[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
The regulations of this Article are intended to achieve, among other things, the following purposes:
To require adequate off-street parking, loading, and stacking spaces to avoid traffic congestion;
To avoid inefficient use of land by provision of unnecessary parking facilities;
To ensure safe pedestrian access to and between developments;
To protect adjoining residential neighborhoods from the impacts of large nonresidential vehicular use areas; and
To promote general convenience, welfare and prosperity of developments which depend upon off-street parking, loading, and circulation.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
This Article shall apply to the following:
The construction of new principal structures.
Activities which require approval of a site plan (Section 405.160).
The change or enlargement of a building or use constructed or established prior to the effective date of this Code by more than fifteen percent (15%) in terms of gross floor area, number of dwelling units, or seating capacity.
This Article shall not apply to:
The change or enlargement of a building or use constructed or established prior to the effective date of this Code by less than fifteen percent (15%) in terms of gross floor area, number of dwelling units, or seating capacity. In cases where expansions or enlargements occur over a period of time, the site shall come into full compliance with the requirements of this Article once the increase exceeds fifty percent (50%).
Modification To Existing Vehicular Use Areas.
Any vehicular use area provided before the effective date of this Code shall not be permanently modified, removed or reduced in a way that would bring the property out of conformance with this Article or would increase the degree of any existing nonconformity.
The modification of any existing vehicular use areas, including, but not limited to, reduction, enlargement, restriping or remarking of any vehicular use area shall be reviewed in accordance with Section 405.080(D), Amendments To Approved Applications.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
The standards of this Article may be waived or modified through one (1) of the following procedures, except where an alternative procedure is specified in this Article:
Minor Adjustment (Section 405.220).
Variance (Section 405.230).
Zoning Map amendment (Section 405.100) to planned unit development (Section 415.130).
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
Minimum Parking Requirements.
Detached House, Duplex, and Townhouse Uses.
Two (2) parking spaces per dwelling unit.
Multi-Unit, Mixed-Use and Nonresidential Uses.
Applicants shall submit a parking plan demonstrating that the proposed number of off-street parking spaces is sufficient to serve the proposed use or activity.
When a change or enlargement of a building or use constructed or established prior to the effective date of this Code is more than fifteen percent (15%) and less than fifty percent (50%) in terms of gross floor area, number of dwelling units, or seating capacity, additional parking spaces are required based only on the parking needs of the enlarged area or change.
Nonresidential and mixed-uses uses shall not provide more than one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the minimum parking spaces required as specified by the parking plan. For example, if twenty (20) parking spaces are required, the maximum number of parking spaces allowed is twenty-five (25) (20 x 1.25 = 25). The following land uses are exempt from this requirement:
Automotive sales or leasing and motor vehicle sales or leasing uses.
A change in use where fewer parking spaces are required.
The minimum number of required parking spaces specified in the parking plan may be reduced in accordance with Section 425.160, Alternative Parking Solutions.
Parking Plan Contents.
The applicant shall provide a written analysis of parking requirements which may include but is not limited to the following information:
Availability of on-street parking near the use and the distances to those spaces;
Building square footage for each specific use to be served by off-street parking;
Number of dwelling units;
Hours of operation;
Estimated number of patrons/customers at peak hours of operation;
Maximum number of employees present on one (1) shift;
Building occupancy loads;
Estimates of parking demand based on recommendations of the Institute of Traffic Engineers, Urban Land Institute, the International Council of Shopping Centers, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, the American Planning Association, or other acceptable source of parking demand data; and
Any additional information as requested by the Community Development Director.
Review And Approval.
The parking plan shall be approved by the applicable decision-making body or official, based on the specific application type in Chapter 405, Administration and Procedures.
The parking plan shall be approved if it is determined that the proposed number of off-street parking spaces, in consideration of any proposed parking alternatives in accordance with Section 425.160, Alternative Parking Solutions, is sufficient to serve the proposed use or activity.
Accessible Parking.
The number and design of accessible parking spaces shall be pursuant to the International Building Code as adopted in the Municipal Code, Section 301.143, RSMo., as amended, and the Americans With Disabilities Act, as amended.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
A reduction to the number of parking spaces required by Section 425.150, Required Off-Street Parking, may be granted by complying with any one (1) or combination of the parking alternatives listed in this Section, provided that it is determined by the applicable decision-making body or official that the analysis provides adequate documentation of reduced parking demand and demonstrates that the reduction will not create significant adverse impacts on surrounding properties.
Parking Alternatives.
Parking Studies.
The minimum parking requirements may be modified upon submittal of a parking demand study demonstrating that anticipated off-street parking demand for the proposed development, use, or combination of uses will be less or more than that specified in the parking plan.
Parking demand studies shall estimate the parking and loading demand based on recommendations of the Institute of Traffic Engineers, Urban Land Institute, the International Council of Shopping Centers, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, the American Planning Association, or other acceptable source of parking demand data for uses and/or combinations of uses of comparable activities, scale, bulk, area and location.
Shared Parking.
The number of required parking spaces may be reduced for parking facilities that are shared by more than one use if the applicant demonstrates that the peak parking demands for such uses occur at different times, either daily or seasonally.
The applicant shall prepare and submit a parking study in accordance with Subsection (B)(1).
Shared parking areas shall require a parking agreement to be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit for new development or a certificate of occupancy for existing buildings. If such agreement is revoked by any party, then the required off-street parking spaces shall be provided pursuant to this Code.
On-Street Parking.
For mixed-use and nonresidential uses, any on-street parking located directly in front of the subject property may be counted towards on-site parking requirements.
Bicycle Parking.
The number of required parking spaces may be reduced for uses providing bicycle parking located in accordance with the following:
Outside the building served in a highly visible, active, well-illuminated area.
Within fifty (50) feet of a main building entrance.
On private property unless otherwise approved by the Department of Public Works.
Such reduction may be approved at a ratio of up to one (1) off-street vehicle space reduction per two (2) bicycle spaces provided. The total number of required vehicle off-street parking spaces shall not be reduced by more than five percent (5%) for any project.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
This Article does not require a minimum number of off-street loading spaces; however, uses requiring shipping and receiving of materials or goods shall provide off-street loading spaces built to the standards identified in this Section.
Loading spaces shall conform to the following minimum dimensions:
Clearance height: fourteen (14) feet.
Minimum width: twelve (12) feet.
Minimum length: thirty-five (35) feet.
Loading areas shall not be located in the front yard.
Off-street loading spaces shall not obstruct or occupy any parking space, circulation or vehicle stacking space for drive-through lanes.
Each required loading space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of access to a street or public service drive.
All loading areas shall be striped and/or signed so as to clearly prohibit vehicle parking other than for the purposes of loading or unloading.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
Drive-through facilities and other establishments which by their nature create lines of customers waiting in automobiles shall provide off-street waiting areas on the same lot as the use in addition to the required number of parking spaces.
The number of required stacking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Table 425.180.A, Stacking Space Requirements.
Table 425.180.A
Stacking Space Requirements
Drive-Through Activity
Minimum Required Stacking Spaces
(per lane)
Measured from Flow Line To
Bank or financial institution, or automated teller machine
Teller window
Pickup window
Automobile wash
Outside of washing bay
Automotive repair
Outside of bay
Determined by the Community Development Director based on anticipated demand
Vehicle stacking spaces shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet in width and nineteen (19) feet in length.
If two (2) or more drive-through lanes converge into one (1) lane, the stacking spaces located after the convergence point will count towards the required stacking spaces for both drive-through lanes.
Required vehicle stacking spaces shall not interfere with access to parking spaces.
Drive-through lanes shall be designed with an abutting bypass lane to allow motorists an opportunity to exit the drive-through lane.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
Use of Parking and Loading Areas.
Except for residential uses, no off-street parking or loading space shall be used for any purpose other than the parking of vehicles.
It shall be unlawful to utilize any required off-street parking or loading facilities for motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind, except as expressly permitted in this Code.
Vehicles for sale shall be parked only at facilities approved for vehicle sales.
Vehicles for sale may be parked in nonresidential areas for a maximum of ten (10) hours and only when the vehicle is used for transportation purposes to that commercial destination.
Off-street parking spaces provided in excess of the number required may be used for any legal purpose within the respective zoning district.
If a required off-street parking space is converted to another use or can no longer be used for off-street parking, it shall be deemed a violation of this Code.
Location Of Parking And Loading Areas.
Proximity to Structure And/Or Use.
Required parking spaces and loading spaces shall be located on the same lot with the principal structure or the principal use.
Required parking spaces may be located on a separate lot subject to the following:
Mixed-use and nonresidential uses only.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible parking shall not be located off-site.
Off-site parking shall not be located more than five hundred (500) feet walking distance measured from the main entrance of the use to the pedestrian entrance/exit of the parking area.
Off-site parking may be shared with another use, provided that the shared parking meets the standards in Section 425.160(B)(2), Shared Parking.
Off-site parking areas shall require a parking agreement to be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit for new development or a certificate of occupancy for existing buildings. If such agreement is revoked by any party, then the required off-street parking spaces shall be provided pursuant to this Code.
Location On A Site.
Required parking spaces for detached houses, duplexes, and townhouses shall be located within a detached or attached garage.
Parking areas and drive aisles shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from all property lines.
Parking areas and drive aisles located within the required front building setback shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from the front property line, curb, or sidewalk, whichever is greater, and shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 425, Article II, Landscape, Screening, and Fencing.
In the MU District, parking is discouraged between the principal structure and the street.
Parking Area Layout.
Parking Stall And Aisle Design.
Parking stalls and aisles shall be designed according to Table 425.190.B.3, Parking Stall Design.
Each required off-street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of access to a street or public service drive.
Off-street parking lots designed for parking vehicles longer than nineteen (19) feet, bumper to bumper, shall have parking stall and maneuvering space areas of such sizes and dimensions as will accommodate the parking and maneuvering of such vehicles.
Vertical clearance of not less than seven (7) feet is required for all parking areas.
Table 425.190.B.3
Parking Stall Design
Angle of Parking
Depth of Stall Perpendicular
Width of Stall Parallel to Aisle
Minimum Aisle Width
Curb length per stall
12.0, one-way
23.0, one-way
12.5, one-way
17.5, one-way
Parking And Loading Area Surfacing.
All required off-street parking lots shall comply with the following:
Be constructed in accordance with design specifications located in the Engineering and Plan Preparation Manual for Public Facilities (Title V, Appendix A).
Have a thoroughly compacted subgrade, be properly drained and surfaced with either:
Portland cement concrete having a minimum thickness of six (6) inches and a minimum compressive strength of three thousand (3,000) pounds per square inch when twenty-eight (28) days old.
Asphaltic concrete construction consisting of a minimum six-inch waterbound macadam or penetration macadam base covered with two (2) inches of asphaltic hot-mix.
A five-and-one-half-inch base of rolled stone, two (2) inches of Type X asphaltic concrete mix and one and one-half (1 1/2) inches of Type C asphaltic concrete mix. An alternate pavement design may be approved if the Public Works Director finds the alternative design to be equivalent in strength and useful life.
Be provided with a six-inch-high concrete curb around the perimeter of the lot so as to protect all adjacent properties from trespass and to control and direct surface drainage.
Parking stalls shall be marked by two-and-one-half-inch-wide painted lines, and suitable directional arrows and markings shall be painted on the lot surface.
Other Standards.
Refer to Chapter 365, Stopping, Standing or Parking Restricted or Prohibited on Certain Streets, of the Municipal Code for additional requirements.
Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 425, Article II, Landscape, Screening, and Fencing.
Lighting shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 425, Article VI, Exterior Lighting.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
The visual impacts of a parking structure shall be minimized through compliance with the following standards:
Parking structures shall be located in the rear of lots when feasible, reserving the street frontage for commercial uses.
Parking structures shall blend in with the architectural characteristics and materials of buildings in the surrounding area.
Automobile entrances shall be located on secondary streets or alleys, to the maximum extent feasible.
Pedestrian entrances shall be designed to be welcoming and easily identifiable.
Where visible from a public right-of-way, structured parking shall be screened or wrapped on upper floors with architectural details and materials to screen vehicles.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
The location, width, and number of entrance and exit access drives to parking areas shall be in accordance with the Engineering and Plan Preparation Manual for Public Facilities (Title V, Appendix A) and the St. Louis County Access Management Guidelines.
The decision-making body or official, as applicable based on the specific application type in Chapter 405, Administration and Procedures, may grant an exception to the requirements of this Section.
Cross-Access Requirements.
Development that includes nonresidential uses shall allow for shared, private vehicular access among all buildings and/or lots within the development and with adjacent lots to the maximum extent feasible in order to facilitate movement of customers and their vehicles without generating additional turning movements on public streets.
Where cross-access is provided across multiple lots, a cross-access easement shall be recorded with the St. Charles County Recorder of Deeds prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
The Public Works Director may waive the requirement for cross-access, in whole or in part, administratively, where cross-access is deemed impractical due to vehicular safety issues or environmental constraints, such as severe topography.
[Ord. No. 4190, 2-1-2021]
Required Pedestrian And Bicycle Facilities.
Sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of all arterials, collector streets, and local streets, and within and along the frontage of all new development and redevelopment, with the following exceptions:
Sidewalks are not required on local streets in the RR, R1, and LI Zoning Districts.
In steep-slope areas, sidewalks on one (1) side of the street may be approved to reduce excessive slope disturbance, adverse impacts on natural resources, and potential soil erosion and drainage problems.
In lieu of a sidewalk, the decision-making body or official, as applicable based on the specific application type in Chapter 405, Administration and Procedures, may require a multi-use trail or bikeway be installed along rights-of-way as indicated in Comprehensive Plan or the City's Bicycle Plan.
Multi-unit, nonresidential, and mixed-use developments shall provide sidewalks in the following additional locations, as applicable:
Main Entry To Public Sidewalk.
Provide a safe, convenient, and accessible pedestrian connection from the main entrance of a building to a public sidewalk or internal walkway that connects to a public sidewalk.
To Adjoining Streets.
Provide pedestrian connections between internal and perimeter sidewalks at a maximum of one thousand (1,000) feet along the perimeter street. [Pedestrians walking along the perimeter sidewalks shall be able to locate a sidewalk connection into the internal sidewalk system without walking more than one thousand (1,000) feet along the perimeter of the site.]
Between Multiple Buildings On A Site.
All developments containing more than one (1) building shall provide sidewalks between the principal entrances of buildings.
To Adjacent Development.
Sidewalks serving a site shall align and connect with any sidewalks on adjacent properties that extend to the boundary of such properties. Multiple pedestrian connections between adjacent developments shall be provided to the maximum extent practical.
At each point where a sidewalk must cross a parking lot, internal street or driveway to make a required connection, it shall be clearly marked by using a change in paving materials or a change in paving color.
Multi-Use Trails Or Bikeways.
Multi-use trails or bikeways shall be installed as recommended by the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Standards For All Pedestrian And Bicycle Facilities.
Pedestrian and bicycle facilities shall be provided by the developer to allow convenient access through or across the development and connectivity with pedestrian and bicycle facilities, parks, schools, and adjacent neighborhoods.
Pedestrian and bicycle facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the Engineering and Plan Preparation Manual for Public Facilities (Title V, Appendix A).
Pedestrian and bicycle facilities or other locations as required by the Public Works Director shall include ramps that are compliant with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).