Wherever a space is marked off on any street for the parking of an individual vehicle, every vehicle parked there shall be parked wholly within the lines bounding that space, and it shall be a violation of this article for any person to park a vehicle or allow it to remain parked otherwise.
When parking along the street with no markings or "parallel parking," vehicles shall be drawn up to the right-hand curb and stopped not more than six inches from the curb and parallel thereto, unless lines, arrows, signs or other regulations are applicable to the particular place; to conserve parking space, each vehicle shall be drawn to within four feet of any other vehicle parked in the immediate vicinity or shall be parked at the limit of the position wherein parking is permitted.
Any person, firm or company who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay the fine of $50 for each incident (every day in violation), together with costs which may be assessed by law.
The following acts shall be unlawful within the Borough as follows:
No vehicle shall be parked on any curb or place along the eastward travel direction lane of East and West Water Streets or along the westward travel direction lane along East and West Fleet Streets at any time.
No vehicle shall be parked opposite a curb painted yellow at the direction of the Borough Council or where signs are placed and maintained by the Borough indicating that parking is prohibited.
No vehicle shall be parked in front of a private driveway or alongside any street or highway excavation or obstruction nor opposite the same unless a clear and unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet upon the main traveled portion of said street or highway shall be left free for passage of other vehicles thereon.
No vehicle shall be parked in any highway commonly known as an "alley" unless a clear and unobstructed width of not less than 12 feet upon the main traveled portion of said alley shall be left free for the passage of other vehicles.
No person shall operate any motor vehicle of any kind upon any sidewalk or footpath, except in order to gain access to or egress from a driveway or alley.
Parking in mutual driveways of businesses is prohibited unless the driver is actively soliciting said business.
No person shall park any vehicle upon the premises of another when forbidden to do so by the property owner or his agent or in violation of any clear and legible sign posted upon such premises which prohibits parking thereon.
No person shall cause or permit any vehicle to remain standing upon any highway in the Borough for the purpose of loading or unloading merchandise or for any other purpose in such a manner as to obstruct or block traffic.
Parking in the opposite direction of traffic is prohibited. This includes facing against oncoming traffic on the side of the street on which the vehicle is parked.
Crosswalks: no parking within 10 feet of a marked crosswalk.
Intersections: no parking within 15 feet of an intersection.
Stop signs: no parking within 25 feet of a stop sign.
Fire hydrants: no parking within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.
Bus stops: no parking within a marked bus stop.
Double parking is unlawful upon a traveled portion of the road adjacent to parked cars.
Fire lanes: no parking within a fire lane.
Parking by trespassing on private property is prohibited.
No vehicle shall be parked on any curb or place along the northward travel direction lane of South Cheapside Street at any time.
[Added 12-15-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-05]
No vehicle shall be parked on any curb or place along either travel direction lanes (i.e., eastward, westward, northward or southward, as the case may be) of Sutton Road between Kinneman Road and West Fleet Street.
[Added 3-21-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
No vehicle shall be parked on any curb or place along the eastward or westward travel direction lanes of Abbott Street from West King Street (SR 0030) to High Street.
[Added 3-21-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-02]
Any person, firm or company who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay the fine of $50 for each incident (every day in violation), together with costs which may be assessed by law.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or company to park, or allow to remain parked, any vehicle other than a passenger vehicle (which shall not include any bus, motor home, boat or passenger car attached to a trailer of any kind), or a vehicle for commercial purposes, in any street or highway, or for the sale or exhibition of any article or for the storing of a vehicle itself or property therein, or for any commercial purpose wherein the parking of the vehicles becomes a means whereby the commercial transaction is affected. This prohibition does not include the delivering of merchandise, loading or unloading or the reasonable use of the street or highway for these purposes.
Any person, firm or company who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay the fine of $50 for each incident (every day in violation), together with costs which may be assessed by law.
No vehicle shall be used or parked in a highway for the purpose or intent of committing or inducing any unlawful act therein or thereby or of storing or transporting any article or property unlawfully.
Any person, firm or company who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay the fine of $50 for each incident (every day in violation), together with costs which may be assessed by law.
No person shall place any sign or paint any curb to regulate traffic in highways except under proper municipal authority from Abbottstown Borough.
Any person, firm or company who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay the fine of $100 for each incident, together with costs which may be assessed by law.
It shall be lawful for the Borough to place any pedestals, posts, signs, lights, wires or other fixtures or apparatus on, under or over the highways of the Borough by direction of the Borough Council or approved by it which are approved for use by the Department of Transportation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Any person, firm or company causing damage to be done to any sign, standard or other construction or property of the Borough shall pay the damages caused and, in addition, shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of this article.
Where no designated spaces have been painted for parking on Center Square, only angle parking will be permitted.
Every vehicle parked within the quadrants of the Center Square shall be parked with its front nearest the curb (head-in parking).
No person shall park any vehicle within the two designated parking spaces in front of the group mailboxes situated in the northwest quadrant of the Square, except for those residents assigned to said mailboxes, and then only temporarily to drop off or retrieve mail from the boxes. A vehicle is considered to be parked if not running and the driver is not in immediate attendance of the vehicle.
Any person, firm or company who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay the fine of $50 for each incident (every day in violation), together with costs which may be assessed by law.
No person shall park, or allow to remain parked, a vehicle for repair, or cause or permit to be repaired, except in an emergency, any vehicle within the Borough on any road, street, public passway, highway or upon any area used for vehicular travel.
Any vehicle that is disabled and in need of repair must be removed from being parked within the Borough on any road, street, public passway, highway or upon any area used for vehicular travel within 24 hours of becoming disabled and is subject to the penalty of this subsection and may be removed by the Borough under the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter.
Any person, firm or company who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay the fine of $50 for each incident (every day in violation), together with costs which may be assessed by law.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle, or to allow the same to remain parked, at any time posted by order of the Borough Council on any portions of the highways in the Borough on the days posted as designated for street sweeping.
Any person, firm or company who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay the fine of $50 for each incident (every day in violation), together with costs which may be assessed by law.
Any police officer within the Abbottstown Borough Police Department, upon discovery of any motor vehicle, whether situated within or without any highway of the Borough, which, due to its location, is a menace to traffic or public health or safety, shall take such motor vehicle into his custody and cause the same to be taken to, and stored in, a suitable place.
Any police officer within the Abbottstown Borough Police Department, upon discovery of any motor vehicle apparently abandoned or a motor vehicle without proper registration or inspection, whether situated within or without any highway of the Borough, shall affix to such motor vehicle a notification sticker in a manner so as to be readily visible. Such notification sticker shall contain the following information:
The date and time the notification sticker was affixed to the motor vehicle;
A statement that, pursuant to this section, if the motor vehicle is not removed within 24 hours of the time the sticker was affixed, it may be taken into custody and stored at the owner's expense;
The location and telephone number where additional information may be obtained;
The identity of the affixing officer.
If the motor vehicle is not removed within such twenty-four-hour period, the Police Department may take such motor vehicle into its custody or cause the same to be under the authority and provisions provided within Article VIII of this chapter.