Editor's Note: For similar provisions, see § 170-1924, Parking for one- and two-family dwellings, and § 170-4303K, Driveway aprons.
No driveway apron shall be constructed in the Township of Union in the County of Union unless the same complies with the following requirements:
Residential zones:
All such aprons shall be constructed of concrete or bituminous concrete.
The maximum width for any such apron shall be as follows:
One-car garage: 12 feet.
One-car garage, with allowance for additional off-street parking: 18 feet.
Two-car garage: 24 feet.
Business zones and industrial zones:
All such aprons shall be constructed of concrete.
The maximum width of any such apron shall be 20 feet, except, however, in the instance of gasoline service stations, in which event the maximum width may be 35 feet.
The materials hereinbefore provided for shall at all times comply with the specifications of the Township of Union in the County of Union with reference thereto.
In such instances as may require two or more aprons at one location, there shall be at least 35 feet of curbing of the same height as contiguous curbs in the area between said driveway aprons.
Before any driveway apron is constructed, a permit shall be secured from the Township Department of Public Works and a fee of $10 paid therefor, and, in addition, the applicant shall deposit with the Township Department of Public Works $100 in connection with a bituminous concrete installation and $100 in connection with a concrete installation, which deposit shall be as assurance for the proper construction of said driveway apron and repair of any damage to the sidewalk, curb or street. The applicant or permittee shall make any repairs necessary to restore the sidewalk, curb or street in good condition, subject to the approval the Township Public Works Superintendent or authorized agent and pursuant to his directions, and upon failure to do so promptly and diligently, the Township Public Works Superintendent or authorized agent may make such repairs and charge the cost against the deposit, and if the cost is in excess of the deposit, the applicant and permittee shall be answerable for such difference or excess.
The applicant, in addition, shall also pay an inspection fee of $5 per inspection for initial inspection, form inspection, and final inspection. In the event the restoration of work authorized under the permit is not accomplished in a manner satisfactory to the Township Public Works Superintendent or authorized agent in accordance with this article and other applicable ordinances or regulations, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and used by the Township Department of Public Works to correct the deficiencies.
Any part of the deposit not used under the provisions of this article shall be returned when all the work has been completed and approved by the Township Public Works Superintendent or authorized agent.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to one or more of the following: imprisonment in the county jail or in any other place provided by the municipality for the detention of prisoners for any term not exceeding 90 days or by a fine not exceeding $2,000 or by a period of community service not exceeding 90 days, to become effective on the effective date of this section.