[Ord. No. 20-21, 12-16-2020]
The following are permitted uses in the "B" Single-Family Attached Dwelling District:
Single-family attached dwellings as part of a planned residential development under single ownership containing not less than five (5) acres and not more than thirty (30) acres, provided that acreage not in excess of thirty (30) acres each may be added to the development by a separate application for each maximum thirty-acre addition.
Group Homes.
Purpose. The City has determined that it is necessary and desirable to provide suitable sites for group homes in residential areas while, in furtherance of the recognized goals of deinstitutionalization and dispersal, assuring that group homes are not unduly concentrated in neighborhoods so as to afford mentally or physically disabled persons every opportunity to be integrated in the community. To that end, group homes in residential districts shall comply with the following:
To promote deinstitutionalization and dispersal, no group home may be located within five hundred (500) feet of another group home, measured by the straight line distance between the nearest points of the exterior walls (exclusive of overhangs) of the buildings within which the relevant facilities or uses are located;
Adjoin any lot upon which another group home already exists; or
Be separated from any lot upon which an existing group home already exists only by a street or roadway.
The exterior appearance of the home and property, occupancy limitation, signage and other standards applicable to single-family dwellings shall apply equally to group homes.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section to the contrary, any individual, group or entity may make a request for reasonable accommodation from the provisions of this Section pursuant to the procedures set forth in Sections 230.150 through 230.240 of this Code.
Foster Homes.
Churches, synagogues and other houses of worship.
Municipally owned or operated parks or playgrounds.
Non-commercial forests and gardens.
Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction; provided that no such building shall be located within a required yard or within twenty-five (25) feet of any lot line and no trees shall be removed for the placement of such temporary building. The temporary building shall be removed upon the earlier occurring of one (1) year from initial placement of the temporary building or upon the completion or abandonment of the work, unless express written permission to continue the location of such temporary building is granted by the Board of Aldermen upon good cause shown.
Home Occupations pursuant to Section 400.270.
[Ord. No. 22-20, 8-17-2022]
Accessory buildings or accessory uses as specified below, provided that no accessory building or accessory use shall be located in the front yard or less than eleven (11) feet from any side lot line or less than five (5) feet from the rear lot line:
Accessory Building or Accessory Use
Maximum Area
Maximum Height
Accessory building, enclosed on all sides and roofed, not including a private garage
144 square feet
8 feet
Doghouse, dog run or combination
50 square feet
6 feet including fencing
Swimming pool, in conjunction with a single-family dwelling constructed and fenced as required by St. Louis County Codes
1,000 square feet water surface area
4 feet
Private garage
700 square feet
Height regulations as described in Section 400.200
No more than one (1) of each above-listed accessory building is permitted per lot.
All detached garages must have an associated driveway which provides direct access to the detached garage for the storage of vehicles. Failure to have an associated driveway to the building will be conclusive evidence that the accessory building is not a detached garage.
Nothing in this Section 400.190 shall prevent the owner of a dwelling unit or owner's authorized agent from constructing both an attached and detached garage on a single lot, each up to a maximum of seven hundred (700) square feet, provided that the lot and structures thereon comply with the area regulations outlined in Section 400.210.
No private garage shall be used as a dwelling unit; nor shall a private garage be constructed to contain a dwelling unit within said private garage.
Carports are prohibited in the "B" Single-Family Dwelling District.
Nothing in this Section 400.190(A)(7) shall prevent the Board of Aldermen from approving a detached or attached private garage, carport or other accessory structure or waiving the size requirements as part of an approved planned development ("PD-MxD" or "PD-R") under Section 400.380 of this Chapter.
Accessory buildings shall be compatible with the principal building on the lot in terms of architectural treatment and harmony and shall be maintained in compliance with Chapter 500, Article VII, Property Maintenance Code; Chapter 505, Dangerous Buildings; and Chapter 215, Nuisances. If the Code Enforcement Official determines that more than fifty percent (50%) of an accessory building is damaged or dilapidated or that the accessory building is damaged or dilapidated by more than fifty percent (50%) of its value, the Code Enforcement Official shall give notice to the lot owner of such determination and the owner shall cease to use the accessory building and remove it from the lot within the time frame indicated in the notice.
Other accessory uses, and accessory buildings designed in conjunction with and for the sole use of residents of a planned residential development and guests, including, by way of illustration rather than limitation, clubhouse, tennis courts, and/or a swimming pool. All such accessory uses, and accessory buildings shall be subordinated to the residential character of the planned development and of the area and no advertising shall be permitted.
All above-grade accessory buildings shall be landscaped with evergreens so that the outline of the accessory building is interrupted. All accessory buildings shall be compatible with the principal building(s) on the lot in terms of architectural treatment and harmony.
No accessory building shall be erected or placed upon a lot until construction of the principal building(s) has commenced.
Nothing herein shall be construed as permitting short-term rental uses in the "B" Single-Family Attached Dwelling District either as a home occupation or as a single-family dwelling use. Short-term rentals are prohibited in the "B" Single-Family Attached Dwelling District.
[Ord. No. 20-21, 12-16-2020]
Except as provided in this Section, no building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
Churches, synagogues, and other houses of worship may exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height to a maximum of sixty (60) feet in height, provided that for each one (1) foot in height in excess of thirty-five (35) feet, the building shall be set back one (1) foot from each lot line or required minimum yard area.
Chimneys, rooftop mechanical appurtenances and other purely ornamental or mechanical accessories shall not be considered for purposes of determining height.
[Ord. No. 20-21, 12-16-2020]
Yard Requirements. Yard requirements shall be as provided on the schedule following:
Minimum Lot Size
Minimum Setback
Maximum Coverage
Single-family attached dwelling
No principal building shall be located within 25 feet of another or within 30 feet of a curb line
Other permitted principal use
12,000 square feet
Front: 35 feet
Side: 11 feet
Rear: 50 feet and where any side or rear yard coincides with a residential lot line, an additional buffer strip at least 20 feet in width and planted with trees, shrubs or similar vegetation shall be provided
Dwelling Unit Floor Area Requirements.
Every one-story single-family dwelling shall have a total floor area of not less than one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet measured from the exterior walls, excluding private garages and other covered storage areas. Every single-family dwelling of more than one (1) story shall have a floor area on the first floor of not less than one thousand one hundred (1,100) square feet measured from the exterior walls, excluding private garages and other covered storage areas and each floor above the first floor shall have a floor area of not less than seven hundred fifty (750) square feet measured from the exterior walls, excluding private garages and other covered storage areas.
Every dwelling unit located in a one-story single-family attached dwelling shall have a total floor area of not less than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet measured from the exterior walls, excluding private garages and other covered storage areas. Every dwelling unit located in a single-family attached dwelling of more than one (1) story shall have a floor area on the first floor of not less than one thousand (1,000) square feet measured from the exterior walls, excluding private garages and other covered storage areas and each floor above the first floor shall have a floor area of not less than five hundred (500) square feet measured from the exterior walls, excluding private garages and other covered storage areas.
Planned Residential Development Requirements. Single-family attached dwellings together with single-family dwellings as part of a planned residential development shall satisfy the following requirements:
Density. Average gross residential density, exclusive of areas devoted to streets and parking areas, walkways, common open space, service facilities and other accessory uses shall not exceed four (4) dwelling units per acre and in the case of a proposed planned residential development consisting of both single-family dwellings and single-family attached dwellings, in no event shall more than sixty percent (60%) of the total number of dwelling units proposed be either single-family dwellings or single-family attached dwellings. Common open space shall be no less than fifteen percent (15%) of the total planned residential development area exclusive of areas devoted to streets and parking areas, walkways, common open space, service facilities and other accessory uses. Common open space areas shall be located as approved by the Board of Aldermen.
Site Design Requirements For Dwelling Units.
All dwelling units shall be located and arranged to enhance the privacy of residents.
Conventional siting practices may be varied within minimum standards to produce a more attractive arrangement of buildings and amenities.
The effect of prevailing winds, seasonal temperatures, daily hours of sunlight, existing vegetation and scenic vistas shall be considered in designing and siting buildings and amenities.
Dwelling units shall be located to promote pedestrian and visual access to common open space.
No building or structure shall be located less than fifty (50) feet from a "B" Single-Family Attached Dwelling District boundary. A buffer strip of not less than fifty (50) feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of the entire planned residential development. No drives, walkways or parking spaces shall occupy such buffer strip, except as necessary, to provide a means of ingress and egress from the development to a public thoroughfare; provided that the Board of Aldermen may require that the buffer strip be supplemented with additional landscaping and fencing.
Site Design Requirements For Common Open Space And Environmental Preservation.
The location, size, configuration, and character of common open spaces shall be designed to enhance existing natural features and to provide for appropriate on-site stormwater retention meeting standards of the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District.
Common open space shall be designed as a contiguous area affording pedestrian and visual access by residents of the planned residential development.
Natural features, such as scenic views, woodlands, trees, major vegetation areas, streams, and watercourses, shall be preserved wherever possible. Location of existing trees having a diameter of six (6) inches or more as measured at a height of four (4) feet above original grade shall be a factor in locating buildings, utilities, streets paved areas and finished grades to provide that such trees are preserved to the maximum extent possible.
All development activities shall minimize earthmoving and erosion. Where earthwork is required, erosion prevention and control measures such as installation of silt catchment basins together with seeding, sodding, and mulching shall be instituted.
All utilities shall be installed underground.
[Ord. No. 20-21, 12-16-2020]
Off-street parking facilities shall be provided as required in Article X, Sections 400.390 and 400.400 of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 20-21, 12-16-2020]
The owner or developer of any lot or lots located within and meeting the requirements of a "B" Single-Family Attached Dwelling District, prior to the erection, conversion, enlargement, reconstruction or structural alteration of any principal building on or change of principal use of such lot or lots, shall file with the Board of Aldermen an application for site development plan approval; provided that site plan approval shall not be required for the conversion, enlargement, reconstruction or structural alteration of any existing single-family dwelling or single-family attached dwelling but shall be required for initial construction of any new single-family dwelling or single-family attached dwelling. The application shall be submitted on forms provided by the City and shall include a site development plan prepared by a licensed professional architect, engineer or land surveyor together containing support information satisfying the following requirements:
The name of the owner or developer and of the professional architect, engineer, planner, or land surveyor responsible for the preparation of the proposed site development plan.
Existing and proposed site grades identifying all grade changes and areas of cut and fill at a minimum contour interval of two (2) feet, or one (1) foot in areas where average slopes are three percent (3%) or less.
Existing landscape and natural features plan identifying specific location of all woodlands, trees, major vegetation areas, streams, watercourses and other natural resources and features and delineating specific provisions to be taken to preserve or to minimize impact on these natural features.
All existing and proposed uses and buildings.
Sidewalks and walkways.
Driveways, existing and proposed curb cuts, vehicle travel lanes and parking areas.
Means for the provision of water, sanitary sewerage, storm drainage, electric and natural gas services, and telephone and telecommunications services including cable facilities.
Existing and proposed easements and dedications.
Building plans and elevations depicting exterior materials and treatments; height, bulk, and locational relationships.
Other information which the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Board of Aldermen may designate.
Upon the filing of a complete application for site development plan approval with the Board of Aldermen, the City Clerk, after providing copies of the application to the Board of Aldermen, shall refer the application and support documentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review, study, and report. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the application and shall report to the Board of Aldermen the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendations for approval, disapproval, or modification of the proposed site development plan.
Upon receipt of the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Aldermen shall schedule and conduct a public hearing on the proposed site development plan after having given notice of time, place, and purpose of the hearing by publication at least once in a newspaper of general circulation within the City which publication shall appear at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the hearing. The Board of Aldermen may continue the hearing from time to time without further publication upon designation at the hearing of the time and place of the continuation and notation of such continuation in the minutes of the Board of Aldermen. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Board of Aldermen may, in writing, approve, disapprove, or modify the site development plan. The Board of Aldermen shall promptly transmit a copy of the final action on the proposed site development plan to the applicable Code Enforcement Official(s).
Proposed construction or change of a principal use approved pursuant to this Section shall commence within six (6) months of the date of approval by the Board of Aldermen of the site development plan and application or the site development plan approval shall lapse and be void.
No building permit to erect, convert, enlarge, reconstruct or structurally alter any principal building (other than for conversion, enlargement, reconstruction or structural alteration of an existing single-family dwelling or single-family attached dwelling) and no approval to change a principal use shall issue until the Board of Aldermen has approved a site development plan in accordance with this Section; provided that nothing in this Section shall be construed to prohibit issuance of a grading permit approved by the Board of Aldermen for such grading and site work as may be required to prepare a lot or lots for development.