[Ord. of 7-7-2005; Ord. of 9-3-2013[1]]
For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms and words used herein shall be defined as follows:
The Town's cost of labor, equipment and supplies for, or the contract price of and any charges to the Town with respect to, its removal and disposal of weeds or trash from a parcel.
Conditions created by the strict imposition of an ordinance onto a specific property with exceptional or extraordinary characteristics or limitations, thereby rendering undue oppression or near impossibility to the property owner or occupant with regard to compliance.
Any person shown by any public record maintained by any circuit court, treasurer, commissioner of revenue, or Town Clerk to have an interest in a parcel lying in the Town of Abingdon, Virginia as of the date of the abatement of public nuisance under this article or any successor in title taking with actual or constructive notice of the existence of a public nuisance.
Any real estate (and any interest therein) lying in the Town of Abingdon, Virginia, identified by a Town of Abingdon or Washington County Official Tax Map Number herein including, but not limited to, yards, grounds, driveways, entrance or passageways, parking areas, storage areas, vacant land, body of water and including sidewalks, grass strips, one-half of alleys, curbs or rights-of-way up the edge of pavement of any public street.
The state of facts requiring governmental action for the establishment and maintenance of public health, safety, order and convenience.
The Town Manager of the Town of Abingdon or his designee.
Abandoned personal property, garbage, refuse, or debris openly lying on any parcel, which might endanger the health of other residents in the Town.
Any plant grass, or other vegetation over 10 inches in height growing upon a parcel in the Town of Abingdon, including but not limited to, any sage brush, poison oak, poison ivy, Ailanthus Altissima (commonly called Tree of Heaven or Paradise Tree), ragweed, dandelions, milkweed, Canada thistle, and any other undesirable growth, excluding trees, ornamental shrubbery, vegetable and flower gardens purposefully planted and maintained by the property owner or occupant free of weeds, cultivated crops, or undisturbed woodland not otherwise in violation.
Editor's Note: This ordinance superseded former Art. II, which pertained to similar subject matter and derived from Ord. of 7-7-2005.
[Ord. of 7-7-2005; Ord. of 9-3-2013]
Weeds growing or trash lying on any parcel shall constitute a public nuisance, except that in the case of a parcel greater than one acre in area natural vegetation growing more than 50 feet from every property line shall not constitute a public nuisance. It shall be unlawful to cause or allow a public nuisance with any respect to a parcel. The owner of any parcel shall abate any public nuisance with respect to his parcel.
[Ord. of 7-7-2005; Ord. of 9-3-2013]
It shall be unlawful and a public nuisance for the owner of any parcel to allow weeds, as defined herein, to grow or trash to stand upon such parcel. It shall be the duty of the owner of any parcel to immediately cut, remove or destroy any and all weeds and to remove trash on his parcel. Any owner who shall violate any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor and each day that such weeds shall remain uncut or such trash is allowed to stand after the period within which they are required hereunder to be cut or removed shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense under this section.
[Ord. of 7-7-2005; Ord. of 9-3-2013]
Notwithstanding the criminal sanctions provided for elsewhere in this Code, and in addition to them, whenever the Town Manager determines that a public nuisance exists with respect to any parcel, the Town Manager shall mail by United States postal service certified mail to the owner of the parcel at the owner's address, as determined by public records, written notice that there exists a public nuisance with respect to the parcel and demand the abatement of the nuisance within 14 days following the mailing of the notice. Such notice, when so addressed and deposited with the postal service with proper postage prepaid, shall be deemed complete and sufficient. In the event that such notice is returned by the postal authorities or if the owner's address is unknown, the Town Manager shall cause a copy of the notice to be posted in a conspicuous place on the parcel. The posting shall be accomplished at least seven days prior to abatement of the public nuisance with respect to that parcel.
The notice shall:
Be in writing;
Set forth the alleged violation of this article;
Describe the parcel of real property where the violations are alleged to exist or to have been committed;
Advise that if the weeds or trash are not removed within prescribed time, and that if the weeds and trash do not remain abated or removed, the Town will proceed to abate the nuisance with the costs thereof together with an administrative fee and interest authorized by this article being specially assessed against the owner and the parcel;
Advise that the cost of abatement together with the administrative fee and interest constitutes a lien against the property in favor of the Town; and
Advise that within 14 days of the certified mailing of the notice or posting, whichever is applicable, the owner may appeal to the Town Manager stating in detail the reasons why the proposed action should not be taken.
In the event the owner appeals the proposed abatement as provided for above, the Town Manager shall set a hearing and notify the owner of time and location of a hearing to be held within five says from the date of the Town Manager's receipt of the appeal. At any hearing, the Town Manager shall hear and investigate any objection that may be raised and take action in response as he may deem reasonable.
Any notice sent by the Town Manager to any owner of a parcel which, because of weeds or trash, has been declared a public nuisance under this article and which notice otherwise complies with the requirements of this section, shall constitute complete and sufficient notice for any similar condition during the same period of April 1 until November 1 in the year which the notice was sent.
[Ord. of 7-7-2005; Ord. of 9-3-2013]
If the owner shall fail or neglect to complete abatement of the public nuisance as required within 14 days of mailing of notice or of posting, whichever is applicable, or if the owner fails to continue to comply with the requirements of this section, the Town Manager may direct in writing that Town forces abate or complete the abatement of such a public nuisance, or the Town Manager may contract for his abatement on behalf of the Town with a private contractor.
Any owner may abate the public nuisance himself without liability to the Town provided he completes the abatement prior to commencement of the abatement by Town personnel or any private contractor on behalf of the Town.
[Ord. of 7-7-2005; Ord. of 9-3-2013]
The Town Manager shall keep an account of the cost of abating public nuisances and embody such account in periodic reports with assessment lists which shall be transmitted to the Town Manager and the manager of billings and collections at convenient intervals. The copy retained by the Town Clerk shall be available for public inspection. The reports shall refer to each parcel as to which public nuisance was abated by description sufficient to identify the parcel, and specify the cost of abatement including but not limited to a minimum of two hours labor as well as other reasonable charges for equipment; and interest at the legal rate established at that time by the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, should the said abatement costs not be paid within 30 days of the date they are billed by the Town's billing clerk to the owner.
[Ord. of 7-7-2005; Ord. of 9-3-2013]
Upon completion of the reports and assessment lists, the Town Manager shall send by certified mail to each owner at his address as determined from public records a notice including a statement to the owner of the abatement cost and administrative fees. The notice shall also advise the owner of his right to object to, be heard upon, and contest the amount of the abatement costs. The notice shall further provide that upon confirmation by the Town Manager of the abatement cost and administrative fee, they shall constitute special assessments against the owner and the parcel, a personal obligation of the owner, and a lien upon the owner's parcel from the date and time of the recordation of the notice of the lien, and from the date of such confirmation, until paid, bear interest at the legal rate, and that any fees, charges or costs for the collection for abatement of a nuisance thereof shall be collected in any manner provided by the Code of Virginia for the collection of state and local taxes.
The owner shall have 14 days from the date of receipt of the notice of assessment to appeal the amount of the assessment to the Town Manager. The Town Manager shall set a hearing and notify the owner of the time and location of the hearing for the purpose of hearing the owner's objections to and comments upon the report and proposed assessment, of correcting any mistakes or inaccuracies in these documents and of confirming the same. If the owner does not appeal the assessment as stated in the notice, the assessment shall be deemed confirmed.
With respect to all assessments remaining unpaid 14 days after the confirmation, the Town Manager shall cause a notice of the lien of the special assessment prepared by the Town Attorney to be recorded in the clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Washington County, Virginia. The Town Attorney may take appropriate steps in the appropriate court to enforce the lien to satisfy the special assessment.
The Town Manager, when in his/her sole discretion it is just and proper to do so, may waive liens or adjust compliance provisions imposed pursuant to this section whenever doing so will:
Facilitate the sale of the property and encourage its productive refuse. Such liens may be waived only as to a purchaser who is unrelated by blood or marriage to the owner and who has no business association with the owner. All such liens shall remain a personal obligation of the owner of the property at the time the liens were imposed.
Alleviate hardship. (See definition, hardship, Section 38-26) Hardship shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Town Manager when he can find that:
The strict application of the ordinance would produce results amounting to undue hardship; and
Said hardship is not generally shared by other properties in the same vicinity; and
Said authorization to alleviate hardship will not amount to substantial detriment to adjacent property.