Off-street parking and truck loading spaces shall be provided and kept available as an accessory use to all permitted and special exception uses of buildings, structures and lots in amounts not less than those specified in this article.
The requirement for a single use (e.g., a single-family dwelling or a retail store) shall be determined directly from the schedule of such requirements which is a part of this article.
The requirement for a combination use made up of several component uses (e.g., a bowling alley combined with an auditorium; a restaurant and bar; or a retail store combined with an office building) shall be determined by establishing the requirement for each component use from the schedule of such requirements which is a part of this article and adding them together.
When the required number of spaces is determined to result in a fraction, it shall be increased to the next highest whole number.
If the use is not specifically listed in the schedule of such requirements, the requirement shall be the same as for the most similar listed use.
A garage or carport may be used to meet the requirements of this article. A driveway may only be used to meet the requirements of this article where it serves a single- or two-family dwelling.
Uses which require approval pursuant to the special exception use procedure set forth in Article VII may be required to provide off-street parking spaces in excess of the requirements of this article, as is indicated in Article VII.
[Amended 3-3-2016 by L.L. No. 3-2016]
Schedule of Off-street Parking Space Requirements for Residential Uses.
(number of spaces)
Single-family and two-family dwelling
2 per dwelling unit
Multiple dwelling
1.5 per dwelling unit
Residential membership club or fraternity
1 per residence unit, plus 1 per each 2 employees on the premises at one time
Schedule of Off-street Parking Space Requirements for Nonresidential Uses.
Land Use
Banking facilities with a drive-through
1 space per 155 square feet
1 space per 4 seats in the sanctuary as a place of worship and does not include other potential ancillary uses
Convenience stores
Fixed number of 12 spaces
Convenience stores with gas stations
Sufficient spaces for vehicles filling up at each fuel pump; 12 spaces away from the pumps for gas stations with walk-in convenience stores; 2 added spaces per garage bay; and added spaces for fast-food operations with seating areas for patrons eating in
Day cares
1 space per 4.5 enrolled children
Donut, coffee, bagel shops with a drive-through
Fixed number of 25 spaces for shops with 1,500 square feet to 4,500 square feet
Donut, coffee, bagel shops without a drive-through
Fixed number of 35 spaces for shops with 1,500 square feet to 4,000 square feet
Family restaurants, menu
1 space per 2 seats or 1 space per 50 square feet
Family restaurants, menu board
1 space per 2 seats, up to a maximum of 80 spaces or less than 8,000 square feet: 1 space per 80 square feet
Fast-food restaurants with a drive-through
1 space per 120 square feet, up to a maximum of 32 spaces
Fitness centers, adult
1 space per 140 square feet
Fitness centers, community
Less than 50,000 square feet: 1 space per 400 square feet
Greater than 50,000 square feet: 1 space per 667 square feet
Funeral homes
1 space per 50 square feet
Home improvement stores
50,000 square feet to 130,000 square feet: fixed number of 200 spaces
Home occupation
2 for the first 150 square feet of area given over to this component of the land use, plus 1 for each additional 150 square feet or fraction thereof, but in no case less than 2 spaces
Hospital, medical care facility
1 per bed, plus 1 per each 2 employees on the premises at one time
1 space per 0.8 rentable hotel guest room
Industrial facilities
1 space per 1.11 peak shift employees or 1 space per 600 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater
Marina facilities
0.7 space per boat slip
Motor vehicle repair, truck or vehicle center
Sufficient parking spaces for all vehicles stored or being serviced at any one period of time, plus a minimum of 5 additional spaces
Office buildings, general
1 space per 200 square feet for the first 20,000 square feet, plus 1 space per 450 square feet for any additional square footage over 20,000 square feet
Office, medical/dental
1 space per 270 gross floor area
Office parks
1 space per 400 square feet
Pharmacies with a drive-through
1 space per 300 square feet or a maximum of 30 spaces up to 15,000 square feet
1 space per 200 square feet
Senior housing, continuing care, retirement communities
1 space per 2 residents
Senior housing, nursing homes
1 space per 1.5 residents
Senior housing, senior citizen residential communities
1 space per 1.7 residents
Senior housing, senior living and care facilities
1 space per 2.3 residents
Shopping centers
1 space per 200 square feet
Less than 30,000 square feet: 1 space per 200 square feet
30,000 to 60,000 square feet: 150 spaces plus 1 space per 300 square feet
60,000 to 90,000 square feet: 250 spaces plus 1 space per 400 square feet
Greater than 90,000 square feet: 325 spaces plus 1 space per 500 square feet
1 space per 200 square feet
All uses at a location shall be considered when calculating the required number of spaces for any location. A primary use shall be identified for the base amount and additional amounts added for each use. Any change or addition in use shall require a recalculation of the amount of parking spaces required.
These schedules are the minimum required; the Planning Board may determine based upon the individual project that additional spaces are required. If the applicant demonstrates to the Planning Board during the site plan approval process that the initial needs for parking are less than that which is required, the Planning Board may permit such limited parking only if adequate space is reserved to implement such required parking at full development or at any future time. Such reserved space shall be noted on the site plan. In addition the stormwater design shall be based upon the entire parking area requirement.
Every building or structure or lot used for nonresidential purposes shall be provided with off-street truck loading spaces in accordance with the following schedule:
Floor Area
(square feet)
(number of spaces)
Under 25,000
25,000 to 39,999
40,000 or more
Additional spaces as determined to be needed by the Planning Board in its review of the plot plan for the proposed use
[Amended 3-3-2016 by L.L. No. 3-2016]
Not more than two parking spaces per dwelling unit may be rented to persons living off the premises in the case of a single- or two-family dwelling use; and not more than one parking space per each two dwelling units may be rented to persons living off the premises in the case of any other residence use.
In other than an AR2 district, one commercial motorized vehicle may be housed or parked on a property per dwelling unit, provided that there is sufficient space, and that such vehicle shall not exceed a gross motor vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or 24 feet in length.
Parking garages, public parking areas, filling stations and repair garages may have separate or combined entrances and exits.
Every separate entrance or exit driveway shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 10 feet. Every combined entrance and exit driveway shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet. Parking areas with 20 spaces or more shall have at least two separate ten-foot driveways.
The intersection of an exit or combined exit and entrance driveway of a public parking area with the public street shall have the same corner clearance as prescribed for intersecting streets in § 130-31.
Private driveway.
[Added 3-3-2016 by L.L. No. 3-2016]
All private driveways must comply with this section.
Driveways must comply with Town of Wheatland Design Standards - Private Driveway.
Where the driveway is greater than 150 feet in length, it shall be not less than 12 feet in unobstructed width with 13.5 feet in vertical clearance: vehicle turnarounds shall be provided for unobstructed access for emergency vehicles near any buildings.
Where the driveway is greater than 300 feet, it shall be provided with:
A post, four-inch steel or four-inch-by-four-inch pressure-treated wood embedded to below frost depth at the driveway entrance one foot from roadway row to facilitate laying of large-diameter supply hose.
At the end of the driveway hammerhead tees or turnarounds and/or driveway turnouts, at locations and constructed so as to support emergency response equipment.
Along the driveway turnouts every 400 to 500 feet constructed so as to support emergency response equipment.
The design shall be approved.
Where the driveway serves two or more buildings or driveways, a hammerhead tee will be required.
Driveways shall have a grade not to exceed 10%.
Driveways shall support a minimum of 35 tons.
Turns shall have a minimum turning radius to allow for the largest piece of firefighting apparatus in use at the time of application.
Driveways, private access roads and fire access roads must comply with the current New York State Fire Prevention Code.
Fire lanes. Dimension, design, location, quantity, signage and stenciling of fire lanes shall be as required by the Town of Wheatland Fire Marshal and/or Building Inspector. The Planning Board may consider this as part of a site plan review.
[Added 3-3-2016 by L.L. No. 3-2016]
Parking in fire lanes prohibited. No person shall stop, stand or park in any public or private area designated and posted as a fire lane according to regulations prepared by the Town of Wheatland Fire Marshal and/or Building Inspector establishing the width necessary to permit access and operation of firefighting equipment and personnel and the egress of occupants and the appropriate markings designating the fire lane. Police, emergency and fire personnel may park vehicles in such areas in the performance of their official duties.
[Added 3-3-2016 by L.L. No. 3-2016]
Compatibility with use district. Any driveway, exit, access road, private road or roadway constructed within the Town of Wheatland must be compatible with and for a permitted use for the district in which it is constructed.
[Added 3-3-2016 by L.L. No. 3-2016]
Permits required. Any driveway, exit, access road, private road or roadway, other than for agricultural use, is required to obtain a permit from the Town of Wheatland. Such permit may be part of a subdivision or site plan.
[Added 3-3-2016 by L.L. No. 3-2016]
All accessory off-street parking and truck loading areas shall be located in accordance with the provisions of § 130-23.
The physical improvements of off-street parking and truck loading areas shall include:
Curbs, paving, sidewalks and drainage facilities complying with the standards established in municipal ordinances, regulations or specifications.
Adequate lighting in public parking areas to assure the general safety and convenience of the public.
Appropriate screening for the protection of adjacent properties, particularly along district boundary lines, as provided in § 130-27.
The owner of property used for parking and/or loading shall maintain such area in good condition without holes and free of all dust, trash and other debris. This is a continuing obligation of the property owner.
In all parking areas of more than five vehicles, parking shall be so distributed as to serve the individual units or businesses. Parking lots shall be kept small and in other ways broken up into smaller units through provision of islands and plantings as may be required by the Planning Board. Parking spaces shall not run continuous more than 10 adjacent spaces.
All aisles within parking areas shall have a minimum width of 24 feet when the parking spaces are at a ninety-degree angle with the aisle; 18 feet when the parking spaces are at 60º; and 12 feet when the parking spaces are at 45º.
Aisles and turning areas shall have adequate radii to assure ease of mobility, ample clearance and convenient access and egress.
Center-line gradients of aisles shall not exceed 8%.
Accessory off-street parking areas shall be marked off into parking spaces with a minimum width of nine feet and a minimum length of 18 feet; or, in the case of parking spaces for trucks or special equipment, parking spaces of a minimum size to be determined by the municipality based on the nature of the parked vehicles.
An accessory off-street truck loading space shall have a minimum width of 12 feet, a minimum length of 25 feet and a minimum clear height of 14 feet. The related aisle shall have the same minimum clear height.
Existing buildings and uses are exempt. The provisions of this article shall not apply to any building or structure or lot lawfully in use at the effective date of this chapter, whether continued as a permitted use or as a legal nonconforming use or thereafter converted or changed without enlargement to a different lawful use having the same parking and truck loading requirements.
Within an established municipal parking district where the municipality has, as a matter of public policy, taken the responsibility for providing adequate off-street parking facilities for all uses in the district, the off-street parking space requirements stipulated in this article shall be automatically waived.
The Board of Appeals, subject to the applicable provisions of § 130-66D(5), may waive the requirements, in whole or in part, for the off-street parking or truck loading spaces stipulated in this article.
[Amended 8-7-1980]