[Code 1966, § 4.25(1); Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Every device propelled by the feet acting upon pedals and having wheels, any two of which are not less than 14 inches in diameter.
That portion of a roadway set aside for exclusive use of bicycles and so designated by appropriate signs and markings by the Village.
Any path or sidewalk, or portion thereof, designated for the use of bicycles by the Village.
Any bicycle lane, bicycle way or highway which has been duly designated by the Village and identified by appropriate signs and markings.
Any device attached to a bicycle designed for carrying articles.
A metal plate or sticker indicating that a bicycle is registered.
The privilege of the immediate use of the roadway.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(12); Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
Regulations and restrictions contained in this article are applicable to persons operating bicycles upon any highway, bicycle way, or bicycle path, or upon any path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles, except as expressly stated in this article.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(14); Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this article may be required to surrender their identification tag, in addition to any forfeiture imposed under § 82-32, to the Village police department or the court for a period not to exceed 90 days.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(2); Ord. No. 767, § XVI, 10-18-2005; Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
Required. No person who resides within the Village shall operate or propel a bicycle upon any public highway, bicycle way or bicycle path in the Village which has not been duly registered and an identification tag attached thereto as provided in this article.
Procedure; contents of form. Registration shall be made by filing with the Village police department, on forms provided by the Village, giving the name, address and age of the owner and a complete description of the bicycle, including the name of the manufacturer, style, model, frame number and color.
Fee. The fee for registration of a bicycle shall be calculated and paid as required by the most current Village Board fee schedule resolution.
Identification tag. The registering employee or officer shall issue to the registrant a registration slip and an identification tag. The identification tag shall be immediately affixed to the registered bicycle, be serially numbered to correspond with the registration number, shall be firmly attached to the bicycle for which issued, and kept visible and clean at all times.
Unsafe bicycles. No bicycle shall be registered which is in an unsafe mechanical condition.
Record. A duplicate registration slip shall be filed with the police department Clerk as a public record. In the event of theft or loss of an identification tag, a duplicate tag shall be issued for a fee as set forth in the most current Village Board fee schedule resolution.
Period of validity. All bicycle registrations shall be issued for a period of 12 months and shall expire on December 31 each year.
Owner's responsibility. The licensing authority shall not register any bicycle which it knows or has reasonable grounds to believe is not owned by or lawfully in the possession of the applicant.
Change of ownership. All bicycles must be registered within 10 days of purchase. Within 10 days after any bicycle registered is sold or transferred to a new owner or dismantled and taken out of operation, the person in whose name the bicycle is registered shall report such information to the Village police department. The Village police department shall thereupon cancel the registration of the bicycle, and the new owner, if any, shall be responsible for obtaining a new registration. In the case of dismantling or taking out of operation, the owner shall return the identification tag to the Village police department.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(4); Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
The identification tag issued under this article shall be affixed to the registered bicycle so as to be plainly seen and read and shall remain so affixed until ordered removed by the Village police department for cause, or until the expiration of the registration. In the case of theft or loss, a replacement tag shall be issued upon payment of a fee as set forth in the most current Village Board fee schedule resolution.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(5); Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
Any nonresident may operate a bicycle which is duly registered in any municipality without obtaining local registration if a valid identification tag is attached thereto.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(6); Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
Removal. No person shall remove an identification tag from a bicycle during the period for which the tag is issued except upon a transfer of ownership or when the bicycle is dismantled and no longer operated upon any highway within the Village.
Alteration. No person shall alter or counterfeit any identification tag.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(7); Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
All abandoned or unidentified bicycles shall be delivered to the Village police department for storage, and all such bicycles remaining in the hands of the police department at the end of any year shall be sold at auction.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(8); Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014]
No person operating a bicycle upon any highway, bicycle path or bicycle way within the Village shall fail to observe all applicable traffic regulations of the municipality and W.S.A., § 346.77 et seq. or to comply with the following regulations:
Carrying extra passengers. Bicycle operators shall not use a bicycle, except a tandem, to carry another person, provided a bicycle operator may carry a child securely attached to his person in a back pack or sling and may carry another person on a bicycle if it is equipped with a child's seat securely attached to and properly designed for use on a bicycle.
Stunt or trick riding. No person operating or pedaling a bicycle shall participate in any trick or stunt riding or racing on any highway within the Village unless such race or contest is held pursuant to permission granted by the authority having jurisdiction over the highway.
Towing with bicycle. No person riding or operating a bicycle shall tow, drag or cause to be drawn behind the bicycle, any person on roller skates, coaster sled, or any other type of conveyance not designed to be towed by a bicycle.
Obedience to traffic control devices. Any person operating a bicycle shall obey the instruction of official traffic control devices applicable to vehicles unless otherwise directed by a law enforcement officer.
Stopping, turning and signaling. Stopping, turning and signaling shall be performed as follows:
Signal required. No bicycle operator shall suddenly stop, slow down, or turn without giving an arm signal required by state law for the operation of motor vehicles.
Prohibited turns. Whenever a uniform traffic control device is erected indicating that no right or left turn, or U-turn is permitted, no person operating a bicycle shall disobey the direction of such device, except after dismounting from the bicycle to make such turn, in which event the person shall then obey the regulations, ordinances and laws applicable to pedestrians.
Right turns. Every person operating a bicycle intending to turn to the right at an intersection, alley or driveway shall approach the turning point in the line of traffic nearest the right-hand curb of the street.
Left turns. Every person operating a bicycle intending to turn left at an intersection or to enter an alley or driveway shall approach the point of turning in the line of traffic nearest to the center of the roadway and shall pass to the left of the center of the intersection before turning, unless otherwise directed by official traffic control devices. At intersections where traffic is moving in the opposite direction, if it is not safe for the operator to make a left turn, he shall stay in the right-hand lane and drive to the opposite corner, dismount and walk the bicycle to the left-hand corner and proceed. A bicycle operator may also make a left turn by driving to the opposite corner and then turning left and driving in a normal driving position.
Use of crosswalks. Crosswalks shall be used when walking a bicycle through an intersection.
Speed. No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under existing conditions or in excess of any posted speed limit.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(9); Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014]
No person shall park any bicycle against windows or in the main traveled portion of any sidewalk or highway, nor in such manner as to constitute a hazard to pedestrians, traffic or property. If there is no bicycle rack or other facility intended to be used for the parking of bicycles in the vicinity, the operator may park a bicycle on the sidewalk in an upright position parallel to and within 24 inches of the curb.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(11); Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014]
No person shall rent or offer to rent any bicycle within the Village which is not registered and to which an identification has not been attached, as provided in § 82-258, or which is not equipped as required by the laws of the state and this article.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(15); Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014]
Any offender under the age of 14 years may be dealt with in accordance with § 82-31.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(13); Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014]
The parent of any child and the guardian of any ward shall not authorize or permit any child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this article.
[Code 1966, § 4.25(16); Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014]
The Chief of Police may establish a bicycle safety bureau in the Village police department for the purpose of promoting and teaching traffic safety to violators of this article and any other individuals who desire to attend. The scheduling of the bureau and the rules, regulations and curriculum may be established by the Chief of Police, subject to approval of the Village Board.
[Code 1966, § 4.30; Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014]
No person shall operate a motor-driven or power-driven vehicle not licensed by the state, including, but not limited to, those vehicles commonly known as minibikes:
On the property of another without his consent.
Between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. within 500 feet of a dwelling.
On the shoulders or in the drainage ditches of a public street or highway.
In excess of 25 mph.
With more than one passenger.
Without protective headgear.
Within the established right-of-way of a public street or highway.
Who is under 12 years of age.
So as to race the engine or otherwise cause unnecessary or unusual noise which annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, health, peace or safety of others.
On any property which is owned by the Village, or under its control without the permission of the Village Board or its designee.
[Code 1966, § 4.31; Ord. No. 888, § 1, 12-16-2014]
No person shall ride, push or travel upon a skateboard, roller skis or similar device on any sidewalk, alley or pedestrian way in any business or industrial zoned district of the Village.
[Ord. No. 814, § I, 9-16-2008; Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
Use of neighborhood electric vehicles shall be permitted on all Village streets and county trunk highways posted at or below the speed limit of 35 miles per hour. Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes, operation shall not be permitted on any Village state trunk highways. Exceptions to state trunk highway operation shall be permitted as follows:
To cross State Trunk Highway 83 (North and South Rochester Streets) as it intersects with Henry Street, Lake Street, Franklin Street, Pearl Avenue, County Highway LO, Lincoln Avenue and MacArthur Drive.
Any person operating such NEV shall cross this connecting highway in the shortest distance possible.
Requirements of operation of neighborhood electric vehicles will be pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes previously adopted by ordinance within this section. Neighborhood electric vehicles shall:
Be operated by a valid driver in this state or other state (properly licensed by the department of transportation).
Be properly registered as required by Wisconsin State Statutes.
Shall be operated in full compliance of all State of Wisconsin traffic laws and motor vehicle equipment laws, specifically inclusive of riding within said vehicle and in designated seating positions.
Shall not be operated on Village of Mukwonago sidewalks or multiuse trails.
Shall not be operated on any off-road areas within the Village of Mukwonago including, but not limited to, all parks.
Shall not be operated on the private property of another person without permission from said property owner.
Shall be subject to all parking regulations promulgated in this section.
[Ord. No. 814, § II, 9-16-2008; Ord. No. 888, § I, 12-16-2014]
Any person who violates any subsection of § 82-272 shall be issued the appropriate uniform traffic citation or shall be issued an ordinance violation citation. Said deposit [shall be] as set forth in the most current Village Board bail bond resolution.