[Ord. No. 1014, 6/8/2020]
Disability Retirement Benefit. In the case of a total and permanent service connected disability of any member of the police force who has been employed as a full-time police officer of the Borough of Bridgeville who thereafter becomes totally and permanently disabled, such member may apply to Council for total and permanent disability pension benefits; provided, however, such disability shall not include injuries which are willfully self-inflicted or are due to alcoholism or addiction to narcotics or injuries sustained in the perpetration of any felonious criminal activity. The pension shall be 75% of the normal retirement benefit where the accrued benefit percentage shall be assumed to be one.
Disability Retirement Benefit After April 17, 2002. Notwithstanding the above provisions of Subsection 1 hereof, for disabilities incurred after April 17, 2002, the disability benefit payable to a participant who meets the requirements of § 621 of the plan is an immediate monthly benefit calculated at the greater of Subsection 1 above; or, 50% of the member's salary at the time the disability was incurred provided that any member who receives benefits for the same injuries under the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 301 et. seq.) shall have the 50% disability benefit offset or reduced by the amount of such benefits. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this plan, anyone receiving benefits under this subsection of § 621 shall receive no other disability benefits under this plan.
[Ord. No. 1014, 6/8/2020]
The disability benefit described above shall be terminated:
If the Borough shall determine, on the basis of a medical examination by a physician acceptable to the Borough that the member, prior to his normal retirement date, has sufficiently recovered to return to employment as a police officer for the Borough.
If the member refuses to undergo a medical examination, which may be ordered by the Borough or the Administrator; provided that the member may not be required to undergo a medical examination more often than once every 12 months;
If the member is employed in any capacity as a full-time or part-time police officer after qualifying for the disability benefit;
If the disabled member recovers from his disability and does not return to service under the plan within one year of cessation of disability prior to attainment of normal retirement date and he and his spouse/beneficiary forfeit all rights in the plan.
From time to time, the Borough shall adopt uniform provisions for disabled members who recover from disability and return to service.
[Ord. No. 1014, 6/8/2020]
A member who is receiving benefits from the plan on account of disability shall be required to notify the Administrator of any change which may cause a cessation of entitlement to receipt of such benefits. To the extent a member fails to provide immediate notice to the Administrator of any such change in status and who continues to receive benefits to which he is not entitled from the plan on account of disability, the Administrator may take any action necessary to recover any amount improperly paid, including legal action or the offsetting of such amounts against future payments on account of retirement or death under the plan, including the costs of such actions.