[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Waterloo 10-19-1987 by Ord. No. 87-6 as §§ 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.20 and 9.14 of the 1987 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire Department — See Ch. 57.
Alarm systems — See Ch. 120.
Building construction — See Ch. 140.
Fireworks — See Ch. 204.
Hazardous substances — See Ch. 215.
Nuisances — See Ch. 261.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 288.
Fire Chief to be Fire Inspector. The Fire Chief shall hold the office of Fire Inspector with power to appoint one or more Deputy Fire Inspectors, who shall perform the same duties and have the same powers as the Fire Inspector.
Inspection duties. The Fire Inspectors shall inspect, semiannually, all public buildings and places of employment, as defined in § 101.01(11), Wis. Stats., within the City limits for the purpose of noting and causing to be corrected any conditions liable to cause fires. Repairs or alterations necessary to remove the hazardous condition shall be made within a reasonable time at the expense of the owner. The Inspector shall also investigate the storage and handling of explosives and inflammable liquids within the City.
Procedure. Fire inspection procedures and forms shall be developed in accordance with § 101.14, Wis. Stats., and applicable codes of the National Fire Prevention Association.
Written record of inspections. The Chief shall keep a written record card of each property inspected which shall conform to the requirements of the State Department of Commerce and shall make the semiannual report of inspections required by said Department.
Correction of fire hazards. When any inspection by the Fire Chief or his deputies reveals a fire hazard, the Chief or his deputies may serve a notice, in writing, upon the owner of the property giving said owner a reasonable time in which to remove the hazard. If the fire hazard is not removed within the time allowed it shall be deemed a nuisance, and the Fire Chief or his deputy may have the same removed by the City, and the cost of such removal shall be recovered in an action by the City against the owner of the property and may also be entered on the tax roll as a special charge against the property.
Entering on premises. No person shall deny the Fire Inspector or his deputies free access to any property within the City at any reasonable time for the purpose of making fire inspections. No person shall hinder or obstruct the Fire Inspector in the performance of his duty or refuse to observe any lawful direction given by him.
The following chapters of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, Rules of the Department of Commerce, are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this Code:
Fee Schedule
Explosive Materials
Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Fire Prevention
Public Employee Safety and Health
Gas Systems
COMM 61 to 65
Commercial Building Code
A copy of the above codes is on file in the office of the Fire Chief.
See Chapter 215, Hazardous Substances, of this Code.
[Amended 7-11-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-06]
Outdoor burning prohibited. No person shall cause, allow or permit outdoor burning of refuse, garbage, plant life, leaves or other combustible material within the City, except as permitted under Subsection C.
Incinerators prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate and maintain or cause to be operated and maintained any incinerator within the City, except as permitted under Subsection C.
Outdoor burning in connection with the preparation of food.
The burning of refuse in a properly designed, operated and maintained incinerator, duly licensed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to be effective for the purpose of air pollution control, or outdoor burning by the City of Waterloo pursuant to a permit by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Small outdoor flames for welding, acetylene torches, safety flares, heating tar or similar applications.
Any outdoor burning for which a person has obtained a permit from the Waterloo Fire Department.
A fire set for the purpose of training public or private fire-fighting personnel.
A fire set or required by a public officer for the abatement of nuisances and which is necessary in carrying out public health functions.
Permit required. A one-time inspection for any new permanent installation of a fire pit (bricks and mortar, concrete, etc.) is required.
[Amended 4-18-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-11]
Responsibilities. The resident shall have the following responsibilities:
[Amended 4-18-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-11]
To adhere to all health and fire prevention codes.
To have adult (18 years of age or older) supervisory personnel present at the site of the outdoor burning.
To comply with the following conditions:
Any fire deemed to be a public health nuisance by the Fire Chief or his or her designee shall be extinguished.
This shall apply to all manufactured burning rings, fireplaces, fire pits, chimneys or like devices.
No manufactured device shall be placed on any combustible surface.
The fire must be completely extinguished before the fire location may be left unsupervised.
The fire shall be no larger than four feet in diameter, subject to the exceptions listed below.
No flammable liquids shall be used to start or support the burning.
Only virgin wood and charcoal fuel will be allowed to be burned. "Virgin wood" means wood and other wood products, such as bark, but not to include sawdust, which have had no chemical treatments or finishes applied.
Under no circumstances shall plastics, trash, garbage, oils, hydrocarbon fuels, furniture, fabrics, leaves, yard waste, synthetic materials of any kind, pressure-treated wood or wood that has been finished with paints, varnishes, laminates or a similar finish be burned. Burn barrels are not allowed within the City limits.
The fire shall be located at least 10 feet from property lines and at least 20 feet from any building or structure. This does not apply to manufactured devices.
A functional extinguishing aid must be present, such as a fire extinguisher, garden hose, etc.
Exceptions. A bonfire exceeding the size restrictions set forth in Subsection E(3)(e) will be permitted for churches, organized schools, and civic organizations and only if application for site review has been made and approved by the Waterloo Fire Department. Such bonfire shall be no more than 10 feet in diameter or 10 feet by 10 feet square and no more than six feet high and must comply with all other provisions of the permit.
Emergency provisions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the Fire Chief, in times of extreme dryness or drought, deficiency in the water supply or by reason of any other emergency, is authorized to prohibit the setting of any fires upon any lands within the City by providing published notice of the declared emergency. Public notice will be made by City-wide call (Connect final site) as well as website and social media.
[Amended 4-18-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-11]
[Added 11-7-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-07[1]]
Definition. The term "Knox-Box®" shall be defined as a lock box from the Knox Company which allows emergency responders to gain access to secured buildings and perimeters without forceful entry.
Buildings subject to this section.
The following structures shall be equipped with a Knox-Box® at or near the main entrance or such other location approved by the Fire Chief or designee:
Commercial or industrial structures protected by an automatic alarm system or automatic suppression system, or such structures that are secured in a manner that restricts access during an emergency.
Multifamily residential structures with Four or more units that have restricted access through locked doors or have a common corridor for access to the living units.
Governmental structures as required by the Fire Department.
Nursing care facilities.
All public and private educational facilities.
All newly constructed structures subject to this section shall have the Knox-Box® installed and operational prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit.
Buildings requiring a Knox-Box® shall be subject to numbering or lettering. All buildings over 5,000 square feet and with more than two doors must number or letter their doors (and windows when required by the Fire Chief or his/her designee). Numbering/Lettering must be no less than eight inches in size, reflective and a contrasting color to the door. Numbers/Letters shall be placed on each door starting at the main entrance and progressing around the building clockwise. Numbers/Letters must be at least five feet above ground level. Where double doors or a grouping of doors exists close together, they may be numbered as one.
The owner or operator of a structure required to have a Knox-Box® shall, at all times, keep keys in the box that will allow for access to the following:
Keys to locked points of ingress or egress, whether on the interior or exterior of such buildings.
Keys to locked mechanical rooms.
Keys to elevator controls.
Keys to rooms containing fire control systems.
Keys to other areas as directed by the Fire Chief.
Each key shall be legibly labeled to indicate the lock that it opens in such a manner as is approved by the Fire Chief or his/her designee.
A floor plan of the rooms within the building may be required at the discretion of the Fire Chief or his/her designee.
Compliance. After the effective date of this section, all newly constructed buildings, not yet occupied, or buildings currently under construction and all buildings or businesses applying for an occupancy permit shall comply. Existing buildings that are not in compliance on the effective date of this section shall comply with requirements of this section within 16 months of this effective date of this section. Any person who owns or operates a structure subject to this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Subsection H of this section for any violation of this section.
Rules and regulations. The Fire Chief or his/her designee shall be authorized to implement rules and regulations for the use of the lock box system.
Brand. The "Knox" brand will be the only lock box permitted by the City of Waterloo.
Penalties. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, any person who shall violate any provision of this section or any order, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a forfeiture as provided.
First offense shall be a forfeiture of $50 plus court costs and penalty assessments.
Second offense shall be a forfeiture of $100 plus court costs and penalty assessments.
Third and subsequent offenses shall be a forfeiture of $200 plus court costs and penalty assessment.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also renumbered former § 200-5 as § 200-6.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter or any order, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, § 1-4 of this Code.