[Ord. No. 2015-20 § 10B-97]
The Princeton Council shall, at least every 10 years, provide for a general reexamination of the Master Plan and development regulations by the Planning Board, which shall prepare and adopt by resolution a report on the findings of such reexamination. The Board shall send a copy of the report and resolution to the Princeton Council and the county planning board and a notice that the required resolution have been prepared to the clerk of each adjoining municipality. The ten-year period shall commence with the submission of the preceding Planning Board report.
[Ord. No. 2015-20 § 10B-98]
The report of the Planning Board shall state:
The major problems and objectives, if any, relating to land development in the municipality and region at the time of the preceding report.
The extent to which such problems and objectives have been reduced or have increased subsequent to such date.
The extent to which there have been significant changes in the assumptions, policies and objectives forming the basis for the Master Plan or development regulations as last revised, with particular regard to the density and distribution of population and land uses, housing conditions, circulation, conservation of natural resources, energy conservation, and changes in state, county and municipal policies and objectives.
The specific changes, if any, recommended for such plan or regulations, including underlying objectives, policies and standards, or the decision as to whether a new plan or regulations should be prepared.