[Ord. No. 10702, 2-18-2021]
The community unit plan seeks to provide a means of achieving greater flexibility in development of land for residential purposes in circumstances where properties face natural physical challenges.
[Ord. No. 10702, 2-18-2021]
A community unit plan is available to the owner or owners of any tract of land in any district zoned for residential purposes where there is a question as to the suitability of a lot or lots for their intended use due to adverse natural physical conditions, such as rock formation, soil conditions, steepness of terrain, or flood conditions.
[Ord. No. 10702, 2-18-2021]
Decisions on a community unit plan shall be made through the development review plan process as established in § 25-18.
[Ord. No. 10702, 2-18-2021]
The proposed community unit plan shall include a statement of finding that details the existing adverse natural physical conditions of the site which make it unsuitable for development in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Supporting documentation, such as a soils report or other professional report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer in the State of Missouri may be required by the Director of Public Services.
Adjacent property shall be properly safeguarded.
The proposed community unit plan shall be consistent with the intent and purpose of this Code to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare.
Improvements to be located on the tract of land shall be used only for residential purposes and the usual accessory uses, such as garages, storage space, and community activities.
The average land area per dwelling unit contained in the net site area shall not be less than the land area per dwelling unit required by the area regulations of the existing or petitioned for district in which such tract of land is situated.
As a condition of approval, an area of at least 10% of the net site area, or 1/2 of an acre, whichever is larger, may be required to be set aside and permanently maintained as a playground or recreational area for use of residents of the tract of land.
The proposed community unit plan shall provide adequate legal provisions to ensure that the development plan approved will be constructed and completed, and that any common areas will be properly protected and maintained. In order to effectuate this subsection, it may be required as a condition of approval of the development plan that deed restrictions or a trust indenture be executed and recorded.
Community buildings may be permitted which may be used for recreation, meeting, or community dining space when not operated for profit.