[Code 1966, § 23.15(1); amended 2-16-2022 by Ord. No. 1004]
A wastewater discharge permit is required under this division if a person's discharge into the utility wastewater works has any of the following characteristics:
A CBOD greater than 300 mg/l.
A suspended solids concentration greater than 300 mg/l.
A TKN concentration greater than 45 mg/l.
A total phosphorus concentration greater than 7 mg/l.
A volume of 10,000 gallons per day or greater is discharged by any user at one or more points of discharge.
Any of the characteristics listed under § 86-257.
Any such persons planning to discharge, changing the characteristics of their discharge or whose discharge permit has expired shall make application to the Utility Director within 60 days prior to the discharge. All persons currently discharging shall make application to the Utility Director within 60 days after passage of the ordinance from which this section is derived and must have an executed permit within 60 days of application to discharge or discontinue discharging. A discharge permit will be required for each separate point of discharge into the utility wastewater works. No person shall discharge waste or wastewater into the utility wastewater works without a wastewater discharge permit, if required by this section.
[Code 1966, § 23.15(2); amended 2-16-2022 by Ord. No. 1004]
Users seeking a wastewater discharge permit shall complete and file with the Utility Director an application on the form prescribed by the Utility Director. In support of this application, the user shall submit the following information:
Name, address and standard industrial classification number of the applicant.
Average daily volume of wastewater to be discharged.
Wastewater constituents and characteristics as determined by a method approved by the Utility Director.
Time and duration of discharge.
Average and peak wastewater flow rates, including daily, monthly and seasonal variations, if any.
Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans and details to show all sewers and appurtenances by size, location and elevation.
Description of activities, facilities and plant processes on the premises including all materials and types of materials which are, or could be, discharged.
Each product produced by type, amount and rate of production.
Number and type of employees, and hours of work.
Any other information as may be deemed by the Utility Director to be necessary to evaluate the permit application.
The Utility Director will evaluate the data furnished by the user and may require additional information. After evaluation and acceptance of the data furnished, the Utility Director may issue a wastewater discharge permit, subject to terms and conditions provided in this division.
[Code 1966, § 23.15(3); amended 2-16-2022 by Ord. No. 1004]
Wastewater discharge permits shall be expressly subject to all provisions of this article and all other regulations, user charges and fees established by the approving authority. The conditions of wastewater discharge permits shall be uniformly enforced by the Utility Director in accordance with this article, and applicable state and federal regulations. Permit conditions will include the following:
The residential equivalency charge, sewer use charge and schedule for surcharge fees for the wastewater to be discharged to the wastewater works.
The average and maximum wastewater constituents and characteristics.
Limits on rate and time of discharge or requirements for flow regulations and equalization.
Local limits, if applicable to the permittee.
Requirements for installation of control manholes, monitoring station metering and sampling facilities, station maintenance and repairs, and reporting.
Pretreatment requirements.
Requirements for maintaining plant records relating to wastewater discharges as specified by the Utility Director, and affording the Village access thereto.
Average and maximum pollutant concentrations and total daily average and maximum pollutant discharges for all pollutants, subject to limitations and prohibitions which are present in the user's wastewater discharge permit, shall, before issuance of the permit, enter into a contractual agreement with the utility. The contractual agreement shall contain the conditions set forth in the discharge permit, and other items deemed necessary by the approving authority.
All persons required to make application for a wastewater discharge permit shall, before issuance of the permit, enter into a contractual agreement with the utility. The contractual agreement shall contain the conditions set forth in the discharge permit and other items deemed necessary by the approving authority.
Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the Utility Director to ensure compliance with this article.
[Code 1966, § 23.15(4); amended 2-16-2022 by Ord. No. 1004]
A permit shall be issued for one year and shall be automatically renewed on a year-to-year basis thereafter, unless the person is notified by the Utility Director within 60 days prior to the expiration of the permit or any renewal thereof. After such notification by the Utility Director, the permit shall expire on the end of that year. The terms and conditions of the permit shall be subject to modification and change by the Utility Director during the life of the permit, if so required because of any ordinances, statutes, or rules and regulations of the approving authority or any applicable state or federal body. The person shall be informed of any proposed changes in his permit at least 60 days prior to the effective date of change. Any changes or new conditions in the permit shall include a reasonable time schedule for compliance.
[Code 1966, § 23.15(5)]
Wastewater discharge permits are issued to a specific user for a specific operation. A wastewater discharge permit shall not be reassigned or transferred or sold to a new owner, new user, different premises, or a new or changed operation.
[Code 1966, § 23.15(6)]
Any user who violates any of the conditions of his permit contractual agreement or this article, or of applicable state and federal regulations, is subject to having his permit revoked.
[Ord. No. 844, § II, 5-17-2011; amended 2-16-2022 by Ord. No. 1004]
Permit. No person in the business of gathering and disposing of holding tank wastewater and septic tank waste shall transfer such material into any portion of the wastewater facilities unless a permit for disposal has first been obtained from the Village Utility Director or his/her designated approving authority. An annual permit shall be required for disposal of holding tank wastewater. An annual permit shall be required for disposal of septic tank waste. Written application for such permit shall be made to the Village (annually before September 1) in the year prior to disposal. The Village will make a determination by October 1. The application shall state the name and address of the applicant, the number of its disposal units and the make, model and license number of each unit. Permits shall be nontransferable, except in the case of replacement of the disposal unit for which a permit shall have been originally issued. A permit may be obtained on an annual basis upon payment of a fee as specified in the most current Village Board resolution. The Village Utility Director or his/her designated approving authority may impose additional conditions as is deemed necessary on any permit granted. The Village may require sampling and testing of waste at the waste hauler's expense. These discharges to the wastewater facilities shall be invoiced to the waste hauler by the Village at the approved rates. An annual permit fee will be charged to each waste hauler. The permit fee must be paid prior to hauling to the WWTF. The amount of the permit fee shall be in accordance with the current Sewer Rate Study.
Waste hauler licensing. Only waste haulers licensed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will be permitted to dispose of waste. All permitted waste haulers shall conform with the rules and regulations regarding business licensure and operator certifications stated in Chapters NR 113 and NR 114 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
Allowable waste. Holding tank wastewater and septic tank waste are limited solely to the contents of domestic wastewater holding tanks and septic tanks.
Charges. Charges for disposal shall be as determined by the Village. Bills shall be mailed on a monthly basis and payment payable within 30 days thereof. The charges shall be in accordance with the current Sewer Rate Study.
Insurance; indemnification of Village. Any person or party disposing of hauled holding tank wastewater and septic tank waste shall carry public liability insurance in an amount not less than $100,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate to protect any and all persons or property from injury and/or damage caused in any way or manner by an act or the failure to act by any of his employees. The person shall furnish a certificate, in a form acceptable to the Village, certifying such insurance to be in full force and effect. Any person disposing of such waste shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Village from any and all liability, claims, damages or costs arising out of or resulting from such disposal.
Disposal limited to wastewater treatment system. All disposal shall be performed at the receiving station provided at the wastewater treatment plant site. No discharge will be allowed at remote manholes in the wastewater collection system.
Restrictions on materials discharged to treatment system. All materials disposed of into the treatment system shall be of domestic origin or compatible pollutants only, and such person shall agree that he/she will comply with the provisions of any and all applicable ordinances of the Village and shall not deposit or drain any septage, gasoline, oil, acid, alkali, grease, rags, waste, volatile or inflammable liquids or other deleterious substances into the receiving station or allow any earth, sand or other solid material to pass into the receiving station.
Acceptance of holding tank wastewater and septic tank waste. Acceptance of holding tank wastewater and septic tank waste under this article shall be subject to:
Discharge of the material at the receiving station during normal business hours.
Existing treatment capacity. If treatment capacity is unavailable, receiving station capacity is unavailable, the WWTF has operational problems or maintenance problems, or the threat of WPDES permit violation that is indirectly or directly related to hauled waste disposal prevent handling of hauled waste, the Village Utility Director or his/her designated approving authority may refuse acceptance of such waste.
Failure to comply with ordinance. Failure of the permittee, his agents, or employees to comply with this ordinance shall be cause for suspension or revocation of the discharge permit, forfeiture of access card. and penalties as set forth in § 86-170.
Failure to pay hauled waste billings under this article. The Village WWTF staff will maintain a seniority listing of haulers discharging to the treatment facility. The Village has established the following methodology for receiving septage and holding tank wastes at the WWTF from haulers who have failed to pay invoices:
Tier 1 waste hauler: includes haulers who fail to pay invoices within 30 days of issuance. Haulers will be suspended from hauling waste to the WWTF for one month.
Tier 2 waste hauler: includes haulers who fail to pay invoices a second time. The hauler will be suspended from hauling waste to the WWTF for two months and will lose all seniority.
Tier 3 waste hauler: includes haulers who fail to pay invoices a third time. The hauler will be banned from hauling waste to the WWTF indefinitely.
Refusal of hauled waste. If the WWTF has to cut back on hauled waste received, the lowest-seniority haulers (haulers with shortest time discharging to the WWTF) will be the first haulers banned from discharging waste to the WWTF. If a further cutback in hauled waste is still necessary, the next-lowest-seniority haulers will be banned from discharging.
Accepting additional hauled waste. If the WWTF can increase the daily volume of hauled waste, the WWTF will have discretion to accept a Tier 2 hauler or an entirely new hauler.