[Ord. No. 1014, 6/8/2020]
In the event a participant who has not attained entitlement to retirement or disability benefits dies while an eligible employee, the beneficiary of the participant, or if no beneficiary survives, the spouse, if surviving, and it not surviving, the participant's children until age 18 or age 23, if attending college, and if no children survive, the participant's estate shall be entitled to receive a refund of the participant's member contribution account as defined in Subpart E.
[Ord. No. 1014, 6/8/2020]
In the event a member who retires on pension and dies, the spouse of the deceased member, or, if no eligible spouse survives or if the eligible spouse survives and subsequently dies, then the child or children under the age of 18 years (age 23 if attending college) of the deceased member, shall, during the spouse's lifetime or until reaching the age of 18 (age 23 if attending college) in the case of a child or children, receive a monthly income calculated at the rate of 50% of the monthly retirement benefit which the member was receiving or would have been receiving had he been retired at the time of his death. In the case of children, the above benefit shall be paid in equal shares.
[Ord. No. 1014, 6/8/2020]
Survivor payments shall be made monthly as of the first day of each month. The first installment of any benefit payable to a survivor shall be payable on the first day of the month next following date of death of the member and, unless otherwise provided above, the last installment shall be payable as of the first day of the month in which occurs either:
The death or remarriage of the spouse, if payments are made to the spouse, and the spouse's death or remarriage occurs at a time when there is no dependent child; or
The date when the youngest dependent child attains the age of 18, if payments are made to any children of the member.
[Ord. No. 1014, 6/8/2020]
Effective April 17, 2002, notwithstanding anything in § 632 to the contrary, if a member who is eligible to receive or is receiving retirement benefits dies, the benefit shall be paid to the surviving spouse or if no spouse survives, or if he or she survives and subsequently dies, then the child or children under the age of 18 years or if attending college, under or attaining the age of 23 years in the case of a child or children, in the amount of 50% of the pension the member was receiving or would have been receiving had he been retired at the time of his death. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this plan, anyone receiving benefits under this § 634 shall receive no other benefits under this plan.
The phrase "attending college" shall mean the eligible children are registered at an accredited institution of higher learning and are carrying a minimum course load of seven credit hours per semester.
This § 634 insofar as Act 30 of 2002 affects the benefits available to surviving spouses shall apply to surviving spouses whose spouse died on or before April 17, 2002 and who were not remarried as of April 17, 2002.
[Ord. No. 1014, 6/8/2020]
The surviving spouse of a member who dies on or after April 17, 2002 before his pension has vested, and whose survivors are entitled to no benefits under any other sections of this plan, or if no spouse survives or if he or she survives and subsequently dies, the child or children under the age of 18 years, or if attending college, under or attaining the age of 23 years, of a member shall be entitled to receive the member contribution account unless the member has designated another beneficiary.
To the extent required by law, the survivor of a member who dies after April 17, 2002 after receiving a deferred vested benefit or eligible to receive a deferred vested benefit will be paid a survivor benefit to the survivors determined by law in an amount no greater than the minimum required by law and no earlier than required by law. Anyone receiving benefits under this § 636 shall receive no other benefits under this plan.