[Ord. No. 2002-8, § 1; Ord. No. 2014-43 § 3]
The following uses shall be permitted as conditional uses in the R-2AH zone:
Existing structures or those expanded in accordance with section T10B-272.66(a) herein below may be used for offices, meetings, educational seminars, classrooms, accessory storage, environmental display areas and other community activities related to environmental education, land preservation and education purposes.
[Ord. No. 2002-8, § 2; Ord. No. 2014-43 § 3]
The following conditions shall apply to lots or structures which are devoted to environmental education land preservation or educational uses permitted as a conditional use pursuant to section T10B-272.65 hereinabove:
The footprint of existing structures within the R-2AH zone which are proposed to be used for environmental education, land preservation or educational purposes may be expanded by not greater than 10% of the structures existing footprint. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to prohibit the conversion and upgrade of existing uninhabitable building areas within said structures to habitable building areas.
Maximum tract size shall be not greater than three and five-tenths acres.
Minimum building setback line from any lot line shall be 16 feet.
Minimum adjacent preserved open space shall be a minimum of 50 acres.
Minimum frontage along one side of preserved open space shall be 260 feet.
Environmental education or land preservation offices must occupy at least 45% of the total habitable area of the structure.
Parking space requirement: two spaces for every 1,000 square feet of occupied space within the structure.