[Ord. No. 29, 2/13/1979, § 1]
"License" and "permit" herein used shall be defined as the right or privilege incident to the conduct of the business or business activity, which right or privilege is granted by the Supervisors of the Township of Sugarloaf as distinguished from such right or privilege as the said business or business activity might have secured from any other governmental agency, either federal or state.
[Ord. No. 29, 2/13/1979, § 2]
The Township Secretary, or his designee, is hereby directed and authorized:
To direct the issuance of licenses and permits following the receipt of applications therefor and subject to the application of such procedure as may be prescribed by various ordinances of the Township of Sugarloaf.
To make demand for the payment of license or permit fees and to require payment thereof unto the Township of Sugarloaf, and to require from the applicant for license or permit evidence of the payment of the license or permit fees paid.
To maintain records containing the names and addresses of all applicants, the character of license or permit for which application is made, date upon which such application is made, date upon which such application is granted, date upon which license or permit fees are paid.
To make report of all matters incident thereto at least once each month unto the Supervisors of Sugarloaf Township.
[Ord. No. 29, 2/13/1979, § 3]
Upon the grant of license or permit to an applicant, the Secretary shall issue applicant a certificate of license in such a manner as shall be determined and provided by the Supervisors of Sugarloaf Township. Such certificate of license or permit sign shall be issued in duplicate; the original thereof shall be maintained upon the premises of the property, place or person, made subject of the license or permit, and shall be open to public view and subject to inspection by the proper officers of the Township of Sugarloaf.
[Ord. No. 29, 2/13/1979, § 4; as amended by Ord. No. 2/8/1994B, § 1; and by A.O.]
All persons, firms or corporations engaged in any of the various areas of business hereinafter enumerated shall, on or before March 1 of each year, following adoption of this Part, make application for the license permit by applying, in writing, to the Secretary on forms provided for such purpose and shall, as a required incident in connection with the filing of said application, make payment of the license or permit fee as herein prescribed unto the Township, and shall present evidence of such payment to the Secretary, who will make note of such payment upon the application. License or permit fees herein enumerated shall become due and payable commencing January 1 of each year (except in 1979 when they shall be due on the effective date hereof), and shall be paid no later than March 1 of each year following the adoption of this Part, and shall be paid on an annual basis each year thereafter; provided, however, that if any application shall be filed after March 1 of any year, then the payment of the license or permit fee shall be paid with the application. There shall be no reduction in fee for a portion of a year. The license or permit fee shall be as follows: For each year or portion thereof, there shall be paid a license or permit fee by every owner or operator engaging in the business of or maintaining a place of business or conducting a business in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. No. 29, 2/13/1979; as added by Ord. No. 51, 12/9/1986, § 1]
All entities engaged in building construction, plumbing and electrical work, in any other improvement to real estate and in the construction and repairs of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, in addition to paying the license or permit fee referred to in § 13-304, above, shall provide to the Secretary of the Township proof in the form of a certificate of liability insurance that said entity is insured for general liability purposes in the following amounts:
Five hundred thousand dollars combined single limit each occurrence/aggregate.
Five hundred thousand dollars each occurrence bodily injury.
Five hundred thousand dollars aggregate bodily injury.
One hundred thousand dollars property damage each occurrence.
One hundred thousand dollars property damage aggregate.
[Ord. No. 29, 2/13/1979, § 5]
It shall be the duty and obligation of all owners and operators of businesses or business activities made the subject of this Part to make application unto the Secretary and to pay the license and permit fees as provided within the time herein provided for such payment, without the necessity or requirement of any form of notice, other than the passage and existence of this Part, and allegation of no notice or knowledge of this Part shall not be accepted as a defense in the prosecution for any violation of this Part.
Any person, firm or corporation aggrieved by the operation of the terms or conditions of this Part shall have the right to present an appeal, in writing, to the Supervisors not less than two weeks prior to the date upon which such aggrieved person is to be heard by the Supervisors. The Supervisors shall have power to review and alter and amend or otherwise change any decision of the Secretary in granting or refusal to grant any license or permit.
[Ord. No. 29, 2/13/1979, § 6; as amended by Ord. No. 56, 3/14/1989, § 1; by Ord. No. 2/8/1994B, § 2; and by A.O.]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a Magisterial District Judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000, plus costs, and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.