[R.O. 2004 § 500.020; Ord. No. 03, 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 25 § 2(71.010), 10-20-2003; Ord. No. 37 § 1, 8-9-2004; Ord. No. 460, 2-22-2021]
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to it by this Section:
Wherever the term "chief appointing authority" is used, it shall be construed to mean the Mayor of the City of Duquesne.
Wherever the term "local governing body" is used, it shall be construed to mean the Board of Aldermen.
Wherever the term "name of jurisdiction" or "local governing body" is used, it shall be construed to mean the "City of Duquesne, Missouri."
Wherever the phrase "code official" appears it shall be understood to mean the City Code Enforcement Officer or the appropriate Building, Plumbing, or Electrical Inspector.
Wherever a fine or imprisonment is imposed, the punishment shall be as provided in Section 100.220 of the Duquesne City Code.
Wherever the Code specifies a period of time within which a person must respond or comply with an order of the Code Official, that period of time shall be thirty (30) days.
Building Board Of Appeals.
There is hereby established a Building Board of Appeals for the City of Duquesne.
The Board shall consist of five (5) members appointed for terms of two (2) years by the Mayor with the approval of the Board of Aldermen.
Members of the Board shall be knowledgeable and/or experienced in building construction.
The Building Board of Appeals shall perform all duties provided for such board in the International Building Code, 2018 Edition, adopted by the City of Duquesne, Missouri, and such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Aldermen which are not inconsistent with the scope and purpose of the Building Board of Appeals.
[R.O. 2004 § 500.030; Ord. No. 03, 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 25 § 2(71.020), 10-20-2003; Ord. No. 460, 2-22-2021]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter or any of the technical codes adopted in this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in Section 100.220 of the Duquesne City Code. Each day such violation is combined or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder.
[R.O. 2004 § 500.040; Ord. No. 03, 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 25 § 2(71.030), 10-20-2003; Ord. No. 460, 2-22-2021]
Violations. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any provision of this Chapter or the codes herein adopted, or adopted by the preceding Section, or the City Codes. In the event of conflict between codes, the City Codes shall assume precedence.
Notice. The Building Inspector shall serve a notice of violation or order on the person responsible for the installation, alteration, repair or removal of any work in violation of the provisions of this Chapter or in violation of a detailed statement or a plan approved thereunder, or a violation of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this Chapter; and such order shall direct the continuance of the illegal action or condition and the abatement of the violation.
Prosecution. If the notice of violation is not complied with promptly, the Building Inspector shall request the attorney for the City to institute the appropriate proceeding at law or in equity to restrain, correct or abate such violation or to require the removal or termination of the unlawful use of the building or structure in violation of the provisions of this Chapter or of the order or direction made pursuant thereto.
Violation Penalties. Any person who shall violate a provision of this Chapter or any of the technical codes adopted in this Chapter or who shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall alter, repair or remove any work in violation of an approved plan or directive of the Building Inspector or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this Code, shall be guilty of a violation of this Chapter, punishable as provided in Section 100.220 of the Duquesne City Code. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
Abatement. The imposition of the penalties prescribed in this Chapter shall not preclude the attorney for the City from instituting appropriate action to prevent unlawful work or to restrain, correct or abate a violation, or to prevent illegal occupancy of a building, structure or premises or to stop any illegal act, conduct, business or use of a building or structure in or about any premises.
[R.O. 2004 § 500.050; Ord. No. 03, 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 25 § 2(71.040), 10-20-2003]
The Building Inspector shall perform inspections as follows:
Regular inspections shall be performed in fourteen (14) phases as follows:
Site plan review.
Existing foundation/slab.
Temporary electric.
Plumbing rough-in.
Electrical rough-in.
HVAC rough-in.
Electrical service.
Final inspection (completion of project).
Additional inspections shall be performed as deemed necessary by the Building Inspector.
Fewer inspections may be required if deemed appropriate by the Building Inspector.
Failure of any phase to pass inspection shall result in a reinspection fee assessment.
The owner or contractor performing the work shall notify City Hall to request inspection at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, excluding weekends and holidays. Any site not ready for inspection after request has been made shall be subject to a reinspection fee.
A certificate of occupancy shall be issued once final inspection is complete and must be obtained prior to occupancy of any new construction.
[R.O. 2004 § 500.060; Ord. No. 03, 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 25 § 2(71.050), 10-20-2003; Ord. No. 105 § 1, 6-4-2008; Ord. No. 132 § 1; 8-10-2009; Ord. No. 249 § 1, 11-10-2014]
Fees For Structures With Residential Uses. Unless otherwise determined by the Building Inspector as provided in Subsection (F) of this Section, there shall be an application fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for construction or remodeling of structures with residential uses, plus forty dollars ($40.00) for each required inspection(s) as determined by the Building Inspector, or a fee based on the valuation calculation described in Subsection (B), whichever is greater.
Valuation calculation shall be as follows:
Living space: forty-five dollars ($45.00) per square foot.
Garage: twenty dollars ($20.00) per square foot.
Basement: twenty dollars ($20.00) per square foot.
Four dollars ($4.00) shall be assessed for the first five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) of valuation, and two dollars ($2.00) shall be assessed for each additional one-thousand-dollar increment.
Fees For Unattached Accessory Buildings On Residential Properties. Unless otherwise determined by the Building Inspector as provided in Subsection (F) of this Section, there shall be an application fee assessed per square footage as follows, plus forty dollars ($40.00) for each required inspection(s) as determined by the Building Inspector.
[Ord. No. 455, 12-14-2020]
Square Footage
120 and below
Location Fee: $25.00
Over 120
Permit Fee: $50.00
Fees For Structures With Commercial, Business, Or Mercantile Uses. Unless otherwise determined by the Building Inspector as provided in Subsection (F) of this Section, there shall be a permit fee for remodeling or repairing existing commercial use buildings of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) for each trade that requires an inspection listed in Section 500.050, plus sixty dollars ($60.00) for each required inspection, except that if seven (7) or more trades are required, a five hundred dollar ($500.00) flat fee, plus a fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) for each inspection, will be required. A minimum application fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for new construction of structures with commercial, business, or mercantile uses, plus sixty dollars ($60.00) for each required inspection(s) as determined by Building Inspector, or a fee based on the valuation calculation described in Subsection (E), whichever is greater.
[Ord. No. 455, 12-14-2020]
Valuation calculation shall be as follows:
Office space/sales area: forty-five dollars ($45.00) per square foot.
Warehouse/storage area: five dollars ($5.00) per square foot.
Four dollars ($4.00) shall be assessed for the first five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) of valuation, and fifty cents ($0.50) shall be assessed for each additional one-thousand-dollar increment.
Fees For Structures Determined By The Building Inspector To Require Special Inspections. Whenever the Building Inspector determines that the construction or remodeling of a structure, whether because of the number of inspections required or because of the size, intended use or other exceptional feature of the structure or its intended use, requires inspection fees different than those herein above set forth in Subsections (A) through (D), the Building Inspector shall notify the applicant in writing of the need for a written agreement which sets forth an alternative method of calculating the inspection fees required for the particular structure or structures. The method of calculating the inspection fees shall consider, but shall not be limited to, the following factors: (a) the number of inspections anticipated; (b) the time required for the inspections; and (c) any unusual or special requirements to conduct the inspections. When the Building Inspector has notified the applicant in writing of a need for such an agreement, no building permit shall issue until the applicant has agreed in writing to the inspection fees set forth in said agreement, and, additionally, the Board of Aldermen has approved the agreement.
Reimbursement Of City's Actual Expenses. In addition to all other fees set forth in this Section, any person issued a building permit shall be responsible for reimbursing the City for any actual expenses incurred by the City which are necessary to the City's administration of the building permit and/or building project. Such fees may include, but are not limited to, engineering and other associated fees incurred by the City in connection with the City's review of site plans, stormwater control plans and other necessary expenses reasonably incurred by the City. The City Clerk shall provide notification in writing to the holder of the building permit within ten (10) days of the City's receipt of any such expense incurred by the City unless, for good cause, a longer period for such notification is necessary. Such notification shall be reasonably detailed. No occupancy permit shall be issued until all such fees have either been paid or, alternatively, satisfactory arrangements have been made for payment.
Deposit Required For Commercial Construction. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for commercial or industrial construction, including multifamily, commercial or industrial property on any lot in zoning districts "R-3," "R-4," "C-1," "C-2" and "M-1," the applicant shall deposit the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) with the City Clerk to reimburse engineering and related expenses as described in Subsection (F), above, which are anticipated to be incurred by the City; provided, however, such deposit shall be increased during construction on certification by the City Clerk that the City has or will incur engineering expenses greater than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), to the extent necessary to assure that the City is reimbursed for actual expenses incurred by the City; provided, further, within thirty (30) days of the completion of the building and issuance of an occupancy permit, any deposited funds exceeding actual expenses shall be refunded to the applicant.
Land Use Permits — Fees. Land use permits required by Section 404.114, Preliminary Site Plan Review, and/or Section 404.115, Site Plan Review, or any other provision of this Code, are subject to the same fees, deposits and application and reimbursement requirements that are required of applicants for building permits under this Section, including Subsections (A) through (I) of this Section.
[Ord. No. 360 § 1, 4-20-2018; Ord. No. 380, 9-10-2018]
Special Use Permits — Fees. Special use permits required by Section 404.135 are subject to an application filing fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and are also subject to the same deposit and reimbursement requirements, when requested by the City, that are required of applicants for building permits under this Section, including Subsections (A) through (K) of this Section.
[Ord. No. 380, 9-10-2018]
Building Application. It shall be required that the applicant completes the application packet to include, but not be restricted to, application, site plan, list of all contractors and subcontractors, Jasper County Health Department permit for septic system or other approved permit, and application fee.
Right-Of-Way Inspections — Fees. There shall be an inspection fee of forty dollars ($40.00) for each inspection by the Building Inspector for residential work conducted in the right-of-way and an inspection fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) for each inspection by the Building Inspector for commercial work conducted in the right-of-way; provided, there shall be a cap of two hundred forty dollars ($240.00) per block for work in the right-of-way. This fee shall be calculated by address.
[Ord. No. 423, 2-10-2020]
No person, firm or corporation shall erect a sign or sign structure of any kind without a permit issued by the City of Duquesne upon payment of a permit fee of fifty dollars ($ 50.00) for any sign, plus sixty dollars ($60.00) for each inspection required. This fee shall be in lieu of the standard building permit fee.
[Ord. No. 425, 3-5-2020]
No person, firm or corporation shall erect any public parking area without a permit issued by the City of Duquesne upon payment of a permit fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) for first ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) in building costs (material and labor), with an additional two dollars ($2.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in building costs, plus sixty dollars ($60.00) for each inspection required. This fee shall be in lieu of the standard building permit fee, and applies only to public parking areas located in zoning districts "C-1," "C-2," or "M-1."
[Ord. No. 429, 3-26-2020; Ord. No. 452, 11-9-2020]
[R.O. 2004 § 500.070; Ord. No. 03, 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 25 § 2(71.100), 10-20-2003; Ord. No. 86 § 1, 6-11-2007; Ord. No. 205 § 1, 11-19-2012; Ord. No. 460, 2-22-2021]
Adopted. The provisions, except as modified in this Chapter, of the 2018 Edition of the International Building Code, one (1) copy of which has been on file in the office of the City Clerk for at least ninety (90) days prior to the adoption of said code, and one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby incorporated in this Chapter and made a part hereof as fully as though set forth herein, and are hereby adopted as the official Building Code of the City, with the supplements and amendments set forth in this Chapter.
Amendments. The Building Code adopted by Subsection (A) of this Section is hereby amended, altered and changed in the following respects:
Section 101.4.6 is deleted in its entirety.
Section 105.2 delete item 2 in its entirety.
Section 105.2 amend item 12 to add, "Unless awning includes electrical, which will require the proper permits and inspections."
Section 310 is deleted in its entirety and revised to read: Residential occupancies shall include the following:
"R-1" Single-Family District.
"R-2" Two-Family District.
"R-3" Multi-Family Residential District.
"R-4" Planned Unit Development District.
Section 903.2.8 is amended by removing "shall" and inserting "may."
Section 1404.11 is amended by adding the following paragraph: Material commonly known as "corrugated sheet steel," "strong barn," etc., will not be permitted to be used as an exterior finish on any commercial or residential building. It shall also not be permitted or allowed as roofing material on any type of building or structure.
Section 1405.1.1 is amended by adding the following paragraph: Material commonly known as "corrugated sheet steel," "strong barn," etc., will not be permitted to be used as an exterior finish on any commercial or residential building. It shall also not be permitted or allowed as roofing material on any type building or structure.
Section 1608.2 is amended to provide that thirty (30) pounds per square foot, non-reduced snow load be utilized in determining the design snow loads for roofs, in no case, shall the design roof snow load by less than thirty (30) pounds per square foot.
Section 1612.3 Insert: [City of Duquesne].
Section 1612.3 Insert: [November 2, 2012].
Section 1809.4 is amended to read, "The minimum depth of footings below the undisturbed ground surface shall be twenty-four (24) inches. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 1809.5 shall be satisfied. The minimum width of footings shall be sixteen (16) inches."
Section 1809.5 is amended by adding the following paragraph to the existing Section.
The depth of footings for frost protection shall be thirty (30) inches from finish grade to bottom of footing.
Accessory — residential or commercial storage type buildings with approved treated skids or "portable" type for moving from one (1) location to another are exempt from the footing requirements if under two hundred (200) square feet, but shall be required to be anchored or tied down in an approved manner to prevent possible overturning from a ninety (90) mph wind.
Section 3109.4 is amended by adding the following paragraph:
Locations: Private swimming pools shall not encroach on any front or side yard required by the basic code, abridged code or the governing zoning law. No wall of a swimming pool shall be located less than six (6) feet from any rear property line, nor less than ten (10) feet from any side property line, nor less than twenty-five (25) feet from a side corner lot line along any street property line.
[R.O. 2004 § 500.080; Ord. No. 03, 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 25 § 2(71.200), 10-20-2003; Ord. No. 205 § 2, 11-19-2012; Ord. No. 460, 2-22-2021]
Adopted. The provisions, except as modified in this Chapter, of the 2017 Edition of the National Electrical Code for wiring and apparatus as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association, one ( 1) copy of which has been on file in the office of the City Clerk for at least ninety ( 90) days prior to the adoption of said code, and one ( 1) copy of which is on file in the office, of the City Clerk, are hereby incorporated in this Chapter and made a part hereof as fully as though set forth herein, and are hereby adopted as the official Electrical Code of the City, with the supplements and amendments set forth in this Chapter.
[R.O. 2004 § 500.090; Ord. No. 03, 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 25 § 2(71.300), 10-20-2003; Ord. No. 86 § 1, 6-11-2007; Ord. No. 205 § 3, 11-19-2012; Ord. No. 460, 2-22-2021; Ord. No. 460, 2-22-2021]
The provisions, except as modified in this Chapter, of the 2018 Edition of the International Plumbing Code, one (1) copy of which has been on file in the office of the City Clerk for at least ninety (90) days prior to the adoption of said code, and one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby incorporated in this Chapter and made a part hereof as fully as though set forth herein, and are hereby adopted as the official Plumbing Code of the City, with the supplements and amendments set forth in this Chapter.
Amendments. The Plumbing Code adopted by Subsection (A) of this Section is hereby amended, altered and changed in the following respects:
Section 106.6.3 Fee Refunds paragraphs numbered 2 and 3 are hereby deleted from the Plumbing Code.
Section 108.5 of the Plumbing Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
108.5 Stop Work Orders: Any person who shall continue any plumbing work in or about the structure after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as he/she is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe conditions, shall be subject to punishment as provided in Section 100.220 of the Duquesne City Code.
Section 305.4 of the Plumbing Code is hereby amended as follows:
305.4 Freezing: Water, soil and waste pipes shall not be installed outside of a building, in attics or crawl spaces, concealed in outside walls, or in any other place subjected to freezing temperatures unless adequate provision is made to protect such pipes from freezing by insulation or heat, or both. Exterior water supply system piping shall be installed not less than six (6) inches below the frost line and not less than thirty (30) inches below grade.
Section 305.4.1 Sewer depth. Building sewers shall be installed not less than twenty-four (24) inches below grade.
Section 701.2 of the Plumbing Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 701.2 Sewer required: See Section 700.020 et seq., of the Duquesne City Code pertaining to availability of sanitary sewer.
Section 714.1 Delete in its entirety.
Section 903.1 Insert: [24 inches].
[R.O. 2004 § 500.100; Ord. No. 03, 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 25 § 2(71.400), 10-20-2003; Ord. No. 86 § 1, 6-11-2007; Ord. No. 205 § 4, 11-19-2012; Ord. No. 460, 2-22-2021]
The provisions, except as modified in this Chapter, of the 2018 Edition of the International Mechanical Code, one (1) copy of which has been on file in the office of the City Clerk for at least ninety (90) days prior to the adoption of said code, and one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby incorporated in this Chapter and made a part hereof as fully as though set forth herein, and are hereby adopted as the official Mechanical Code of the City, with the supplements and amendments set forth in this Chapter.
Amendments. The Mechanical Code adopted by Subsection (A) of this Section is hereby amended, altered and changed in the following respects:
Section 106.5.3 Fee refunds paragraphs numbered 2 and 3 are hereby deleted from the Mechanical Code.
Section 108.5 of the Mechanical Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
108.5 Stop Work Orders: Any person who shall continue any mechanical work in or about the structure after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as he/she is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe conditions, shall be subject to punishment as provided in Section 100.220 of Duquesne City Code.
[R.O. 2004 § 500.110; Ord. No. 03, 8-19-2002; Ord. No. 23 § 4, 8-25-2003; Ord. No. 25 § 2(71.500), 10-20-2003; Ord. No. 86 § 1, 6-11-2007; Ord. No. 205 § 5, 11-19-2012; Ord. No. 460, 2-22-2021]
The provisions, except as modified in this Chapter, of the 2018 Edition of the International Residential Code for one- and two- family dwellings, including Appendix A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, N, 0, P, Q, and T, as supplemented and amended, one ( 1) copy of which has been on file in the office of the City Clerk for at least ninety ( 90) days prior to the adoption of said code, and one ( 1) copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby incorporated in this Chapter and made a part hereof as fully as though set forth herein, and are hereby adopted as the official Residential Code of the City, with the supplements and amendments set forth in this Chapter.
Amendments. The Residential Code adopted by Subsection (A) of this Section is hereby amended, altered and changed in the following respects:
R104.11 is amended by adding the following paragraph to the existing Section:
The alternative method commonly known as "pole barn" or "laminated pole" type structures shall be limited to commercial builds and accessory buildings only and not for residential dwellings units.
R105.2 Delete item 1 in its entirety.
R105.2 Delete item 2 in its entirety.
R105.2 Delete item 5 in its entirety.
R105.2 Amend item 9 to add, "Unless awning includes electrical, which will require the proper permits and inspections."
Table R301.2(1) Insert: [30psf Ground Snow Load, 90mph Wind Speed, NO Topographic Effects, NO Special Wind Region, NO Windborne Debris Zone, A Seismic Design Category, Severe Weathering, 30" Frost Line Depth, Moderate to Heavy Termite, 9 degrees F Winter Design Temp, YES Ice Barrier Underlayment Required, December 12, 2012 NFIP, November 2, 2012 Flood Insurance Study, 29097C1ND0C, 2909C0278E, 29097C0279E, 29097C0283E, 29097C0287E, 29097C0295E FIRM's, 500 Air Freezing Index, 55 degrees F Mean Annual Temp].
R313.2 Change wording to read "Sprinklers may be installed in "R-1" dwellings, sprinklers shall be installed for "R-2" and "R-3" dwellings."
[Ord. No. 461, 3-8-2021]
R403.1.1 Add wording, all footings for residential construction are to be a minimum of sixteen (16) inches in width and eighteen (18) inches in thickness.
R404.1.2.1 Add wording, "Regardless of the height of unbalanced backfill referenced in the tables, every masonry foundation shall have a minimum of one (1) #4 reinforcing bar a maximum of every four (4) foot center that is securely anchored in the supporting footing under the wall. The block cells that contain the reinforcing steel and the anchor bolts shall be filled with concrete. If the tables require more than this minimum, then the requirements of the tables shall apply."
R802.11 Roof tie-down. Is amended to read by adding the following paragraph: "all trusses and rafters shall be fastened to the supporting wall assembly by mechanical connections capable of providing the resistance required in Table R602.3(1) item # 6. In no case shall the connections be made by solely toe-nailing."
Chapter 11 Energy Efficiency is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the Chapter 11 provisions of the 2006 International Residential Code. Exception: The insulation requirement for floors shall not be required.
P2603.5.1 Insert [24 inches] in both locations.
P2717.1 Amend to read "A dishwasher air gap device shall not be required."
P2903.5 Amend to read "A water-hammer arrestor shall not be required."
E3406.11.1 Amend to read "Splices shall be permitted within surface-mounted raceways that have a removable cover, subject to fill requirements."
E3608 Shall be amended by adding the following paragraph at the beginning: "The primary grounding electrode for all new construction shall be a concrete-encased electrode as defined by Section E3608.1.2."
[R.O. 2004 § 500.112; Ord. No. 86 § 2, 6-11-2007; Ord. No. 205 § 6, 11-19-2012; Ord. No. 461, 3-8-2021]
The provisions, except as modified in this Chapter, of the International Fire Code (2018), including Appendix B, C, D, E, and F as supplemented and amended, one (1) copy of which has been on file in the office of the City Clerk for at least ninety (90) days prior to the adoption of said code, and one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby incorporated in this Chapter and made a part hereof as fully as though set forth herein, and are hereby adopted as the official Fire Code of the City, with the supplements and amendments set forth in this Chapter.
[R.O. 2004 § 500.114; Ord. No. 86 § 3, 6-11-2007]
In order to ensure the safety of customers, employees, neighbors and citizens of the City of Duquesne and to ensure compliance with the International Fire Code (2018):
[Ord. No. 205 § 7, 11-19-2012; Ord. No. 521, 11-13-2023]
No business license required by Title VI, Business and Occupation, Chapter 605, Business Licenses and Regulations, shall be granted or renewed unless and until the applicant for such license presents proof that the place of business, if physically located in the City of Duquesne, for which the license applies, except single-family and two-family to four-family private residences, has successfully completed a fire inspection in accordance with the International Fire Code (2018); and
No building permit required by Title V, Building and Construction, Chapter 500, Building Regulations, Article II, Adoption of Building Codes, shall be issued for any person to construct, erect, remodel, repair or otherwise do any work upon any building or structure in the City, except single-family and two-family to four-family private residences, unless the applicant for such permit shall have first provided a copy of the plans and specifications or blueprints for such construction to the Duenweg Volunteer Fire Department and said plans have been approved by the Duenweg Volunteer Fire Department.
The holder of any business license issued under Title VI, Business and Occupation, Chapter 605, Business Licenses and Regulations, who shall fail a fire inspection conducted by the Duenweg Volunteer Fire District and who fails to correct all such deficiencies within thirty (30) days or such longer period as the Duenweg Volunteer Fire District may allow, shall have such business license revoked; provided, however, the holder of such license shall be notified in writing of such revocation, the reasons for such revocation and, if requested, that the person holding such license shall have an opportunity to appeal such revocation to the Board of Aldermen at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Duquesne, Missouri.
[Ord. No. 424, 2-10-2020]
Definitions. For purposes of this Section, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future tense, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. All capitalized terms used in the definition of any other term shall have their meaning as otherwise defined in this Section. The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory, and "may" is permissive. The terms "standards," "regulations," and "requirements" indicate specific items that the applicant or property owner must comply with. Compliance with standards, regulations, and requirements is mandatory. Words not defined shall be given their common and ordinary meanings.
For the purposes of building regulations: a structure not less than one hundred twenty-eight (128) square feet and not to exceed nine hundred (900) square feet and not exceeding two (2) stories in height. Intended for use as a permanent, single-family residence. Structure must be connected to public utilities (electric, water, and sewer). A manufactured home, mobile home or travel-trailer unit as defined in Section 430.290 is not considered a small house.
General Provisions. The City of Duquesne finds and declares the International Code Council (ICC) announced in 2016 that a small-house-specific index will be part of the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC), which will allow people to receive a certificate of occupancy for their tiny house when built to meet the provisions of the adopted code. The City at the time of this amendment has not yet adopted the 2018 IRC.
The City of Duquesne further finds and declares that:
Permitted Uses.
Any use permitted in a single-family "R-1" district. Should a use consist of construction of a standard home, then the structure must meet all setback requirements of a single-family residential district and lot requirements.
Minimum Requirements. The following are minimum requirements for small houses' construction and placement:
Height: Maximum structure height two (2) stories or thirty (30) feet.
Living Space: Maximum square footage, including all floors nine hundred (900). Minimum square footage, including all floors one hundred twenty-eight (128).
Foundation: Must be frost-proof concrete slab, crawl space or basement.
Anchor: House must be anchored to withstand minimum ninety (90) mile per hour wind load.
Roof: Must be pitch-roof construction of metal roofing or composite shingles.
Building code: House must meet current City-adopted building code, utilizing minimum standard building materials unless constructed and sealed as HUD certified. Storage buildings converted to small houses are not accepted. Units must have characteristics of a typical home.
New: Small houses not built on site must be a new (current year) and not previously lived in.
Building permits: Building permits and inspections are required for site work, foundations and houses built off-site (if not HUD) certified.
Parking: Off-street automobile and vehicular parking and loading areas shall be provided in accordance with Section 404.030.
Minimum Room Area, Space, and Ceiling Height Requirements. The aggregate area of the rooms and spaces, and ceiling heights within, shall meet the minimum code requirements listed below except that the design may include combined use of spaces in an economical or efficient manner, provided the design complies with the requirements listed below for an efficiency living unit and the occupancy is limited to two (2) or three (3) occupants depending on the floor area provided.
Minimum Living Room Area. Every dwelling unit shall have at least one (1) habitable room that shall have not less than one hundred twenty (120) square feet of gross floor area. (Reference IRC R304.1)
Bedrooms(s). Bedrooms shall not be less than seven (7) feet in any horizontal dimension and shall have a floor area of not less than seventy (70) square feet when occupied by one (1) person, and every bedroom occupied by more than one (1) person shall contain at least fifty (50) square feet of floor area for each occupant thereof. (Reference IRC 304.2 and 304.3)
Kitchen. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a kitchen area, and every kitchen area shall be provided with a sink. Kitchens shall have a minimum area of fifty (50) square feet and have a clear passageway of not less than three (3) feet between counter fronts and appliances or counter fronts and walls. (Reference IRC 306.2)
Other Habitable Rooms. Other habitable rooms shall not be less than seven (7) feet in any horizontal dimension and shall have a floor area of not less than seventy (70) square feet. (Reference IRC Sections 304.2 and 304.3)
Note: A separate dining room is required when the dwelling unit is intended for more than two (2) occupants. For three (3) to five (5) occupants the dining room is required to be a minimum of eighty (80) square feet.
Bathroom. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a partitioned-off bathroom having a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. The water closet and lavatory shall not be set closer than fifteen (15) inches to their center line and any side wall, partition, vanity, tub, or shower or set closer than thirty (30) inches between the center lines of adjacent fixtures. At least twenty-one (21) inches' clearance shall be provided in front of the fixtures except that at least twenty-four (24) inches is required in front of a shower opening. The lavatory shall be located in close proximity to the water closet. The kitchen sink shall not substitute for the lavatory. (Reference IRC Sections R306.1 and R 307.1)
Vertical Egress And Hallways. Vertical egress from habitable levels shall be by a thirty-six-inch-wide stairway having a maximum riser height of eight and one-fourth (8 1/4) inches, minimum tread depth of nine (9) inches, and minimum six (6) feet eight (8) inches' headroom. Winder treads and spiral stairs complying with the IRC are permitted. Ladders are not permitted. Hallways, if provided, shall be not less than thirty-six (36) inches wide. (Reference IRC Section R311.4)
Mechanical Equipment And Appliances. Heat and hot water must be provided. Sufficient space shall be provided for mechanical equipment and hot-water appliances to maintain minimum clearances to combustible materials and provide access for maintenance. A minimum of thirty (30) inches of clearance is required at the front of the appliance for service. (Reference IRC and Plumbing Code requirements along with the manufacturer's installation instructions, depending on type of heating system and hot-water appliance selected)
Electrical Panel. An electrical system connected to a public utility must be provided. Circuit breaker panels shall not be concealed and are not permitted in a bedroom or within bathrooms or clothes closets. A minimum thirty-six-inch-deep-by-thirty-inch-wide, having a minimum six (6) feet six (6) inches headroom, unobstructed clearance area is required in front of electrical panels. Doors cannot open towards a panel. Counters and cabinets cannot be installed under the electrical panel. A communication outlet is required, cabled to the service provider demarcation point.
Ceiling Height. Habitable space (living/dining areas, bedrooms, kitchen area, etc.), hallways, bathrooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms and portions of basements containing these spaces shall have a ceiling height of not less than seven (7) feet.
For rooms with sloped ceilings, at least fifty percent (50%) of the required floor area of the room must have a ceiling height of at least seven (7) feet, and no portion of the required floor area may have a ceiling height of less than five (5) feet. Note: These rooms must be used exclusively for sleeping, study, or similar purposes.
Bathrooms shall have a minimum ceiling height of six (6) feet eight (8) inches at the center of the front clearance area for fixtures as shown in IRC Figure 307.1. The ceiling height above fixtures shall be such that the fixture is capable of being used for its intended purpose. A shower or tub equipped with a showerhead shall have a minimum ceiling height of six (6) feet eight (8) inches above a minimum area thirty (30) inches by thirty (30) inches at the showerhead. (Reference IRC Section 305.1)
Efficiency Living Unit. A unit occupied by not more than two (2) occupants shall have a clear floor area of not less than two hundred twenty (220) square feet and when occupied by three (3) occupants shall have a clear floor area of not less than three hundred twenty (320) square feet. These required areas are exclusive of a kitchen area which shall include a kitchen sink, cooking appliance, and refrigeration facilities (each having a clear working space of thirty (30) inches in front) and a separate bathroom containing a water closet, lavatory, and bathtub or shower.
Note: While no specific minimum floor area is indicated for the kitchen and bathroom, they would increase the above minimum square footages by approximately eighty (80) square feet; thus a unit for one (1) to two (2) occupants would need to have a clear floor area of around three hundred (300) square feet, and a unit for three (3) occupants would need to have a clear floor area of around four hundred (400) square feet. This required clear floor area is exclusive of the space needed for vertical egress on designs having a habitable loft or second level.
Utility Hookups. All plumbing fixtures must be connected ether to a public water system or to an approved private water system (well) and connected to a public sanitary sewer or approved private sewage disposal system such as a septic system. An electrical system connected to a public utility is required. (Reference IRC Section R306 and National Electrical Code)