Prior ordinance history includes portions of 1973 Code §§ 10:1-1 through 10:1-26, 10:1-30-10:1-36, 10:1-38, 10:1-39, 10:2-1-10:2-12 and Ordinances 11-10-77, 12-11-80, 3-12-81, 4-15-82, 12-11-86, 2-9-89, 6-11-92 and 2-10-94.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Shall mean the quantity of dissolved oxygen (in milligrams per liter, mg/l) required during stabilization of decomposable organic matter by aerobic biochemical action as determined by analytical procedures set forth in the "Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes" (USEPA, Office of Technology Transfer, Washington, D.C., March 1983).
Shall mean the extension from the building or dwelling drain to the public sewerage system.
Shall mean the person duly appointed to and occupying such position in the Township.
Shall mean a sample consisting of several effluent portions collected during a specific time period and combined to make a representative sample.
Shall mean the water discharged from any system of condensation, air conditioning, refrigeration, or other sources. It shall contain no polluting substances which would produce BOD, or suspended solids in excess of 10 mg/l by weight or toxic substances as limited elsewhere herein.
Shall mean the liquid waste or liquid borne wastes which result from the discharge of household wastes from residential bathrooms, toilet facilities, home laundries and kitchens, which are predominantly the result of human waste elimination associated with bodily function and food preparation.
Shall mean the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Shall mean the "Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972." (Public law 92-500; 33 U.S.C. 1251 et. seq.) including any substantive amendments.
Shall mean a single sample collected at a particular time and place.
Shall mean any pipe together with necessary connections, conveying sewage from a single building of any kind or sort to the public sewerage system.
Shall mean nondomestic waste, including but not limited to those pollutants regulated under Section 309(a), (b), or (c) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.
Shall mean (1) inhibiting or disrupting the operation of the public sewerage system or its treatment so as to contribute to, or cause a violation of any condition of a State or Federal permit under which the public sewerage system operates; or (2) discharging industrial process wastewater which in combination with existing domestic flows are of such volume and/or strength as to exceed the design capacity of the public sewerage system.
Shall mean the body politic and corporate organized and existing under the New Jersey Utilities Authority Law and created by virtue of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Middlesex, New Jersey.
Shall mean the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Shall mean sewage, industrial waste or other waste which, when analyzed show by weight the following characteristics:
BOD: 200 milligrams per liter or less.
Chlorine demand: 25 milligrams per liter or less.
Suspended solids: 250 milligrams per liter or less.
COD: 500 milligrams per liter or less.
Nitrogen: 50 milligrams per liter or less.
Shall mean a body politic and corporate organized and existing under the New Jersey Sewerage Authority Law and created by virtue of parallel ordinances duly adopted in the calendar year 1995 by the respective bodies of the Borough of Dunellen, Borough of Fanwood, Township of Green Brook, Borough of North Plainfield, City of Plainfield, Township of Scotch Plains, Borough of South Plainfield and Borough of Watchung.
Shall mean the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in moles per liter. It indicates the intensity of acidity and alkalinity of the pH scale running from 0.0 to 14.0. A pH value of 7.0, the midpoint of the scale, represents neutrality. Values below 7.0 represent acid concentrations. Values above 7.0 represent alkaline conditions.
Shall mean all pipes, structures and appurtenances owned or maintained by the Township of Green Brook.
See Wastewater.
Shall mean a pipe or conduit for conveying sewage.
Shall mean any sewer, pipe, line, structure or appurtenances used for the conveyance of domestic or industrial waste of a liquid nature, whether forced or by gravity, which: 1) will extend along an easement, roadway, or right of way; 2) conveys flows from two or more buildings; or 3) conveys 8,000 gallons per day or more sewage flow determined in accordance with the criteria specified in N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23.3. This includes all sewer lines from a single building if the building utilizes more than one sewer line to convey waste to the sewer system and die aggregate waste flow is 8,000 gallons per day or more.
Shall mean a body politic and corporate organized and existing under the New Jersey Sewerage Authority Law and created in calendar year 1958 by virtue of an agreement entitled, "The 1958 Service Agreement", executed by and among the respective bodies of the Township of Bridgewater, the Borough of Raritan, the Borough of Somerville, the Township of Branchburg, the Hillsborough Township Municipal Utilities Authority, the Township of Green Brook, the Township of Warren Sewerage Authority, the Borough of Manville, the American Cyanamid Company, and the National Starch and Chemical Corporation.
Shall mean the "New Jersey Water Pollution Control Act" N.J.S.A. 58:10A-1 et. seq., and any amendments thereto.
Shall mean a sewer which carries storm and surface waters and drainage, but excludes sewage and industrial waste other than cooling waters and other unpolluted waters.
Shall mean the total non-filterable residue as determined by analytical procedures set forth in the "Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes" (USEPA, Office of Technology Transfer, Washington, D.C., March 1983).
Shall mean an approval issued pursuant to N.J.S.A. 58:10A-6 and N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23, or pursuant to former N.J.S.A. 58:12-3.
Shall mean any person who discharges wastewater into the Public Sewerage System.
Shall mean any wastes, including wastes from humans, households, commercial establishments, industries, and storm water runoff, that are discharged to or otherwise enter the public sewerage system.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
No connection of any kind or nature shall be made to the sanitary sewer system until the owner of the property sought to be connected shall have obtained a sewer service form from the Construction Official and shall have paid the charge therefor as hereinafter set forth in this section. Such form shall state the name of the owner, the street and number of the premises to be connected, and the tax map lot and block of such premises, and shall contain such other information as may be required by the Township.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Prior to the issuance of a permit to connect to the sanitary sewer of the Township, the owner of the property to be connected shall pay to the Township Clerk the sewer service connection charge, which shall be payable only one time for a single connection. The connection fee shall be established on an annual basis by resolution of the Township Committee. Said connection charge shall be used to offset non-assessable costs of the sewer, as specifically set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:26A-11.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Whenever an owner of property hereafter seeks to connect to the sanitary sewer system of this Township, and the property to be connected is (a) within an area of the Township included in an ordinance or contract under which sanitary sewers were constructed as a local improvement assessed against properties specially benefited thereby, and (b) the particular property sought to be connected was not specially assessed for the benefit of the sewers (whether by reason of not having been a separate lot at the time of such assessment, or for any other reason), then, in addition to the connection fee set forth in subsection 13-1.3, the owner shall pay the following fee:
Where the particular property sought to be connected is a single lot, involving connection directly to an interceptor or lateral sewer, a sum equal to the assessment levied upon neighboring properties which were assessed under the ordinance or contract for the area in which the proposed connection is to be made, together with interest at the rate of 4% per annum on such sum computed from February 1 next following the date of confirmation of such assessment; or
Where the particular property is part of a subdivision of lands made after the confirmation of the assessments for neighboring properties which were assessed under an ordinance or contract for the area in which the proposed connection is to be made, and which subdivision includes the construction, of any, internal sewer system to connect to an interceptor or lateral sewer, a sum determined by resolution of the Township Committee, which shall take into consideration the amount of the assessment levied upon such neighboring properties; the costs to the developer of installing the new internal sewer system in the development, and the number of properties included within the subdivision; in no event, however, shall such sum, for any single lot within the subdivision, exceed the amount for a single lot computed under paragraph above.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
In addition to the sewer service form, which grants permission to make a connection, the owner of the property shall obtain a plumbing permit from the Construction Official.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
The Plumbing Subcode Official is the designated official authorized to inspect the building sewer installation between the building and the Township right-of-way.
The Township Engineer or his designated representative, shall perform the inspections required under this section involving connections to the sanitary sewer system; it being specifically understood that the house plumbing system is not part of this section.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building sewer or house connection shall be borne by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the Township from any loss or damage that may indirectly or directly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer or house connection.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building; except where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, court, yard, or driveway. The building sewer from the front of the building may be extended to the rear of the building utilizing a pipe of no less than six inches in diameter.
No building connection shall be made to a manhole on the sewer system.
Common sanitary sewer service may be permitted for multifamily housing where there is an entity such as a homeowner's association that is responsible for maintenance of the common laterals.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Old building sewers or house connections may be used in connection with new building only when they are found, on examination and test by the Township or its duly authorized representatives to meet all of the requirements of this section.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
In addition to the requirements of this section where the applicant for the permit must connect to a public sewer discharging into the sewerage system of an adjacent municipality or Governing Body, the provisions of any ordinance or ordinances, rules, and regulations of such municipality or Governing Body concerning the connection to a public sewer shall govern and apply, as well as the applicable terms of any agreement in connection therewith entered into between this Township and such adjoining municipality or Governing Body.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
All permits for connections with public sewers are given a condition that the owners of the property served assume all risks of damages that may result from Wastewater gathering into the premises from the public sewers or their connections: Any drain subject to backflow or back pressure may be equipped with an approved type backwater valve as approved by the Plumbing Subcode Official.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Oil and Sand Interceptors. Oil and sand interceptors shall be installed in commercial and industrial facilities when, in the opinion of the Township Engineer and/or Board of Health, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes. No washings from vehicles of any type shall be admitted to the sewer system except through an oil and sand interceptor. All interceptors shall conform to the applicable standards for oil and sand interceptors set forth in the National Standard Plumbing Code and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection.
Grease Interceptors. Restaurants, cafeterias, institutional kitchens and other installations discharging large quantities of grease shall use a grease interceptor. A garbage grinder shall not be used when a grease interceptor is required. The grease interceptor shall be installed in a separate line serving that part of the plumbing system into which the grease will be discharged. Grease interceptors shall be located, designed and constructed in a manner that will permit easy access and cleaning.
Standards Applicable to Existing Facilities. Existing facilities shall have installed grease interceptors which conform to the applicable standards for grease interceptors set forth in the National Standard Plumbing Code. In addition, in order to identify those grease interceptors which are malfunctioning or of a capacity or design inadequate to properly intercept the grease discharged, the Board of Health shall require monitoring points to be installed on the premises of all existing facilities. The Board of Health shall notify in writing all property owners who shall be required to install said monitoring points. Said monitoring points shall be installed within 120 days of receipt of the Board of Health's written notification.
The monitoring points shall consist of clean outs or sight tees extended to be flush with the existing grade at a point on the premises as near to the sanitary sewer main as possible. "Wye" fittings may not be used for monitoring points. Where multiple tenants have separate laterals connecting to the sewer main, monitoring points shall be installed for each individual facility to which this chapter applies. Monitoring points with a depth of four feet or less shall have a minimum diameter of four inches. Monitoring points with a depth of more than four feet shall have a minimum diameter of six inches. The cover of the clean outs shall be metallic where the top of the clean out is in pavement, sidewalk or other area subject to vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
The Health Officer shall take random samples from the monitoring points at various times through the year. Access to the monitoring points shall be kept reasonably open to the Health Officer in order for samples to be taken. If the Health Officer determines from the samples taken that any grease interceptor is malfunctioning or of inadequate design or capacity, he shall notify the property owner of the malfunction or deficiency, which measures may include the installation of a grease interceptor meeting the standards set forth in paragraph b,2 below.
Existing facility as that term is used herein shall mean a restaurant, cafeteria, institutional kitchen or other installation discharging large quantities of grease that is operating as such at the time of passage of this subsection.
[Adopted December 21, 1998]
Standards Applicable to New or Altered Facilities. The following standards shall apply to new or altered facilities as follows:
Restaurants. The following equation shall be used to determine the minimum size required for grease interceptors serving restaurants:
Q = (D) x (HR/2) x (12.5) x (0.5),
size of grease interceptor in gallons;
number of seats in dining area;
number of hours open per day; and
Cafeterias and institutional kitchens. The following equation shall be used to determine the minimum size required for grease interceptors serving cafeterias and institutional kitchens:
Q = (M) x (11.25) x (LF),
size of grease interceptor in gallons;
total number of meals served per day; and
loading factors depending on type of facilities present:
1.0 with dishwashing
0.5 without dishwashing
In no case shall a grease interceptor serving a new or altered facility be smaller than 750 gallons in capacity. The minimum requirement for construction, materials and foundations of grease interceptors shall be the same as those required for septic tanks, as prescribed in N.J.A.C. 7:9A-8.2. The inlet and outlet of the grease interceptor shall be provided with "T" baffles extending to a depth of 12 inches above the tank floor and well above the liquid level. To facilitate maintenance, manholes extending to finished grade shall be provided. Covers shall be of gas-tight construction and shall be designed to withstand expected loads and prevent access by children.
New facility as that term is used herein shall mean any proposed new restaurant, cafeteria, institutional kitchen or other installation discharging large quantities of grease.
Altered facility as that term is used herein shall mean a restaurant cafeteria, institutional kitchen or other installation discharging large quantities of grease which is remodeled, renovated, reconstructed or modified, which remodeling, renovation, reconstruction or modification requires any change in the physical configuration of an existing grease interceptor or any of its component parts, including replacement, modification, addition or removal of system components such that there will be a change in the location, design, construction, installation, size, capacity, type or number of one or more components.
Penalties. Any person who fails to comply with any provision of this subsection, upon conviction therefor, shall be liable to a penalty of no less than $1,000 and no more than $10,000. Each day a particular violation continues shall constitute a separate offense for which a penalty may be imposed.
Maintenance of Interceptors. Where installed, all grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times. The owner shall maintain a written log of the dates of inspection, dates of cleaning, and amount of material removed. Copies of the reports shall be submitted to the Township twice a year, before July 1st and January 1st.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Steam exhausts shall not discharge into the sewer system; and no blow-off from boilers or from steam heating plants shall be directly connected therewith but shall in every case discharge into a tank of suitable size from which a trapped overflow may lead to the sewer. No refrigeration or air conditioning water shall be allowed to discharge into the sewer system.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Except as herein provided, no person shall permit to be discharged or discharge any of the following described wastes to or in any public sewer:
Oil and Grease. (1) Oil and grease, in concentrations or amounts violating either EPA, NJDEP or MCUA regulations including petroleum based hydrocarbons as determined by silica gel absorption; (2) wastewater containing floatable fats, wax, grease, or oil; (3) total fats, wax, grease, or oil in a concentration of more than 100 mg/l unless otherwise specifically permitted by the Authority, whether emulsified or not, or containing substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32° and 150° F. (0° and 65° C.) at the point of discharge into the public sewerage system.
Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 150° F. or 65° C.
Explosive and/or Flammable Mixtures. Liquids, solids or gases which by reason of their nature or quantity are or may be sufficient to, either alone or by interaction with other substances, cause fire or explosion or be injurious in any other way to the Public Sewerage System or to its operation. At no time shall two successive readings on an explosion hazard meter, at the point of discharge into the Public Sewerage System, be more than 5% nor any single reading over 10% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) of the meter. This category of materials includes, but is not limited to: gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethers, alcohols, ketone, aldehydes, peroxides, chlorates, perchlorates, bromates, carbides, hydrides and sulfides.
Noxious Materials. Pollutants which are, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, malodorous, capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard to life or health, or present in sufficient concentrations to prevent entry into or maintenance and repair of the Public Sewerage System.
Radioactive Wastes. Radioactive wastes of such half-life or concentrations as may exceed limits established by EPA, NJDEP, MCUA or Authority regulations.
Solid or Viscous Wastes. Solid or viscous wastes which will or may cause obstruction to the flow in a sewer, or otherwise interfere with the proper operation of the public sewerage system. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to: grease, improperly shredded garbage, animal guts or tissues, diseased human organs or tissue fluids, paunch manure, bones, hair, hides or fleshings, entrails, whole blood, feathers, ashes, cinders, sand, spent lime, stone or marble dust, metal, glass, straw, shavings, grass clippings, rags, spent grains, spent hops, waste paper, wood, plastic, tar, asphalt residues, residues from refining or processing of fuel or lubricating oil, and similar substances.
Excessive Discharge. Wastewater at a flow rate that exceeds for any time period longer than 15 minutes more than five times the average daily flow rate of the User during normal operation, or containing such concentrations or quantities of pollutants that would cause a treatment process upset and subsequent loss of treatment efficiency.
Toxic Pollutants. Any toxic pollutant in an amount exceeding standards promulgated by the Administrator of the EPA pursuant to the Federal Act; by the NJDEP pursuant to the State Act or by the MCUA or the Authority, including, but not limited to, those listed in Tables II through VI in Appendix B to NJPDES Regulations (N.J.A.C. 7:14A-1 et seq.).
Stormwater. Stormwater, surface water, groundwater, roof run-off, subsurface drainage.
Discolored Materials. Wastes with color not removable by the treatment works.
Substances Interfering with Sludge Management. Any substance which may cause the Authority or MCUA to be in noncompliance with sludge use or disposal criteria, guidelines or regulations developed under Section 405 of the Federal Act; or any criteria, guidelines, or regulations affecting sludge use or disposal developed pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, or the "New Jersey Guidelines for the Utilization and Disposal of Municipal and Industrial Sludge and Septage."
Corrosive Wastes. Any waste which will cause corrosion or deterioration of the public sewerage system; all wastes discharged to the public sewerage system must have a pH value in the range of 5 to 9.5 standard units; prohibited materials include, but are not limited to: acids, alkalies, sulfides, concentrated chloride and fluoride compounds, and substances which will react with water to form acidic or alkaline products.
Heat. Heat in amounts which will result in interference or cause damage, but in no case heat in such quantities that the temperature exceeds 65° C. (150° F.) at the public sewerage system and 40° C. (104° F.) at the Treatment Plant.
Uncontaminated cooling water or unpolluted waters resulting from industrial processes or otherwise, unless specifically authorized.
Medical wastes, hazardous wastes, dilution water or detergent and/or other waste which may result, in the opinion of the Authority, in interference with the public sewerage system or in the creating of toxic gases, vapors or fumes in the public sewerage system.
Any waste, liquid, solid or other substance, the discharge of which is prohibited by any Federal or State regulation; MCUA, SRVSA, or PARSA requirements and limitations. In any case where any one of the above referenced agencies' requirements or limitations is more stringent that the others, the more stringent requirement or limitation shall apply.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Pretreatment facilities shall be maintained in good working order and operated efficiently by the owner or operator at his/her own cost and expense, subject to the requirements of these rules and regulations, the MCUA and all other applicable local, state and federal codes, ordinances, and laws.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
In case of accidental discharge, or if for any reason a user does not comply or will be unable to comply with any prohibition or limitation in these rules and regulations, the user shall immediately telephone the Township, Board of Health, and any other regulating agency of the incident. The notification shall include the location of discharge, type of waste, concentration and volume, and corrective action being taken to prevent the discharge. Within five days following an accidental or noncomplying discharge, the user shall submit to the Township a detailed written report describing the date, time and cause of the discharge, the quantity and characteristics of the discharge and corrective action taken at the time of the discharge, and the measures to be taken by the user to prevent similar future occurrences. Such notification shall not relieve the user of any expense, loss, damage, or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage to the public sewerage system, fish kills, or any other damage to person or property; nor shall such notification relieve the User of any criminal penalties, fines, civil penalties, or other liability which may be imposed by these rules and regulations or other applicable law.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
When required by the Township, the owner of any property served by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall install a suitable control manhole in the building connection to facilitate observation, sampling, and measurement of the wastes. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessible and safely located, and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Township Engineer. The manhole shall be installed by the owner at his expense, and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Representative Sampling Point. If requested by the Township any and/or all Nondomestic Users proposing to connect to or continue to discharge to the public sewerage system or any sewer tributary thereto shall construct and make available to the Township a sampling point from which representative samples of the facility's discharge may be collected at the expense of the owner or operator. This point must be available to the Township for purposes of conducting sampling, inspection, compliance monitoring and/or metering operations.
Compliance Determination. Compliance determinations by the Township with respect to subsection 13-1.11 and limitations, shall be made on the basis of either instantaneous grab samples or twenty-four-hour composite samples of wastewater, or such other means as may be determined by the Township.
Analysis of Wastewaters. Laboratory analysis of wastewater samples shall be performed in accordance with EPA "Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants," published in the Federal Register, Vol. 41, No. 232, December 1, 1976, and subsequent revisions. Analysis of those pollutants not covered by the publications referred to herein shall be performed in accordance with procedures approved by the NJDEP.
Sampling Frequency. Sampling of wastewater for the purpose of compliance determinations with respect to Article V prohibitions and limitations will be done at such intervals as the Authority, MCUA, NJDEP or EPA may deem appropriate.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
The planning, design, construction, installation, modification and operation of any sanitary sewer shall be in accordance with the applicable NJDEPE rules implementing the New Jersey Water Pollution Control Act (N.J.S.A. 58:10A-1 et seq.) and the New Jersey Water Quality Planning Act (N.J.S.A. 58:11A-1 et seq.).
House and building sewers shall be laid and constructed as not to be damaged by any action occurring on the surface above same, such as the passage of motor vehicles over such surface.
The building sewer shall be designed so that the discharge pipe leaves the basement of a normal building a minimum of six inches above the basement floor measured from the underside of the sewer pipe. No floor drains or other openings are permitted in which cellar water may be admitted to the sewer system.
All sewers shall be designed to meet the NJDEP slope standards at N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23.6(b).
No two house or building sewers shall be closer than three feet apart at any part of connection to the sewer system.
Size, Grade, and Line. No house connection shall be less than four inches for a single family residence or less than six inches for a multi-family residence. Each house sewer shall be laid on a straight line, if possible, on an even grade.
Connections, Joints, and Materials. All house or building sewer connections shall be made of SDR 35 or 40 PVC sewer pipe with bell and spigot ends and 0-ring rubber gasketed joints. Bedding shall be a minimum of six inches thickness of 3/4 inches clean stone and a minimum cover of 12 inches clean stone. All sewers shall be constructed a minimum of three feet below grade to prevent freezing. For sewers constructed beneath a paved section of a public roadway, backfill material shall be soil aggregate designation 1-5 compacted to 95 inches density and installed in six inches lifts.
When installing to an existing main, saddles may be used. An inspection riser shall be installed in the lateral between the edge of the pavement and the property line at a location to be determined by the Township Engineer. The inspection risers shall be fitted with a metallic cap or a nonmetal cap fitted with a metallic plug that is suitable for locating the riser. Caps shall have a depressed or inverted nut.
Examination and Backfill. No house connection shall be covered until so ordered by the Plumbing Inspector. Any part of the work which may have been covered without previously obtaining the consent of the Plumbing Inspector shall be uncovered for his examination. Any backfill occurring with a public right-of-way which was subject to a road opening permit shall be inspected jointly with the Township Engineer.
As built drawings that include the location of the sewer connection from the main as measured from the closest manhole, and the location and depth of the house sewer cleanout shall be prepared and submitted to the Township prior to approval of the connection.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
The right is reserved by the Township to stop and prevent at any time the discharge into the sewers or laterals of any waste which may injure the sewers or adversely affect sewage treatment or which is not in conformity with the requirements and standards now or hereafter made by the Township, PARSA, the Middlesex County Utilities Authority, or SRVSA. The Township may at any time without notice and without recourse, sever the connection and cause removal of any sewer or drain through which such waste may be discharged.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
It shall be unlawful for any person to break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is part of the sewer system including house connections, except pursuant to the provisions of this section.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Exclusive of the violations imposed under subsection 13-1.12b which shall be covered by paragraph b, 3. thereunder, any person or persons, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Chapter shall be subject to the General Penalty established in Chapter 1, Section 1-5 of this Code.
The penalties stated in paragraph a above shall not preclude the rights of the Township to remove or sever any connection, as provided herein, or to revoke to suspend any permit or license, as provided herein or under any other applicable ordinance or code of this Township or its Board of Health, or to recover damages in a civil action against any person, firm or corporation which causes damage or injury to any part of the sewer system or additional expenses to the Township in maintaining or using the system.
The owner of a building or structure or portion thereof, or any lot or land or part thereof, or of the premises where anything in violation of this section shall be done or shall exist, and any engineer, builder, contractor, agent, plumber, person or corporation employed in connection therewith and who assists in the commission of such violation, shall each be guilty of a separate offense and be subject to the penalties herein prescribed.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Written notice of proposed discontinuance of service and the reasons therefor must be given, within 10 days prior to the date of discontinuance, to the owner of record of the property. In the event that notice is provided by mail, the notice requirements shall be satisfied if the mailing is made to the last known address of the owner of record and is postmarked at least 10 days prior to the date of discontinuance.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
The Plumbing Inspector, Township Engineer or his designated representative, and Health Officer and any other duly authorized employee of the Township bearing proper credentials and identification shell be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurements, sampling, and testing at any reasonable hour, in accordance with the provisions of this section. The use of sewerage facilities to any property may be discontinued if the owner, lessee, or other user of that property opposes or obstructs the official in the performance of their duties (ref. N.J.S.A. 40A:26A-19).
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Nothing in this section shall be construed to abrogate the rules, regulations or requirements of the owners of any public water supply system or public sewer system. All persons connecting to, or making use of, any sewer in the Township shall comply with and abide by any and all present or future regulations and requirements, of the NJDEP, the Board of Health of the Township, and where applicable, the Middlesex County Utilities Authority, the Plainfield Area Regional Sewerage Authority; and where 'the regulations or requirements of the State Department DEPE, local Board of Health, Sewerage Authority, PARSA where applicable, are more restrictive than the restrictions in this section, such regulations or requirements of any or all of the bodies shall control.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
The Township Committee may pass by resolution or ordinance an intention to undertake and finance the construction of sewerage facilities as a local improvement assessment on real property located within the municipality. Said intention shall be noticed by advertising in one or more responses of general circulation in the Township, and by notifying each concerned property owner by certified mail. The notice shell fix a date, time, and place for a public hearing on the proposed action; except that the date of the hearing shall not be earlier than two weeks after the making of notice to concerned property owners. If, after the hearing, the Township decides to carry out the proposed improvements, an ordinance or resolution shall be adopted declaring the determination.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Upon completion of the improvements made pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:26A-13, the Township shall assess the costs and expenses of the sewerage facilities on the lands specially benefited therefrom in proportion to the benefits received.
When completed the assessments shall be filed as a report with the Clerk of the Township who shall give notice, by advertising in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the Township, and by notifying each concerned property owner by certified mail, of the fact that the report has been filed and that the Township will meet at a time and place designated in the notice to hear remonstrances and may revise the report as may be deemed appropriate after which the report shall be filed with the Township Clerk, and the assessments shall constitute liens upon the lands so assessed or special benefits.
The Township Clerk shall deliver a duplicate copy of the report to the Township Tax Collector who shall immediately thereafter send out by mail or deliver to owners of lands bills for the assessments. The Officer shall mail or deliver bills for an assessment in the manner required in connection with local improvements and shall keep a record and books of assessments in the same manner required for local improvements under N.J.S.A. 40:56-31, at the expense of the local Township.
The Township unit may, by resolution, provide that the owner of any real estate located within the local unit upon which local improvement assessment has been made may pay the assessment in installations pursuant to the procedures contained in N.J.S.A. 40:56-35 for collection thereof remain in arrears on July 4 of the calendar year following the calendar year when the amount becomes in arrears, the appropriate officer of the local unit shall enforce the lien by selling the property in the manner set forth in chapter 5 Title 54 of the Revised Statutes.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
There is hereby created and established within the Township of Green Brook, in the County of Somerset, State of New Jersey, a sewer utility, which shall be known as Green Brook Sewer Utility. Said sewer utility shall be under the control and management of the Township Committee of said Township of Green Brook. Said sewer utility shall include all those lands and premises in the Township of Green Brook which are served by, or within areas of being served by, sanitary sewers.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
All future revenue and accounting therefor from the sewer utility shall be on a dedicated utility basis pursuant to the New Jersey Statutes, as in such cases made and provided, and all funds derived from the operation of the sewer utility and any other funds applicable to the support therefor shall be segregated and kept in a separate fund which shall be known as "Sewer Utility Fund." All disbursements for the operation and maintenance of the sewer utility shall be taken from the Sewer Utility Fund.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Appropriations shall be provided in future budgets for operating expenses, capital improvements, debt service for the payment of all sanitary sewer bonds, principal and interest, and all other deferred charges and statutory expenditures as provided by law; excepting local improvement assessments by specific ordinances pertaining to construction of collector systems when constructed by local assessment ordinances.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Charges for connection to the sanitary sewer system of the Township, and annual charges for use thereof, shall be as determined pursuant to subsection 13-1.3 and Section 13-4 of this chapter.
Annual charges for use shall be established by resolution of the Township Committee, and may be revised from time to time. Charges shall be consistent for properties similarly situated and involving sewering through facilities in the same adjacent municipality, but may differ from the method of charging properties which connect through a different sewerage utilities authority. (In other words, all properties involving a contract with the Borough of Watchung shall be charged in a consistent manner, but the charge for such properties may be calculated differently, and the annual charges may differ from charges for properties involving a contract with the Township of Warren Sewerage Authority, or PARSA, as the case may be.) The annual charge shall be sufficient to recover the charge made to the Township by the receiving municipality and administration costs.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
The sewer user charges herein set forth shall apply to all sewer connections in the Township of Green Brook.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Residential, including all private, domestic dwellings.
Industrial, including all users which discharge the equivalent of 25,000 gallons or more of wastewater per day.
Commercial and small Industrial, including all nondomestic, nongovernmental users discharging less than 25,000 gallons of wastewater per day.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
At least once a year, the Township Committee shall review and revise, as necessary, sewer use and sewer user charges and shall establish schedule of charges by (A) location of the user with the relation to charges made to the Township by other municipalities or entities, (as set in paragraph b below); and (B) by user class, type of use, flow, biochemical oxygen demand (B.O.D.), suspended solids (S.S.), chlorine demand (C.D.), and such other criteria as the Township Committee shall deem appropriate.
Any charges so established shall, at a minimum, provide for the equitable distribution of applicable charges to the Township, by the Middlesex County Utilities Authority (MCUA), the Plainfield Area Regional Sewerage Authority (PARSA), the Somerset-Raritan Valley Sewerage Authority, the Borough of Watchung, the Borough of North Plainfield, or any other municipality or public entity, as may be applicable to the particular user, for operations and maintenance costs or other fees or charges.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
All calculations of flow for nonresidential users shall be based upon the Projected Flow Criteria as established by the NJDEP and promulgated in N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23.3. Actual water use readings may be used in lieu of calculated flow provided the uses can provide one year actual water usage data and same is increased by 40%.
For residential users, by use of a standard usage of 300 gallons per day for each residential unit.
For commercial and industrial users, by utilizing water meter readings and applying same to equivalencies to residential user. No use, however, shall be less than one residential user.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Any extraneous flows which are not chargeable to a particular user, whether by reason of the user being exempted from charges, or by reason of the flow entering the system by infiltration or inflow (not identifiable as being infiltration or inflow caused by a specific user), shall be charged to all users connected to the main exhibiting the extraneous flow, proportionately.
Any extraneous flows which can be identified to a particular user shall be considered prohibited wastes and enforceable under subsection 13-1.17. Said identified user shall also be charged additional user fees based on the estimated quantity of extraneous charges into the sanitary sewer.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Any user objecting to any estimate of flow made hereunder shall have the option, at its own cost and expense, of installing metering equipment on its discharge lines to record actual flow and strength readings. The metering equipment used, its installation and the location of the installation, shall all be subject to review and approval by the Township Committee or its designated representative.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
The sewer use charge may include all costs of the use, operation, treatment, maintenance and construction of the sewerage system of the Township and may include, but shall not be limited to: charges for operation and maintenance by the Middlesex County Utilities Authority (MCUA), PARSA or any successor body, the Somerset-Raritan Valley Sewerage Authority (SRVSA), the Township of Warren or Township of Warren Sewerage Authority, the Borough of Watchung, the Borough of North Plainfield, or any other municipality or public entity for which the Township must pay costs or charges in connection with sanitary sewage applicable to particular properties or areas, and costs for construction, use, operation and maintenance of the internal, collector and interceptor sewer systems of the Township.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
The Township may notify each user annually, with the regular bill or otherwise, of the portion of the sewer user charge representing operation and maintenance costs and the portion representing debt service.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Any user who discharges into the system toxic pollutants which cause an increase in the costs of managing the effluent or the sludge of the treatment works shall pay for such increased costs. Any user who discharges into the system toxic pollutants or other waste or effluent prohibited by law or regulations of the MCUA or SRVSA, shall be in violation of the General Ordinances of the Township and shall be subject to the fines and penalties of this section for violation thereof, in additional to an immediate cease and desist order, and shall also be liable for any costs incurred by the Township with regard to such violation and any damages to the sanitary sewer system by reason of such discharge.
[Ord. No. 12-11-80, § 1; Ord. No. 2-10-94, § 2; Ord. No. 98-641; Ord. No. 2003-683]
The sewer charge established and fixed herein shall be an annual charge, as aforesaid, and the full amount of the charge shall be payable annually on or before June 1 in the calendar year for which the charge is levied.
Whenever the sewer service to any property begins after the first day of the calendar year, the sewer charge for such property for such initial service year shall be for that portion of the calendar year for which the property is connected.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
The aforesaid charges shall be payable to the Collector of Taxes and shall draw the same interest from the time they become due as the taxes upon real estate and shall be a lien upon the premises connected until paid, and the Township shall have the same remedies for the collection thereof with interest, costs and penalties, as it has by law for the collection of taxes upon real estate.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
Buildings of the Township shall be exempt from sewer use charges. Buildings of the State of New Jersey or any agency thereof, or of any other otherwise tax exempt entity, however, shall not be exempt from sewer use charges.
[Ord. No. 98-641]
The regulations herein are intended to comply with the requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and the requirements of the New Jersey Department of Environment concerning the development of acceptable user charge ordinances for waste water treatment services, and particularly as the regulations and requirements affect the Middlesex County Utilities Authority and the Somerset-Raritan Valley Sewerage Authority.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
The purpose of this section is to help protect public health and safety, water quality and general welfare by requiring the proper operation and maintenance of individual subsurface sewage disposal systems (ISSDSs) in the Township of Green Brook.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
ISSDSs that are not properly maintained can contaminate both ground water and surface water, creating health risks to humans and impairing natural ecosystems. Regularly pumping out the accumulated solids and liquids from an ISSDS before they interfere with proper function is the single most effective means to maintain an ISSDS in good working order and to extend its effective life. Therefore, regular pump outs are a key means to protect the surrounding environment as well as public health and welfare from the effects of a failed system.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
This section is applicable to all ISSDSs, both existing and newly installed, within the Township of Green Brook.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
Shall mean the office, agency, or other entity responsible for the implementation of this section. For the Township of Green Brook it shall be the Township Engineer.
Shall mean a system for the disposal of less than or equal to 2,000 gallons per day of sanitary sewage into the ground. Such systems are generally designed and constructed to treat sanitary sewage in a manner that will retain most of the settleable solids in a tank and discharge the liquid effluent to a disposal field. Existing systems with other designs (some no longer permitted to be used), such as cesspools or those that dispose of effluent through seepage pits are also included. This term refers to both systems that serve an individual residence as well as on-site subsurface sewage disposal systems serving a property other than a single-family home (such as commercial buildings, food establishments, commercial/residential mixed uses, and systems serving multiple units) with an engineering flow of less than or equal to 2,000 gallons per day, including but not limited to those systems identified in N.J.A.C. 7:9A-1.8(a)2.
Shall mean an individual granted a license by the Public Health Licensing and Examination Board of the New Jersey Department of Health.
Shall mean an industry professional that meets a set of established criteria and is deemed qualified to construct, install or alter individual subsurface sewage disposal systems by the Acting Authority or its designee.
Shall mean an engineer licensed by the New Jersey State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors to practice the profession of engineering.
Shall mean pumping out by a qualified service provider, as determined by the Acting Authority, the accumulated solids and liquids retained in an ISSDS, as well as servicing as necessary to restore an ISSDS to good working order.
Shall mean an industry professional that has completed the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Professionals Voluntary Registration Form and filed it with the Department's Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution Control.
Shall mean any person or other entity that has legal title to property. "Property" means either of the following that is served by an ISSDS:
A single lot as defined by municipal lot and block; or
The combined area contained within the legal boundaries of two or more contiguous lots where, for any part of each of those lots, there is a shared pecuniary, possessory or other substantial common interest by one or more persons (such as common ownership and/or operation or a common plan of development or sale).
Shall mean an individual granted a license by the Public Health Licensing and Examination Board of the New Jersey Department of Health.
Shall mean any wastes, including wastes from humans, households, commercial establishments, and/or equivalent water carried wastes of human origin from industries, that are discharged to an ISSDS.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
Within six months from the effective date of this section (adopted December 30, 2009), the Township of Green Brook shall create and maintain a database identifying each ISSDS in active use within Green Brook. The database shall include for each ISSDS the parcel block and lot and address of the property where the ISSDS is located, name and address of the property owner, a description of system size, type and location on the property and the pump out status according to the required pump out schedule set forth in subsection 13-5.7.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
Owners of properties served by ISSDSs are required to complete an initial registration form and initial registration fee with the information required in subsection 13-5.5 within 30 days of receiving notice by the Township.
Upon change in ownership or alteration of the septic system, a new initial registration form shall be completed.
Within 30 days following the required pump-out date, a renewal registration form and fee shall be submitted to the Township.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
The owner of a property served by an ISSDS must cause the ISSDS to be pumped out by an ISSDS service provider in accordance with the applicable schedule. Documentation of compliance shall be submitted within 30 days to the Township Engineer in the form of a receipt from the ISSDS service provider for the service indicating the property location, service type(s) provided and date of service.
Except as provided in subsection 13-5.7a,2, each ISSDS shall be pumped out every three years following the initial scheduled pump out, as set forth in subsection 13-5.7c, unless an alternative schedule is identified by the Acting Authority, as set forth in subsection 13-5.7b;
In lieu of a pump out, the property owner may submit a septic system inspection report to the Township Engineer on a form provided by the Acting Authority indicating that the system is not in need of pumping and is in good working order. In this case, the pump out schedule will be shifted forward by one year. Said form shall be prepared, completed, and certified by one of the following:
NJDEP-registered ISSDS service provider;
Licensed professional engineer;
Licensed health officer or registered environmental health specialist.
Modifications to Term of Scheduled Maintenance. The Acting Authority may, on its own motion, upon notice and opportunity to the property owner for a hearing, or upon application for a modified schedule by a property owner, alter the time period for scheduled maintenance. The Acting Authority may consider the factors, including but not limited to those listed below, in determining that a different pumping schedule applies:
Size of the ISSDS relative to the wastewater generated by the structure(s) served (i.e. small number of users relative to system design may warrant a longer period while a large number of users relative to system design may warrant a shorter period);
ISSDSs that are cesspools;
Unusual type and/or intensity of sewage generation, such as dining establishments, pet grooming, hair salons, etc.
Notification of Requirement for Scheduled Maintenance.
An initial notice of requirement for initial pump-out and the pump-out schedule applicable thereafter shall be mailed by the Acting Authority to owners of properties served by ISSDSs. Except as provided in subsection 13-5.7c,2, the initial scheduled pump-out is required to be conducted within 90 days of the date set forth in the initial notification.
Property owners shall be exempt from the initial pump-out requirement provided documentation is submitted to Township Engineer that confirms a pump-out was completed no more than 18 months prior to receiving the initial notification. In this case, the initial required maintenance will commence three years from the date of the documented pump out.
Sixty days prior to the next scheduled maintenance, the Acting Authority shall send a "Notice for Service Due" letter to the affected property owners.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
Initial Registration: $50.
Renewal Registration: $25.
Late Fee: $25.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
In furtherance of the rights granted to the Board of Health in N.J.S.A. 26:3-45 et seq., and N.J.A.C. 7:9A-3.19, the Township Engineer or his designee, upon presentation of identification, shall have the right to enter upon property where an individual or nonindividual subsurface sewage disposal system is located for the purpose of observation, inspection, monitoring and/or sampling of the on-site sewage disposal system. This authority is exercised by virtue of N.J.S.A. 26:3-31 as a necessary and reasonable method of furthering the duties of the Board of Health as enumerated therein.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
Adherence to the provisions of this section is necessary to help protect public health and safety, water quality and general welfare. Failure to adhere to the provisions set forth in this section shall constitute a violation of this section for which a fine shall be levied in an amount not to exceed $2,000.
[Ord. No. 2009-756]
This section shall take effect 30 days after adoption (December 30, 2009) and publication of a Notice of Adoption in accordance with New Jersey law.