[2000 Code § 2:1-1]
This Article shall be known as the "Borough of Avalon Administrative Code."
The terms and phrases as defined in Chapter 1 of the Code of the Borough of Avalon shall apply to the Administrative Code
For the purpose of the Administrative Code and any other ordinances or resolutions heretofore or hereafter adopted, except as the context may otherwise require. The construction provisions of Chapter 1 of the Code of the Borough of Avalon shall apply.
[2000 Code § 2:1-4]
It is the intent of the Council in enacting the Administrative Code to exercise fully the powers delegated by the Charter to organize and regulate the internal affairs of Borough government. The provisions of this Administrative Code shall be construed liberally to accomplish that objective.
This Administrative Code shall be interpreted and administered so as to maintain the separation of legislative and administrative powers as provided in the Charter.
[2000 Code § 2:2-1; amended 4-8-2020 by Ord. No. 801-2020]
The Council shall hold an annual reorganization meeting during the first week of July of each year to elect a President and a Vice President from among its members to serve for one year. The Council shall then conduct such other business as may come before it.
To be eligible for election to the office of Vice President or President, a member of Council shall have served on Borough Council for a minimum of 12 consecutive months. The President shall have first served as Vice President; and following service as Vice President, the Vice President shall automatically assume the office of President at the next annual reorganization meeting, that is, in July next.
The offices of President and Vice President shall be rotated among the members of Council in such a manner that a Council member shall not hold either office for more than one year during such member's four-year term. The most recently elected or appointed member of Council shall be the last in line of rotation for such offices. When two or more members are elected in the same election, the rotation shall be assigned based on the number of votes cast in such election, with the member receiving the lower vote being assigned the lower seniority, or as Borough Council may otherwise agree.
Borough Council shall retain the right to alter the rotation whenever circumstances, such as illness, temporary disability, resignation, retirement, or other like occurrence, would so require it in order to achieve the described rotation, giving effect to the eligibility requirement established in this section.
[2000 Code § 2:2-2]
Members-elect of the Council shall be notified of all Council meetings to be held between election day and the date of organization, the same as incumbents. They shall be entitled to attend all such meetings and to participate in all pre-meeting conferences without vote.
[2000 Code § 2:2-3]
Legislation. Except as may be otherwise provided by general law, the Council shall exercise the legislative power of the Borough, including the legislative powers of the Board of Health.
Inquiry. The Council may, be majority vote of the whole Council, require any municipal officer to prepare and submit sworn statements regarding the performance of his official duties and may otherwise investigate the conduct of any department, office or agency.
Administration. The Council and individual members thereof shall deal with officers and employees of the Borough only through the Mayor or the Director of the Department. This does not apply to formal inquiries by the Council as specified herein. This provision shall also not apply to communication between the Council and the Borough Attorney or Borough Engineer. Those communications may be direct and without limitation or restriction.
Removals. The Council may, by majority vote of the whole Council and for cause, remove any municipal officer except the Mayor or a Council member, upon notice and an opportunity to be heard in public.
Appointments. On request of the Mayor, the Council shall receive and consider in executive session any nomination for appointment requiring Council advice and consent. Executive sessions shall be held in accordance with N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq. Candidates shall be formally nominated at any regular meeting and may be confirmed or rejected at the same meeting, but in any case no later than the next regular meeting. Multiple appointments to any body shall be confirmed individually.
[2000 Code § 2:2-4]
Public Meetings. All meetings, including pre-meeting conferences, shall be public and held at times and places fixed by the Council, in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.). Exceptions, if any, shall be authorized therein.
Regular Meetings. The Council shall hold its regular meetings and work sessions as per a resolution to be adopted at each yearly reorganizational meeting. This resolution may be amended or modified by subsequent resolutions duly adopted.
Pre-meeting Conferences. The Council may hold pre-meeting conferences in preparation for regular meetings as permitted by law.
Special Meetings. Special meetings of Council may be called by the Mayor, or the President of Council, or the Vice-President in the absence of the President. Such special meetings shall also be called upon written request of a majority of the whole Council. Special meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions and limitations established in the Open Public Meetings Act.
Special Meetings: Declaration of Emergency by Mayor. A special meeting of the Council shall be called whenever the Mayor declares a state of emergency affecting the public health or safety. The call for such meeting may be filed within the Borough Clerk three hours before the meeting. Upon receipt of the notice, the Borough Clerk shall forthwith notify each member and member-elect, make copies of the call available to the press and post at least one copy in a prominent place in the Borough Clerk's office.
[2000 Code § 2:3-1; N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133]
The Council shall appoint a Borough Clerk to serve for a three-year term. The term of the Borough Clerk shall be deemed to have begun as of the actual date upon which a person serving as Borough Clerk is appointed. No person shall be appointed to the office of Borough Clerk unless such person shall hold a registered municipal clerk certificate issued by the State of New Jersey and otherwise possesses the training and qualifications established by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133 et seq. as the same may be hereafter be amended and supplemented.
[2000 Code § 2:3-2]
The Borough Clerk shall be Clerk of the Council and may select subordinate personnel with the advice and consent of the Council to such positions as the Council may authorize and shall:
Act as secretary to the municipal corporation and as custodian of the municipal seal and of all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts, and archival records of the municipal corporation. The governing body may, however, provide by ordinance that any other specific officer shall have custody of any specific other class of records.
Act as secretary to the governing body, prepare meeting agendas at the discretion of the governing body, be present at all meetings of the governing body, keep a journal of the proceedings of every meeting, retain the original copies of all ordinances and resolutions, and record the minutes of every meeting.
Serve as the chief administrative officer in all elections held in the municipality, subject to the requirements of Title 19 of the New Jersey State Statutes.
Serve as chief registrar of voters in the municipality, subject to the requirements of Title 19 of the New Jersey State Statutes.
Serve as the administrative officer responsible for the acceptance of applications for licenses and permits and the issuance of licenses and permits, except where statute or municipal ordinance has delegated that responsibility to some other municipal officer.
Serve as coordinator and records manager responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs as mandated pursuant to Title 47 of the New Jersey State Statutes.
The Borough Clerk shall compile and index all ordinances and resolutions adopted during the year. At the close of each year, the Borough Clerk shall index and bind the originals of all ordinances and resolutions and preserve them as permanent public records.
The Borough Clerk may also provide for codification of ordinances as directed by the Council and with the assistance of the Municipal Attorney or Legislative Counsel.
Serve as Registrar of Vital Statistics.
Perform such other duties as are now or hereafter imposed by statute, regulation or by municipal ordinance or regulation.
Perform such other duties as the Council may assign and as are prescribed by general law and Charter.
[2000 Code § 2:303; New]
The Borough Council may appoint a qualified individual to the position of Deputy Borough Clerk for an initial term of three years and for subsequent terms of three years. The Deputy Borough Clerk shall, in the absence of the Borough Clerk, be authorized to perform all of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the Borough Clerk. The Deputy Borough Clerk shall perform such further and additional duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
The administrative branch shall consist of the following:
Office of the Mayor.
Department of Administration.
Department of Law.
[Deleted by Ord. No. 767-2018]
Department of Public Safety.
Department of Public Works and Public Utilities.
Department of Revenue and Finance.
[2000 Code § 2:4-1; Ord. No. 767-2018]
Agencies; Boards; Commissions. The following independent or quasi-independent agencies and advisory boards and commissions shall be assigned to the Department of Administration.
Environmental Commission.
[2000 Code § 2:4-1.1]
[2000 Code § 2:4-2; N.J.S.A. 40:59A-40 and 40:69A-43; New; amended 6-22-2022 by Ord. No. 845-2022]
The Mayor may approve the organization and reorganization of departments, divisions, officers, boards, and agencies either on his own initiative or on recommendation of the head thereof or on recommendation of the Business Administrator and subject to available appropriations, provided that any plan calling for changes in the number of departments, divisions or in personnel strength or the classification and pay of employees shall be submitted to the Council at least 14 days prior to a regular meeting. Borough Council may waive such time requirement. The Council may, by way of resolution at the next regular meeting, approve or reject the plan or return it for revision.
[2000 Code § 2:4-3]
Appointment and Term. The Mayor shall appoint the directors of all departments with the advice and consent of the Council, to serve during his term and until appointment and qualification of their successors.
Removal. The Mayor, in his discretion, may remove any department head after giving him notice and an opportunity to be heard. Prior to removing the department head, the Mayor shall file a written notice of his intention with the Council and such removal shall become effective on the 20th day after filing of the notice unless the Council prior thereto adopts a resolution by a 2/3 vote of the whole membership of the Council disapproving the removal.
Powers and Duties. The Director:
Shall appoint subordinate officers and employees within his department and may, with the approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees.
Shall plan and supervise the work of the department.
Shall assign and may modify the functions and duties of subordinates.
May delegate to subordinate employees, in writing, such supervisory powers as he may deem necessary for efficient administration.
Shall report at least monthly to the Mayor and Council on the work of his department in such form as the Mayor and Council shall specify.
Shall authorize all purchase requisitions or provide for their authorization and shall certify the correctness and property of all payrolls and vouchers or provide the certification.
Shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Mayor and/or Council.
Other Employees. Each department, office and agency shall have such employees as the Council may authorize. Employees shall be appointed and may be removed pursuant to Charter, statute, and the Borough's personnel rules and shall be paid in accordance with the annual Salary Ordinance.
[2000 Code § 2:5-1]
The executive power of the Borough shall be exercised by the Mayor pursuant to this Code and general law.
[2000 Code § 2:5-2]
The Mayor, elected as provided by the Charter for four years beginning July 1, 1979, and quadrennially thereafter, shall be paid an annual salary as provided for in the Salary Ordinance in the same manner as all other officers and employees.
[2000 Code § 2:5-3]
The Mayor shall be the Chief Executive of the Borough and shall:
Enforce the Charter and ordinances and all applicable general laws of the Borough of Avalon.
Supervise all departments of the Borough government.
Require each department to make an annual report and such other reports of its work as the Mayor may deem desirable.
Submit an annual budget to Council on or before January 15 of each calendar year.
From time to time make such recommendations for action by the Council as the Mayor may deem to be in the public interest.
Report annually, in January, to the Council and to the public on the work of the previous year and the conditions and requirements of the Borough government for the current year.
[Amended 3-24-2021 by Ord. No. 818-2021]
The Mayor shall appoint the Business Administrator and all other department heads, with the advice and consent of the Council. Each department head shall serve during the term of office of the Mayor appointing him and until the appointment and qualification of his successor.
[2000 Code § 2:5-4; 2013 Code § 2-5.4]
The Mayor shall have such further appointing power with the advice and consent of the Council, or otherwise, as is provided by this Code or by general law.
[2000 Code § 2:5-4; 2013 Code § 2-5.4]
The Mayor may in his discretion remove any department head and, subject to any general provisions of law concerning term of office or tenure, any other municipal executive officer who is not a subordinate departmental officer or employee, after notice and an opportunity to be heard. Prior to removal the Mayor shall first file written notice of his intention with the council, and such removal shall become effective on the 20th day after the filing of such notice unless the Council shall prior thereto have adopted a resolution by a two-thirds vote of the whole number of the Council, disapproving the removal.
[N.J.S.A. 40: 69A-43(c); Ord. No. 767-2018 § 5]
The Mayor may, in the exercise of his discretion, and whenever in his judgment the circumstances warrant, appoint any Department or Division Head, or any Assistant Department or Division Head, temporarily or in an "acting" capacity for such term and under such conditions as the Mayor shall deem appropriate. The Mayor may, but shall not be required, to seek Borough Council's endorsement of such temporary appointments. Any person appointed to a position in an "acting capacity" must have all of the required qualifications as well as all licenses and certifications required by law for appointment to such position. No acting appointment shall be made, however, whenever state law expressly prohibits such an appointment.
[Added 3-24-2021 by Ord. No. 818-2021]
[2000 Code § 2:5-5; N.J.S.A. 40:69A-41]
The Mayor may attend meetings of Council and may take part in discussion of Council, but shall not vote except in the case of a tie on the question of filling a vacancy in the Council, in which case the Mayor may cast the deciding vote.
[2000 Code § 2:5-6; N.J.S.A. 40:69A-41]
All ordinances adopted by the Council shall be submitted to the Mayor and he shall, within 10 days of receiving an ordinance, either approve the ordinance by affixing his signature thereto or return it to the Council by delivering it to the Borough Clerk, together with a statement setting forth his objections to the ordinance or to any item or part thereof. No ordinance or any item or part thereof shall take effect without the Mayor's approval, unless the Mayor fails to return the ordinance to the Council within 10 days after it has been presented to him, or unless Council, upon reconsideration thereof on or after the third day following its return by the Mayor, shall, by a vote of 2/3 of the members, resolve to override the Mayor's veto.
[2000 Code § 2:5-7]
The Mayor shall designate the Business Administrator, any department head, or the Borough Clerk to act as Mayor whenever the Mayor shall be prevented, by absence from the Borough, disability, or other cause, from attending to the duties of his office. During such time, the person so designated by the Mayor shall possess all of the rights, powers and duties of the Mayor. Whenever the Mayor has been unable to attend the duties of his office for a period of 60 days for any of the above-stated reasons, an Acting Mayor shall be appointed by the Council, who shall then succeed to all of the rights, powers and duties of the Mayor or the Acting Mayor.
[Ord. No. 767-2018 § 3]
The previously existing position of Public Information Officer who was heretofore appointed by Executive Order or Appointment of the Mayor, and who continues to serve in that position at the adoption of this chapter, is hereby confirmed, ratified, continued in existence and codified as part of the Code of the Borough of Avalon, 2013.
[Ord. No. 767-2018 § 3]
The Office of Public Information shall consist of the Public Information Officer and such other contractor(s), vendors or consultants as may be approved by Mayor and Borough Council.
[Ord. No. 767-2018 § 3]
The Public Information Officer shall hereafter be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council.
The Public Information Officer shall be a Municipal Executive Officer who shall be subject to removal, for cause, by the Mayor pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-43(c) or by Borough Council which retains, pursuant to its Legislative Power, the right to remove any municipal officer for cause pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69a-36(e). In the absence of cause, the person appointed Public Information Officer shall continue to hold office during periods of good behavior and efficiency.
Compensation for the Public Information Officer shall be fixed by Executive Order of the Mayor pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-43a.
The Public Information Officer may hold, concurrently, one or more other positions with the Borough of Avalon with the approval of the Mayor provided that such duties can be performed efficiently and without neglecting the duties of any one office or position. In the event that the Public Information Officer shall be appointed to more than one position concurrently, the compensation for all such positions shall be fixed by the Mayor who may fix one salary for any number of positions held.
Cross reference: See Avalon Code § 5-12.2 (Authority of Mayor to Fix Salaries).
The incumbent Public Information Officer at the time of adoption of Ordinance No. 767-2018 shall continue to hold that Office and shall be deemed to have been confirmed in that Office and shall not be subject to further confirmation. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to any successor to the present incumbent.
The Public Information Officer may perform public information services on behalf of other local governments or agencies thereof with the approval of the Mayor.
[Ord. No. 767-2018 § 3]
The Public Information Officer shall be qualified by education, training and experience to discharge the duties and responsibilities of the position.
[Ord. No. 767-2018 § 3]
The Public Information Officer shall have the duty and responsibility to:
Keep residents and visitors informed on a current and on-going basis of emergency and weather-related issues related to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); the State, County, and Local Offices of Emergency Management; the Borough's Code Red Program (Reverse 9-1-1 Program); National Weather Service;
Provide public information and public relations services for all Borough Departments, the Avalon History Center; the Avalon Public Library; the Avalon Elementary School as requested;
Provide public service announcements of community interest to keep the public fully informed of on-going and upcoming events of community interest;
Maintain the Borough's official website and social media outlets, and publish news of the Borough, including news items pertaining to the Mayor, Borough Council, Borough Departments, the Planning and Zoning Board; the Environmental Commission; and importantly, issues involving public safety, health and welfare; and other similar activities;
Organize all Borough-sponsored internal and external marketing efforts exclusive to the Borough or in partnership with other Borough organizations and entities;
Write and issue all Borough press releases, and prepare all Power Point or similar presentations in behalf of Mayor, Council, or Borough departments;
Maintain and utilize all Borough standard and emergency communication systems, including the reverse 911 emergency alert system contracted by the Borough;
Serve as the media liaison for all emergent and non-emergent communications and messaging to traditional and non-traditional media outlets;
Host any Borough special event functions and activities as directed by Mayor or Borough Council;
Provide or coordinate photography and video services in behalf of the Borough;
Such other duties and responsibilities as may be directed by the Mayor or Borough Council.
[Ord. No. 767-2018 § 3]
[2000 Code § 2:6-1]
The Department of Administration shall be headed by the Business Administrator who shall administer and supervise all Borough administrative functions and enforce all Borough policies.
Qualifications. The Business Administrator shall be a college graduate with previous municipal experience in a responsible administrative or executive capacity. At the time of appointment, he need not be a resident of the Borough of Avalon and during his tenure may reside outside the Borough with Council approval.
[2000 Code § 2:6-2]
Powers and Duties. Under the direction and supervision of the Mayor, the Business Administrator shall:
Supervise and coordinate the administration of all departments, divisions and offices of the Borough government, in accordance with written delegation of authority by the Mayor.
Prescribe and enforce rules for efficient management and operation of the Borough government and for administrative reporting to the Mayor and Council.
Plan and direct the work of the Department of Administration.
Direct the preparation and administration of the annual operating and capital budgets and maintain a continuing review analysis of budget operations, work programs and costs.
Report periodically to the Mayor and Council on administration of the Borough government, including notable efficiencies, economies and savings.
Perform such other duties as the Mayor may prescribe or as may follow the functions prescribed by the Council for the Department of Administration.
[2000 Code § 2:6-2]
Removal of or Failure to Reappoint Business Administrator. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:69A-43 (c), in the event of the removal or failure of reappointment of the Business Administrator, that administrator shall be entitled to a three-months' written notice of the removal or non-reappointment, or if the Mayor determines that the removal shall be immediate, then the Administrator shall be paid any unpaid balance of his salary plus his salary for a maximum of the next three (3) calendar months following the effective date of the Mayor's action unless the removal is for good cause. For the purposes of this subsection, "good cause" shall mean conviction of a crime or offense involving moral turpitude, the violation of the provisions of Sections 17-14, 17-15, 17-16, 17-17, or 17-18 of P.L. 1950, c. 210 (C. 40:69A-163 through 40:69A-167), or the violation of any code of ethics in effect within the municipality.
[N.J.S.A. 40: 69A-43(c); Ord. No. 767-2018 § 4]
[Ord. No. 724-2015 § 1]
Appointment and Term.
The Assistant Business Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor or, in the alternative, by the Business Administrator with the express consent and approval of the Mayor. Such appointment shall be made, or confirmed, by Executive Order of the Mayor and subject to municipal budgetary appropriation. The Assistant Business Administrator may reside outside the Borough at the time of appointment and during the term of appointment.
The Assistant Business Administrator shall serve during the term of the Mayor appointing him/her and until the appointment and qualification of a successor.
The Assistant Business Administrator may be removed from office by the Mayor in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 2-4.3b of this Code.
The Assistant Business Administrator shall have the following qualifications:
S/he shall be a college graduate with previous municipal experience in one or more of the following areas: (a) Setting program or organizational goals and objectives, (b) establishing organizational structure or determining the need for and developing plans for organizational changes, (c) setting policy for the organization or program managed by establishing program emphasis and priorities and developing operating and procedural guidelines, and (d) directing the work of the organization or program through subordinate levels of supervision.
Possess knowledge of the problems involved in the administration of municipal affairs, in the integration and coordination of departmental activities, and all phases of municipal business operation; of management principles, practices, methods and techniques, and of administrative processes.
Have the ability to provide heads of departments and others with needed advice and assistance when required and to see that proper operational procedures are followed and that desired municipal objectives are achieved.
The Assistant Business Administrator shall:
Assist the Business Administrator in the administration of municipal affairs, and in integrating and coordinating activities of the various departments;
Assist the Business Administrator in the preparation and review of the budget.
Act for and in place of the Business Administrator in his absence and perform such other functions, powers, and duties as may be assigned as herein provided.
Assist the Business Administrator in advising the Mayor and Borough Council on matters of policy.
Assist the Business Administrator in advising the Mayor and Borough Council on issues of personnel and administrative organization.
Prepare comprehensive reports to the Mayor, Borough Council and Business Administrator when requested or required to do so.
Supervises or assists in the establishment and maintenance of suitable records and files as requested or required to do so.
Perform such additional duties as directed by the Mayor, Borough Council or Business Administrator.
[2000 Code § 2:6-3; New; Ord. No. 724-2015]
The Department of Administration shall have the following functions:
Assist in the preparation of the budget.
Administer a centralized purchasing system and other central services.
Be responsible for the development and administration of a sound personnel system.
Supervise, subject to the direction of the Mayor, the administration of each of the departments established by ordinance. For this purpose, the Business Administrator shall have power to investigate the organization and operation of any and all departments, and to consult with the heads of the departments under his jurisdiction; provided that with respect to any Department of Law or Department of Revenue and Finance, the authority of the Business Administrator under this section shall extend only to matters of budgeting, personnel and purchasing.
Direct the activities of all divisions within the department.
Administer the public relations and public affairs of the Borough.
Administer all Borough insurance programs.
Oversee generally, to the extent required or permitted by general law, the proper functioning of the independent and quasi-independent boards, agencies and commissions of the Borough.
Perform such other duties Council may prescribe.
[2000 Code § 2:6-4; Ord. No. 724-2015]
The Department of Administration shall be organized pursuant to a plan approved by the Mayor. Such plan shall also be filed with the Borough Clerk as required by § 2-4.2, Organization of Departments.
[2000 Code § 2:7-1—2:7-5; New; Ord. No. 724-2015; Ord. No. 731-2015 § 1; 4-8-2020 by Ord. No. 801-2020; 5-22-2024 by Ord. No. 879-2024]
The following divisions shall be part of the Department of Administration.
Division of Construction Code Enforcement.
Construction Official; appointment.[1] The Division of Construction Code Enforcement is the local enforcing agency ("LEA") in the Borough for all matters pertaining to the State Uniform Construction Code. The LEA shall control all matters concerning construction, alterations, additions, repair, removal, demolition, use, location and occupancy of all buildings and structures and their service equipment, which shall apply to all new and existing buildings and structures. The Construction Official is the chief administrator of the LEA. The Construction Official shall be appointed by the Mayor and with the advice and consent of the Borough Council in accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:27D-126.
In addition to the references to New Jersey Statutes and the New Jersey Administrative Code, see generally "Uniform Construction Code, Construction Official Commentary," issued by the NJ Department of Community Affairs, 2008, revised 2014, as to Subsection a1 through 8.
Construction Official duties. The Construction Official shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
Coordinate the activities of all the personnel assigned to the LEA, including the management of private on-site inspection agencies;
Review permit and certificate applications;
Oversee permit and certificate issuance;
Review violation notices prior to issuance and assign penalties when appropriate;
Communicate with architects, engineers and contractors as well as assist and educate the public;
Deal with complaints from the public regarding construction activities within the Borough;
Establish and enforce LEA policies to assure compliance with the Uniform Construction Code;
Be responsible for budget preparation for the LEA and proper accounting of the annual budget and reporting periodically to the Borough Council regarding the fee schedule, as well as enforcement of Borough policies which affect the LEA;
Perform such other duties as contained in the job description for the position of Construction Official as approved by the Borough, the laws of New Jersey pertaining to the Uniform Construction Code, and the rules and regulations promulgated by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs ("NJDCA") or other agency or department having jurisdiction;
Perform such other duties as may be directed by the Mayor, Borough Council, or the Business Administrator.
Assistant Construction Official. The Borough may appoint an Assistant Construction Official. Any such appointment shall be made by the Mayor and with the advice and consent of the Borough Council in accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:27D-126.
Assistant Construction Official duties. The Assistant Construction Official shall perform such duties as are assigned or delegated by the Construction Official and as generally described in the job description for such position as approved by the Borough. The Assistant Construction Official shall perform the duties of the Construction Official in the absence of the Construction Official or when called upon to do so.
License required. As a requirement for appointment, the Construction Official and the Assistant Construction Official must be licensed as a Construction Official by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
Subcode officials.
There are five subcode official positions in each jurisdiction: Fire Prevention Subcode Official, Electrical Subcode Official, Plumbing Subcode Official, Building Subcode Official, and Elevator Subcode Official. Each subcode official is required to be licensed by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
The Construction Official or Assistant Construction Official may hold one or more of the subcode positions, provided that the Construction Official or Assistant Construction Official must possess the appropriate subcode official license and will be required to possess a technical license of the appropriate level (HHS, ICS, RSC) in a specified discipline (building inspector, electrical inspector, fire protection inspector, plumbing inspector, or elevator inspector).
Technical Assistant and other personnel.
The Borough may appoint one or more individuals to the position of Technical Assistant. Such appointment shall be made by the Mayor with the advice and recommendation of the Construction Official. The Technical Assistant shall provide technical assistance in the issuance of construction permits in order to assure compliance with the provisions of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. In addition, the Mayor, as the appointing authority, may establish positions other than those provided in N.J.A.C. 5:23-5 as are deemed necessary, subject to the right of the Commissioner to establish categories of certification for such positions. The Construction Official or appropriate subcode official shall be responsible for the supervision of such personnel.
The Borough may, in its discretion, employ a mechanical inspector to perform plan review and mechanical inspection, with oversight by a designated subcode official, for Use Group R-3 or R-4 structures. Alternatively, the Construction Official may assign mechanical inspector duties to the Plumbing Subcode Official. Any such appointment shall be made by the Mayor under the general appointment power of the Mayor under the Borough Code.
The Mayor may also appoint inspectors, secretaries and trainees as need and as circumstances may require. All such appointments shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs and/or such other department or agency having jurisdiction.
Identification of personnel. The Borough shall provide the Construction Official, each subcode official and each inspector with personal identification, which includes, at a minimum, the name of the municipality, and the name, title and photograph of the individual, and the identification shall be validated by the Borough.
Bureau of Flood Damage Prevention.
This Bureau shall be directed by the Construction Official, who has, by virtue of such appointment, been designated by the State of New Jersey, Department of Community Affairs, as the Floodplain Administrator, unless another individual with suitable training and experience is appointed to the position. The Bureau may also have a Deputy Floodplain Administrator. In addition, there shall also be appointed a Floodplain Coordinator and a Community Rating System Coordinator (CRS). Each of the foregoing individuals shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Borough Council and shall be qualified by training and experience to discharge the duties of the position. Compensation for these individuals who are non-department heads shall be determined by the Mayor consistent with and subject to the parameters established by this code.
The Deputy Floodplain Administrator shall, when called upon to do so, perform all of the duties of the Floodplain Administrator as well as such other duties as prescribed by law and including those duties described in the job description or as may otherwise be assigned by the Mayor, Borough Council, the Floodplain Administrator or the Business Administrator.
The Floodplain Coordinator shall assist the Floodplain Administrator in administering the Borough's Floodplain management program and shall, among other assigned duties, perform the following duties and responsibilities:
Provide contractors and homeowners with the floodplain development permit application for projects consisting of new construction, additions and house raises.
Review elevation certificates for completeness and correctness.
Attach a completeness and correctness form to each submitted elevation certificate that is to be signed by the Floodplain Manager/Administrator.
Maintain records of all elevation certificates submitted within a year, to be sent to FEMA for review for the Community Rating System (CRS) Program.
Gather all elevation certificates and stormwater management reports for new construction and house raises for the three-year cycle, to be submitted to FEMA for the CRS Program.
Identify repetitive loss properties.
Complete a National Flood Insurance Program (NIFP) Repetitive Loss Update Worksheet to be sent to FEMA to remove the property from the repetitive loss list.
Send out the annual flyer to property owners within the Borough to provide information for flood hazards, how to prepare for flooding, and how to floodproof the property.
Assist contractors and homeowners in identifying in which flood zone the individual property is located.
Assist the Floodplain Administrator and the CRS Coordinator in ongoing efforts to maintain a favorable community rating class under the National Flood Insurance Program and assist in the development, certification and periodic recertification of the Borough's Floodplain Management Plan and such other duties related thereto.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Floodplain Administrator, the Mayor, Borough Council, or the Business Administrator.
CRS Coordinator. This individual has the responsibility to:
Provide guidance to Borough officials in implementing local procedures which are compliant with FEMA guidelines and regulations;
Assemble documents necessary for the Borough to submit as part of a local Floodplain Management Plan;
Advise the Borough on needed ordinance amendments and supplements to conform with FEMA and state requirements;
Assist the Borough which must undergo periodic recertification examinations;
Assist the Borough in obtaining the maximum number of points from FEMA which serve as the basis for the flood rating. (Currently, the Borough has been awarded a Class 3 rating, and the Borough expects to maintain that rating and to improve upon it. The class rating determines the flood insurance premiums paid by homeowners; and the lower the rating, the more reduction in flood insurance premiums.)
The Bureau shall administer and enforce the provisions of Chapter 19, entitled "Flood Damage Prevention," of the Code of the Borough of Avalon and any and all other applicable laws, regulations and ordinances pertaining to flooding and flood damage prevention, except where enforcement has been reserved to and vested in another agency or individual.
Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Borough from using a third-party consultant to serve as either Floodplain Administrator, Deputy Floodplain Administrator, Floodplain Coordinator or CRS Coordinator, provided that such consultant, or an officer or employee of such consultant, is qualified by training and experience to discharge the duties and responsibilities of the Bureau.
Bureau of Licenses and Permits.
[Added 2-8-2023 by Ord. No. 855-2023[2]]
This Bureau shall operate within the Division of Construction Code Enforcement in the Department of Administration and shall be administered under the direction of the Licensing Clerk.
Except as hereinafter specified, the Licensing Clerk shall issue all licenses and permits which are issued by the Borough, including those licenses and permits specified in Chapter 10 of the Avalon Borough Code, except for those which are expressly assigned to the Borough Clerk or to another designated municipal officer as hereinafter specified. In addition, the Licensing Clerk shall be responsible for the issuance of the following:
Rental licenses (Chapter 22).
Street opening permits (Chapter 15).
All other licenses and permits which may hereafter be assigned.
Whenever the applicable Borough ordinance requires prior approval of the Borough Council as a condition for the issuance of any license or permit, no license or permit shall be issued unless and until the same is approved by resolution of the Borough Council. Whenever the Borough ordinance establishes conditions for the issuance of a license or permit, all such preconditions shall be satisfied and fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Borough prior to the issuance of a license or permit.
Exception. The License Clerk shall not be authorized to issue any license or permit whenever the issuance of such has been specifically reserved to another official by state law or Borough ordinance including the following:
Construction permits issued by the Construction Official;
Certificates of occupancy issued by the Construction Official;
Zoning permits and certificates of approval issued by the Zoning Officer (Zoning Review and Permitting); and all approvals or certificates issued pursuant to Chapter 19 (Flood Damage Prevention), as amended by Ordinance No. 849-2022;
Swimming pool and spa discharge permits issued by the Zoning Officer (Borough Code Chapter 20, § 20-5.7);
Permits for water and sewer service installations issued by the Zoning Officer upon receipt of cost estimates received from Utility Service Affiliates, Inc., as required by Chapter 14 of the Avalon Borough Code as supplemented by Ordinance No. 851-2022;
Alcoholic beverage licenses issued by the Borough Council by resolution and signed and sealed by the Borough Clerk as municipal agent designated by the municipal issuing authority (Borough Code § 11-3.5);
Dog licenses issued by the Borough Clerk (N.J.S.A. 4:19-15.2; Borough Code § 12-1 et seq.);
Marriage licenses issued by the Borough Clerk;
Bingo and raffles licenses issued by the Borough Clerk (Code § 10-12.2);
Special events permits issued by the Director of the Division of Recreation subject to the approval process set forth in Chapter 10 of the Avalon Borough Code (§ 10-7.3). [NOTE: All permits for special events require the express approval of the Mayor or his designee (Business Administrator). Upon approval, the Business Administrator must report such approval to Borough Council at its next regular meeting. Any event involving the possession, sale, or consumption of alcoholic beverages on Borough property or facilities must also receive the approval of Borough Council by resolution. The Mayor and/or Borough Council may waive any requirement when circumstances warrant (§ 10-7.4).];
Yard sales issued by the Zoning Officer (§ 10-13.4).
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former paragraphs c through h as paragraphs f through k, respectively.
Bureau of Fire Prevention.
[Added 2-8-2023 by Ord. No. 855-2023]
This Bureau shall function within the Division of Construction Code Enforcement in the Department of Administration and shall be administered under the direction of the Fire Official.
This Bureau shall have the responsibility of enforcing the provisions of Chapter 21 of the Borough Code (Fire Safety) and the New Jersey State Fire Code.
Division of Purchasing; Office of the Qualified Purchasing Agent (QPA). (NOTE: Previously, the QPA was assigned to but not part of the Department of Public Works and Utilities. Under a plan of reorganization for various divisions approved by resolution of Borough Council on December 14, 2022, the Office of the QPA became a division in the Department of Administration.)
[Added 2-8-2023 by Ord. No. 855-2023]
Qualified Purchasing Agent. There is hereby created the position of Qualified Purchasing Agent within the Borough of Avalon Department of Administration, the statutory position established pursuant to the New Jersey Local Public Contract Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq., and N.J.A.C. 5:32-4 et seq.
Appointment and term. The position of Qualified Purchasing Agent shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council. Such individual shall serve for a term as contractually agreed between the Borough of Avalon and the appointee.
Compensation. The Qualified Purchasing Agent shall receive such salary as may be established within the guides of the prevailing Salary Ordinance of the Borough or as designated by contract.
Qualifications. The Qualified Purchasing Agent shall possess professional certification as a Qualified Purchasing Agent as recognized and promulgated by the Division of Local Government Services within the State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-9. In addition to such certification, the Borough of Avalon may qualify such an employee based on their professionalism, knowledge, and proven dedication to the community.
Duties and responsibilities of the QPA:
Work to ensure the Borough of Avalon's compliance with the provisions of the New Jersey Local Public Contracts Law.
Develop and recommend comprehensive purchasing procedures for use by the Borough of Avalon and its agencies.
Develop and recommend comprehensive guidelines for vendors or other entities seeking to do business with the Borough of Avalon.
Develop and recommend methods to continually modernize and update the procurement systems and techniques used by the Borough of Avalon.
Work cooperatively with Borough departments, personnel, and contracted professionals to ensure the effective and timely delivery of goods and services.
Oversee and execute all procurement functions on behalf of the Borough of Avalon, including, but not limited to:
Finalizing bid specifications.
Finalizing proposal solicitation documents.
Reviewing quotes as received by end-user departments.
Receiving bids on behalf of the Borough.
Reviewing bid documentation as received.
Recommending action on publicly bid items.
Researching cooperative and other group purchasing opportunities.
Oversee compliance with all rules, regulations, and directives of the State of New Jersey, Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government Services, pertaining to issues related to the Local Public Contracts Law of New Jersey (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.).
Fulfill those duties and responsibilities imposed upon Qualified Purchasing Agents by the laws of the State of New Jersey and the rules and regulations of state agencies having jurisdiction.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned to the QPA by the Mayor and Council.
Division of Zoning Review and Permitting; Division of Zoning Enforcement and Inspections.
[Added 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. 795-2019]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
That individual appointed by the Mayor to serve as the Division head of the Division of Zoning Enforcement and Inspections and charged with the duty to perform those functions and responsibilities herein specified or as otherwise fixed by law.
That individual appointed by the Mayor to serve as the Division head of the Division of Zoning Review and Permitting and charged with the duty to perform those functions and responsibilities herein specified or as otherwise fixed by law.
All land use ordinances of the Borough of Avalon, including Zoning (Chapter 27 of the Avalon Code), Subdivision and Site Plan Review (Chapter 26 of the Avalon Code), Land Use Procedures (Chapter 25 of the Avalon Code), plus any and all other ordinances that govern and control the construction and alteration of any buildings or structures, but excluding the provisions of Chapter 16 of the Avalon Code pertaining to property maintenance.
Division of Zoning Review and Permitting.
The Division of Zoning Review and Permitting shall be charged with the responsibility of plan review and the issuing of zoning permits. The Division head shall be the Zoning Officer, who shall be appointed by the Mayor.
The primary responsibility of the Division of Zoning Review and Permitting shall be:
To review all plans and documents submitted by an applicant for a construction permit to ensure that the proposed construction complies with the Zoning Ordinance of the Borough and, once determining that the particular application complies with the Zoning Ordinance, to issue a zoning permit. A zoning permit shall be a required prior approval before a construction permit shall be issued by the Construction Official. This includes all new construction as well as alterations to existing buildings and structures.
In those cases where an applicant has sought and received approval from the Planning and Zoning Board either for major or minor subdivisions, site plan approval, approval for variance(s) or any other approved development application, the Division shall review all plans and other documents to confirm that the proposed construction complies with the Zoning Ordinance or with the terms of the approval granted by the Planning and Zoning Board.
A copy of the zoning permit, once issued, shall be forwarded forthwith to the Division of Zoning Enforcement.
Division of Zoning Enforcement and Inspections.
The Division of Zoning Enforcement and Inspections shall be charged with the responsibility of enforcing the Zoning Ordinance. The Division head shall be the Zoning Enforcement Officer, who shall be appointed by the Mayor. The Zoning Enforcement Officer shall hold the dual office of general Code Enforcement Official or Officer. The Zoning Enforcement Officer shall also hold the position of Assistant Zoning Officer and shall perform the duties of the Zoning Officer in her/his absence.
The primary responsibility of the Division of Zoning Enforcement and Inspections shall be:
The inspection and monitoring of all building and construction sites to ensure that such building and construction complies with the Zoning Ordinance and the terms of the zoning permit and for compliance with the terms and conditions of any and all approvals granted by the Planning and Zoning Board.
In certain instances, the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall work in concert with the Planning and Zoning Board Engineer, who shall have ultimate responsibility for ensuring that all building and construction complies with site plan approval or other approvals granted by the Board.
The Zoning Enforcement Officer shall have the primary duty and responsibility to issue zoning violation notices and, when appropriate, to institute municipal prosecutions in the Municipal Court, or other court of competent jurisdiction, for violations of the municipal land use ordinances. Although the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall have the primary duty and responsibility in such matters, both the Zoning Officer and the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall have concurrent and equal jurisdiction in such matters.
Division of Municipal Engineering. The Division of Municipal Engineering shall be headed by the Borough Engineer, who shall be a duly licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey and qualified by training and experience, and particularly a minimum of five years experience as a licensed engineer. The Borough Engineer shall be appointed to a term of one year. The Borough Engineer shall:
Perform all appropriate functions associated with the engineering needs of the Borough of Avalon.
Make examinations, prepare surveys, levels, plans, profiles, measurements, delineations, estimates, specifications and contracts for the construction and repair of streets, culverts, drains, sewer, sidewalks and other public works and improvements undertaken by the Borough.
Supervise all such public works and furnish certificates upon their partial or final completion when directed to do so by the Mayor or Business Administrator.
Provide and maintain surveys, maps, plans, specifications and control records with respect to all public works and facilities owned or operated by the Borough, except as otherwise directed by the Business Administrator or the Mayor.
Provide technical and engineering advice and assistance to other Borough Departments as needed, and perform all other services which may properly be performed by a Civil Engineer and of which the Borough has need, unless such services are specifically delegated to some other officer or department of the Borough.
Be aware or know that all papers, documents, memoranda, reports, original maps and tracings and other materials shall remain the property of the Borough. Upon the termination of his service with the Borough, the Borough Engineer shall immediately surrender to the Borough or his successor any and all such property.
Division of Recreation. (Note: The Department of Recreation is not a department of Borough government but is a division within the Department of Administration. It is commonly referred to as the "Recreation Department" and in this subsection the terms "Department" and "Division" are used interchangeably to refer to the Division of Recreation.)
[Amended 6-22-2022 by Ord. No. 845-2022]
There shall be a Division of Recreation (commonly known as the "Recreation Department"). The Division of Recreation is assigned to and is part of the Department of Administration. The Division shall perform the following functions:
Administer and operate the Borough's playgrounds and playing fields, facilities for indoor and outdoor sports and athletic and recreational programs and activities for children and adults.
Administer and operate the Borough's social centers and recreational functions and activities relating thereto.
Sponsor and administer cultural activities with other public and private agencies and organizations when such activities have been approved by the Mayor and Council.
Report to Borough Council on the status of all public works projects and attend meetings of the Borough Council as required.
Use and operate public school property upon the approval and agreement of the Board of Education to the extent that such property may be adaptable and available for recreational programs of the Borough.
Plan and develop recreational areas and facilities, excluding marina facilities; promote and direct a program of leisure activities for children, youth, and adults of the Borough; and stimulate the constructive use of leisure time of residents of the Borough.
Make recommendations to the Mayor and Council with regard to the implementation of programs and recommend fees to be charged therefor; evaluate existing programs and recommend to the Mayor and Council improvements pertaining to such programs; under appropriate circumstances to recommend to the Mayor and Council the elimination of certain programs.
Director; Division Head. The Division of Recreation shall be headed by the Director of Recreation who shall be the Division Head.
Qualifications and Duties of the Director.
The Director of the Department of Recreation shall preferably have a minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited college, university, or institution; or
The Director shall have at least five years of supervisory experience in planning, promoting, organizing, and/or administering a comprehensive recreational program for the community, including the maintenance of parks, playgrounds, or other recreational facilities.
The Director may be required to possess a valid certification as a recreation director issued by the New Jersey Board of Recreation Examiners.
The Director shall have, and maintain in good standing, a valid New Jersey driver's license since the operation of a motor vehicle is necessary to perform the essential duties of the position.
Duties. The Director of Recreation is responsible for the vision of facilities, recreation programs, and cultural programs. The Director shall perform such duties as may specified in the appropriate job description as approved by the Borough and as the same may be amended from time to time. Those duties shall include, but shall not be limited to:
Provides leadership and direction of short- and long-range plans.
Coordinates department activities with other departments and agencies as needed.
Plans, coordinates, and directs a diversified recreation program for both youth and adults.
Coordinates the recreation programs with Borough departments, school, library, and other various community-based organizations.
Develops and implements policies, procedures, and standards for effective operation and maintenance of department operations. Assures compliance with all policies and procedures.
Promotes interest in sports and recreation through public advertisements and public contact.
Prepares annual budget, maintains cost control, and monitors revenues to ensure proper fiscal control.
Prepares a variety of studies, reports, and related information for decisionmaking purposes.
Maintains all necessary operating records for all facilities equipment reports and maintenance recordings.
Supervise the control of, and is responsible for, materials and supplies used. Evaluates and purchases new and replacement equipment.
The supervision and oversight of all subordinate coordinators, and all subordinate employees.
Oversee and monitor performance by all third-party contractors performing service for the Borough in any and all matters pertaining to the recreation and its functions.
Supervise all budgetary and financial management tasks of the recreation, including submitting annual budget requests, in consultation with other management personnel, for the operation of the Department and, upon approval of the budget, to monitor expenditures and purchases within the Department of Recreation to comply with established budgetary appropriations and authorizations and, in this regard, to work closely with the Borough's Chief Financial Officer; to approve all purchase orders issued by the Department of Recreation and require same to be processed in accordance with Borough procedures.
Make recommendations to the Human Resource Officer/Business Administrator as to the hiring, promotion, transfer, and dismissal of Department personnel and the periodic and timely completion of all departmental employee performance reviews; providing documentation on a current basis for the timely and current update of employee personnel files.
Administrative Coordinator - Department of Recreation.
Appointment. There is hereby authorized an Administrative Coordinator for the Borough, Department of Recreation. This Coordinator shall be appointed by the Mayor, who shall also determine the salary in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:69A-39 (Executive Power) and 40: 69A-43a (Salaries) and Code §§ 2-5.4 and 5-12.2. Under appropriate circumstances in the opinion of the Mayor, the Administrative Coordinator may be appointed to the position of Administrative/Program Coordinator. (NOTE: Such title was created under a supplemental reorganization plan for the Division of Recreation dated October 1, 2022, and approved by Borough Council on November 14, 2022, pursuant to Resolution No. 217-2022.)
[Amended 2-8-2023 by Ord. No. 855-2023]
Qualifications. The Administrative Coordinator shall have a minimum of three years of recreation management, supervisory experience. The Administrative Coordinator shall also possess a current valid New Jersey driver's license. In addition, the Administrative Coordinator shall have and possess such other experience and qualifications as described in the job description approved by Borough Council as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time.
Duties. Under the direction of the Director of Recreation, the Administrative Coordinator shall, to a lesser degree and subject to the direction of the Director, perform the duties established under the position of the Director and oversee the day-to-day supervision and direction of various administrative functions of the Department. The Administrative Coordinator, as a key member of the Department, reports to the Director and assists in the planning, promoting, organizing, and administering the use of our facilities for special events, recreation services for the community, as well as being responsible for supervising all part-time employees working in the Borough's Recreation Center. The Administrative Coordinator will also administer, organize, and act as a liaison at conferences, meetings, other functions, and related duties.
Knowledge and abilities. Should have at least cursory knowledge of the philosophy of activities for a community recreation program. General knowledge of budget estimates, requisition, and maintenance of recreation equipment, materials, and supplies. Ability to assist in organizing, developing, and coordinating recreation activities of the Borough. Possess the ability to assist administration of area and facilities comprising a recreation system. Possess the ability to give assignments and instructions, and supervise subordinates. Have the ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with local governing authorities, agencies, and individuals.
Operations Coordinator - Department of Recreation.
Appointment. There is hereby authorized an Operations Coordinator for the Borough, Department of Recreation. This Coordinator shall be appointed by the Mayor, who shall also determine the salary in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:69A-39 (Executive Power) and 40: 69A-43a (Salaries) and Code §§ 2-5.4 and 5-12.2. Under appropriate circumstances in the opinion of the Mayor, the Administrative Coordinator may be appointed to the position of Operations/Program Coordinator. (NOTE: Such title was created under a supplemental reorganization plan for the Division of Recreation dated October 1, 2022, and approved by Borough Council on November 14, 2022, pursuant to Resolution No. 217-2022.)
[Amended 2-8-2023 by Ord. No. 855-2023]
Qualifications. The Operations Coordinator shall have a minimum of three years of recreation management, supervisory experience. In addition, the Operations Coordinator shall have and possess such other experience and qualifications as described in the job description approved by Borough Council as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time. The Operations Coordinator shall also possess a current valid New Jersey driver's license.
Duties. Under the direction of the Director of Recreation, the Operations Coordinator shall, to a lesser degree and subject to the direction of the Director, perform the duties established under the position of the Director and oversee the day-to-day supervision and direction of various administrative functions of the Department. The Operations Coordinator, as a key member of the Department, reports to the Director and assists in the planning, promoting, and organizing of the Department and shall be responsible for supervising all employees working in the Borough's satellite facilities (8th St Tennis, 39th St. Tennis, and Bay Park Marina). The Operations Coordinator will also oversee the groups operating camps etc., other functions, and related duties as required.
Knowledge and abilities. Should have at least cursory knowledge of the philosophy of activities and the supervision in programs of individuals working for a community recreation program. General supervisory skills and knowledge of organizations, budgets, and operating problems. Knowledge of the policies, procedures, and programs of the Department/Borough. Ability to comprehend, interpret, and apply basic laws and regulations to specific situations. Ability to comprehend, interpret, and apply budget procedures. Ability to design and execute organization analysis for various purposes. Ability to design and execute detailed staffing and task analysis. Ability to maintain records and files. Possess the ability to assist in supervising employees within the operational facilities that comprise the recreation system. Possess the ability to give assignments and instructions, and supervise subordinates. Have the ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with local governing authorities, agencies, and individuals.
Other personnel. The Division shall have such other subordinate personnel as may be deemed necessary and recommended by the Recreation Director and subject to the approval of the Business Administrator and appointment by the Mayor and such personnel shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Director.
Division of Licenses and Inspections. [Deleted by Ordinance No. 731-2015] This section which was previously designated as subsection 2-6.5e is deleted by Ordinance No. 731-2015 and redesignated as the Bureau of Licenses within the Division of Construction Code Enforcement.
Division of Human Resources.
[Added 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 832-2022]
The Division of Human Resources shall be charged with the responsibility for all issues pertaining to human resources and personnel acting under the direction of the Business Administrator or his/her designee. The Human Resource Officer ("HRO") is the Division Head in charge thereof. The HRO shall be appointed by the Mayor and with the advice and consent of Borough Council.
Human Resource Officer duties.
The Human Resource Officer (HRO) shall have those duties and responsibilities as may be specifically assigned and directed by the Mayor or Business Administrator and consistent with those duties specified in the job description for the HRO as approved by Borough Council and subject to amendment from time to time.
Unless expressly reserved to the Business Administrator, those duties formerly assigned to and performed by the Business Administrator as "Personnel Officer" shall now be assigned to and performed by the HRO.
HRO shall perform such further or additional duties as may be directed by the Mayor, Business Administrator, Assistant Business Administrator, or Borough Council.
Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting or preventing the Mayor from appointing and contracting with a third-party entity or individual to provide such human resource (HR) services, provided that any such contract is subject to the approval of Borough Council.
Division of General Code Enforcement. (This was previously a division within the office of the Construction Official and was separated out and made an independent division within the Department of Administration in accordance with Organizational Chart dated 2/4/2016.)
[Added 6-22-2022 by Ord. No. 845-2022]
There is established within the Department of Administration the Division of General Code Enforcement consisting of the Code Enforcement Official who shall be the Division Head together with one or more Code Enforcement Officers. The Code Enforcement Official and Officers shall be appointed by the Mayor at a salary established by the Salary Ordinance of the Borough.
The Code Enforcement Official and Officers shall enforce all Borough ordinances except where such enforcement is specifically delegated to another enforcement official or agency pursuant to state law or Borough ordinance. Included in such enforcement powers are the following:
Chapter 7: littering/illegal dumping.
Chapter 9: dune violations.
Chapter 10: yard sales, vending, jitneys.
Chapter 14: water meters.
Chapter 15: curbs and sidewalks.
Chapter 16: property maintenance - housing code.
Chapter 17: recycling.
Chapter 18: solid waste.
Chapter 19: building and construction excluding UCC issues.
Chapter 22: rental properties.
Chapter 27: zoning enforcement.
Such further and additional enforcement matters as assigned by ordinance or otherwise.
Division of Information Technology and Cyber Security.
[Added 5-22-2024 by Ord. No. 879-2024]
Duties and Responsibilities of Division. The duties and responsibilities of this Division shall be to manage, direct, and oversee the Borough computer and information technology systems.
Division Head. This Division shall operate under the direction of the "System Administrator for Information Technology."
Appointment and Term of Office. The System Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Borough Council and, after serving a designated period of probation, shall serve during good behavior and efficiency.
Duties of System Administrator. The duties and responsibilities of the System Administrator shall be as set forth in the Job Description as approved by Borough Council and filed with the Division of Human Resources and which may, from time to time, be amended and supplemented. Those duties shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
Provide analysis of broad, complex issues that focus on analyzing, planning, and implementing Information Technology (IT) initiatives, which are consistent with the strategic direction of the Borough and shall develop IT strategies, policies, and plans for consideration by the Borough and be involved with providing guidance and direction to Borough.
Performs analytical, technical, and administrative work in the planning and installation of new and existing personal and Borough devices and workstations; as well as diagnose and resolve problems in response to resident/customer incidents.
Be responsible for the oversight, planning, development, implementations and maintenance of the Borough's business and information systems. This would include the development and maintenance of IT infrastructure; researching and recommending new technologies; developing operating and capital budgets and handling daily operations of the IT system; maintenance of centralized, decentralized, and remote network services, network security, data integrity, network performance monitoring, network problems resolution, and user support; does other related duties as required.
Be responsible to respond on a 24/7 basis to cyber-attacks — whether actual or threatened — or significant system failures. Such individual shall also be responsible to make certain that the Borough's needs for both emergent and routine matters have appropriate backup support.
Be required to provide training and support, when required, for other Borough employees who are required to learn or use existing or new software systems in order to facilitate the performance or execution of official business of the Borough.
Function as the Chief Information Security Officer ("CISO"). The Borough deems that managing cybersecurity shall be treated as a core, critical element of technology management. The primary technology responsibilities of the CISO include, but are not limited to, the following:
Network Security. Includes reviewing logs or automated alerts (based on technology used) to detect intrusions, assigning and periodically reviewing user access to programs and network resources, investigating unusual network activity, managing remote access software, supporting application patching needs, in addition to other routine network support activities (e.g., adding and deleting users).
Checking public and government security alerts from organizations like MS ISAC, NUCCI, US CISA, Borough insurance carriers, and other sources and acting as needed.
Developing and implementing security policies, including a cyber incident response plan. Periodically auditing and testing policies for compliance.
Managing security, network, and user access to digital device hardware. This includes desktop computers, laptops, tablets, phones, video cameras, and network management devices such as servers, routers, etc.
Overseeing staff cyber hygiene training.
Managing building and other facility digital security devices and services (e.g., intrusion detection and other alarms).
Reviewing third-party vendor security risks and practices as necessary.
Maintaining an inventory of technical assets.
Conducting internal and external risk assessments; developing and implementing risk management decisions in line with budgetary constraints. The use of a technology control framework as a guide is a useful tool when making those decisions.
Liaising with the public and outside security organizations.
Keeping current on the changes in security threats, risks, and technology to modify plans and policies accordingly.
Maintain updates as required by the Borough's insurers to protect against cyber threats and attacks including periodic updates of cyber security plan(s).
Updating Borough Business Administrator and Assistant Business Administrator and Mayor and Borough Council via periodic reporting and communicating to all Department and Division Heads the importance of complying with the Borough's security plans.
[2000 Code § 2:7-6; Ord. No. 724-2015; amended 5-22-2024 by Ord. No. 879-2024]
The Division Heads within the Department of Administration shall be appointed by the Mayor, or by the Business Administrator with the express consent and approval of the Mayor, except where otherwise provided by law.
[2000 Code §§ 2:8-1 — 2:8-5; Ord. No. 733-2016; Ord. No. 767-2018 § 1]
Editor's Note: Department of Law transferred to the Office of Legal Counsel by Ordinance No. 767-2018.
[Ord. No. 767-2018 § 2]
There is hereby created the Office of Legal Counsel within the Department of Administration.
[Ord. No. 767-2018 § 2]
The Office of Legal Counsel shall consist of the following appointees:
Borough Solicitor.
Labor Attorney.
Bond Counsel.
Special Environmental Counsel.
Tax Appeal Counsel.
Municipal Prosecutor.
Legislative Counsel.
Special Litigation Counsel.
Such other attorneys/law firms shall be appointed as needed and circumstances warrant (subject to the approval of Mayor and Borough Council).
Independent Hearing Officer.
Special Conflicts Counsel in the event of recusal by any of the above appointees.
[Ord. No. 767-2018 § 2]
Each of the attorneys or law firms designed in this section shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council. Such attorneys or law firms may be appointed to one or more of the designated positions specified in § 2-7A.2.
Each of the attorneys or law firms appointed under this section shall serve for a term of one year from the date of appointment and until his/her/its successor is duly appointed and qualified except as provided in § 2-7A.7 herein.
[2000 Code § 2:8-2; 2013 Code § 2-7.2; Ord. No. 767-2018 § 2]
The Borough Solicitor shall be a licensed New Jersey attorney and qualified by training and experience with a minimum of three years experience as a practicing attorney.
[2000 Code § 2:8-3; 2013 Code § 2-7.3; Ord. No. 733-2016; Ord. No. 767-2018 § 2]
The Borough Solicitor or Borough Attorney and sometimes referred to as the Municipal Attorney shall perform the following duties and functions:
Provide legal advice to the Mayor, department heads and members of Council of the Borough in all matters of law when so requested.
Represent the Borough in all judicial and administrative proceedings in which the Borough or any of its officers or agencies may be a party or have an interest therein, except as otherwise provided in this Code.
Give legal counsel and advice when required by the Mayor, except as otherwise provided by this Code.
Conduct appeals from orders, decisions or judgments, affecting any interest of the Borough as may be deemed necessary and desirable, subject to the approval of the Council.
Enter into any agreement, compromise or settlement of any litigation in which the Borough is involved, subject to the approval of the Council.
Render opinions, in writing, upon any question of law submitted to him/her by the Council, Mayor and Business Administrator.
Maintain a record of all actions, lawsuits, proceedings and matters which relate to the Borough's interest and report thereon as the Mayor and Council may require.
Review and approve contracts, deeds, documents and instruments prior to the execution thereof by or on behalf of the Borough.
[Deleted by Ord. No. 733-2016]
Make recommendations to the Mayor and Council whenever, in his/her judgment, it is necessary to do so.
Draft or approve ordinances where requested by the Mayor or Council.
Assist, when requested, in negotiating contracts on behalf of the Borough.
[Deleted by Ord. No. 767-2018]
Serve as Legislative Counsel should the Borough Attorney be so appointed.
[2000 Code § 2:8-4; 2013 Code § 2-7.4; Ord. No. 767-2018 § 2]
In the event that a conflict or dispute should arise between the Mayor and the Council which is of such a nature that independent advice of counsel to either the Mayor or Council, or both, is required, then either the Mayor or the Council, or both, shall be permitted to select independent counsel to represent each. Payment of counsel shall be made by the Borough consistent with the rate schedule contained in the contract of the Borough Solicitor.
[2000 Code § 2:8-5; 2013 Code § 2-7.5; Ord. No. 767-2018 § 2]
All papers, documents, memorandums, reports and other materials relating to the administration of the former Department of Law (now Office of Legal Counsel) shall be and remain the property of the Borough. Upon termination of his service with the Borough, the Borough Solicitor and each and every other attorney or law firm appointed by this section shall forthwith surrender to his/her/its successor all such property, together with a written consent to substitution of any successor in all legal actions and proceedings then pending to which the Borough is a party. However, the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, may permit the former Borough Solicitor to remain as attorney of record to represent the Borough in those matters to which the Mayor believes the best interests of the Borough will be served by retaining the former Attorney.
[Ord. No. 767-2018 § 2]
[2000 Code § 2:9-1; New]
There may be a Legislative Counsel appointed, for a term of one year. Legislative Counsel appointments shall be made by resolution of the Council. The Legislative Counsel shall be an Attorney-at-Law of the State of New Jersey and qualified by training and experience and possessing a minimum of three (3) years experience as a practicing attorney.
[2000 Code § 2:9-2]
The Legislative Counsel shall perform the following duties:
Attend all regular and special meetings of the Council.
Prepare ordinances and resolutions for any member of Council when and as requested by members of Council.
Render legal opinions, in writing, upon any question of law submitted to him by Council or the Borough Clerk.
Give legal advice to Council or the Borough Clerk when requested.
Represent Council in litigation where the interest of the Mayor and Council are not identical or when so requested by the Mayor or Council.
Perform such other or additional duties as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Council.
Serve as Borough Attorney should he be so appointed.
See also Chapter 2, Article 6, Public Safety Divisions and Assignments.
[2000 Code § 2:10-1]
The Department of Public Safety shall be headed by the Director of Public Safety.
[2000 Code § 2:10-2; Ord. No. 724-2015]
Qualifications. The Director of Public Safety shall be qualified by training and experience of at least five years in police and public safety administration and management, which may be inclusive of experience in the field or Emergency Management at either the state, county or municipal level in this or any other state. The Director of Public Safety may be the Chief of Police. The Director of Public Safety may also be the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council and provided that the Mayor possesses the requisite qualifications.
Duties. The Director of Public Safety shall be the supervisor of all Divisions created in the Department. He shall prescribe and enforce rules and regulations designated to maximize and ensure the public safety. Whenever the Director is an individual other than the Mayor, the Director shall serve as liaison on behalf of the Mayor to each Division and shall perform such other duties as the Mayor may prescribe.
[Ord. No. 742-2016 § 1]
Appointment and Term.
The Assistant Director of Public Safety shall be appointed by the Mayor. Such appointment shall be made by Executive Order of the Mayor and subject to departmental budgetary appropriation. The Assistant Director of Public Safety may reside outside the Borough at the time of appointment and during the term of appointment.
The Assistant Director of Public Safety shall serve during the term of the Mayor appointing him/her and until the appointment and qualification of a successor.
The Assistant Director of Public Safety may be removed from office by the Mayor in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 2-4.3b of this Code.
The Assistant Director of Public Safety shall have the following qualifications:
She/he shall have a minimum of six years of supervisory public safety experience involving the protection of persons, safeguarding of property, knowledge of the law and apprehension of law breakers, and related experience; and shall possess a valid New Jersey Driver's License in addition to the following:
Knowledge of methods likely to be useful in providing citizens and others with public safety information, service, and protection;
Knowledge of the preparation of Department budgets; knowledge of the purchase of equipment, materials, and supplies.
Ability to analyze and interpret laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, standards, and procedures, and to apply them to specific situations and cases;
Ability to organize work in such a manner as to provide needed services and protection;
Ability to formulate rules and regulations;
Ability to give assignments and instructions to individuals and groups, provide them with needed advice and assistance when difficult and unusual problems arise, and check their work to see that proper procedures are followed, that reasonable standards of workmanship, conduct, and output are maintained, and that desired objectives are achieved;
Ability to see that members of the Department treat citizens and others with uniform courtesy and consideration and provide them with proper information and services.
Ability to take and maintain a firm and correct stand when controversies and differences of opinion arise.
Ability to prepare and supervise the preparation of clear, sound, accurate, and informative reports.
Ability to direct the establishment and maintenance of public safety records and files.
Ability to utilize various types of electronic and/or manual recording and information systems used by the agency, office, or related units.
Ability to cooperate with and coordinate with other municipal departments in all matters pertaining to the public health, safety and welfare in order that proper operational procedures are followed and that desired municipal objectives are achieved.
The Assistant Director of Public Safety shall:
Assist the Director of Public Safety in the administration of departmental affairs, and in integrating and coordinating activities of the Department with other departments of municipal government;
Assist the Director of Public Safety in the preparation and review of the Department budget.
Act for and in place of the Director of Public Safety in his absence and perform such other functions, powers, and duties as may be assigned as herein provided.
Assist the Director of Public Safety in advising the Borough Council on matters of policy.
Assist the Director of Public Safety on issues of personnel and administrative organization.
Prepare comprehensive reports for the Mayor, Borough Council and Business Administrator when requested or required to do so.
Supervise or assist in the establishment and maintenance of suitable records and files as requested or required to do so.
Perform such additional duties as directed by the Mayor / Director of Public Safety Borough Council or Business Administrator.
[2000 Code § 2:10-3; New; Ord. No. 742-2016 § 1]
The Department of Public Safety shall consist of the following divisions:
Division of Police which shall be directed by the Chief of Police who shall be the Division Head.
Division of Beach Patrol which shall be directed by the Chief of Beach Patrol who shall be the Division Head.
[Amended 3-24-2021 by Ord. No. 818-2021]
Division of Emergency Management Services which shall be directed by the Chief of Emergency Management Services who shall be the Division Head.
Division of Rescue Squad — Emergency Medical Services which shall be directed by the Chief of Police who shall be the Division Head.
[2000 Code §§ 2:10-4, 2:10-5; New; Ord. No. 742-2016]
The Division of Police shall perform the following functions:
Provide all aspects of police protection, including the maintenance of peace and order within the jurisdictional limits of the Borough and in the suppression and eradication of crime therein.
Regulate vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Direct and supervise school-crossing duties and any school-crossing guards, should any be appointed.
Supervise animal control activities.
Remove nuisances from the streets and other public places.
Maintain civil defense and disaster control facilities in conjunction with the Emergency Management Coordinator.
Operate a centralized radio communication system.
Supervise and direct the Marine Unit.
Perform such other and additional duties as may be imposed by the laws of the State of New Jersey or the ordinances of the Borough.
The Division of Beach Patrol shall perform all appropriate functions associated with:
Maintaining a safe beach.
Supervising the use of the beach consistent with Borough ordinances.
Maintaining a competent and diligent lifeguard force for the beach.
Providing for the safety of bathers using the beach.
Enforcing all laws or ordinances pertaining to the use of the beach where such enforcement authority has been authorized by ordinance and in accordance with the policies and procedures governing the Beach Patrol as contained in the "Avalon Beach Patrol Operating Procedures and Training Program."
[Ord. No. 742-2016]
The Division of Emergency Management Services shall perform functions appropriate to the Division.
The Division of Rescue Squad — Emergency Medical Service shall perform all appropriate functions associated with:
Providing emergency medical services and ambulance service within the Borough. (2000 Code § 6:4-3) (Formerly § 2-64.5 2013 Code).
[Ord. No. 742-2016]
[2000 Code §§ 2:11-1 through 2:11-7; amended 1-13-2021 by Ord. No. 814-2021]
The Department of Public Works and Public Utilities shall be headed by the Director of Public Works and Public Utilities ("DPWU").
The Director of the Department of Public Works and Public Utilities (DPWU) shall have a minimum of five years of management and supervisory experience, and preferably in the public sector, and shall have the ability to manage and administer all aspects of the various functions of the DPWU. In addition, the Director shall have and possess such other experience and qualifications as set forth in the Borough's job description for this position as that may be amended and supplemented from time to time.
The Director of Public Works and Public Utilities may hold and possess a certification as a Certified Public Works Manager ("CPWM" or "certification") but such certification is not a requirement for appointment provided that at least one other employee of the DPWU holding a supervisory position holds such certification.
While the Director is not required to possess a CPWM certification, it is nonetheless desirable that the Director pursue the requirements to obtain such certification in a timely manner.
Duties. The Director of the DPWU is responsible for oversight of all aspects of the DPWU including overseeing all administrative, supervisory, and operational functions of the Department including, but not limited to, the following:
The supervision and oversight of all subordinate coordinators, division heads, foremen, and all subordinate employees.
Oversee and monitor performance by all third-party contractors performing service for the Borough in any and all matters pertaining to the DPWU and its functions.
Supervise all budgetary and financial management tasks of the DPWU including submitting annual budget requests, in consultation with other management personnel, for the operation of the Department and, upon approval of the budget, to monitor expenditures and purchases within the DPWU to comply with established budgetary appropriations and authorizations and, in this regard, to work closely with the Borough's Chief Financial Officer; to approve all purchase orders issued by the DPWU and require same to be processed in accordance with Borough procedures;
Recommend and participate in the development of the Borough's Capital Budget for Public Works Projects;
Management of all human resources aspects of the DPWU including recommendations to the Business Administrator/Personnel Officer as to the hiring, promotion, transfer and dismissal of Department personnel and the periodic and timely completion of all departmental employee performance reviews; providing documentation on a current basis for the timely and current update of employee personnel files; and the approval of weekly payroll, including overtime, and the approval of vacations, approved leaves, time off, and other similar issues;
The imposition of minor discipline when appropriate;
Make recommendation to the Business Administrator and the Mayor concerning the imposition of any major discipline that is deemed necessary;
Recommend projects that are routine in nature as well as capital projects; and recommendations for dealing with unanticipated or emergent situations caused by weather events and otherwise; and attend and provide input at all meetings pertaining to planning for Borough projects.
Develop policies and procedures for the internal operation of the DPWU.
Perform all duties required of all Department Directors as specified in Avalon Borough Code § 2-4.3c as well as other ordinances of the Borough and as required by general law.
The performance of such further and additional duties as the Mayor shall direct including those additional duties and responsibilities, if any, as described in the job description approved by Borough Council as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time.
[Amended 7-10-2024 by Ord. No. 882-2024]
Appointment. An Assistant Director of Public Works and Public Utilities may be appointed by the Mayor if, in the exercise of his discretion, it is determined that there is a need to fill such position. The Director may appoint an Assistant Director but only with the written consent and approval of the Mayor.
Qualifications. The Assistant Director shall have a minimum of three years of management and supervisory experience, and preferably in the public sector, and shall have the ability to manage and administer all aspects of the various functions of the DPWU. In addition, the Assistant Director shall have and possess such other experience and qualifications as set forth in the Borough's job description for this position as that may be amended and supplemented from time to time. The Assistant Director of DPWU may, but shall not be required, to hold a certified public works manager designation from the State of New Jersey.
The Assistant Director shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Director of DPWU, or as established in a job description as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time, or as directed by the Mayor or Borough Administration or as may be directed by Borough Council pursuant to Ordinance or Resolution.
In the event that the position of Administrative Coordinator is vacant for any reason, the Assistant Director shall perform the duties of such Administrative Coordinator as may be assigned by the Director.
The Assistant Director shall act in the absence of the Director and shall be responsible for the management of the DPWU in the case of absence or unavailability of the Director.
Appointment. There is hereby authorized an Administrative Coordinator for the Borough Department of Public Works and Utilities (DPWU). This Coordinator shall be appointed by the Mayor who shall also determine the salary.
Cross reference: N.J.S.A. 40:69A-39 (Executive Power), 40:69a-43a (Salaries); Avalon Borough Code §§ 2-5.4 and 5-12.2.
The Administrative Coordinator shall have a minimum of five years of Public Works management/supervisory experience and shall possess, at the time of appointment, a certification as a New Jersey Certified Public Works Manager and must continue to maintain such certification as a condition of continued employment. The failure to maintain such certification, or the loss of such certification, for whatever reason, shall be cause for termination by the Borough.
The Administrative Coordinator shall also possess a current valid New Jersey Driver's License and a New Jersey CDL License.
In addition, the Administrative Coordinator shall have and possess such other experience and qualifications as described in the job description approved by Borough Council as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time.
Duties. The Administrative Coordinator will, under the direction of the Director of DPWU:
Oversee the day-to-day supervision and direction of various administrative functions of the Department;
Provide input on all spending/budgets of the Department to the Director; manage some internal operations of the Department including the timely processing of purchase orders and vouchers;
Ensure that all operational hours of Public Works facilities are satisfied to the Director's directed schedule;
Provide input and participate in meetings with various professionals regarding various Department-related contracts and special activities;
Attend seminars and meetings; meet with citizens and follow up on complaints and work orders; provide oversight for the operations of the Department;
Review payroll and provide timely guidance and clarifications to the Director regarding various overtime, time accrued, and time used for the Director's review and potential approval; report any reported or observed human resource-related issues or violations immediately to the Director; and
Perform such further and additional duties as the Director of DPWU shall direct including those additional duties and responsibilities, if any, as described in the job description approved by Borough Council as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time.
Appointment. There is hereby authorized an Operations Coordinator for the Borough Department of Public Works and Utilities (DPWU). This Coordinator shall be appointed by the Mayor who shall also determine the salary.
Cross reference: N.J.S.A. 40:69A-39 (Executive Power); 40:69a-43a (Salaries) Avalon Borough Code §§ 2-5.4 and 5-12.2.
The Operations Coordinator shall have a minimum of five years of Public Works management/supervisory experience and shall possess, at the time of appointment; a certification as a New Jersey Certified Public Works Manager and must continue to maintain such certification as a condition of continued employment. The failure to maintain such certification, or the loss of such certification, for whatever reason, shall be cause for termination by the Borough.
The Operations Coordinator shall also possess a current valid New Jersey Driver's License and a New Jersey CDL License.
In addition, the Operations Coordinator shall have and possess such other experience and qualifications as described in the job description approved by Borough Council as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time.
Duties. The Operations Coordinator will, under the direction of the Director of DPWU:
Oversee the training of employees in the Department of Public Works;
Manage the day-to-day field operations of the Department;
Provide input on all spending/budgets of the Department to the Director;
Inspect the construction of all public works projects and assigned Borough-owned equipment, ensuring assigned personnel are performing their tasks;
Attend seminars and meetings;
Meet with citizens and follow up on complaints and work orders;
Provide oversight for contractor operations; report any reported or observed human-resource-related issues or violations immediately to the Director;
In consultation with the Director, coordinate all public works projects, and the scheduling and completion thereof; and
Perform such further and additional duties as the Director of DPWU shall direct including those additional duties and responsibilities, if any, as described in the job description approved by Borough Council as the same may be amended and supplemented from time to time.
[Amended 7-10-2024 by Ord. No. 882-2024]
The Department of Public Works shall have a certified public works manager (CPWM) assigned thereto. This requirement may be fulfilled either: 1) through a Borough employee who possesses such certification; or 2) by the Borough contracting with a third-party entity provided that such entity has on staff one or more individuals possessing the CPWM certification; or 3) by sharing the services of a CPWM with one or more other municipalities under a shared service agreement entered into pursuant to the provision of the Uniform Shared Services Act of New Jersey (P.L. 2007, c. 63; N.J.S.A. 40A:65-1 et seq.) (Source: NJ Stat. 40A:9-154.6 g).
If a Borough employee (other than the Director, Assistant Director, Administrative or Operations Coordinator) serves as the CPWM, such individual shall be appointed to fulfill those responsibilities by the Mayor, or in the alternative, appointed by the Director with the express consent and approval of the Mayor.
[Amended 7-10-2024 by Ord. No. 882-2024]
The Department of Public Works and Utilities may be organized into one or more divisions as shall be recommended by the Director and approved by the Business Administrator and subject to the approval of the Mayor. Any reorganization that calls for changes in the number of divisions, or in numbers of personnel, shall be submitted to Borough Council for its approval in accordance with § 2-4.2 of the Borough Code.
[Amended 2-8-2023 by Ord. No. 855-2023; 7-10-2024 by Ord. No. 882-2024]
Each Division of the Department shall have such supervisory and other personnel as may be deemed necessary by the Director, subject to the approval of, and appointment by, the Mayor, and such personnel shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Director. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, other personnel may include any or all of the following: (NOTE: An approved plan of reorganization for various departments, dated November 1, 2022, and approved by Borough Council on December 14, 2022, pursuant to Resolution No. 228-2022, and scheduled to become effective on or after January 1, 2023, and subject to the adoption of required ordinance, included the Department of Public Works and Utilities.):
Supervisor of Public Works.
Working foreman for each of the Divisions within the Department.
Each division may have such additional employees as may be needed to effectively and efficiently accomplish the functions of the Department.
All such personnel shall be approved and appointed by the Mayor or by his designee and as approved by Borough Council, if so required. Such employees may be further classified by tier or other classification as determined by the Director of DPWU in consultation with the Human Resources Officer and the Business Administrator and as approved by the Mayor.
[Amended 7-10-2024 by Ord. No. 882-2024]
The Department of Public Works and Public Utilities may perform some or all appropriate functions associated with:
Maintaining, constructing and reconstructing streets and drainage facilities.
Maintaining public buildings, marinas, boardwalk, grounds, including parks, recreation areas and gardens and shade trees, beaches and beach paths.
Maintaining motorized equipment.
Installing, repairing and maintaining traffic signals, signs, electronic equipment and street lights.
Supervising animal disposal activities.
Supervising solid waste collection, disposal and recycling.
Supervising snow removal.
Maintaining warehouse and warehouse inventory.
Maintaining and operating a sanitary sewer collection system.
Maintaining and operating a water treatment system.
Maintaining and operating a water distribution system.
Supervising the activities of any private contractor or contractors who are designated by the Borough to perform any of the functions that would otherwise be associated with the Department.
Such other duties as the Mayor may prescribe or which Borough Council may, by ordinance or resolution, direct.
[2000 Code § 2:12-1; New]
Established. The Department of Revenue and Finance shall be headed by the Director of Revenue and Finance.
Qualifications. The Director of Revenue and Finance shall have previous municipal experience in an executive capacity dealing with finance and revenues. The Director shall be certified as a Municipal Finance Officer. The Director may also serve as the Chief Financial Officer of the Borough provided, however, that in the event the Director is also the Chief Financial Officer, the Director may acquire tenure only in the position of Chief Financial Officer and may not acquire tenure in the position of Director of Revenue and Finance.
Duties. The Director of the Department of Revenue and Finance, subject to the direction and supervision of the Mayor, shall:
Account for and pre-audit and control all Borough revenues and expenditures.
Install and enforce a uniform system of accounts, including forms, standards and procedures, for the use of agencies expending Borough funds.
Be responsible for the collection and payment of all payroll deductions.
Be responsible for the safety and investment of Borough funds, the management of the Borough debt, the development of financial policies for recommendation to the Mayor and Council and the safeguarding of the Borough's financial interest to the fullest extent.
Have custody of all investments and invested funds of the Borough or in its possession in a fiduciary capacity, except as otherwise provided by law, and have the safekeeping of all bonds and notes for transfer, registration or exchange, and invest and deposit all moneys not required for current operation in interest bearing accounts.
Be responsible for implementing the provisions of the section of the Administrative Code pertaining to the payment of claims and payroll.
Be responsible for supervising and directing the activities of the Chief Financial Officer in implementing the provisions of the Administrative Code pertaining to the Cash Management Plan.
[2000 Code § 2:12-2; New]
The Department of Revenue and Finance shall consist of the following divisions:
Division of Tax Assessment.
Division of Revenue and Tax and Utility Collections.
[Amended 11-16-2020 by Ord. No. 811-2020]
Division of Accounts and Control.
[2000 Code § 2:12-3; amended 7-10-2024 by Ord. No. 882-2024]
Established. The Borough shall appoint a licensed and qualified person as Chief Financial Officer ("CFO"). Such person shall possess a Municipal Finance Officer Certification. (NOTE: Source: N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.10)
Appointment and Term. The Chief Financial Officer shall be appointed by the governing body, that is, Borough Council, in consultation with the Mayor. Such appointment shall be made by resolution of the governing body. The term of office shall be four years beginning on January 1 of the year in which the CFO is appointed. Upon reappointment for a consecutive four-year term the CFO shall acquire tenure in office in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.8.
Removal of CFO. The CFO shall be removed from office upon failure to have a valid Municipal Finance Officer Certification. In addition, the CFO may be removed for cause upon the filing of a written complaint specifying the charge or charges with the Director of the Division of Local Government Services ("Director DLGS"). A hearing, if one is requested, shall be conducted by the Director of DLGS or the Director's designee. (NOTE: Source: N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.9)
Statutory Duties. The "Chief financial officer" of the Borough shall mean and be the official appointed pursuant to section 5 of P.L. 1988, c. 110 (N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.10) to be responsible for the proper financial administration of the municipality under the "Local Government Supervision Act (1947)," P.L. 1947, c. 151 (N.J.S.A. 52:27BB-1 et seq.); the "Local Bond Law," (N.J.S.A. 40A:2-1 et seq.); the "Local Budget Law," (N.J.S.A. 40A:4-1 et seq.); the "Local Fiscal Affairs Law," (N.J.S.A. 40A:5-1 et seq.); and the "Local Public Contracts Law," P.L. 1971, c. 198 (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.) unless the Borough shall have appointed a purchasing agent pursuant to that law; and such other statutes, and such rules and regulations promulgated by the Director of the Division of Local Government Services, the Local Finance Board, or any other State agency, as may pertain to the financial administration of the municipality. (NOTE: Source: N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1)
CFO Serving as Director. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as preventing or prohibiting the Director of Revenue and Finance, who is appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council, from also serving as the Chief Financial Officer; provided, however, that if the CFO is also appointed as Director of Revenue and Finance, the CFO shall not acquire tenure as Director.
[2000 Code § 2:12-4; amended 7-10-2024 by Ord. No. 882-2024]
Division Head. The Director shall appoint a Division Head who shall possess a certification as a Municipal Finance Officer.
Functions of Division. The Division of Accounts and Control shall perform the following functions under the direction and supervision of the Director of Revenue and Finance:
Maintain and operate the Borough's central bookkeeping and records according to sound accounting principles and in accordance with the requirements of the Director of the State Division of Local Government Service.
Audit all receipts and disbursements of the Borough government and of each of its Departments and pre-audit all bills, claims and demands against the Borough, including payrolls, and require each department head to certify that any materials, supplies and equipment have been received and accepted as specified and that the services have been duly rendered.
Control all expenditures to assure that budget appropriations are not exceeded and maintain such books and records as may be required for the proper exercise of such budgetary control, and to assure adherence to the system established by this Administrative Code for the payment of vouchers, claims and warrants; and establishing the procedures to be following in the payment of claims against the Borough.
Review each proposed expenditure and commitment under an encumbrance system to be made on behalf of any Department in conformity with State law, the Charter and the ordinances of the Borough and authorize only such expenditures and commitments as conform to all of the requirements of the Administrative Code.
Install, operate and maintain a central payroll system and all Social Security, pension and insurance records for personnel of all departments.
Supervise, administer and audit the collection of all revenues, except tax and utility collections, within the Borough.
Submit a monthly report to the Mayor and Council of revenues, expenditures, including payroll expenditures, cash balances and investments held, including, in the case of cash balances and investments, the name of the depositories, type of account or investment, date of maturity, interest rate and location of investments held for safe-keeping.
Report to the Mayor and Council any defaults, delinquencies or official misconduct on the part of any officer or employee of the Borough.
Audit and examine the accounts of any officer or employee who by law is or may be authorized to receive or disburse any funds of the Borough upon the death, resignation, removal or expiration of the term of office of such officer or employee and report the condition of such office to the Mayor and Council.
Administer the procedures dealing with purchasing and the payment of claims as established by this Administrative Code.
Maintain and operate one or more payroll accounts.
Other personnel. This Division may have such additional personnel as may be approved by the Mayor or Borough Council and subject to annual appropriations in the municipal budget and provided that such positions are included in the Borough salary ordinance.
[2000 Code § 2:12-5; amended 11-16-2020 by Ord. No. 811-2020]
Division Head; Tax Assessor. The Tax Assessor shall be the head of the Division of Tax Assessment.
Appointment; Term; Certification. The Tax Assessor shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Borough Council. The Tax Assessor shall hold office for a term of four years from the first day of July next following his/her appointment. Vacancies other than due to expiration of term shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. The Tax Assessor shall hold a Tax Assessor's Certificate provided for in N.J.S.A. 54:1-35.25 as the same may be amended and supplemented.
Qualifications. The Tax Assessor must possess all of the educational and other qualifications and attributes established by the State of New Jersey as a prerequisite for being issued a Certified Tax Assessor Certificate (CTA).
Assistant Division Head; Deputy Tax Assessor. The Deputy Tax Assessor shall be the assistant head of the Division of Tax Assessment.
Appointment; Term; Certification. The Deputy Tax Assessor shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council for a term of four years from the first day of July next following his/her appointment. Vacancies other than due to expiration of term shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-148.
Qualifications of Deputy Tax Assessor. The Deputy Tax Assessor must possess all of the educational and other qualifications and attributes as the Certified Tax Assessor as established by the State of New Jersey as a prerequisite for being issued a Certified Tax Assessor Certificate (CTA).
Duties of Deputy Tax Assessor. The Deputy Tax Assessor shall act under the direct supervision of and assist the Tax Assessor as required by law (N.J.S.A. 40A:9-148.1) and shall assist the Tax Assessor in the administration and functioning of the Division and shall perform all the duties of the Tax Assessor to the extent that such duties may be assigned by the Tax Assessor together with such additional duties that may be assigned by the Director of Revenue and Finance, the Tax Assessor or the Mayor or Borough Council. In the absence of the Tax Assessor (Division Head) the Deputy shall perform and discharge all of the duties and responsibilities of the Tax Assessor.
Functions of the Division of Tax Assessment. The Division of Tax Assessment shall perform the following functions under the direction and supervision of the Tax Assessor:
Maintain adequate assessment records of each separate parcel of real property assessed or exempted for the purpose of general taxation.
Maintain a current tax map of the Borough as a public record and cause to be recorded thereon all changes in ownership or character of the real property assessed, employing for that purpose the facilities of the Division of Engineering and other Divisions and Departments as may be required.
Perform such further and additional duties as required under the laws of the State of New Jersey and the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government Services and the laws of the Borough.
[2000 Code § 2:12-6; amended 11-16-2020 by Ord. No. 811-2020]
Division Head; Tax Collector. The Tax Collector shall be head of the Division of Revenue and Tax and Utility Collections.
Appointment; Term; Certification. The Tax Collector shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council. The Tax Collector shall hold office for a term of four years from the first day of January next following his/her appointment. Vacancies other than due to expiration of term shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term. The Tax Collector shall hold a valid certification as tax collector issued by the State of New Jersey at the time of appointment. The Tax Collector shall also be designated as the Collector of Utility Payments.
Qualifications. The Tax Collector must possess all of the educational and other qualifications and attributes established by the State of New Jersey as a prerequisite for being issued a Certified Tax Collector Certificate (CTC).
Duties of Certified Tax Collector (CTC).
The Tax Collector shall carry out the duties set forth below, along with such other duties as are required by law:
With respect to billing, the Tax Collector shall be responsible for:
Ascertaining the amount of taxes due from each taxpayer and informing each taxpayer of this fact;
Understanding the process by which taxes are determined;
Cooperating with the Municipal Tax Assessor, the County Board of Taxation, and other financial authorities;
Designing and implementing an efficient method of issuing bills; and
Having a working knowledge of property tax exemptions, abatements, and deductions, along with electronic data processing of tax rolls and tax billing.
With respect to the collection of monies, the Tax Collector shall be responsible for:
Receiving and accounting for payments upon notification of taxes due;
Ensuring the proper disposition of funds received;
Maintaining detailed accounting records; and
Processing electronic data as it pertains to the collection of monies.
With respect to enforcement, the Tax Collector shall be responsible for initiating and carrying out procedures for enforcing the timely payment of taxes by the taxpayers, including but not limited to the application of interest on delinquent accounts, tax liens, and tax sales. The Tax Collector shall also assist in the foreclosure of municipally held tax sale certificates.
As appropriate to the form of government, the Tax Collector shall be responsible for providing the governing body and appropriate municipal officials with regular reports on the activities of his or her office including, but not limited to, billings, adjustments, collections, and balances.
The Tax Collector shall ensure compliance with all statutes, rules, regulations, and directives pertaining to municipal tax collection.
The Tax Collector may be assigned certain secondary duties that are not specifically prohibited by law such as, but not limited to, tax search officer, collector of utility accounts, municipal treasurer, and treasurer of school monies and, in addition, perform such further and additional duties as required under the laws of the State of New Jersey and the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government Services and the laws of the Borough.
Source: New Jersey Department Of Community Affairs - Duties and Qualifications of Tax Collector.
Assistant Division Head; Deputy Tax Collector. The Deputy Tax Collector shall be the assistant head of the Division of Revenue and Tax and Utility Collections.
Appointment; Term; Certification.
The Deputy Tax Collector shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council for a term of three years from the date of appointment. Vacancies in the position shall be filled for the full term. The Deputy Tax Collector shall be, at the time of appointment, certified by the State of New Jersey as a Certified Tax Collector.
The Deputy Tax Collector may also be designated as the Deputy Collector of Utility Payments if so appointed by the Mayor.
Qualifications. The Deputy Tax Collector must possess all of the educational and other qualifications and attributes as the Certified Tax Collector as established by the State of New Jersey as a prerequisite for being issued a Certified Tax Collector Certificate (CTC).
Duties of Deputy Tax Collector.
The Deputy Tax Collector shall assist the Tax Collector in the administration and functioning of the Division and shall perform all the duties of the Tax Collector to the extent that such duties may be assigned by the Tax Collector together with such additional duties that may be assigned by the Director of Revenue and Finance, the Tax Collector or the Mayor or Borough Council.
In the absence of the Tax Collector (Division Head) the Deputy shall perform and discharge all of the duties and responsibilities of the Tax Collector.
Functions of Division. The Division of Revenue and Tax and Utility Collections shall perform, in addition to the duties set forth in Subsection d hereof, the following functions:
Receive and collect all monies assessed or raised by taxation or assessment and other municipal charges, including collecting of all water and sewer utility payments.
Keep proper records and report to the Director at least once a month on all receipts and deposits made by him.
Account for all moneys for which he is responsible.
Keep a current record of all tax title liens and advise the Director when such liens become subject to foreclosure under the law.
Enforce the payment of delinquent taxes by the means provided by law as soon as they become delinquent.
Perform such other duties as are prescribed by law and municipal ordinance.
Be responsible for all tax searches required to be furnished relating to the property taxes and other municipal charges or liens of the Borough.
Office of Utility Collections. [NOTE: This position was created in a plan of reorganization for various departments (including the Office of the Tax Collector) dated November 1, 2022, and approved by Borough Council on December 14, 2022, pursuant to Resolution No. 228-2022, and scheduled to become effective on or after January 1, 2023, and subject to the adoption of required ordinance.]
[Added 2-8-2023 by Ord. No. 855-2023]
There is hereby created within the Division of Revenue and Tax Collections the Office of Utility Collections, which shall be managed by the Collector of Utility Payments.
The Collector of Utility Payments shall be appointed by the Mayor at an annual compensation as may be determined. The individual appointed to this position shall not have a fixed term of office but shall service during periods of good behavior and efficiency.
The Certified Tax Collector (CTC) may be appointed as Collector of Utility Payments in addition to and concurrent with the usual duties and responsibilities as CTC, but the duties of Collector of Utility Payments shall remain separate and apart from the duties as CTC. In the event the CTC is appointed to the position of Collector of Utility Payments, the CTC shall not acquire tenure in such position.
The Collector of Utility Payments shall:
Perform the functions associated with the billing and collection of all water and sewer charges and payments and enforce collection of all delinquent charges in the manner provided by law, including the municipal lien law.
Perform, to the extent applicable, those duties specified in the subsection entitled "Functions of Division."
Perform such further and additional duties as may be prescribed in the job description for such position as approved by the Borough Administration or as specified in the ordinances and Code of the Borough now in effect or hereafter adopted.
Other personnel. Unless otherwise provided, all other personnel in the Division of Revenue and Tax Collections under the Collector of Utility Payments shall be assigned to work and divide their work hours between the function of tax collections and utility collections.
[2000 Code § 2:12-7]
Appointment. The Director of Revenue and Finance shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council. Unless tenured, the Chief Financial Officer shall be subject to the same appointment provisions as a Director of Revenue and Finance.
Functions of the Division. The Office of the Director of Revenue and Finance shall perform the following function:
Perform those functions assigned to the Chief Financial Officer by general law or Borough ordinance except where those functions have been specifically assigned to another person or agency pursuant to this Administrative Code.
Perform all duties established by this Administrative Code pertaining to purchasing and payment of claims; payroll and the Cash Management Plan.
Obtain a minimum of three (3) quotations before investing funds in commercial banks, savings banks, savings and loans, or other similar institutions and invest at the institution offering the highest effective rate.
Determine which type of legal investment will best serve the needs of the Borough and to place the funds in any such legal investment, unless otherwise instructed by the governing body.
Report monthly all investment transactions as required by N.J.S.A. 40A:5-14 to the Mayor and Council.
[Added 4-26-2023 by Ord. No. 859-2023]
Municipal office areas in Avalon Borough Hall, 3100 Dune Drive and at the Avalon Department of Public Works, 1401 Dune Drive, which have been determined by the Business Administrator to contain records and documents that include confidential information have been secured and such offices are not open to the public for the purpose of protecting documents, digital data and other written, copied and printed materials that are not subject to the Open Public Records Act, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, et seq., which may include, but are not limited to, personally identifiable information that is protected by the Statutes of the State of New Jersey and the Federal laws of the United States.
[Added 4-26-2023 by Ord. No. 859-2023]
The Borough of Avalon shall be required to post signs outside of offices which have been designated as restricted access consistent with the intent of subsection 2-12.1 of this Chapter. The signs shall state "Authorized Personnel Only."
[Added 4-26-2023 by Ord. No. 859-2023]
Persons that trespass into these posted, restricted and protected areas may be subject to prosecution may be subject to prosecution under N.J.S.A. 2C:18-3.
If the offense is one that is prosecuted in the Municipal Court, a violator shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalty provisions of Borough Code Section 1-5, subsections 1-5.1 through 1-5.8, as applicable.