At the first meeting in July following each councilmanic election, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the council shall appoint:
A town manager who shall be the administrative and executive head of the municipal government. He shall be chosen by the council without regard to political beliefs and solely upon the basis of his executive and administrative qualifications. At the time of his appointment he need not be a resident of the town or the Commonwealth but during his tenure of office shall reside within the town. His duties shall be as prescribed by the council.
A town treasurer, whose duties shall be as prescribed by the council.
A town clerk, who also may be the town manager, and/or the town treasurer, whose duties shall be as prescribed by council.
A town attorney, who shall be an attorney at law licensed to practice under the laws of the Commonwealth and shall have actively practiced his profession therein for at least five years immediately preceding his appointment. He shall receive such compensation and fees as shall be provided by the council by ordinance or resolution. His duties shall be as prescribed by the council.
Fire department officers, as provided in Code of Virginia, § 27-13, as amended.
The council may appoint such deputies and assistants to appointive offices as it may deem necessary.
Appointees hereunder shall serve at all times at the pleasure of the council and may be dismissed at any time by the council.
Officers, deputies and assistants shall execute such bonds as may be required by resolution of the council.
The council may fill any vacancy in any appointive office.
The council may appoint the same person to more than one appointive office.
The council may, in its discretion, appoint such boards and commissions as it deems necessary, including the board of zoning appeals.