[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
As set forth in Section 82-57 above, no person shall drive a taxicab in the Town unless he has obtained from the chief the special license designated a taxicab driver's license for that purpose, as well as a business license via the business office of the Town of Abingdon, Virginia, per Section 82-46 above.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
Except as otherwise provided in this article, the chief shall grant a license under this division unless the applicant therefore is, in the opinion of the chief, disqualified because of his physical condition, defective hearing or defective eyesight, or because of his addiction to intoxicating liquors, narcotics or drugs, or because he has been convicted of a violation of a criminal law. The chief, at his sole discretion, may require that an applicant for a license take a medical examination and submit the finding to the chief.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
A license issued under this division shall be for the same term as the driver's license required by Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. § 46.2, and shall be renewed by the chief subject to the criteria of this division.
[Ord. of 1-4-2016]
The general district court may revoke or suspend the license required by this division for repeated violations of the traffic laws, violation of any law involving moral turpitude, failure to report an accident, aiding and abetting known violators of laws and ordinances to escape, operation of a taxicab not in good order, a conviction of reckless driving, charging illegal rates, violations of laws and ordinances, or failure or refusal to complete accepted calls without satisfactory reasons and unreasonable delay in completing such calls.