To ensure that the Village of Somers will be prepared to cope with emergencies resulting from enemy action and with emergencies resulting from man-made and natural disasters, an emergency government organization is created to carry out the purposes set out in § 166.01 through § 166.10, Wis. Stats., and to further provide for a provision by the Village which shall be parallel to the same adopted by the County of Kenosha providing for joint action emergency government.
EMERGENCY GOVERNMENT — Includes civil defense and means all measures undertaken by or on behalf of the State of Wisconsin and its subdivisions:
To prepare for and minimize the effects of enemy action and natural or man-made disaster upon the civilian population.
To effectuate emergency repairs to, or the emergency restoration of, vital public utilities and facilities destroyed or damaged by such action or disaster.
CIVIL DEFENSE — All those activities and measures designed or undertaken:
To minimize the effects upon the civilian population caused, or which would be caused, by enemy action.
To deal with the immediate emergency conditions which would be created by such enemy action.
To effectuate emergency repairs to, or the emergency restoration of, vital public utilities and facilities destroyed or damaged by such enemy action.
ENEMY ACTION — Hostile action by a foreign power which threatens the security of this State, or portion thereof.
NATURAL DISASTER — All other extraordinary misfortunes affecting the County, natural or man-made, not included in the term "ENEMY ACTION."
There is hereby created an Emergency Government Committee to be composed of the members of the Somers Village Board, the Municipal Deputy of Emergency Government and such additional members as the Village Board shall nominate and appoint. The President of the Village Board shall serve as Chairperson of the Emergency Government Committee and the Deputy Director of Emergency Government shall serve as secretary. The term for each committeeman shall be for two years and until his successor is appointed and takes office.
The Village Emergency Government Committee shall be an advisory and planning group and shall cooperate with the Village President and Director of Emergency Government on all matters pertaining to emergency government and shall do so in cooperation with the Kenosha County Emergency Government Committee. It shall meet upon the call of the Chairperson.
The office of County Emergency Government Director provided in the General Code of Kenosha County shall be the Joint Director for the office of County Emergency Government and the Village of Somers Emergency Government. The Village Board shall appoint a Municipal Deputy Emergency Government Director for the Village who shall be a resident of the Village and shall assist the director and be under the administrative direction of the County Emergency Government Director. Cooperative arrangements and agreements between the Village and County of Kenosha for emergency government shall be as provided in § 66.301, Wis. Stats.
Whenever it shall be deemed necessary by either the County Emergency Government Committee, or the Emergency Government Committee of the Village of Somers participating in joint action, there shall be a joint meeting of the Committees.
The deputy Director of Emergency Government for the Village in cooperation with and under the direction of the Kenosha County Emergency Government Director shall participate in such joint action as shall be necessary, including:
Direct the Village emergency government organization.
Develop, promulgate, and integrate into the County plan, emergency government plans for the operating services of the Village.
Direct participation of the Village in such emergency government training programs and exercises as may be required on the County level or by the State Administrator.
Direct the Village emergency government training programs and exercises.
Perform all administrative duties necessary for the rendering of reports and procurements of federal matching funds.
In case of a state of emergency proclaimed by the Governor, direct the activities of the Village emergency government organization.
Perform such other duties relating to emergency government as may be required by the Somers Village Board.
Policy. In preparing and executing the emergency government program, the services, equipment, supplies and facilities of the existing departments and agencies of the Village shall be utilized to the maximum extent practicable; and the officers and personnel of all such departments and agencies are directed to cooperate with and extend such services and facilities as are required of them.
Joint Action. Municipalities entering into joint action with Kenosha County will provide for utilization of existing services of municipal government by enactment of a provision parallel to county provision.
Cost of Equipment And Services. Cost of equipment and services which may be procured by the Village shall be borne or shared by the Village as required by State Statutes and regulations relating to Federal matching funds for such equipment and services.
No person shall willfully obstruct, hinder or delay any member of the emergency government organization in the enforcement of any order, rule, regulation or plan issued pursuant to the authority contained in this Chapter. Whoever intentionally fails to comply with the directives of emergency government authority promulgated under this Chapter during a state of emergency or during any training program or exercises, shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than $100 nor more than $200 and, in default of payment, may be imprisoned in the County Jail for not more than 90 days.