[Code 1985, § 6.1-1]
Code of Virginia, §§ 36-96.1 — 36-96.23, are hereby incorporated by reference into this Code.
[Code 1985, § 6.1-2]
The Town Manager, or such person as he may appoint, is hereby designated as the representative of the Town to receive, review, investigate and resolve, wherever possible, complaints related to fair housing opportunities within the Town.
[Code 1985, § 6.1-3]
The designated representative is empowered to use all Town equipment, the investigative facilities of the Town police department, the legal advice of the Town Attorney and the duplicating facilities of the Town, and to have the use of any stenographical facilities of the Town, its agents or employees, for the purpose of making up or providing a record of such complaints, and to forward the same to the state real estate board, outlining any action taken by him and an explanation for the same.
The costs of preparing such a record or conducting such an initial investigation shall be borne by the Town, with no costs to the initial complainant.
[Code 1985, § 6.1-4]
Should the state real estate board find reasonable cause to believe there has been a violation of this article and advise the attorney general in accordance with Code of Virginia, § 36-96.8, and should the attorney general take no action, the designated representative is hereby authorized to have the Town Attorney file suit in the name of the Town to enjoin such violation in the circuit court of the county and to prosecute the same to its ultimate conclusion.