[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
No business license for the operation of a taxicab shall be issued under Chapter 18 by the business office and neither shall the annual license tax schedule be determined until a certificate of public convenience and necessity has been issued for such taxicab.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
Every owner or proposed owner of a taxicab who desires to operate or have a taxicab operated in the Town shall make an annual application to the Town Council for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate such taxicab. The application shall contain, but is not necessarily limited to, the following information:
The full name, home and business addresses, e-mail address and telephone numbers (home and cell) of the applicant and/or the applicant's operator, in addition to any/all other pertinent contact information. Notice of any changes, residence or business, made in address, phone numbers or any other pertinent contact information shall be given in written form to the Town no later than 15 days following said change by applicant for himself/herself and/or his/her operators.
A written disclaimer statement as to the financial status and responsibility of the applicant, including applicant's current credit score.
The name and complete contact information of every person or entity lending money or furnishing capital to the applicant, if any.
The VIN number, year, model, make, seating capacity, license number, design and color scheme of such taxicab.
A list of convictions or pleas of guilty, if any, of the applicant for the violation of any law, along with a signed release allowing for a full background check of applicant.
A statement as to the experience of the applicant in transporting passengers for hire and signed release for the VDMV driving history of the applicant and/or operator.
A statement as to the reasons why the applicant believes public convenience and necessity require granting of his/her application.
The address within the Town from which the taxicabs for which application is made will be dispatched and the address at which or place where such taxicabs when on duty but not engaged will be parked and/or available.
Complete information as to insurance policy held on the vehicle and amounts of coverage on both bodily injury and property damage, as evidenced by submission of a certificate of insurance.
Proof of fee payment to VDMV (approximately $53, permit fee and operating authority fee, all subject to change per VDMV and its rate adjustments) and proper registration and license plate requirements through Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
The application required by Section 82-47 shall be filed in duplicate by the applicant with the Town Clerk pursuant to and in accordance with Section 82-52. The Town Clerk shall, upon receipt of such application, deliver one copy to the chief, who shall investigate the matter and report in writing to the Town Clerk prior to the Council's next regular meeting. The Town Clerk then shall submit such application and report to the Council. Applicant can expect to appear before Council within six to eight weeks.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
The Council shall hear the applicants for certificates of public convenience and necessity after notice has been given as to the time and place of the hearing to all holders of certificates and applicants for certificates, by registered or certified mail, to the address shown on the certificates and applications for certificates. Such notice shall be mailed at least 10 days prior to the hearing. The hearing may be continued from time to time without further written notice.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
The Council, after the hearing provided in Section 82-49, and after considering the reports submitted by the chief, shall determine whether the public convenience and necessity require the operation of the taxicabs for which each application is filed. It may grant or refuse the certificate applied for in any case, and may grant a certificate for a lesser number of vehicles than that specified in the application.
No certificate shall be so granted until the matter has been advertised, at applicant's own expense, once a week for two successive weeks within a month prior to the regular meeting of the Council at which application will be made in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town, giving the name of the applicant, the date of the regular meeting of the Council at which application will be made, and the fact that he is applying for a certificate for operation of a taxicab. The application for any additional certificate shall be granted or denied at such meeting or a subsequent meeting of the Council after hearing and a consideration of the report and recommendation made by the chief.
When the Council grants a certificate, the Town Clerk shall prepare and transmit such certificate to the applicant giving the name of the owner, VIN number, model, make and description of the taxicab to be operated thereunder, and the date of issuance and expiration date of the certificate.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
Every certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under the provisions of this division shall expire on December 31 of the year for which issued, regardless of the date of issuance. No such certificate shall be transferable.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
The Council may for violation of any of the provisions of this article or of Section 70-158 cancel or revoke or suspend any certificate after notice to the holder of the certificate.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
No taxicab shall be substituted for a taxicab for operation of which a certificate of public convenience and necessity has been issued until such substituted vehicle has been inspected and approved by the chief and his approval has been endorsed on the certificate by him. Further, any substitute taxicab must also meet any/all applicable requirements set forth in the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended or by regulations of the VDMV.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
Every owner of a taxicab in operation in the Town shall keep in effect at all times such policies of insurance as are required under the rules, requirements, minimums and regulations of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, the terms of which as of May 2015 are $125,000 bodily injury and property damage, said terms being subject to amendment. Each policy of insurance shall contain a clause obligating the company issuing the same to give 20 days' notice in writing to the Town Manager before cancellation thereof. The responsible party, owner or driver, shall furnish certificates of insurance with the Town listed as an additional insured to the office of the chief at the time application is accepted.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
No person shall drive a taxicab while it is in service without a taxicab driver's certificate/license in his or her possession. The driver shall present same to a law enforcement officer upon request.
The application for said certificate/license shall be in writing, sworn to and presented o the chief. It shall contain the following information:
The full name, residence, places of residence (city or Town, state and country) since the applicant's 18th birthday, age, height, race, eye and hair color, sex, place of birth and places of previous employment of the applicant;
Proof of valid Virginia driver's license;
Department of motor vehicles driver's record for every state in which the applicant has been licensed to drive;
Two black and white passport photos.
In the interest of public welfare and safety, it is necessary to determine if the past criminal conduct of the applicant would be compatible with the duties of a driver of a taxicab. The chief is therefore directed to forward the applicant's fingerprinting and personal descriptive information through the Central Criminal Records Exchange to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information regarding such applicant in accordance with the Virginia Code, 1950, as amended, § 15.2-1503.1.
The application fee shall be $20 for initial application; $10 for each renewal. If the police department obtains the national criminal history record, then the applicant shall pay the cost of the record check to the department with the application.
The chief shall issue a taxicab driver's license to the applicant upon finding the following:
The applicant is of age of 18 years or more;
The applicant possesses a valid Virginia driver's license;
The applicant has fewer than eight demerit points on his or her DMV record (or out of state equivalent);
The applicant has not been convicted of driving under the influence, or reckless driving within five years previous to the date of the application, any drug offense within 10 years pervious to the date of the application, and sex offense, any misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or any felony.
Each license shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of its issuance. A materially false statement on the application voids the license.