To implement the general policy and purposes set forth in this chapter, the City Commission establishes a Civil Rights Board.
The Civil Rights Board consists of seven voting members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Commission and two ex-officio members who shall have no vote, but who may otherwise fully participate in any meeting of the Board.
Members appointed to the Board shall be residents of the City reflecting and representing the diversity of the Kalamazoo community and be able to demonstrate experience in civil rights, public accommodation, employment, disability or housing law. Members to the Board may be appointed who are not City residents, not to exceed two members, when there is a valid reason for such appointment, such as the member works in the City, or has special expertise to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Board.
Except for the initial appointments, members of the Board are appointed for a term of three years. The initial appointments to the Board will consist of three members appointed for a three-year term, two members appointed for a two-year term and two members appointed for a one-year term. Members of the Board may serve up to two consecutive terms. Vacancies may be filled by the same appointment procedure for the remainder of an unexpired term.
The ex officio Board members shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Commission. One member shall be a City Commissioner, and the other member shall be a City officer or employee, recommended by the City Manager, but who shall not be a City Commissioner or the City Manager.
The Board shall elect a Chairperson for a term of one year, with no limit on the number of terms a member may serve as Chairperson, to conduct its meetings and, as it may desire, elect a Vice Chairperson to act in the absence of the Chairperson, from its members. Rules for the conduct of Board meetings shall be stated in the bylaws, as determined by the Board and approved by the City Commission.
The City Manager shall designate someone other than himself/herself to serve as Secretary to the Board and shall provide such administrative support as may be required.
Meetings of the Board shall be conducted in compliance with the Michigan Open Meetings Act, MCLA § 15.261 et seq., and its records shall be available to the public under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, MCLA § 15.231 et seq.
The Board shall exercise its authority, functions, powers, and duties in accordance with all ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, and the City Charter of the City of Kalamazoo. The authority, duties, and responsibilities of the Board shall include the following:
Foster mutual understanding and respect among the people in the City and discourage and prevent unlawful discriminatory practices toward the protected classes described in this chapter.
Review claims of discrimination brought by residents of the City of Kalamazoo and make recommendations for resolution following investigation of the claim by the City Manager or the designee of the City Manager.
Review and analyze of conditions, practices, attitudes, policies, and other factors within Kalamazoo that contribute to discriminatory impact and further inequities, as well as evaluating the impact of antidiscrimination efforts.
Make recommendations to the City Commission and City Manager on ways to improve City programs and ordinances to eliminate discrimination or remove effects of past discrimination.
Engage in public awareness-building activities to ensure residents are informed of increased local protections and the role of the Board, including issuing an annual report of the activity of the Board.
Engage with federal, state, and local agencies to assist in addressing issues of discrimination in the City.
The Board shall provide an annual report to the City Commission regarding complaints received and actions taken.
Establish bylaws and procedural rules for its meetings subject to approval by the City Commission.