[Adopted Ord. No. 2013-8 (Ch. 4, Subch. I, § 4.01 of the 1998 Code); amended in its entirety 9-11-2019 by Res. No. 2019-16]
Pursuant to § 59.17, Wis. Stats., there is created the position of County Executive with all duties and powers as set forth in state law.
[Amended 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12]
The County Executive is an elected official whose salary shall be set pursuant to §§ 59.17 and 59.22, Wis. Stats.
[Amended 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12]
In addition to the powers and duties set forth in § 59.17, Wis. Stats., the County Executive shall exercise the following powers and duties:
Present recommendations to the Board in all matters within the responsibilities of his or her office.
Attend committee meetings as Executive deems necessary.
Budget development. The County Executive shall prepare and submit the annual budget to the County Board in accordance with the budgetary procedures set forth in § 65.90, Wis. Stats.
Pursuant to § 59.62, Wis. Stats., the County Executive shall oversee the management of investments and the investment of the surplus funds of the County, subject to the general supervision of the Executive Committee and in accordance with the County's financial policies.
[Amended 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
The County Executive shall create, manage and evaluate the County's capital improvement budget and the current year's operating budget and make periodic reports to the County Board on the general and financial condition of the County and its departments, particularly advising the Board of financial trends facing the County and necessary policy or budgetary changes to reflect those trends, including long-term financial needs of the County.
Property management. The County Executive or his or her designee shall do all of the following:
Be responsible for the maintenance, preservation and care of all personal and real property of the County over which the County has authority, maintain an inventory and record of the property and provide for maintenance of the property to preserve its value to the County.
Develop a long-range plan for management of County property, including real property, including recommendations for construction of facilities needed to deliver County services.
Cause to be prepared plans and architectural specifications for County capital projects authorized by the Board, and coordinate County monitoring of construction progress.
Allocate space to County departments and agencies.
Insurance administration. The County Executive or his or her designee shall be primarily responsible for assuring that insurance coverage is solicited and maintained by the County in such amounts as are available and affordable and are adequate to protect the County from financial loss.
To oversee, manage and implement the County-Board-adopted Emergency Management Plan and the Continuity of Operations Plan.
Appointment of department heads, staff and assistants. The County Executive shall appoint all department heads, staff and technical staff of his or her office, except those elected by the people. Department head appointments may be made in consultation with the appropriate standing committee. The County Executive shall train and supervise department heads regardless of the appointing authority. Pursuant to § 59.17(2)(br), Wis. Stats., the County Board elects to waive confirmation of the Executive's department head appointments.
Supervision and discipline of department heads and officers. Except for department heads elected by the people, the County Executive shall evaluate and discipline all department heads and officers. Notwithstanding any code provisions to the contrary, the County Executive shall supervise and have disciplinary authority for the heads of all departments, except those elected by the people.
The County Executive shall have the following general powers:
To update and maintain the Code with the assistance of the County Attorney, and to assure that all resolutions, ordinances and regulations of the County Board are faithfully executed.
To supervise and coordinate the operations of all County departments and conduct regular department head meetings.
To execute and oversee reorganization of the County departments, assignment of responsibilities to other agencies, merger, consolidation or abolition of County agencies, positions and programs, and report such changes as he or she deems necessary.
To monitor developments in state, federal and other relevant laws and governmental affairs, and to advise the County on recommended policy positions to advance which will improve County administration and operations.
To recommend proposed resolutions, ordinances or regulations to the County Board as are necessary to promote improved County services to the public interest, and provide all requested information, data and reports requested by the County Board to the extent such information is available.
To generally represent the County before governmental agencies, at public functions, at intergovernmental meetings, in business transactions, negotiations and administrative proceedings.
Board and Commission Appointments. The County Board's right to elect and appoint its own officers and committees as set forth in § 59.12, Wis. Stats., is codified in Chapter 15 of the Code of Washington County and is reaffirmed. Pursuant to § 59.17(2)(c), Wis. Stats., the County Executive shall appoint the members of boards and commissions, subject to the confirmation of the County Board. The County Executive does not have the authority to create standing committees, special committees, or any other board or commission of the County Board.
Committees created by the County Executive.
[Added 8-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-7]
Creation; tenure; abolition. Under the general powers of the office of the County Executive, the County Executive may, by executive order, create committees in such number and with such membership as desired, to conduct such studies and to advise the County Executive in such matters as directed. Such committees are advisory to the County Executive only and are not committees of the County Board. Persons appointed to a committee created by the County Executive may be removed or replaced, or the committee may be abolished, by the County Executive at pleasure. The County Executive shall keep a record of all appointments to, or resignations or removals from, such committees.
[Amended 5-12-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-3]
Open meetings. Meetings of committees established under this section are subject to the requirements of Chapter 19 of the Wisconsin Statutes relating to open meetings and public records.
Committees of the County Board. The County Executive does not have the authority to create standing committees, special committees, or any other board or commission of the County Board.
The County Executive shall be included in the County's public employee blanket position bond, and shall be indemnified in the amount of $10,000.
[Amended by 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12]
Pursuant to § 59.17(7), Wis. Stats., the County Executive may be removed at any time by the governor for cause under § 17.16, Wis. Stats.