[1973 Code § 1:1-1; New]
The Township Clerk shall be appointed and shall hold office as provided by law. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Township Clerk, the Township Committee shall fill such vacancy in the manner, and for the time as provided by law.
[1973 Code § 1:1-1]
The Township Clerk shall perform all of the duties prescribed by law for such official, and shall perform the duties provided in this Code, and shall have such other duties and authority as may be determined by the Township Committee.
[1973 Code § 1:1-2]
Pursuant to Chapter 200, P.L. 1971, there is hereby created the office of Deputy Township Clerk. The Deputy Township Clerk shall be appointed by the Township Committee for a term not to exceed one year, the expiration of the term to coincide with the end of the calendar year in which the appointment is made.
During the absence or disability of the Township Clerk, the Deputy Township Clerk shall have all the powers of the Township Clerk and shall perform the functions and duties of such office.
[1973 Code § 1:1-3]
The Township Committee shall appoint a Township Attorney to act as the corporation counsel and to advise the governing body and such other officials as the governing body may designate. The Township Attorney shall perform such duties as shall be assigned to him by the governing body.
[1973 Code § 1:1-3]
The term of office of the Township Attorney shall be one year, the expiration of the term to coincide with the end of the calendar year in which the appointment is made.
[1973 Code § 1:1-4]
The Township Committee may appoint a Municipal Prosecutor to represent the interest of the Township in the Municipal Court, or to handle such other prosecution cases as may be assigned to him or as may be required by law. The Township Attorney may be designated as such prosecutor, or a separate attorney may be so appointed. The term of office of any Municipal Prosecutor shall be one year, the expiration of the term to coincide with end of the calendar year in which the appointment is made.
[1973 Code § 1:1-5]
The Township Committee shall appoint a Township Engineer to perform such duties as may be assigned to him. Such appointment shall be for a term not to exceed three years.
[1973 Code § 1:1-5]
The Township Committee may also designate a deputy or acting Township Engineer to serve in the temporary absence, disability or disqualification of the Township Engineer.
[Ord. 12-13-79 § 1]
There shall be one Tax Assessor in and for the Township. Such Tax Assessor shall be appointed by the Township Committee and shall hold office as provided by law. (N.J.S.A. 40A:9-148).
[1973 Code § 1:1-6; New]
The Tax Collector shall be appointed and shall hold office as provided by law. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Tax Collector, the Township Committee shall fill such vacancy in the manner, and for the time, as provided by law.
[1973 Code § 1:1-7]
The Township Committee may appoint a Deputy Tax Collector for a term not to exceed one year, the expiration of the term to coincide with the end of the calendar year in which the appointment is made. During the absence or disability of the Tax Collector, the Deputy Tax Collector shall have all the powers of the Tax Collector and shall perform the functions and duties of such office.
[1973 Code § 1:1-11]
The Township Committee may appoint a Municipal Collector of Arrears of Taxes, pursuant to Chapter 200, P.L. 1971. He shall serve for a term not to exceed one year, the expiration of the term to coincide with the end of the calendar year in which the appointment is made. The Tax Collector or Deputy Tax Collector may be appointed to such office or some other suitable person may be so appointed. The designation of a person other than the Tax Collector as such official, however, shall in no way diminish the rights and authority of the Tax Collector to collect taxes, whether current or in arrears.
[1973 Code § 1:1-12]
The Township Committee shall annually retain a duly licensed registered municipal auditor to make an audit of the financial records of the Township for the prior year, pursuant to the laws of the State of New Jersey, and the requirements of the Division of Local Finance or any successor agency. The Township Auditor shall not be considered an officer of the Township but shall be an independent contractor.
In addition to performing the auditing duties, the Township Auditor shall prepare the annual debt statement, and such supplemental debt statements as may be required, and shall assist the governing body in the preparation and submission of the budget.
[1973 Code § 1:1-8]
The Township Committee shall appoint a Sewer Utility Collector to collect and receive the funds and to handle the duties of collecting the charges and assessments due the Sewer Utility. The Township Committee may also appoint a Deputy Sewer Utility Collector to perform such duties in the absence or disability of the Sewer Utility Collector. Such appointments shall be for a term not to exceed one year, the expiration of any term to coincide with the end of the calendar year in which the appointment is made. The Tax Collector and/or Deputy Tax Collector may be designated to either or both of the offices.
Editor's Note: Responsibilities and duties, see N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq.
[Ord. 7-13-89 § 1]
There is hereby created in and for the Township of Green Brook the position of Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer.
[Ord. 7-13-89 § 1]
The person appointed by the Township Committee to the position of Chief Financial Officer shall have the qualifications prescribed by P.L. 1988 C. 110, (N.J.S.A. 40A:9-140.1 et seq.), and shall be appointed as set forth by statute for the term specified therein.
[Ord. 7-13-89 § 1]
The person appointed by the Township Committee to the position of Chief Financial Officer shall:
Carry out the responsibilities set forth under P.L. 1947, C. 151 (N.J.S.A. 52:27BB-26 et seq.) as the same now exists and as the same may hereafter be amended and supplemented;
Describe, develop, maintain, approve and enforce all financial systems and procedures, and install uniform charts of accounts for all departments of the Township Government;
Make revenue and expenditure estimates for the Township Committee and provide monthly and annual reports as to the actual revenues and expenditures;
Maintain the Township accounts and records;
Control all expenditures within the limits of appropriations and insure compliance with Single Audit Act of 1983;
Pre-audit bills and claims;
Supervise the billing of funds owed to the Township by third parties;
Certify availability of funds in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:30-5.1 et seq.
Supervise the collection and deposit of revenues collected by all Township Departments;
Prepare voucher checks for signatures;
Prepare payrolls in accordance with the Salary Ordinance, resolutions and contracts approved by the Township Committee and prepare and insure the filing of all pension and tax reports;
Have the safekeeping and custody of all municipal securities, investments and bonds in the Township;
Supervise financial proceedings for the issuance of municipal bonds or notes of the Township, subject to requirements of law, ordinance or resolution;
Invest and reinvest surplus or idle funds of the Township;
Promptly pay interest and principal on municipal obligations as they fall due; and
Have such other duties as the Township Committee may assign or direct.
[Ord. 7-13-89 § 1]
Compensation for the Township Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer shall be established by the Township Committee by ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: Compensation to be established by ordinance, see N.J.S.A. 40A:9-165.
[Ord. 7-13-89 § 1]
The Township Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer shall enter a bond in favor of the Township in such amount as may be prescribed by the Township Committee, which bond shall be filed with the Township Clerk. The costs of such bond shall be a municipal expense.
[1973 Code § 1:1-13]
Whenever any officer or employee of the Township is temporarily absent, disabled or disqualified, the Township Committee may designate some person to act in place of any such officer or employee during his temporary absence, disability or disqualification pursuant to Chapter 200, P.L. 1971, N.J.S.A. 40A:9-157. This authority extends to all officers and employees, whether or not specifically mentioned in this article.
[1973 Code § 1:1-14]
In the event of the death or permanent disability or disqualification of an officer, the Township Committee shall fill any such vacancy in the manner provided by law for such office. Unless otherwise provided by law, any such appointment shall be for the unexpired term.
A person who holds office as deputy for the office in which such vacancy occurs may be eligible for appointment to fill the vacancy, if otherwise qualified, but there shall be no automatic succession of a deputy to the office in which the vacancy may occur.
[Prior ordinance history includes portions of Ordinance No. 96-601.]
[Ord. No. 2011-777]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A-136 et seq., there is hereby created the office of Township Administrator. If the holder of such office is also the Clerk of the Township, such person shall be known as the Township Administrator/Clerk, but the offices of Clerk and Administrator shall remain separate and distinct.
[Ord. No. 2011-777]
The Township Administrator shall be appointed by majority vote of the Township Committee on the basis of his/her executive and administrative abilities and qualifications, with special regard to education, training and experience in government affairs.
[Ord. No. 2011-777]
The Township Administrator shall hold office at the pleasure of the Township Committee. During the absence or disability of the Township Administrator, the Township Committee may appoint an officer or regular employee of the Township to perform his/her duties. If he/she shall be absent or disabled for more than three months, his/her office may be deemed vacated. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment of the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 2011-777]
The Township Administrator may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the Township Committee, the resolution of removal to become effective three months after its adoption by the Township Committee. The Township Committee may provide, however, that the resolution of removal shall have immediate effect, provided that the Township Committee shall cause to be paid to the Administrator forthwith any unpaid balance of his/her salary and his/her salary for the next three calendar months following adoption of the resolution as provided in and subject to the provision of N.J.S.A. 40A:9-138.
[Ord. No. 2011-777]
The Township Administrator shall, under the supervision and control of the Township Committee:
Be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Township and shall be responsible to the Township Committee as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of the business of the Township. His/her duties and responsibilities shall relate to the general management of all Township business, except those duties and responsibilities conferred upon other Township officials by applicable laws, rules and regulations, judicial authority, or Township ordinances. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the Township Committee and its members shall deal with the Township administrative staff solely through the Township Administrator, and neither the Township Committee nor any member thereof shall give orders to any subordinates of the Township Administrator either publicly or privately.
Supervise and direct the business activities and functions of all departments, boards, officials and employees of the Township and delegate to any department head or Township employee such of his/her powers as he/she may deem necessary for the effective administration of Township business.
Assist the Township Committee in its determination of policy and make recommendations to the Township Committee as to such policies and the adoption of such measures as he/she deems necessary or advisable for the best interests of the Township. Such recommendations may include, but are not limited to:
The employment of experts and consultants to perform work and render advice in connection with Township business or projects (subject to the approval of the Township Committee), and
The nature and location of Township improvements (as determined by the Township Committee).
Implement all policies established by the Township Committee.
Keep the Township Committee informed as to the conduct of Township matters, and submit periodic reports, either in writing or orally, on the work of all departments and officials, the condition of the Township finances, the physical condition of Township property and such other reports, either in writing or orally, as the Township Committee may request.
Represent the Township in its relations with the Federal, State, County and other municipal governments, subject to the direction of the Township Committee.
Keep the Township Committee informed as to Federal and State aid projects and any other aid programs for which the Township may qualify.
Execute and enforce the laws of New Jersey and the ordinances and resolutions of the Township.
Consult with the Township Clerk (if a different person) to prepare the agenda for each meeting of the Township Committee and to receive notice of and to attend all Township Committee meetings and special meetings and be prepared to advise with respect to and discuss such business as may be raised in such meetings with the right to participate in the discussions at such meetings.
Attend meetings of such Township boards, agencies, advisory committees or other Township entities as directed by the Township Committee.
Receive copies of all general and official correspondence addressed to the Township and Township officials and refer such correspondence to the appropriate officials or department for disposition and reply.
Receive complaints regarding services or personnel of the Township and by himself/herself, or by an officer designated by him/her, investigate and dispose of the complaints keeping a written record of each complaint and when and what action was taken in response thereto and providing the Township Committee with a copy of such records when so requested. If any such complaint involves possible illegal acts, he/she shall make same known to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
Serve as the personnel officer of the Township, in accordance with the Township's Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual and when he/she deems it advisable or necessary and in the best interests of the Township, and subject regulations and requirements of law:
Hire, promote or advance Township employees (subsequent to the satisfactory completion of an introductory period, if any); administer disciplinary action, suspend, discharge, remove or replace Township employees, provided that persons covered by statute shall be promoted, hired, suspended, discharged only in accordance with such provisions.
The Township Administrator shall report at the next meeting of the Township Committee any action taken by him/her pursuant to this subsection.
At the request of the Township Committee, study and analyze the duties and responsibilities of, or investigate the performance of, any elected or appointed official or department of the Township, submitting his/her report relating thereto to the Township Committee for such further action as the Township Committee may deem advisable.
Establish and maintain effective personnel practices and maintain appropriate records of all employees.
Conduct negotiations for the Township in its labor matters and advise the Township Committee as to such negotiations for their final approval.
Attend to the negotiation and award of Township contracts, and supervise the performance and faithful execution of such contracts, except insofar as such duties are expressly imposed by law upon some other Township officer or official, and evaluate the Township's interest in contracts, franchises and other business transactions.
Obtain compliance with the provisions of all franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by the Township.
Prepare and submit to the Township Committee before the close of the fiscal year, or at such time as the Township Committee shall determine, a proposed operating and capital budget for the next fiscal year and an explanatory budget message. In preparing the proposed budgets, he/she or an officer designated by him/her, shall obtain from each officer or the head of each department, agency, or board, estimates of revenues and expenditures and other supporting data as he/she requests. The Township Administrator shall then review the estimates and may revise them before submitting the proposed budget to the Township Committee.
Be responsible for the administration of the budget after its adoption by the Township Committee and the implementation of the work programs contained in the budget, and maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs and costs of Township services.
Supervise the disbursement of all Township funds and review and approve all vouchers and bills before their submission to the Township Committee for final approval.
See that all money owed the Township is promptly paid, and that proper actions are taken for the security and collection of all Township claims.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by ordinance, resolution or direction of the Township Committee.
[Ord. No. 2011-777]
The Township Administrator shall receive as salary such sums as may be fixed and adopted by the Township Committee by ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: Compensation to be established by ordinance, see N.J.S.A. 40A:9-165.
[Ord. No. 2011-777]
Nothing in this section shall derogate from or authorize the Township Administrator to exercise the powers and duties of the elected and appointed officials or employees, as provided by law.
[Ord. 97-627]
The Township Committee shall appoint a Municipal Public Defender to represent the interest of eligible indigent defendants in certain proceedings over which the Municipal Court has jurisdiction, provided they make application to the Municipal Court and qualify for the services of a Public Defender. The term of office of any Municipal Public Defender shall be one year, the expiration of the term to coincide with the end of the calendar year in which the appointment is made.
[Ord. 97-627]
Compensation for the Municipal Public Defender shall be fixed by resolution of the Township Committee, and shall be paid from a dedicated fund to be established and administered by the Chief Finance Officer. Such funds shall be used exclusively to meet the costs incurred in providing the services of a Municipal Public Defender, including, when required, expert and lay investigation and testimony.
[Ord. 97-627]
Defendants wishing to obtain the services of the Municipal Public Defender in proceedings over which the Municipal Court has jurisdiction shall make application to the Municipal Court and shall pay a fee of $200 per application to pay the costs of Municipal Public Defender services. This fee shall be deposited into the dedicated fund, provided, however the Municipal Court may waive the required application fee, in whole or in part, within the guidelines set forth in N.J.S.A. 2B:24-10.
[Ord. No. 2008-737]
There is hereby created the office of Assistant Administrator in and for the Township of Green Brook. If the holder of such office is also the Clerk of the Township, the Chief Finance Officer, or Tax Collector, such person shall be known as the Assistant Administrator/Clerk, or Assistant Administrator/CFO/Tax Collector, but the office of Assistant Administrator shall remain distinct and separate from other titles held for purposes of compensation, licensure, certification, or tenure in any other position.
[Ord. No. 2008-737]
The Assistant Administrator shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Township Committee, to serve for the calendar year in which appointment is made and thereafter shall serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy shall be filled in the manner of the original appointment. The Assistant Administrator serves at the pleasure of the Governing Body. Removal of the Assistant Administrator shall be by 2/3 majority vote of the Governing Body.
[Ord. No. 2008-737]
The Assistant Administrator need not be a resident of the Township of Green Brook.
[Ord. No. 2008-737]
It shall be the duty of the Assistant Administrator, under the supervision and control of the Township Administrator, and to the extent not prohibited by law, to assist the Township Administrator in all functions described in N.J.S.A. 40A:9-136 and subsection 2-23.5 of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Green Brook. The Assistant Administrator shall serve in the absence or infirmity of the Township Administrator, and shall act in his/her stead in all matters and with full authority of the office of Township Administrator.
[Ord. No. 2008-737]
Compensation for the Assistant Administrator shall be established by the Township Committee by ordinance and shall be separate and distinct from the compensation provided for any other position the Assistant Administrator may hold with the Township.[1]
Editor's Note: Compensation to be established by ordinance, see N.J.S.A. 40A:9-165.
Nothing herein contained shall derogate from the powers and duties of the elective, appointive or other officials of the Township of Green Brook or of the boards and commissions thereof established pursuant to law.