Wherever a space is marked off on any street for the parking
of an individual vehicle, every vehicle parked there shall be parked
wholly within the lines bounding that space, and it shall be a violation
of this article for any person to park a vehicle or allow it to remain
parked otherwise.
No person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets or parts thereof described in Schedule XII (§
195-52), attached to and made a part of this Part
No person shall park a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XIII (§
195-53), attached to and made a part of this Part
1, during the hours specified in said schedule, on any day between April 1 and December 1, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and during restricted parking times, vehicles are permitted to be parked on the opposite side of the street.
No person shall park a vehicle or allow the same to remain parked upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XIV (§
195-54), attached to and made a part of this Part
1, between the hours specified, for longer than the time indicated in said schedule.
Parking shall be permitted on both sides of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XV (§
195-55), attached to and made a part of this Part
1, during Sunday church services.
No person shall park a vehicle without the current year's
registration or identification markers as required by law or without
the current year's inspection sticker as required by law or allow
the same to remain parked upon any of the streets in the Borough of
Dormont at any time. Any person who parks such a vehicle on any street
of the Borough of Dormont or allows it to remain parked otherwise
shall be in violation of this article.