[Ord. No. 94-19, § 2.]
A continuing care retirement community (CCRC) approvable as a conditional use must be age restricted as set forth in the definition of a CCRC (section T10B-241), must include independent living units in a single-family, two-family, or multifamily structure, and assisted living units and nursing care units. The CCRC shall also include facilities and arrangements for providing continuing care and meals for residents, with or without common dining facilities, and may include accessory services customarily incidental to a continuing care retirement community. For purposes of this subdivision:
An INDEPENDENT LIVING UNIT - Is a dwelling unit in a continuing care retirement community which is unrestricted except as to an age requirement for occupancy.
An ASSISTED LIVING UNIT - Is a unit in an assisted living facility which is licensed by the New Jersey State Department of Health to provide housing and congregate dining and to assure that assisted living services are available when needed to adult persons unrelated to the proprietor. Such units shall offer, at a minimum, one unfurnished room, a private bathroom, a kitchenette and a lockable door on the unit entrance. "Assisted living" is a level of care between nursing care and independent living and includes a coordinated array of supportive personal and health services, available 24 hours per day, to residents who have been assessed to need these services. Assisted living is intended to promote resident self-direction and participation in decisions that emphasize independence, individuality, privacy, dignity and homelike surroundings.
NURSING-CARE UNITS - Are beds in a nursing facility that is licensed by the New Jersey State Department of Health to provide health care under medical supervision and continuous nursing care for 24 or more consecutive hours to patients who do not require the degree of care and treatment which a hospital provides and who, because of their physical or mental condition, require continuous nursing care and services above the level of room and board.
SINGLE-FAMILY STRUCTURES and TWO-FAMILY STRUCTURES - Shall have the meaning ascribed to them in section T10B-191(a) and (b).
A MULTIFAMILY STRUCTURE - Is a building containing two or more dwelling units, with each unit sharing with other unit or units, one or more vertical or horizontal common walls and with each unit having its own separate entrance which may either be an exterior entrance or an entrance from an interior hallway or common area.
To qualify for conditional use approval, the applicant must demonstrate that the continuing care retirement community has received or will be eligible to receive a Certificate of Authority from the State of New Jersey, Department of Community Affairs, pursuant to the Continuing Care Retirement Community Regulation and Financial Disclosure Act (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-330, et seq.).
In its review of whether a site is appropriate for a continuing care retirement community, the board of jurisdiction shall attempt to achieve the following:
The integration of the proposed CCRC with the existing development and existing land uses adjacent to the site;
Assurances that the adjacent streets can efficiently and safely accommodate the traffic to be generated by the proposed CCRC without producing an unacceptable level of service;
The availability of public transportation or provision of transportation at the site; and
Convenient access or means of access to shopping and needed services, including health care services.
Section T10B-321 shall not apply to an application seeking conditional use approval for a continuing care retirement community.
The only provisions of the chapter which shall be interpreted as conditions of the conditional use are subsections (a) and (b) of this section and section T10B-272.21.
[Ord. No. 94-19, § 2.]
The maximum number of independent living units in a continuing care retirement community shall not exceed the lesser of: 240 units or five dwelling units per acre.
The combined number of assisted living units and nursing care units in a continuing care retirement community shall not be less than 25% nor more than 40% of the total number of independent living units.
[Ord. No. 94-19, § 2.]
The following accessory structures and uses shall be permitted in a continuing care retirement community: indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, physical therapy facilities, entertainment facilities, libraries, food preparation facilities, dining facilities, linen service facilities, nursing services, housekeeping services, security facilities, administrative offices, staff facilities, storage and maintenance facilities, chapels, temporary guest lodging facilities, parking facilities, barber shop and beauty parlors, facilities for the sale of sundries, personal articles, newspapers, food and similar convenience products to the residents and such other uses as are customarily associated with and subordinate to the principal permitted uses. Except as may otherwise be authorized, all accessory facilities, functions and services shall be for the use and benefit of the residents of the facility.
[Ord. No. 94-19, § 2.]
The following bulk regulations shall be required for the tract on which a continuing care retirement community is to be located:
Minimum tract size: 40 acres;
Minimum proposed developable area (an area not within required setbacks, and 95% of which is not within steep slopes, stream corridors, wetlands, or flood hazard areas): 25 contiguous compact acres;
Minimum tract width: 800 feet;
Minimum front, rear, and side yard;
Building setback: 100 feet;
Parking setback: 75 feet;
Maximum impervious coverage: 40%;
Maximum lot coverage: 30%;
Screening of the perimeter of the tract: 40 feet;
Perimeter screen buffers shall be installed in accordance with section T10B-304.
[Ord. No. 94-19, § 2.]
No residential unit shall be large than 2,000 square feet, no more than 10% of the units shall be larger than 1,500 square feet, and no more than 40% of the units shall be larger than 1,250 square feet. For purposes of this section, the square footage size of the unit shall be the interior living space within the unit.
The maximum number of independent living units in single-family and two-family structures in a continuing care retirement community shall not exceed 18% of the total number of independent living units.
No principal or accessory structure shall have a height greater than 45 feet (not to exceed three stories).
In the application of the following provisions, section T10B-191.3 shall be applicable.
Single-family structures shall have the lot area, dimensions, and yard setback requirements set forth in section T10B-192.1(a).
Two-family structure shall have the lot area, dimensions, and yard setback requirements set forth in section T10B-192.1(b).
Each multifamily structure shall conform to the requirements set forth in section T10B-272.9(g)(4)a to d.
The arrangement of buildings shall conform to the requirements set forth in section T10B-193(a), (b), and (d).
[Ord. No. 94-19, § 2.]
No more than the number of off-street parking required to meet the needs of the residents, employees and guests shall be allowed. The applicant shall submit a parking study prepared by an expert to justify its need for the proposed number of spaces. The applicant's proposed number shall not exceed the number produced by applying the following standards for determining the number of required parking spaces:
Independent living units: 1.4 per dwelling unit;
Assisted living units: 0.35 per dwelling unit;
Nursing beds: 0.35 per bed;
Staff positions: 1.0 per staff member on maximum shift; and
Visitors: 5% of otherwise required total.
The additional requirements of section T10B-291.1 shall apply.