[Amended 3-3-2008 by HO-2008-03, 11-1-2010 by HO-2010-03]
The Mayor or the City Council may create special committees, commissions and task forces as they deem necessary. Nominations to bodies created by the Mayor shall be made by the Mayor and approved by the Council. Nominations to Council created bodies shall be determined by the Council.
Prior to the creation of any new committee, commission or task force, the following information shall be presented at a public meeting of the City Council:
A Mission Statement, including the purpose, scope and deliverables required;
The frequency of meetings, the minimum number of meetings per year and whether it is permanent or temporary (in which event an estimated time for its existence shall be included);
The composition of its members, any applicable qualifications, the scope of participation by Council liaison, Council members, or City staff and whether participation by all wards is recommended or required;
The term of office of members including renewal/reappointment dates and times;
The applicable grounds for removal of any member and the City bodies with such removal authority.
Each special committee, commission, or task force is required to do the following:
Notify the public in advance of all meetings;
Maintain minutes for each meeting;
Provide the City Administrator and Council with a copy of the minutes for each meeting;
Notify the City Administrator and Council if a scheduled meeting is cancelled;
Comply with the Open Meetings Act, currently codified at State Government Article §§ 10-501-10-512;
Close meetings only in accordance with the Open Meetings Act;
Notify the City Administrator and Council in the event a member is involuntarily removed;
Notify the Council in the event the special committee, commission, or task force dissolves rior to the expiration of its term, including the reason for the dissolution.
The City Clerk shall maintain a list of the members of each special committee, commission, or task force and the time for appointment or replacement.
The names of all members nominated for each committee, commission or task force shall be publicized prior to Council vote.
The City Council shall have the authority to remove any person from any committee, commission or task force for good cause after affording the person reasonable notice and the opportunity to be heard by Council or its designee.
[Amended 12-5-2016 by HO-2016-02]
Director of public works. The Director of Public Works shall be hired by the City Administrator, shall be a Department Director, and shall attend all regular meetings of the City Council and committee meetings when called upon to attend.
Duty hours. The regular duty hours of the Director shall be the same as those of the Department's labor force.
Prerequisite for employment; exception. To be eligible for appointment or for temporary employment on the Department labor force, an applicant must pass a physical examination by competent medical authority, showing the applicant's ability to perform sustained and arduous work, provided that in lieu of such examination, the City may hire employees on the Department labor force based on their previous experience and ability and personal interview.
Duty hours for labor force. The time for coming to work and the number of hours of work per day shall be determined by the Director under the direction of the City Administrator.
[Added 3-5-2012 by HO-46-03-12, amended 12-5-2016 by HO-2016-02]
Position. The Director of Human Resources shall be hired by the City Administrator, shall be a Department Director and shall attend all regular meetings of the City Council and Committee meetings when called upon to attend.
Duties. The Director of Human Resources shall:
Have overall responsibility for establishing, maintaining and coordinating personnel transactions and records management systems and procedures for all City employees consistent with state and federal laws.
Advise and assist supervision/management on all City personnel transactions and records management systems and procedures related to personnel.
Functions. The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible for:
Recommendations to the City Administrator and/or to the Mayor and Council for the establishment and the classification of all positions in the personnel system, assigning to each the appropriate title, experience capacity, knowledge, skill and other qualifications including the minimum prerequisites to be required for appointment. All positions in the classification plan with similar duties and responsibilities should have similar compensation. The classification so recommended shall be transmitted to the Mayor and Council for adoption. Every position in the personnel system shall be allocated to one of the classes and thereafter the position title and class so established shall be used in all personnel, fiscal and other documents and correspondence of the City.
Recommendations for the administration of rates of compensation covering all classes of positions in the personnel system in conjunction with the finance department. Such recommendations shall be included each year as a part of the budget recommendations of the City Administrator.
Establishing standards of qualifications and duties for all City employment positions.
Recruiting, examining, investigating and determining qualification of applicants for all positions in the personnel system.
Documenting the appointment, transfer, promotion, reclassification, demotion, suspension, dismissal or any other change of status of an employee.
Maintenance and security of all personnel records.
Recommending measures calculated to promote efficiency, safety and fairness.
Devising necessary administrative procedures and forms as to its employees to execute the policies of the City.
Administering such rules and procedures as may be set forth in the personnel manual.
Records, forms and reports.
The Director of Human Resources shall cause to be maintained a complete personnel file for each employee. Such file shall contain a personal history form or application form and all other records, memoranda or other data pertinent to the development of a complete record of the employee's service with the City. The Director of Human Resources shall develop such other forms and procedures as may be required to carry out the provisions of this article. Personnel records will be secured so as to ensure the confidentiality of their contents. No person may have access to an employee, personnel file, or be provided information concerning its contents, except the employee, persons authorized in writing by the employee and the persons who supervise the employee's work.
All information regarding an employee's medical condition, including the results of alcohol/drug screening and referral to the employee assistance program will be treated as a confidential medical record and will be maintained and secured. No one will be allowed access to confidential medical records except the employee and those persons who require such access in order to make decisions concerning the employee's ability to perform the essential functions of the employee's job.