[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Sheboygan Falls 10-4-2005 as Ch. 7 of the 2005 Code of Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the regulatory provisions of Wis. Adm. Code Chapter Trans 305, prescribing minimum requirements and standards for equipment used on vehicles, are adopted by reference in this section and made a part of this chapter. Any future amendments, revisions, or modifications of the Administrative Code chapter are intended to be incorporated in this section.
The penalty for violation of this section shall conform to the forfeiture permitted to be imposed under Wis. Adm. Code § Trans 305.04, adopted herein by reference. Any future amendments, variations, revisions, or increases are intended to be incorporated in this section.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the statutory provisions in Wisconsin Statutes, Chapters 340 to 348 and 350, describing and defining regulations with respect to vehicles and traffic and snowmobiles, exclusive of any provisions therein relating to penalties to be imposed and exclusive of any regulations for which the statutory penalty is a fine or term of imprisonment, are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any statute incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this chapter. Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the statutes incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this chapter in order to secure uniform statewide regulation of traffic on the highways, streets and alleys of the State of Wisconsin.
The following streets are declared to be through streets:
Name of Street
From the intersection of Main Street to Monroe Street, south to the south City limits
Buffalo Street
From the northern intersection with Broadway, south to Monroe Street, from Monroe Street to Pine Street, south to the intersection with Broadway
Fond du Lac Avenue
From the west City limits to the intersection of Main Street, from Main Street to the intersection with Poplar Street, from Poplar Street to the east City limits
Giddings Avenue
From the City limits through the intersection of Pine Street
Leavens Avenue
From Fond du Lac Avenue to First Street
Main Street
From Leavens Avenue to the intersection of Fond du Lac Avenue to the north City limits
Monroe Street
From the east City limits to the east side of Broadway, and from the west side of Broadway to the west City limits
Pine Street
From the west City limits to the intersection with Giddings Avenue and from Giddings Avenue to Broadway
Poplar Street
From Fond du Lac Avenue south to Monroe Street
The following speed zones are hereby established on the City streets:
Thirty-five miles per hour:
All that portion of Rangeline Road which lies in the City.
All that portion of CTH PP which lies in the City.
Twenty-five miles per hour:
[Amended 9-21-2010 by Ord. No. 5-2010/2011]
All of Broadway Street.
Fond du Lac Avenue (CTH C) from Bluebird Lane east to Main Street (Hwy. 32).
Fifteen miles per hour:
On Dartmouth Drive when children are present.
On Amherst Avenue when children are present.
On Rochester Drive from its intersection with Park Street to its intersection with Gregory Place.
On Giddings Avenue when children are present.
On Monroe Street at swinging bridge when children are present (or yellow light is flashing).
On School Street when children are present.
On Guilford Street when children are present.
When signs are erected in any block giving notice of a limitation of parking thereon, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than the hours posted on such signs between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday and Saturday, and 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Friday. The following holidays shall be excepted therefrom: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.
Two-hour parking.
Name of Street
From Pine Street north to its intersection with Walnut Street
From Pine Street south to its intersection with Elm Street
Buffalo Street
From its intersection with Monroe Street to its intersection with Elm Street
Detroit Street, east parking lane
Commencing at the intersection of Pine Street and proceeding in a southerly direction to a point 100 feet south thereof
Detroit Street, west parking lane
Commencing at the intersection of Pine Street and proceeding in a southerly direction to a point 47 feet south thereof
Maple Street
Mill Street
From Monroe Street to York Street
Monroe Street
From its intersection with Broadway to its intersection with Oak Street
Pine Street
From Detroit Street to Broadway
Pine Street, north parking lane
Commencing at the intersection of Detroit Street and proceeding in a westerly direction to a point 332 feet west thereof
Pine Street, south parking lane
Commencing at the intersection of Detroit Street and proceeding in a westerly direction to a point 136 feet west thereof
Walnut Street
All-night parking prohibited. No person shall park any vehicle for a period of time longer than one hour between 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. of any day, except physicians on emergency calls, or with the permission of the Police Department, on any streets or highways within the City, except that portion of Pine Street lying east of its intersection with Broadway Street.
No parking. No person shall park a vehicle at any time on the following streets or portions thereof unless otherwise indicated or upon any bridge in the City:
[Amended 11-6-2012 by Ord. No. 3-2012/2013]
Name of Street
Amherst Avenue
From its intersection with Dartmouth Drive to a point 1,118 feet west thereof, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Amherst Avenue
Between school entrances during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during school days
Amherst Avenue
[Amended 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
From 139 Amherst Avenue east to Dartmouth Drive between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. during school days
Bluebird Lane
From its intersection with Fond du Lac Avenue north to its intersection with Prairie Lane
Boldt Court
From its intersection with Buffalo Street west 116 feet of the street to the cul-de-sac
Broadway, bridge at Leavens Avenue
On the bridge south to the intersection with Buffalo Street (sign indicates "No Parking")
Broadway, bridge across the Sheboygan River
From Leavens Avenue bridge to the intersection of Walnut Street
From the southerly curbing of its intersection with Cedar Street south to a point 50 feet from such intersection
Restricted parking in first stall south of Maple Street, and the first stall on the west side of Broadway north of Maple Street (signs indicate "Small Car Parking Only, No Trucks, No Vans")
Broadway Street
From its intersection with Cedar Street to its intersection with Buffalo Street, except for an area 24.3 feet in length located on the west side of Broadway Street commencing 72.2 feet north of the intersection of Broadway Street and Elm Street and terminating 96.5 feet north of the intersection of Broadway Street and Elm Street for the purpose of loading and unloading disabled passengers
Broadway Street
From the northerly curbing of its intersection with Dartmouth Drive north to a point 360 feet from such intersection
Brown Court
From Fond du Lac Avenue south to Water Street
Buffalo Street
From its intersection with Monroe Street to its intersection with Maple Street
Buffalo Street
From the intersection of Boldt Court to Monroe Street, except for a five-minute loading zone on the west side of Buffalo Street from a point 21 feet north of the south right-of-way line of Walnut Street extended westerly to a point 118 feet south of said southerly right-of-way line of Walnut Street
Cedar Street
From its intersection with Broadway east to its end
Cedar Street
From its intersection with Broadway Street to its intersection with Buffalo Street
Cherry Street
From its intersection with Fond du Lac Avenue to its intersection with Highland Avenue (sign indicates "No Parking This Side of Street")
Chicago Street
[Amended 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
From its intersection with School Street north to Cedar Street (sign indicates "No Parking This Side of Street")
Chicago Street
[Repealed 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Concord Drive
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
150 feet from its intersection with County Road PP "No Parking Here To Corner"
County Road PP
Between County Road PPP and County Road TT
Crocker Avenue
From its intersection with Fond du Lac Avenue to its intersection with Green Bay Court
Crocker Street
From the east driveway entrance of Curt G. Joa, Inc., for a distance of 200 feet to the east thereof
CTH C/Fond du Lac Avenue
Starting at its intersection with Bryant Court, west 300 feet (signs indicate "No Parking Between Signs")
Dartmouth Drive
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
75 feet from intersection with Amherst Avenue "No Parking Here To Corner"
Detroit Street
From its intersection with Hillcrest Court 466 feet north between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. during school days
Detroit Street
From Hillcrest Court, 88 feet south
Detroit Street
North from its intersection with Hillcrest Court 43 feet to Guilford Street (sign indicates "No Parking From Here To Corner")
Detroit Street
From Guilford Street north to area directly east of school property, between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. during school days
Dicke Avenue
52 feet west from First Street
Elm Street
From its intersection with Broadway Street to its intersection with Detroit Street, except Sundays 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Fond du Lac Avenue
From its intersection with Spring Street west 50 feet
Fond du Lac Avenue
Starting at its intersection with Cherry Street east to a point directly across the east end of its intersection with Alfred Miley Way (sign indicates "No Parking This Side of Street")
Giddings Avenue
From a point on the east curbline of Giddings Avenue where the southerly boundary line of Giddings Subdivision intersects on the east curbline to a point where the southerly boundary line of University Heights Subdivision intersects on the east curbline of Giddings Avenue
Giddings Avenue
Starting at its intersection with Amherst Avenue, north 495 feet
Giddings Avenue
From its intersection with Amherst Avenue south 140 feet to STH 28
Giddings Avenue
East and west
From a point on the west curbline of Giddings Avenue where an extension of the southerly boundary line of Giddings Subdivision would intersect to a point on the west curbline of Giddings Avenue where an extension of the south curbline of Amherst Avenue would intersect
Giddings Avenue
[Repealed 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Giddings Avenue
Starting at its intersection with Kay Avenue, north 117 feet to the boundary with Kay Avenue
Giddings Avenue
From its intersection with Kay Avenue, 417 feet south
Guilford Street
From its intersection with Giddings Avenue to its intersection with Detroit Street
Guilford Street
Within such area which is directly south of the school property between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. during school days
Happy Lane
South and north
From its intersection with State Trunk Highway 32, 475 feet west
Hickory Street
From Cleveland Street to Monroe Street
Hickory Street
From its intersection with Monroe Street 91 feet south
Hillcrest Court
From Detroit Street 262 feet east, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Leavens Avenue
From its intersection with First Street to its intersection with Second Street
Leavens Avenue
25 feet west of Second Street
Madison Street
From Poplar Street west to its intersection with Michigan Street (sign indicates "No Parking This Side of Street")
Main Street
From Fond du Lac Avenue south to its intersection with Broadway Street
Main Street
From Fond du Lac Avenue south 172 feet
Main Street
From Spring Street to its intersection with Broadway Street
Monroe Street
From its intersection with Poplar Street to its intersection with Broadway
Monroe Street
From Poplar Street west to Broadway from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., except on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays
Monroe Street
North and south
From Buffalo Street to Broadway
Monroe Street
North and south
From the westerly limits of the Monroe Street bridge to the intersection of Monroe Street with Buffalo Street
Monroe Street
East of River Hills Drive to the corporate limits of the City
Monroe Street
For a distance of 247 feet west of its intersection with Oak Street
Monroe Street
From its intersection with Hickory Street 14 feet west
Monroe Street
At the Monroe Street bridge (sign indicates "No Parking Any Time")
North Main Street/STH32
At its intersection with Forest Avenue, 225 feet north (sign indicates "No Parking")
Poplar Street
For a distance of 330 feet northeasterly of its intersection with Monroe Street
Poplar Street
From its intersection with Madison Street, 41 feet north (sign indicates "No Parking Any Time")
Rangeline Road
Starting a point 200 feet south from its intersection with Forest Avenue, continuing to a point 301 feet south of Forest Avenue (signs indicate "No Parking Between Signs")
Rangeline Road
Starting 128 feet south of the City's north boundary (sign indicates "No Parking Here To Corner"; sign indicates "No Parking Between Signs")
Rangeline Road
From its intersection with Forest Avenue south to a point 75 feet from such intersection
School Street
[Repealed 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
School Street
From its intersection with Chicago Street 63 feet west (sign indicates "No Parking Here To Corner")
Short Street
Summer Street
[Repealed 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Water Street
From Monroe Street to Madison Street
Water Street
From its intersection with Monroe Street to its intersection with Adams Street
Water Street
From Monroe Street to Fond du Lac Avenue
Water Street
From its intersection with Fond du Lac Avenue to its intersection with Monroe Street
Western Avenue
West 40 feet from its intersection with First Street
York Street
Temporary parking restrictions. No person shall park, stop, or allow a vehicle to stand on any street or portion thereof that is designated a "no parking" area by official traffic sign or marker. The Chief of Police is authorized to designate temporary "no parking" areas as required for parades, festivals, and other special events and is authorized to direct the Public Works Department to place or erect said "no parking" signs or markers.
The following parking restrictions shall apply in designated municipal parking lots in the City of Sheboygan Falls:
Municipal parking lot at the southeast corner of Maple Street and Buffalo Street, and Ebbers Building lot, 716 Monroe Street: No person shall park any vehicle for more than three hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Municipal parking lot at 716 Monroe Street: the far southeast corner five parking spaces shall be posted for one-hour short-term parking.
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Municipal parking lot adjacent to Municipal Building, Buffalo Street: No person shall park any vehicle for more than 12 hours without first having obtained a permit therefor.
Municipal parking lot on the east side of Broadway Street between Elm Street and Pine Street: No person shall park any vehicle for more than 12 hours.
Municipal parking lot on the west side of Buffalo Street between Elm Street and Pine Street and as more particularly described on the Buffalo Street parking lot map: No person shall park any vehicle for more than three hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, in stalls 12 through 40. No person shall park any vehicle for more than 12 hours in stalls 1 through 11.
Municipal parking lot in an area west of the Municipal Building, south side, shall be posted for no trucks over three tons.
[Amended 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
The following streets are designated as one-way streets, and no vehicle shall move in the direction other than is indicated on such street:
First Street from Leavens Avenue to Western Avenue, southbound traffic only.
Second Street from Western Avenue to Leavens Avenue, northbound traffic only.
Western Avenue from First Street to Fourth Street, westbound traffic only.
Stop signs shall be placed at the intersection of all connecting streets with a through street or arterial highway. Stop signs shall be placed at the following intersections:
Stop Sign On
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
Adams Street
Water Street
Adams Street
Oak Street
Alder Court
Alfred Miley Avenue (4-way)
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Tower Drive
Alfred West Miley Avenue
Green View Drive
Alfred West Miley Avenue
Fond du Lac Avenue
Amherst Avenue
Giddings Avenue
Ashland Court
Iroquois Trail
Balsam Road
Forest Avenue
Big Bend Lane
Birch Road
Forest Avenue
Bluebird Lane
Fond du Lac Avenue
Bluebird Lane
River Oaks Drive
Broadway Street
Pine Street North
Broadway Street
Pine Street South
Brown Court
Water Street
Brown Court
Fond du Lac Avenue
Bryant Court
Leavens Avenue
Bryant Court
Fond du Lac Avenue
Buffalo Street
Broadway Street
Cambridge Court
Amherst Avenue
Cedar Street
Broadway Street
Cedar Street
Buffalo Street
Cedar Street (4-way)
Detroit Street
Cherry Street
Fond du Lac Avenue
Chicago Street
Elm Street
Chippewa Drive
Chippewa Drive
Huron Trial
Cleveland Street
Hickory Street
Columbine Lane
Westridge Drive
Concord Drive
Crocker Avenue
Fond du Lac Avenue
Crocker Avenue
North Main Street
Monroe Street
Dartmouth Drive
Broadway Street
David Avenue
Northbound and southbound
Kay Avenue
Denison Circle
River Oaks Drive
Detroit Street
Cedar Street
Dewey Street
Fond du Lac Avenue
Dicke Avenue
Second Street
Dicke Avenue
First Street
Elm Lane
Elm Street
Buffalo Street
Elm Street
Broadway Street
Elm Street
Giddings Avenue
Elm Street (4-way)
Detroit Street
Englewood Court
North Main Street/STH 32
Evans Court
Broadway Street
Fairway Court
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Fairway Drive
Fairway Drive
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Happy Lane
Falcon Way
Fifth Street
Wilson Avenue
Fifth Street
Leavens Avenue
Fifth Street
Western Avenue
Fond du Lac Avenue
Main Street
Fond du Lac Avenue
[Added 12-20-2023 by Ord. No. 15-2023]
Poplar Street
Fond du Lac Avenue
[Added 12-20-2023 by Ord. No. 15-2023]
Poplar Street
Forest Avenue
Rangeline Road
Forest Avenue
North Main Street/STH 32
Fourth Street
Leavens Avenue
Fourth Street
Western Avenue
Fox Glove Lane
Westridge Drive
Green Acres Drive
Happy Lane
Green Bay Court
Fond du Lac Avenue
Green Bay Court
Crocker Avenue
Greenview Drive
Rangeline Road
Guilford Street
Giddings Avenue
Hamann Drive
North Main Street
Hickory Street
Monroe Street
Highland Avenue
Cherry Street
Huron Trail
Westridge Drive
Iroquois Trail
Meadow Ridge Drive
Iroquois Trail
Chippewa Drive
Iroquois Trail
Meadow Ridge Drive
Jefferson Street
Poplar Street
Jefferson Street
Eastbound and westbound
Wisconsin Street
Jefferson Street
Eastbound and westbound
Michigan Street
Jefferson Street
Water Street
Kay Avenue
Giddings Avenue
Leavens Avenue
First Street
Leavens Avenue
Main Street
Leavens Avenue
Fond du Lac Avenue
Madison Street
Poplar Street
Madison Street
Water Street
Maple Street
Buffalo Street
Maple Street
Broadway Street
Mark Avenue
Kay Avenue
Mark Avenue
Gregory Place
Meadow Ridge Drive
Meadowlark Road
Menominee Drive
Menominee Drive
Iroquois Trail
Michigan Street
Monroe Street
Michigan Street
Northbound and southbound
Fond du Lac Avenue
Mill Street
Monroe Street
Mill Street
Pine Street
Monroe Street (4-way)
Buffalo Street
Monroe Street (4-way)
Broadway Street
North/South Road
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Happy Lane
Oak Street
Monroe Street
Oak Street
Northbound and southbound
Fond du Lac Avenue
Oak Street
Jefferson Street
Park Street
Pine Street
Park Street
Eastbound and westbound
Giddings Avenue
Partridge Run
Huron Trail
Pine Street
Broadway Street
Pine Street
Giddings Avenue
Pine Street (4-way)
Buffalo Street
Poplar Street
Monroe Street
Poplar Street
Fond du Lac Avenue
Prairie Lane
Concord Drive
Prairie Lane
Lexington Court
Prospect Avenue
Eastbound and westbound
Oak Street
Prospect Avenue
Eastbound and westbound
Michigan Street
Rangeline Road
Fond du Lac Avenue
Raymond Drive
Buffalo Street
Richardson Avenue
River Oaks Drive
Richardson Avenue
Westwood Drive
Richmond Avenue
Oak Street
Richmond Avenue
Eastbound and westbound
Michigan Street
River Hills Drive
Monroe Street
River Hills Drive
Hickory Street
River Meadows Drive
River Meadows Lane
Meadow Ridge Drive
River Oaks Drive
Bluebird Lane
River Oaks Drive
Rochester Drive
Pine Street
Rochester Drive
Northbound and southbound
Park Street
School Street
Giddings Avenue
School Street
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Giddings Avenue
Second Street
Leavens Avenue
Sharon Court
Falcon Way
Short Street
Pine Street
Sixth Street
Leavens Avenue
Sixth Street
Fond du Lac Avenue
Spring Street
Fond du Lac Avenue
Spring Street
Main Street
Spruce Street
Forest Avenue
State Street
Fond du Lac Avenue
Summer Street
Giddings Avenue
Summer Street
Pine Street
Third Street
Western Avenue
Tower Drive
Rangeline Road
Trowbridge Court
River Oaks Drive
Tumbleweed Lane
Lexington Court
Tumbleweed Lane
Concord Drive
Vintage Drive
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
North Sixth Street
Vintage Drive
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Willow Drive
Walnut Street
Broadway Street
Walnut Street
Buffalo Street
Washington Street
Oak Street
Washington Street
Eastbound and westbound
Wisconsin Street
Washington Street
Eastbound and westbound
Michigan Street
Washington Street
Water Street
Water Street
Fond du Lac Avenue
Water Street
Northbound and southbound
Monroe Street
West Wood Drive
River Oaks Drive
Western Avenue
Bluebird Lane
Westridge Drive
Partridge Run
Westridge Drive
County Road PP
Westwood Court
Western Avenue
Westwood Drive
Western Avenue
Westwood Drive
Woodview Avenue
Westwood Drive
Eastbound and westbound
Bluebird Lane
Westwood Drive
Wilson Avenue
Wilson Avenue
Bluebird Lane
Wilson Avenue
River Oaks Drive
Windsor Village Apartments private drive
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Englewood Court
Wisconsin Avenue
Fond du Lac Avenue
Woodview Avenue
Eastbound and westbound
Bluebird Lane
Woodview Avenue
River Oaks Drive
York Street
Mill Street
Yield signs shall be placed at the following intersections:
Yield Sign on
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
Adams Street
Hickory Street
Cedar Street
Chicago Street
David Avenue
[Added 7-1-2020 by Ord. No. 2-2020/2021]
Shelly Drive
Jackson Street
Hickory Street
No person shall make U-turns at any of the following intersections:
Broadway and Maple Street
Broadway and Monroe Street
Buffalo Street and Maple Street
Buffalo Street and Monroe Street
Pine Street and Broadway
Pine Street and Buffalo Street
Pine Street and Detroit Street
Pine Street and Giddings Avenue
Monroe Street and Water Street
Monroe Street.
Monroe Street from the westerly edge of the Monroe Street bridge to its intersection with Broadway shall be a three-lane street. The southernmost lane shall be for eastbound traffic only; the center lane shall be for westbound traffic only; the center lane shall be for westbound traffic turning left only; the northernmost lane shall be for westbound traffic traveling through the Monroe Street-Broadway intersection and right turn only.
Monroe Street from its intersection with Broadway to its intersection with Buffalo Street shall be a three-lane street. The southernmost lane shall be for eastbound traffic traveling directly through the intersection of Monroe Street and Broadway and right turn only; the center lane shall be for eastbound traffic making a left turn only; the northernmost lane shall be westbound traffic going through the intersection of Monroe Street and Buffalo Street and right turns only.
Monroe Street from the westerly edge of its intersection with Oak Street to a point 247 feet west therefrom shall be a three-lane street. The southernmost lane shall be for eastbound traffic only; the center lane shall be for eastbound traffic turning left only; the northernmost lane shall be for westbound traffic traveling through the Monroe Street-Poplar Street intersection and right turn only.
Poplar Street. Poplar Street from its intersection with Monroe Street to a point 330 feet northeasterly therefrom shall be a three-lane street. The westernmost lane shall be for southbound traffic and shall be for right turn only; the center lane shall be for southbound traffic and for right turn only. The easternmost lane shall be for northbound traffic only.
Southbound North Main Street/STH 32 at Fond du Lac Avenue/CTH C right lane, west side "Right Turn Only." Center lane is "Straight," southbound east side of intersection "Northbound Only."
Southbound STH 32/North Main Street at Forest Avenue.
STH 32 at Forest Avenue "Three Lanes, Right Turn, Left Turn," eastbound lane.
Amherst Avenue westbound on STH 32, "Left West Lane, Westbound Lane Left Turn, Right Eastbound Lane Right Turn Only."
[Amended 12-7-2022 by Ord. No. 4-2022/2023]
Class "A" Highways.
The following streets within the City are designated Class "A" highways and shall be subject to the weight limitations imposed by § 348.15, Wis. Stats.:
Name of Street
Fond du Lac Avenue
Between Main Street/State Hwy 32 and Rangeline Road
Mill Street
Between Monroe Street and Pine Street
Park Street
Between Giddings Avenue/State Hwy 32 and Pine Street
Pine Street
Between Giddings Avenue/State Hwy 32 and County Road PPP
Poplar Street
From Monroe Street to Fond du Lac Avenue
Summer Street
Between Giddings Avenue/State Hwy 32 and Pine Street
The Department of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to install ten-ton weight limit signs on the Class "A" highways described above.
Class "B" Highways. All streets and alleys within the City, except Highways 23, 28, 32 and the Class "A" highways designated in Subsection A(1) above, are designated Class "B" highways and shall be subject to the weight limitations imposed by § 348.16, Wis. Stats.
Routes designated. The following streets in the City are designated as heavy traffic routes under the provisions of § 349.17, Wis. Stats.:
Name of Street
Broadway Street
From Pine Street to Leavens Avenue
Broadway Street
From Pine Street to the south City limits
Fond du Lac Avenue
From Main Street to the west City limits
Forest Avenue
From STH 32 to North Street/Rangeline Road
Giddings Avenue
From Pine Street to the south City limits
Main Street
From Leavens Avenue to Fond du Lac Avenue
Monroe Street
From east City limits to the west City limits
North Main Street
From Fond du Lac Avenue to the north City limits
North Street/Rangeline Road
From Forest Avenue to the north City limits
Pine Street
From Giddings Avenue to Broadway
Trucks prohibited on other than Class "A" highways and the heavy traffic routes designated in Subsection C above. No person shall operate any motor vehicle having a gross weight of more than 12,000 pounds except motor buses on any street other than on a state trunk highway or county trunk highway or heavy truck routes and Class "A" highways, except when necessary of obtaining orders and delivering and moving supplies or other necessary commodities to or from any place of business or residence fronting on any such streets and except when necessary for the purpose of leaving or returning to the terminal or place of garaging of any such vehicle. When it is necessary for the operator of such a vehicle to travel upon a street not designated for heavy truck traffic, such operator shall leave and reenter such heavy truck routes at the point closest to his immediate destination. "Garaging," as used in this section, means placement of the vehicle in an existing structure consisting of at least four walls and a roof, which completely screens such vehicle from the public view.
Other restrictions. No vehicle with lugs, and no truck weighing more than 5,000 pounds shall drive over the blacktop paving on Water Street from Monroe Street to Fond du Lac Avenue."
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
No person shall make unnecessary and annoying noise with a motor vehicle by squealing tires or the excessive acceleration of the engine. No person shall use compression brakes or operate a motor vehicle using brakes which are in any way activated or operated by the compression of the engine of any such motor vehicle or any unit or part thereof, unless such brakes are necessarily used in an emergency situation. The prohibition contained in this section shall not apply to fire, police, EMS and/or other emergency vehicles.
No person shall ride or push any bicycle or motorcycle upon or along any of the sidewalks within the limits of the City.
Purpose. It is intended hereby to regulate the operation of snowmobiles within the City in order that the health, safety, welfare and property rights of all persons in the City are protected.
Areas of operation.
No person shall operate a snowmobile on or across a highway or City street, except to drive directly across at right angles to the roadway.
Snowmobiles shall stop and yield the right-of-way to all approaching vehicles and person on the road.
No person shall operate a snowmobile on private property not owned or controlled by him within the City without the express consent or permission of the owner.
No person may operate a snowmobile on any public right-of-way, in any public park, or on any other public property in the City excepting such areas in the North Industrial Park which are duly marked as snowmobile trails by the City. The Sheboygan River running within the corporate limits of the City shall not be considered public property under this subsection and shall not be construed to be a prohibited area for snowmobile operation other than as to times and speeds.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Hours of operation. No person shall operate a snowmobile within the corporate limits of the City, including private property, public property and the Sheboygan River, between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, and between 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
Regulation of speed.
No person shall operate a snowmobile on the Sheboygan River included within the City at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour.
No person shall operate a snowmobile within the City at an unreasonable or improper speed.
Miscellaneous provisions.
No person under 12 shall operate a snowmobile upon any public property, and including the Sheboygan River, within the City.
No person under 16 shall operate a snowmobile across any state trunk highway or connecting street.
Snowmobiles shall not remain unattended on any public highway or public property while the motor is running or with the starting key left in the ignition.
Snowmobiles shall not be operated on any sidewalk or pedestrian way within the City.
Snowmobiles shall not be operated so that they endanger other persons or the property of others.
A driver shall not be under the influence of intoxicating liquor, fermented malt beverages, narcotics or other drugs while operating a snowmobile.
No snowmobile shall be operated without a proper exhaust system and the exhaust of the snowmobile shall not make an excessive or unusual noise.
No one shall park a snowmobile within the municipal parking lots of the City excepting within such areas designated for such parking.
If he can do so without serious danger to his snowmobile or to persons on board, the operator involved in a snowmobile accident within the City shall stop and render aid. He shall give his name, address and snowmobile identification to any person injured and to the owner of any property damaged in the accident.
If a snowmobile accident results in death or injury to any person or total property damages in excess of $200, except as to property owned by the operator or a relation of the operator, drivers shall notify the Police Department of the accident and within 10 days after the accident file a written report with the Department.
Department of Public Works responsible. The Department of Public Works, with the supervision of the Police Department, shall procure, erect and maintain appropriate standard traffic signs, signals and markings conforming to the rules of the State Department of Transportation giving notice of the provisions of this chapter as required by state law. Signs shall be erected in such locations and in such manner as the Police Department determines will best effect the purposes of this chapter and give adequate warning to users of the streets and highways.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Removal of unofficial signs and signals. The Street Department shall have the authority granted by § 349.09, Wis. Stats., and shall order the removal of a sign, signal, marking or device placed, maintained or displayed in violation of this chapter or § 346.41, Wis. Stats. Any charge imposed on any premises for removal of an illegal sign, signal or device shall be reported to the Common Council at its next regular meeting for review and certification.
Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle standing upon a street or highway in violation of any prohibition, limitation or restriction on stopping, standing or parking imposed by the Municipal Code, such police officer is authorized, pursuant to the provisions of § 349.13(3), Wis. Stats., to move the vehicle or to require the operator in charge thereof to move the vehicle to a position where parking is permitted, or to either private or public parking or storage premises. The operator or owner of the vehicle removed shall pay the actual and reasonable charges for moving or towing or any storage involved.
Opening of vehicle doors into traffic. No person shall open a door of a motor vehicle on the side available to traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so, nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a motor vehicle available to traffic for a period of time longer than is necessary to receive or discharge passengers.
Violations and penalties. Any person violating this section shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit $30 plus all costs and assessments.
[Added 3-20-2019 by Ord. No. 8-2019/2019]
Notwithstanding Wis. Stats., § 346.48(2)(b), the operator of a school bus in a residential or business district shall activate the flashing red warning lights at least 100 feet before stopping to load or unload pupils or other authorized passengers at a location at which there are no traffic signals, and such persons must cross the street or highway before being loaded or after being unloaded. Said lights shall not be extinguished until loading or unloading is completed and the persons who must cross the highway or street are safely across.
Violations and penalties. Any person violating this section shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit $30 plus all costs and assessments.
[Amended 11-5-2013 by Ord. No. 5-2013/2014]
The penalty for violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a forfeiture as herein provided plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under Chapter 814 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Only those violations of §§ 315-5 and 315-6 of this chapter (parking restrictions and parking regulations in municipal lots) shall be exempt from the costs, fees, and surcharges hereby imposed if paid within five days.
State forfeiture statutes adopted. The forfeitures for violation of § 315-2 of this chapter shall conform to the forfeitures permitted and authorized to be imposed for violations of the corresponding Wisconsin Statutes, as adopted by reference by this chapter, including any amendments thereto, or increases for subsequent offenses.
City parking violation forfeiture penalties. The penalty for violating any of the prohibited parking provisions of this chapter shall be $20. The penalty for violating any of the overtime parking provisions of this chapter shall be $15. The penalty for violating any of the handicapped parking provisions of this chapter shall be $40.