The Township of Barrett, Monroe County, Pennsylvania pursuant to Article V of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247 of 1968, as amended,[1] does hereby adopt the following regulations governing the subdivision and development of land within the Township.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Barrett Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance."
The purpose of these rules and regulations is to assure the orderly development of residential, commercial, industrial and other nonresidential areas in Barrett Township in the following manner:
To assist in the orderly, efficient and integrated development of land.
To provide for the coordination of existing streets and public utilities with new facilities.
To provide for the efficient and orderly extension of community services and facilities at minimum cost and maximum convenience.
To insure the conformance of land utilization with a physical development plan for Barrett Township specifically prepared or accrued through the approval of land development applications.
To promote thereby the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the residents of the Township.
To secure the equitable handling of all subdivision and land development plans by providing uniform procedures and standards for observance, both by subdividers, developers and the Township.
To insure the preservation of natural resources and the recreational character of the Township.
To insure that proper provision shall be made for drainage, water, sewage and other needed improvements.
To insure that land to be subdivided or developed shall be of such character that it can be used for the intended purposes without danger to health, or peril from fire, flood or other menace.
The integration of all of these services will be of mutual advantage to the developer and the Township in providing the necessary services at minimum cost and maximum convenience, thereby creating conditions favorable to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the citizens of the Township.