[Ord. No. 2-2002, 12/10/2002]
As used in this Part, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The activation of an alarm system through mechanical failure, malfunction, improper installation, without an unlawful entry or attempted unlawful entry, or through the negligence of the owner or lessee of an alarm system or of his employees or agents or other cause.
[Ord. No. 2-2002, 12/10/2002]
There is hereby imposed a fee for police response to false alarms, both false intrusion alarms and false emergency messages. For the first three in any twelve-month period there shall be no fee but a warning, in writing, shall be given. Such fee shall be $50 for the fourth response in any calendar year, $100 for the fifth response in any calendar year and $100 for all further responses in that calendar year.
This fee is imposed whether the Police Department received the alarm by direct connection or through any intermediary such as an answering service or modified central station. No fee is imposed by this section when the choice is made to notify the Police Department directly by person of any situation. The fee imposed by this section is imposed solely when the choice is made to employ an internal or external alarm system. If the Police Chief is notified of the date of the installation of a new alarm system, the fee imposed by this section is waived for a sixty-day period beginning with the date of installation.
The fee will be imposed upon the occupant of the property, either the owner or a lessee thereof.
[Ord. No. 2-2002, 12/10/2002]
The Police Chief is authorized to require that the owner or lessee of any alarm system shall disconnect such device until it is working in such a manner as will not produce a high frequency of false alarms. The Police Chief shall require disconnection if eight false alarms are received in any twelve-month period. The Police Chief may, after giving notice to the subscriber, order disconnection of the system for noncooperation of the subscriber.
[Ord. No. 2-2002, 12/10/2002]
In determining whether an alarm is a false alarm, all circumstances shall be considered. Setting off an alarm may cause a person who was attempting a break-in to flee. In investigating whether an alarm is false, a careful check will be made for signs of attempts to break in, such as scratches around windows.
[Ord. No. 2-2002, 12/10/2002]
Any person, firm or corporation who fails to pay the fees imposed by § 7-302 of this Part or who fails to disconnect any alarm system when directed to do so by the Chief of Police under § 7-303 of this Part shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $300 for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs.