[Ord. No. 77-1, § 2.]
In RB districts, land and buildings may be used only for the purposes set forth in sections B17A-283 through B17A-286.
[Ord. No. 77-1, § 2; Ord. No. 97-16, § I]
The following uses are permitted as of right, subject to the bulk regulations, parking requirements and other regulations set forth or referred to below:
Residential uses.
One-family dwellings.
Two-family dwellings.
Attached dwellings.
Multiple dwellings.
Rooming houses.
Nonresidential uses.
Churches and other places of worship.
Public schools, and private schools not operated for profit.
Parks and playgrounds.
Mixed uses.
Joint occupancy buildings, provided, that:
The residential portion shall have a direct entrance upon a street, either directly or via an unobstructed passage at least 10 feet in width and 15 feet in height.
No floor shall be used for both residential and business use, unless a separate entrance, hallway and stairway provides direct access from the street to each use.
Business uses shall not occupy more than 40% of the aggregate floor area of the building and shall not be located above the ground floor.
Permitted business uses shall be limited to the following:
Retail stores and bakeries, excluding automotive sales or service establishments.
Eating and drinking places.
Barbershops, beauty parlors, tailors, dressmakers and millinery shops, photographic studios, shoe repair, shoeshine and hat cleaning shops, and similar personal service stores dealing directly with consumers.
Studios for dancing and music instruction.
Private vocational and trade schools.
Outlets and pick-up stations for laundries and cleaning establishments.
Radio and television repair, locksmith, watch, clock and jewelry repair, upholstery and furniture repair, and other similar service establishments, furnishing services other than of a personal nature, but not including gasoline filling stations and other automotive services.
Medical and dental offices.
Accessory uses.
Accessory signs, as permitted in division 6, subdivision I, sections B17A-367 through B17A-372 of this chapter.
Accessory parking spaces and other accessory uses, subject to the limitations set forth in R1 districts, section B17A-228; except, that within a dwelling unit other than a one-family dwelling, only one room may be rented for residential purposes, for occupancy by not more than two persons.
Other accessory uses, as defined in section B17A-201.
[Ord. No. 77-1, § 2; Ord. No. 83-25, § 2]
The conditional use regulations in the RB districts are the same as in the RO district, section B17A-271; except, (a) the portion of a residential building converted to nonresidential use shall not exceed more than 40% of the aggregate floor area of the building and shall not be located above the ground floor, and (b) that public buildings are also permitted as a conditional use.
[Ord. No. 77-1, § 2; Ord. No. 83-38, § 3]
All uses permitted under the provisions of sections B17A-284 and B17A-285 shall be subject to the additional use regulations set forth in sections B17A-364, B17A-365, B17A-366, and B17A-373.
[Ord. No. 77-1, § 2]
The bulk regulations for uses permitted as of right and for conditional uses in RB districts are the same as the bulk regulations in RO districts, set forth in subdivision I, sections B17A-273 through B17A-276 of this division; except that the bulk regulation for parking garages are not applicable.
[Ord. No. 77-1, § 2]
The off-street parking and loading requirements in RB districts are the same as in RO districts, as set forth in subdivision I, sections B17A-277 through B17A-280 of this division.
[Ord. No. 77-1, § 2; amended 4-12-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-09]
No additional off-street parking or loading berths shall be required for any change of use of an existing structure, or for any expanded or new non-residential use within an existing structure, except that any on-site parking spaces or loading berths already provided shall not be removed or converted for any other purpose without site plan approval and/or the grant of variances associated therewith.