-2015]
The public works director, with the approval of the Village Board, is authorized to place official traffic control devices within or adjacent to intersections directing that a different course from that specified in W.S.A., § 346.31, be traveled by vehicles turning at the intersection and to mark lanes for traffic designating separate lanes for slow moving traffic or for traffic moving in a particular direction.