[Ord. of 2-7-2011]
The tap fee or charge for a sewer connection, either inside or outside the Town, shall be as authorized by the Town Council from time to time.
In addition to such tap fees or charges for sewer connections, persons making such connections shall pay refundable deposits for such sewer service, as authorized by the Town Council from time to time.
[Ord. of 2-7-2011]
Availability charges shall be as authorized by the Town Council from time to time.
[Ord. of 2-7-2011]
The charges for sewer service shall be as authorized by the Town Council from time to time. These include:
Base rates for all sewage works users. These fees reflect the cost for the treatment of normal domestic wastewater.
High strength surcharge:
All users who discharge a waste which contains more than 250 milligrams per liter of BOD or more than 250 milligrams per liter of suspended solids shall pay a surcharge on the amount of BOD and suspended solids that exceed the above amounts. Other wastes containing concentrations of constituents that require treatment in excess of that required for normal wastewaters may be subject to surcharge at rates established by the Town.
Surcharges for high strength shall be based on samples collected and analyzed by the Town or from results submitted to the Town in accordance with the requirements of an industrial discharger permit. Samples shall be collected on a periodic basis but not less than once a year.
High strength wastes will only be accepted when it can be demonstrated that they will not damage the collection or treatment facilities and will not impair the treatment process.
The rate for high strength wastes shall be calculated on the basis of the number of pounds of BOD and suspended solids discharged to the sewer in excess of 250 milligrams per liter of BOD and 250 milligrams per liter of suspended solids.
Hauled wastewater fees. Fees for the treatment of hauled wastes shall be established by the Town to reflect the costs of treating these wastes. These fees shall be authorized by the Town from time to time.
Sewer line maintenance fees. All costs associated with the cleaning and repairing of sewer lines and restoring service to the affected areas plus any damages as may be assessed by the Town due to blockages or manhole overflows in the collection system that are caused by residential, industrial or other users. Successive occurrences within 12 months of the previous occurrence - A $1,000 penalty plus all costs associated with cleaning the sewer lines and restoring service to the affected areas, plus any damages as may be assessed by the Town.
[Ord. of 2-7-2011]
For the purposes of assessing sewer use fees, churches will be classified as residential accounts. However, churches are not exempt from pretreatment fees or regulations as specified by the Town Manager. Churches are defined for this purpose to exclude those which operate day schools on a routine continuing basis.
[Ord. of 2-7-2011]
Owners or occupants using private water supplies which are disposed of in the public sewer shall install at their own expense a metering installation satisfactory to the Town for determining the volume of such water as a basis for sewer service charge. Similarly, owners or occupants who use significant amounts of water in such a way that the water is not discharged to the sewer may, upon approval of the Town, establish separate accounts for the purpose of separating such usage.
[Ord. of 2-7-2011]
For residential, industrial and commercial users, monthly user charges will be based on actual water usage. If a residential, commercial or industrial user has a consumptive use of water, or in some other manner uses water which is not discharged into the wastewater collection system, the user charge for that contributor may be based on readings of a wastewater meter or separate water meter installed and maintained at the user's expense.
Each user shall pay for the services provided by the Town based on each user's use of the treatment works as determined by water meter readings acceptable to the Town.
All users, including those having sewer services available to them under this division even though not connected to their premises, shall be billed monthly. Payments are due within 10 days after the billing date. Any payment not received within 25 days after the billing date shall be delinquent. A late payment penalty of 10% of the user charge bill will be added to each delinquent bill. When any bill is more than 20 days in default, water and/or sewer service to such premises shall be discontinued until such bill is paid.
[Ord. of 2-7-2011]
The Town will review the user charges at least annually and recommend to the Town Council the revision, if any, of rates as necessary to ensure that adequate revenues are generated to pay the costs of operation and maintenance, including replacement, and to provide for the systems' continuance for the proportional distribution of operation and maintenance, including replacement costs among users and user classes.
The Town will notify all users by appropriate public notice of any change in the rate being charged or to be charged for operation and maintenance, including replacement of the treatment works.
[Ord. of 2-7-2011]
For restoring the water supply to any premises in which the sewer account is delinquent, the property owner or occupant shall pay to the Town such fee as specified by the Washington County Service Authority for restoring the service. Such fee shall be collected by the Washington County Service Authority as a part of the delinquent account.
[Ord. of 2-7-2011]
All unpaid charges for sewer service, together with the penalties and interest thereon, shall constitute a lien on the property served and shall be collected in the same manner as delinquent real estate taxes or such other method as may be permitted by applicable law at the discretion of the Town.