[Adopted 3-28-2006 by L.L. No. 5-2006]
The purpose of this article is to specify when it may be permissible for an individual or entity to work within the right-of-way owned or maintained by the Village of Lima, and the conditions and/or requirements consequent upon being permitted to perform such work within the right-of-way.
No person or entity shall be authorized to work within a dedicated street or right-of-way owned and/or maintained by the Village of Lima, as such term(s) may be defined in this article of the Code of the Village of Lima, unless such person or entity has received written authorization from the Village Superintendent of Public Works. This prohibition is intended to safeguard and preserve Village roadways, sidewalks, utility infrastructure and ditching and other public improvements located within a Village right-of-way from damage or degradation.
Consonant with statute and opinion, the term "right-of-way" includes roads, pavement, sidewalk, paths, utility lines, conduits and infrastructure, ditching, and any and all public improvement or infrastructure within the public right-of-way area. The public street or right-of-way of the Village is that area that is under the ownership and/or control of the Village and used for public passage by vehicles and/or pedestrians. The width of each street or right-of-way has been established in each instance, and such information may be obtained from the Village Clerk and/or the Village Superintendent of Public Works.
The prohibition against "work" within a public street or right-of-way is intended to mean and include any substantial earth moving, change of grade, disruption of the surface of roads or public paths or passageways, diversion of surface waters, relocation of subsurface utility lines and conduits, trenching or ditching, and any and all such similar action upon the public lands that are within the ownership and/or control of the Village of Lima or part of the Village's transportation right-of-way.
In the event that any person or entity shall seek to perform work as defined herein within the Village's street or right-of-way, such person or entity must:
Apply to the Village Clerk for a permit to undertake work within the public right-of-way. Said permit application shall be made in writing by the applicant, and must specify:
The precise area where the proposed work is to be performed;
Detail the type of work to be undertaken and completed;
Provide a reasonable estimate of the time for beginning and completing such work.
If the Village Clerk so determines, a specific application form may be prepared and required to be used by the applicant; if no specific form is prescribed, the application must be in a written form submitted by the applicant.
A permit fee may be established and collected for this purpose by the Village Board, in an amount set by said Board, from time to time.
The Village Clerk shall refer the application to the Village Superintendent of Public Works within one day of submission by applicant. The Village Superintendent of Public Works shall have up to two additional days within which to approve the application, to disapprove it, or to require more information before acting upon it. If the Superintendent requires any additional information, the permit applicant must furnish it before a permit shall be granted.
No permit will be granted unless and until the Village Superintendent of Public Works is satisfied that the permit applicant or the agent thereof is qualified by skill and experience to undertake and complete said work within the Village's street or right-of-way.
Apart from and in addition to any permit fee, the permit applicant shall be required to post a cash bond equal to 150% of the cost of completion of the work to be performed for the purpose of securing the integrity and good condition of the public right-of-way, including its improvements and enhancements. The amount of the cash bond shall be determined by reference to a work order or contract between the applicant and its customer, but such work order or contract must be deemed to be reasonably correct, sufficient, and verifiable by the Village Superintendent of Public Works. Said bond shall be remitted to and held by the Village Clerk in a non-interest-bearing account, and shall be returned to the permit applicant only when the Superintendent of Public Works has authorized its return upon inspection and satisfactory approval of the completed work within the street or right-of-way.
Permission and authorization to perform work within the right-of-way of the municipality is a privilege to be extended in appropriate circumstances, and not a right to be asserted by any party. Such permission and authorization is and shall always be discretionary on the part of the municipality, and may be withheld by the municipality in the reasonable discretion of the Village Clerk and/or the Village Superintendent of Public Works.
If, upon compliance by the applicant of all requirements set forth in this article and prescribed by the Village Superintendent of Public Works, an applicant is given permission and authorization to proceed to work in the public right-of-way, and subsequently the permitted applicant causes a situation which is deemed by the Village Superintendent of Public Works to be hazardous or detrimental to the public health or wellbeing, the Superintendent shall be specifically authorized to address and/or remedy the public hazard or detrimental situation. In such event, the reasonable cost of remedying the public hazard or detriment to public safety or wellbeing shall be levied upon the permitted applicant, and the cash bond posted by the permitted applicant may be used by the Village to defray the cost of the emergency repair or service by the Village Superintendent of Public Works or his designated party.
If the permitted applicant fails to complete a job undertaken within the public right-of-way within a reasonable time period, or in a manner reasonably acceptable to the Superintendent of Public Works, the Superintendent shall be entitled to give the permitted applicant written notice to complete the work authorized within no more than 48 hours of the time of the notice; failure to so complete the job undertaken within the public right-of-way within the specified time will authorize the Village Superintendent of Public works or his designated party the right to complete said job. In such event, the reasonable cost of completing the work authorized within the public right-of-way to the reasonable satisfaction of the Village Superintendent of Public Works may be withdrawn from the cash bond posted by the permitted applicant, and may be used by the Village to defray the cost of the repair or completion of the work initially undertaken by the permitted applicant by the Village Superintendent of Public Works or his designated party.
This article shall be effective immediately upon filing thereof with the Secretary of State.