[Ord. No. 2017-63]
As authorized by N.J.S.A. 15:8-4, each company of the department may provide for the appointment of certain of its members to perform certain police duties at fires and fire drills, for a term of office not exceeding five years from the date of the appointment. The appointed members shall, before entering upon their duties, qualify by:
Successfully completing a basic fire police training course formulated or approved by the New Jersey Division of Fire Safety.
Taking and subscribing an oath that they will justly, impartially and faithfully discharge their duties according to the best of their ability and understanding. The oath shall be administered by the municipal clerk and subscribed to in duplicate. The original copy of the oath shall be filed with the municipal clerk and a copy thereof filed with the secretary of the fire company making the appointment and with the director of emergency and safety services.
After appointment, a qualified member shall be eligible as a fire police officer and shall have full power and authority to act as a fire police officer in Mercer County or other county in which the fire police officer may be called upon to act.
[Ord. No. 2017-63]
The chief shall appoint a captain of the fire police. The captain shall hold the position for the term of one year and until a successor is appointed.
[Ord. No. 2017-63]
The fire police shall be under the direct command of the captain of the fire police, subject to the supervision and control of the fire chief, deputy chief, assistant chief or other superior officer.
It shall be the duty of a member of the fire police to perform police duties under the supervision of the fire department officer in charge of the fire or fire drill, until the arrival of a duly authorized police officer, who shall assume responsibility for the supervision of the performance of traffic duties, preservation of evidence and all other law enforcement duties.
The duties of said fire police subject to the supervision aforesaid shall be to:
Protect property and contents.
Establish and maintain fire lines.
Perform such traffic duties as necessary, from the fire station to and at the vicinity of the fire, fire drill or other emergency call, until the arrival of a duly authorized police officer, or in place of police officers at the request of the police department or direction of the fire officer in charge; or at any public event where fire police services may be requested to protect the public, subject to the approval of and supervision by the Princeton chief of police or the chief law enforcement officer of the municipality in which the public event takes place.
Nothing in this section shall give the fire police the right to supersede a duly authorized police officer.
Nothing in this section shall diminish the powers of the chief or other superior officer of any volunteer fire company in the exercise of their duties pursuant N.J.S.A. 40A:8-54.1.
[Ord. No. 2017-63]
If any person shall unreasonably refuse to obey the orders of the fire police, a fire police officer may arrest the person and keep the person under arrest until the fire is extinguished or the drill completed. If the offender is found guilty by a municipal court or superior court, the offender shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $200 and costs.