[Adopted 11-22-2005 by Ord. No. 322]
Contrary to what may be set forth in any other section of the Uniform Construction Code, including Act 92 of 2004, the Uniform Construction Code, as adopted by Newberry Township, York County, Pennsylvania, shall apply to all residential alterations and repairs.
[Amended 11-9-2010 by Ord. No. 364; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Building permits for residential utility and miscellaneous structures shall be governed by the Uniform Construction Code, 34 Pa. Code. § 403.1(b)(3).
Contrary to any other provisions contained in this article, the Township will not regulate residential roof repairs solely consisting of repairing or replacing existing roof coverings.
This article has been provided to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry at least 30 days prior to public hearing and adoption.
If any section of this article shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this article.
Newberry Township Ordinance No. 315, adopted February 8, 2005, is repealed in its entirety.
This article shall be effective 35 days after enactment.