[Adopted 4-20-2020 by Ord. No. 712]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Chemical compounds such as benzanthracene, benzofluoranthene, benzoperylene, benzopyrene, chrysene and other similar compounds which are believed by competent authorities to pose risks to human health and other animal life.
It shall be a violation of this article to use, apply or cause others to apply PAHs to pavement and other surfaces in the Borough. It shall likewise be a violation to fail or refuse to remove or encapsulate PAHs which are being leeched, emitted or otherwise released at a harmful level from a surface on land in the Borough owned, leased or otherwise controlled by an individual or entity. In the event of difference of opinion as to whether the level of release is harmful, the opinion of a competent testing agency, engaged at the expense of the property owner, lessee or other controlling person or entity, shall be conclusive. Removal shall include the obligation to control and remove dust or other residue of PAHs from such land and other downstream properties, including during removal.
The Code Officer, police and management level personnel of the Borough shall have the right to enter upon land and to cause competent testing contractors to test surfaces in the Borough which they reasonably suspect may have PAHs on or under them.