[Adopted 1-19-1898 (Ch.
I, Part 2C, of the 1972 Code of Ordinances)]
[Amended 8-19-1952 by Ord. No. 563]
The Street Commissioner shall be in subordination and subject
to the directions of the Street Committee and the Council. He shall
have full power and authority in carrying out the instructions thereof
to him, or in the enforcement of ordinances, to make contracts and
hire all needful aid, subject to the approval of the Street Committee
and the Council, and to all requirements, restrictions and limitations
contained in the law.
[Amended 8-19-1952 by Ord. No. 563]
The Street Commissioner shall give immediate notice to all persons
whose buildings, fences or other improvements encroach upon the public
streets, alleys or sidewalks to remove the same forthwith. He shall
also notify all persons whose platforms, steps, railings, signs, cellar
openings or doors, passageways, bulk or jut windows, porches or jambs,
or any similar obstructions, so encroach upon any street, alley or
sidewalks. If the same be not removed within 30 days from and after
such notice, it shall become the duty of the Street Commissioner to
remove without delay, at the expense of the Borough, all such buildings,
fences, or improvements, and all such platforms, steps, railings,
signs, or fixtures and to close up all such passageways or openings.
Thereupon the Mayor, in addition to any fine which may be imposed
according to any ordinance of the Borough, shall proceed as provided
by law, to recover the amount so expended by the Borough, for the
removal of any obstruction, as hereinbefore specified, together with
any additional penalty authorized by law.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General
Provisions, Art. I)]
It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to notify Council
of all violations of regulations or ordinances relating to streets,
alleys, sidewalks, gutters, sewers, culverts and bridges and attend
to the opening of all new streets and alleys, and see that all public
highways and sidewalks within the Borough, are kept in good condition
and free from obstructions, or nuisances, and that all gutters, sewers,
culverts or other water ways are kept free and open and that no stagnant
water is permitted to gather or remain within the Borough limits,
whether on public or private ground; and further, it shall be his
duty to see that all persons attend strictly to placing their curb,
pavements, fences, buildings, or improvements of whatever nature,
upon the correct grades of lines; he shall also see that all persons
occupying any part of the streets, alleys, or public squares, for
building purposes, have proper permits from the Mayor.
To carry into effect the foregoing sections, the Street Commissioners
shall, at least once in every month, go through the various parts
of the Borough, and examine and ascertain if any violation of the
ordinances of the Borough relative to sidewalks, house or houses,
streets or alleys, has been done or committed, and to see that all
ordinances, on the execution and fulfillment of which depend the health,
cleanliness, good order, and safety of the borough from fire, are
well and faithfully obeyed and complied with, and shall immediately
thereafter give information to the Mayor of the nuisances, violation
or omissions, which he may have discovered, whereupon the Mayor shall
proceed forthwith to enforce the proper fine and penalties.
[Amended 8-19-1952 by Ord. No. 563; at time of adoption of Code (see
Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Street Commissioner shall certify all bills for material
furnished in his department, and have charge of tools belonging to
the Borough, and be accountable for the same, and it shall be his
duty to keep an accurate account of all expenditures in his department,
and designate for what purpose expended.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General
Provisions, Art. I)]
The Street Commissioner shall prepare and present to the Secretary/Treasurer
at required time intervals, upon an approved form of check roll, his
own name and the name of every person employed under him, showing
each day such persons were employed, where and how employed, amount
of daily pay and the whole amount due each person up to the thirtieth
of every month and certify the same.